Leo Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- Aug 7, 2017

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Leo Rising

Your will-power is incredibly strong at the moment, and it’s important that you realize how much influence you have to make some critical choices. If you choose wisely, you’ll greatly accelerate your current path toward more positive developments, particularly around the solar eclipse on Aug 21. This might feel more important than the usual New Moon. That’s because you’ve been given the wheel of the ship, and it might be a little scary, even awkward for you. How you handle this surge of power will determine just what you experience, if anything. If you’re noticing that you’re coming off a little brash, abrasive, even moody, it could be that you’re not being allowed (or allowing yourself) to make your own choices and decisions. This is a moment to step back and assess just what you need to change to give yourself more personal space and autonomy. Consider that if you could change something, anything, what would it be? Realize this is a potent moment to take some action.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Mars will be in Leo from July 21 through Sept 6 amplifying an awareness of your decision making power, giving you extra strength to call some shots in your personal life. What will you do with this newfound power? The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak buildup of existential clout helping you take some critical steps forward. Just be weary of coming on too strong, forcing your way, or succumbing to impulsive decision making.

On July 25 Mercury will begin a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This highlights a period that will help you reorganize your financial situation and turn the tables on your income flow. Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 13 which may either slow or speed up money matters, depending on where you’ve been until now.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, placing the spotlight back on action taking and decision making. Sept 3 through 5 will be bring you an opportunity to make some big changes in your current path giving you the confidence to step forward.

Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1 which will likely balance out your financial situation now that you have a better sense of where you stand.

From July 31 until Aug 27 relationships and socialization may not be top priority right now. That’s because you’re being called inward, to self-reflect and assert influence more on your internal and personal life.

The days surrounding Aug 2 could lead to feelings of intense restless as if your current reality isn’t big enough. Consider how you can expand your horizons, though it’s possible that unexpected opportunities for mind expansion or travel suddenly show up.

Around Aug 4 be mindful that an overzealous or brash communicative style doesn’t create unnecessary conflict in a work situation. If you’re right, take a moment to reflect on how you might go about asserting that truth without creating drama.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

The lunar eclipse is likely to generate some changes in your relationships, either committed, platonic, or professional. You’ve likely been feeling this coming, and critical matters are coming to a head so be prepared to deal with changes in another’s perspective.

Virgo Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- August 7, 2017

Virgo Rising

There’s likely to be a lot going on behind the scenes right now, much that you don’t presently see. The urge to take action on critical matters is strong, but don’t jump before fully assessing the situation carefully. The problem is that you may be harboring some unacknowledged feelings that could be clouding your judgement and preventing you from seeing things as clearly as possible. Channel this energy toward some much needed self-reflection which may require that you step back from the action to gain insight about what you need to do next, as well as coming to terms with pent up anger, fear, or anxiety. You’ll gain a clearer perspective within about two weeks at the Full Moon. If you don’t feel fully confident about what do next, turn inward. Some solitude, meditation, and general relaxation will help you to get more in tune with your inner self. This inward turning may gift you the insight needed to take the appropriate action, especially by the solar eclipse on Aug 21.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Mars will be in Leo from July 21 through Sept 6. Consider that there’s no need to rush through things. Avoid making drastic decisions or prematurely jumping to conclusions. It might be best to stay in the shadows. You’ll have more ability to successfully assert your will after Sept 6. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak buildup of psychic energy which could manifest as frustrations or anger misdirected. Turn your attention inward and deeply reflect on what you’re feeling, there you will come to better understand yourself.

The days surrounding July 24 could gift you sudden personal and psychological insight. You may glimpse behind the veil, either uncovering secrets within current, developing events or even something seemingly strange or supernatural. Keep your mind open and ears receptive.

On July 25 Mercury will begin a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This highlights your willpower and ability to make decisions affecting your life direction. Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 13 which may have you second-guessing your actions and the choices on the table. Don’t feel pressured to make a final commitment just yet.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, placing the spotlight again on hidden matters and stepping back behind the scenes for a moment. Sept 3 through 5 will activate those changes that began around the solar eclipse on Aug 21, creating some notable shifts in your awareness of what’s been under your radar.

Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1, at which point you’ll have a better sense of where to take those next steps and make some practical decisions for your life.

From July 31 until Aug 27 Venus will help you make some much needed connections. Networking is the name of the game, and you’ll find much benefit from reaching out, asking for help, advice, and feedback. Personal goals are great, but a shared vision is ever more powerful.

The days surrounding Aug 2 could correlate with psychic eruptions or even unexpected resources coming through a partnership of some kind. Revelatory personal insights could give you greater psychological realizations leading to greater self-understanding.

Around Aug 4 you might find that an increase in resources could tempt you to squander on risky amusement or a casual fling. Think carefully before you splurge as it may not be the investment you had in mind.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

This upcoming lunar eclipse could correlate with sudden changes in a job/work situation or a reversal in health related matters. In Aquarius, look for how you can breathe new life into these areas. More insight is on the way.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

Libra Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- August 7, 2017

Libra Rising

You’re reaching a critical new start with a vision for your life. You may find that this energy is leading you to make some new connections that could help you attain that vision successfully. Keep your eyes open for casual encounters with people who can get you excited and motivated about the future. It’s often said that those who accomplish great things need to really visualize themselves actually doing it. Without that vision, we can’t make much happen in life. For you, it’s important that you reach out, beyond yourself, to find help and assistance in formulating a strategy that can get you to where you want to go next. You may also find that a close friend or even a partner has a unique perspective to offer you that can greatly catalyze forward movement. Your current dream will take a dramatic turn by the solar eclipse on Aug 21, requiring some proactive brainstorming right now, but open yourself to the possibility that you needn’t do it all by yourself. Help is available if you ask for it.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Mars will be in Leo from July 21 through Sept 6. This gives you extra energy for social interaction, networking, and making the right connections for future success. Consider that you need some help until Mars shifts into Virgo after Sept 6. While it would benefit you to let others call some shots, you still need to make the effort to mingle, send out those resumes, or make important phone calls. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak buildup of energy with a friend or partner. This could result in vented frustrations and expressed anger, though you should let others sort themselves out.

The days surrounding July 24 could present some shocking or mind-expanding perceptions from a partner, friend, or associate. While you are certainly justified in remaining practical in your outlook, you could use a fresh viewpoint to liven up your perspective. Conversely, you could help others stick to the facts with practical advice and feedback.

On July 25 Mercury will begin a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This could be a challenging cycle, especially if you choose to ignore certain realities brewing behind the scenes. To best work with this cycle, you may have to give up some things that are blocking clarity and your higher purpose. This process begins Aug 13 which will help you to step back and uncover what’s messing with your attitude and clouding your perception.

July 30 is a good day to try something new and adventurous with a friend or committed partner. Spice things up and venture into new territory together.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, placing the spotlight back on networking, goal-setting, and future planning. Consider that whatever major changes or breakthroughs activated by the solar eclipse on Aug 21 will gain their most notable influence around Sept 3 through 5 with Mercury and Mars’ conjunction on the eclipse point. Expect a notable transformation of your life path and vision around then.

Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1, which will help you give voice to feelings that your weren't fully conscious of before.

From July 31 until Aug 27 you’ll be in a brief cycle which will enhance your ability to make professional contacts and connections as well as an opportunity to patch up and soften your reputation. This could be a fortunate period for advancement, opening up pathways to future success.

The days surrounding Aug 2 could relate to unexpected changes in a relationship, friendship, or professional association. Think about what you need to change within yourself to accommodate new shifts in another. You may need to experiment with a new approach in relating to others.

On Aug 4 you may find that a new level of confidence in asserting your will comes into conflict with family, creating tensions in your domestic life. Try not to force your will too strongly so you can avoid unnecessary drama and confrontation. If you see something that needs to be dealt with, do so gently and you’ll find that those close to you can better process your truth.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

This upcoming lunar eclipse could correlate with sudden changes in a romantic, sexual relationship or creative process. These changes could help you open up further, or even inspire you in new creative directions.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

Scorpio Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- August 7, 2017

Scorpio Rising

You may be feeling a surge of ambition as well as the inner strength to take some new direction in your professional and public life. This is a definite shift of power, one that you can use to make some stable changes in your goals and life mission. Consider that the confidence you need to keep going will gradually emerge over the coming weeks and rapidly shift by the solar eclipse on Aug 21. You’re about to take the onramp to a breakthrough, however big or small. So naturally, you’re noticing some fear and hesitation. This change is only as big as you choose it to be, so trust in your power to decide. Your willpower is greatly enhanced at the moment, and while it might not be so clear what the end result will be, you’re being guided by the an undeniable desire to change your work-flow and daily routines. This is a moment to focus on transforming the practical dimensions of your life which requires some innovative thought and creativity.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

Follow me on Instagram for weekly astrological updates.

Mars will be in Leo from July 20 through Sept 6. You’re in a rather ambitious period that allows you to take charge of your professional direction and exert more influence. Watch out for tendencies to dominate or use too much force in getting to the top. You could easily burn out and not make as much progress as possible. Apply just enough force to make it happen, and you’ll find yourself further down the road to success. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak buildup of focus, drive, and determination that could help with productivity and personal accomplishment.

On July 24 you may have to open up to insight from a trusted partner, counselor, or professional relationship that could help you with your confidence and current financial state. Saturn has been tightening up your resources since early 2015, leaving you a little defensive and protective of your safety net. Open yourself to some much needed advice or input.

On July 25 Mercury will begin a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This will have a powerful impact on your current dreams, strategies, and future visions. Expect some revising, reworking, and re-strategizing to take place beginning Aug 13 which will give you a different tactic that’s probably more suited to your spiritual path. Look out for new connections that could open your mind to fresh ideas and solutions.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, placing the spotlight back on professional themes. Consider that whatever major changes or breakthroughs activated by the solar eclipse on Aug 21 will gain their most notable influence around Sept 3 through 5 with Mercury and Mars’ conjunction on the eclipse point. Expect a big change in your career/mission around this time.

Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1 which will be a time in which your vision is more clearly discernable and you’ll be ready to reach for the stars.

From July 31 until Aug 27 you’ll be in a brief cycle where you can make connections with others from differing backgrounds and life experiences. Engage your desire to mingle beyond the familiar, entertaining lofty thoughts and perceptions.

The days surrounding Aug 2 look out for new ways to liven up your workspace or break out of your usual exercise or health routine. Uranus will help you break the mold and make the daily grind a lot more interesting. Expect sudden insights or ideas to pop up.

Around Aug 4 look for ways to extend a helping hand toward the benefit of others. That might look like donating your time, energy, or resources. Consider that this altruistic action could be just the thing to add further depth, wisdom, and insight that can enrich your life, adding deeper meaning beyond your own personal needs.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

This upcoming lunar eclipse could correlate with sudden changes with your family, domestic life, or inner world. Much of what emerges with this eclipse has the capacity to powerfully alter your understanding of yourself and your foundation.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

Sagittarius Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- August 7, 2017

Sagittarius Rising

You’re at the beginning point in a process that will help you to greatly expand your reach in the world. New perspectives and attitudes are likely to emerge that will lead to a critical change in your routines as well as your ability to make contact with a larger audience. Listen to your longing to go beyond the familiar horizon. Remain receptive to the input from foreign or alien worldviews. Much of what you glimpse has the capacity to stimulate a creative process that will help to liven up your life and revolutionize your thinking. Don’t settle for safe or even simple solutions to your problems. Bravery is required now more than ever. You need to think larger than you presently think is possible. You’re about to take the onramp for a trip to another world (either literally or metaphorically) and you’ll find yourself in a dramatically changed environment by the solar eclipse on Aug 21.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Mars will be in Leo from July 20 through Sept 6. This is likely to be a rather restless period for you. You may not be satisfied with your usual environment, and may instead go seeking for new experiences, perceptions, and realities. Be mindful of over-exerting your reach. Push your experience just enough and you’ll end up with exactly what you need. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak buildup of restless tension and enthusiasm for new discovery.

On July 24 a somber look and serious attitude may distance you from a partner, friend, or colleague. You’ve been in a process of redefining your life mission since early 2015. While you will benefit from solitude and self-reflection to get clear about this, you still need help from time to time. See what the other person has to say and what perspective they can offer.

On July 25 Mercury will begin a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This will greatly impact your professional life and reputation. Expect some revising, reworking, and re-strategizing about your current game plan to take place beginning Aug 13 which may change your present course, but also help you resolve any public relations issues.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, placing the spotlight on your perception and life outlook. Consider that whatever major changes or breakthroughs activated by the solar eclipse on Aug 21 will gain their most notable influence around Sept 3 through 5 with Mercury and Mars’ conjunction on the eclipse point. Expect a major perceptual breakthrough at this time.

Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1 which will get you back on track and your public image polished. Professional developments will pick up their usual speed helping you to reach your goals with renewed clarity and sense of direction.

From July 31 until Aug 27 you’ll be in a brief cycle where you may gain financial benefit from a personal or professional partnership. Expect to receive deeper insights about yourself from your relationships which will help deepen established bonds and commitments.

On the days surrounding Aug 2 look out for new creative insights as well as unexpected opportunities for sexual or romantic fulfillment. This is a brief period that will help you to open up and allow yourself some much needed playtime and fun, as well as a sudden breakthrough in self-expression.

On Aug 4 be on the lookout for new connections that could help you gain more autonomy and self-sufficiency. Networking and reaching out could greatly benefit your financial state or

even your sense of confidence. You may have to face some truths that could be challenging, but if you remain receptive, you’ll reap some useful benefits.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

This upcoming lunar eclipse could correlate with rapid changes in your thinking and communication style. Expect things to really speed up with increased phone calls, emails, or social interactions. Look out for a radical new way of seeing your world and embrace your restlessness to discover new realities.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

Capricorn Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- August 7, 2017

Capricorn Rising

Your inner emotional environment might feel a little edgy and perhaps uncomfortable at the moment. You’re beginning a process that will give you the capacity to go deeper with yourself and by extension greatly impact your intimate life. There’s likely to have been some building tension between yourself and others as a result of unacknowledged fear or even anger. Much of what you confront in the coming weeks can help you more greatly attune to your inner self and more authentically connect with important people in your life. This process could stir up some unsettling material, but trust that you have to capacity to face it. In reality, you’re being gifted the opportunity to gain courage and confidence in your ability to face those dark places head on, which will ultimately reveal that there wasn’t much to fear after all. Expect to have a breakthrough in your personal life by the solar eclipse on Aug 21.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Mars will be in Leo from July 20 through Sept 6. This could stir up an awareness of desires, emotions, and even fears that you haven’t been entirely conscious of. Be incredibly mindful of your actions and responses through this time, as much power is emerging that can easily overwhelm yourself or others. Ask someone you love and trust for insight and opinions. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak buildup of psychic and emotional tension. This could result in a potential release of energy. Reflect before you act, and you can better manage any storms.

On July 24 You might not get things exactly as you want in a work or health situation. What you may have idealized could be confronted with some limitations or a reality check. While potentially frustrating, you have an opportunity to improve relationships on the job as well as a more realistic and productive health strategy.

On July 25 Mercury will begin a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This will greatly impact your worldview or even ideological position. Expect some revising and reworking of your outlook to take place beginning Aug 13 helping you see further and open your mind to new possibilities.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, again highlighting intimate partnerships, joint finances and psychological insights. Consider that whatever major changes or breakthroughs activated by the solar eclipse on Aug 21 will gain their most notable influence around Sept 3 through 5 with Mercury and Mars’ conjunction on the eclipse point. Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1 which will be a good time to make better sense of your new perspective and altered worldview.

From July 31 until Aug 27 you’ll be in a peak cycle for creating more peace and equanimity in your relationship with a marriage partner, friend, or even colleague. For current relationships, this can patch some things up and generate a deeper bond. If you’re on the market, consider this a great time to advertise and mingle.

The days surrounding Aug 2 can generate powerful inner changes, self-awareness, or perhaps sudden, unexpected shifts in your domestic life. Look for ways to improve your living situation, perhaps though creating more space or reorganizing.

Around Aug 4 don’t push the truth too hard on others today as they may be a little resistant. However, the truth has the upper hand, helping you see deeper, gaining a greater awareness of reality and the complexity of the universe.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

This upcoming lunar eclipse could relate to some rapid changes or reversals in your income flow--either positively or negatively. Consider that whichever way it flows has much to do with how well you’ve handled your own emotional issues which could be reflected in your current financial state.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

Aquarius Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- August 7, 2017

Aquarius Rising

You’re at the beginning in working through some boundaries with partners, friends, or even colleagues, or you may find yourself dealing with anxiety and fear about taking a relationship further than it’s presently gone. The best way to handle this is to gradually put some things on the table and test those boundaries head on. What you’re leading to is a significant breakthrough in how you relate, which will be much more notable by the solar eclipse on Aug 21. Consider that you need to approach relational matters with a different means of communicating. Think outside of the usual parameters for a moment, and you’ll discover that you can greatly relieve tensions and find common ground. If that doesn’t work, consider that these relationships need to change, and perhaps you’ll have to adjust how much energy and trust you invest from now on.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

Follow me on Instagram for weekly astrological updates.

Mars will be in Leo from July 20 through Sept 6. This is an excellent time to take the initiative in making changes in your relationships with lovers, partners, friends, and colleagues. But do be mindful of pushing yourself and others too much, thus leading to unfruitful arguments or unnecessary severing of connections. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak buildup of tension and will power between both parties. This could result in a potential release of energy/tension or something more confrontational.

On the days surrounding July 24 could help improve communication in your relationships. While there may be some tensions building with Venus opposing Saturn, Mercury trine Mars helps to open a dialogue that could bring unexpected insights from close partners or vice versa.

On July 25 Mercury will begin a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This will greatly impact deep, intimate relationships, shared resources, as well as psychological insight. Expect some revising, reworking, and re-negotiating to take place beginning Aug 13 helping you see deeper and better manage joint-financial situations.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, again highlighting relationship interactions and negotiations. Consider that whatever major changes or breakthroughs activated by the solar eclipse on Aug 21 will gain their most notable influence around Sept 3 through 5 with Mercury and Mars’ conjunction on the eclipse point.

Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1 which will be a good time to make better sense of complex insights and better manage money matters with others.

From July 31 until Aug 27 you’ll be in a peak cycle for creating better working relationships, improving your appearance through fitness or diet, and generally softening up the daily grind to make it more enjoyable. This process will help make daily tasks more interesting and digestible.

On the days surrounding Aug 2 you may notice some radical changes in your thinking. Feel free to explore and experiment with a new communication style either verbally or through writing. Keep this in check, as what you say may either baffle or potentially offend others. You may be feeling especially rebellious as Uranus, one of your ruling planets, is absorbing much attention. This could help you improve self-expression or rev-up your flamboyant style.

Don’t push the truth too hard on others Aug 4, as they may be a little resistant. However, the truth has the upper hand, helping you to see deeper, gaining a greater awareness of reality and the complexity of the universe.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

This upcoming lunar eclipse can generate some rapid changes in your personal style or even relate to an existential crises. Tensions or conflicts in your relationships could reach their maximum buildup. This Aquarian lunar eclipse empowers your will to make some critical choices, though you may benefit more from taking time to deeply reflect and observe what’s changing within.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

Pisces Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- August 7, 2017

Pisces Rising

Are you looking to breathe new life into a job, work strategy, or health routine? The start of the lunation cycle gives you incredible courage to make some fresh changes and the stamina to carry them through. Be mindful, however, of taking on things that limit too much of your freedom or even working yourself beyond your limitations. While you know that reality requires that you give up much of your time to be of service to others (which translates in the modern era as the need to make some money), our culture suggests that we give up too much energy to the daily grind. With the cautions aside, this is a moment to create new boundaries between yourself and mundane tasks, but also an opportunity to liven those tasks and make your job a lot more interesting. Who says you can’t love what you do? It’s not only possible, but vitally important for your sanity. What you set into motion now has the capacity to notably alter your life with the solar eclipse on Aug 21.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

Follow me on Instagram for weekly astrological updates.

Mars will be in Leo from July 20 through Sept 6. This is an excellent time take the initiative in making changes to the daily grind and your overall health and fitness. But do be mindful of pushing yourself too much and thus leading to exhaustion or injury. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 giving greater momentum to your current efforts, leading to a potential for increased confidence and lucrative new beginnings in a current or new work situation..

On July 24 look for some external tensions creating challenges at home or within your inner world. Don’t let this discourage you. You can find a compromise by accepting responsibility without giving up too much of yourself. Make the extra effort to communicate more effectively and you’ll earn more respect from those in positions of authority.

On July 25 Mercury will begin a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This will greatly impact your current relationships with lovers, marriage partners, close friends, and colleagues. Expect some revising, reworking, and re-negotiating to take place in these relationships beginning Aug 13.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, again highlighting work and health matters. Consider that whatever major changes or breakthroughs activated by the solar eclipse on Aug 21 will gain their most notable influence around Sept 3 through 5 with Mercury and Mars’ conjunction on the eclipse point. Mercury re-enters Leo Sept 11 through Oct 1 which will be a good time to resolve any misunderstandings or strategies with close partners.

From July 31 until Aug 27 you’ll be in a peak cycle for sexual, romantic, and creative stimulation. Let loose a little and have some fun. Explore, play, and focus more on the aesthetic aspect of creative projects.

The days surrounding Aug 2 will create considerable focus on new and unique ways of creating income flow. Look out for sudden, spontaneous insights about how to liven up your resource base. Unexpected flashes of insight or revelation are highly possible.

Don’t push the truth too hard on Aug 4. You’ll probably find a lot of resistance from those unwilling to go as deep as you feel they need to. However, keep deep, unsettling insights to yourself, and surreptitiously share them in smaller doses over time.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

This upcoming lunar eclipse may be emotionally taxing, perhaps inviting to you surrender some things to make space for new activities and commitments. Look to see your losses as a pathway to liberation allowing the freedom to pursue what’s more aligned for you.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings.