Kosmic Horizon: January 2014

Two time-telling systems collide at the beginning
of 2014, emphasizing a momentous and
significant year ahead.  Image: An astronomical
clock in the Marienkirche in Rostock, Germany.
Photo by Schiwago.
The New Year has finally arrived and it begins alongside a rather powerful and symbolic lunation. Jan 1 happens to coincide with a seriously striking new Moon in Capricorn, conjunct Pluto and Mercury. That places this nascent lunation in the cross-hairs of the Uranus/Pluto square, and I think this is a pretty important statement about the year ahead.

While the Gregorian New Year has little connection to any natural or astrological cycle, it does have a significant symbolic role within the collective consciousness since we’ve been using it for quite some time. Interestingly, there are moments when the astrology appears to be in synch with our synthetic calendar. This year is definitely one of those times.

Of course, we can’t disregard the fact that the tropical zodiac used by western astrologers is equally synthetic, but it is, at least, in synch with the Sun’s natural seasonal cycle. The Gregorian calendar is really a mystery. Who would have ever thought to begin a New Year during the coldest and darkest time of year, while the Sun is in a sign that symbolizes culminating maturation as opposed to new beginnings?

There may have been a conspiracy with that one. Capricorn is of course a very deep and spiritual sign, but it does have a strong focus toward worldly achievements and physical or sensory pleasures. We’re a part of an entire culture that begins its year with this mental orientation. It’s very possible that this further solidifies our cultural emphasis on social status, consumerism and a naive trust of authority.

The year ahead is rather interesting, to say the least. We are inching closer to some of the most precarious astrological configurations. While things have certainly been hectic and eventful so far, it seems that we haven’t really seen anything yet. I’m not saying that to frighten anyone. That’s certainly not my intention. 

We can never really know what lies ahead, specifically. But in looking at the situation politically and economically, it’s clear that we don’t exactly need astrology to tell us that there’s a long and arduous road up there.

Also, just because a particular configuration looks challenging theoretically, that doesn’t mean that it will actually be as profound or pivotal as we may imagine or anticipate. Lots of seemingly significant astrological cycles have come and gone throughout history without much really going on—at least on the surface. We certainly cannot exclude the reality that astrology tells us as much about our inner world as it does the outer.

So regardless of how eventful or significant this year proves to be—we’re all in for some serious shifts and changes within the unconscious realms. That’s where it all starts anyway. Personally, we’re each going to feel this in one way or another. Unless you’re completely numb and oblivious, there’s going to be some interesting changes happening, catalyzed by this year’s powerful alignments.

Venus retrograde is just heating up at the month’s entry. It’s the first of three very significant retrograde cycles in the early portion of 2014. There’s a lot of reconsider this year, for sure. Retrogrades, especially among the inner planets, urge us to back-track and reassess our position. Venus retrograde is fairly interesting in that it also has the power to bring significant relationships back into focus.

That most likely involves people, since Earth is so well populated. But we may rekindle a relationship with lots of other things while Venus is retrograde, it may not always be human or sentient (or appear to be). Venus retrograde can mend bridges we burned or left behind. She may remind us of the contracts we made long ago, sometimes beyond this lifetime.

Often many significant changes and pivotal turning points coincide with this cycle. A change of direction is definitely brought about by any retrograde; there will be plenty of opportunities to grow and expand into new directions the first half of this year. Here’s this month’s rundown:

As mentioned, Jan 1st begins with a momentous and significant New Moon in Capricorn; it’s a part of a dynamic t-square with Mercury, Pluto, Uranus, Mars and Jupiter. If that isn’t a poignant statement, I don’t know what is. Whatever resolutions you have this year, you’re likely to feel rather ambitious about pursuing them right as the New Year begins.

There’s plenty of incitement to keep things going this month, and if anything spurs things into action, it’s a tension building aspect structure like we see here. Mars will turn retrograde in March, so this new Moon is a key stepping stone and introduction to a lengthy retrograde process that lies ahead.  

Mercury in Capricorn opposes Jupiter in Cancer on Jan 2nd, heating up a conversion that challenges us to find a compromise between traditional beliefs and our own intuitive and emotional insights. Strike up a dialogue between the inner and outer realms and see what you learn.
The Sun in Capricorn opposes Jupiter in Cancer on Jan 5th, helping to boost confidence and to establish a firm position within the confines of a structure. All this energy concentrated in Capricorn this month gives an extra boost to help us achieve goals, plan for the future and to further take responsibility for our life path.

Mercury sextiles Saturn on Jan 6th. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, lends a helping hand to further structure and solidify an evolving and maturing perspective of the world and our place within it. If you’ve been doing your Saturn in Scorpio homework, the depth of insight and understanding of yourself will help you to truly grow and gain wisdom.

Mercury catches up with Venus retrograde on Jan 7th. Venus pulls the mind into a subtle yet powerful vortex which allows us to reevaluate personal values against traditional or cultural values. There may be a lot communication with past relationships or thoughts about unresolved events that played a critical role in growth or development.

Mars in Libra squares Jupiter in Cancer on Jan 8th. This is the first of three squares that will take place this year. Be conscious of a tendency to waste time and energy as this aspect comes to exactitude. Be equally mindful of a tendency to get everyone else to jump on the bandwagon; just because it feels right for you, doesn’t mean others will be as enthusiastic or interested.

Jan 11th brings the culminating point of the Venus retrograde cycle as the Sun conjoins Venus. Today Venus crosses the threshold, slowly transitioning from evening to morning star--as she does so she sextiles Saturn in Scorpio. A period of reevaluation makes way for a critical restructuring of an inner landscape that drastically alters the outer universe.

That distinction between day and night, sunrise and sunset becomes momentarily blurred. The past, present and future meld into a whirlpool of pure being. Connect deeply with inner wisdom and instinctive insights to more authentically converge with what it is you truly love.  Additionally, Mercury enters Aquarius. The collective mind becomes more progressive and forward thinking, lending well to a clearer and sharper focus and perception. Mercury in Aquarius generates a more encompassing worldview, but one that deeply challenges more traditional perceptions.

A culminating full Moon in Cancer occurs on Jan 15th. Trine Saturn in Scorpio, a firm foundation solidifies beneath our feet. We may feel like we’re finally more established and rooted, since the month launched us full force toward some specific destination.

Mercury in Aquarius sextiles Uranus in Aries on Jan 16th--lighting up the neural pathways of genius and ingenuity. Thinking outside the box is almost second nature today, but making an effort to see things differently and to forge a new path will be required. While thinking and perception appears slightly enhanced, there may be a conflict of desires. Venus retrograde squaring Mars in Libra ignites friction within relationships, particularly involving past and unresolved emotional material. There is always tension between the image we want the world to see, and the role our relationships demand that we play out. Trying to please everyone will likely burn you out, so be mindful of where you expend energy.

The Sun joins Mercury as it transitions into Aquarius on Jan 19th. Something new and possibly unusual appears to be floating in the wind. The collective energy is gradually shifting away from structured and secure approaches and leaning more toward cutting edge and innovative strategies.
The collective mental pathways are again activated by Mercury trine Mars on Jan 24th. There is a strong drive to communicate new ideas or solutions to others, an easy flow and exchange of information flows all around. This is an excellent aspect to share unconventional thoughts or concepts with people who may normally resist otherwise.

The energy drastically shifts on Jan 25th as Mercury squares Saturn in Scorpio. Radical and progressive concepts must find practical and useful applications in addition to adding to a deeper understanding of life. Pre-established beliefs and tried and tested methodologies may meet resistance to any new and seemingly unusual thoughts or ideas.

The month ends with the Sun in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries on Jan 29th. Clean, sleek and simple solutions are a highlight of this aspect. This also creates an opportunity to easily express an unorthodox aspect of ourselves to the larger community today.

Jan 1: New Moon @ 10 degrees Capricorn 57’
Jan 2: Mercury opposite Jupiter
Jan 5: Sun opposite Jupiter
Jan 6: Mercury sextile Saturn
Jan 7: Mercury conjunct Venus
Jan 8: Mars square Jupiter
Jan 11: Venus sextile Saturn; Sun conjunct Venus; Sun sextile Saturn; Mercury enters Aquarius
Jan 15: Full Moon @ 25 degrees Cancer 58’
Jan 16: Mercury sextile Uranus; Venus square Mars
Jan 17: Mercury sextile Uranus
Jan 19: Sun enters Aquarius
Jan 24: Mercury trine Mars
Jan 25: Mercury square Saturn

Jan 29: Sun sextile Uranus

Step up and Step In: New Moon in Capricorn 2014

A mountain goat overlooks the village of Axams, Austria.
The mountain goat is an apt symbol for Capricorn's determined,
ambitious nature. Photo By Svickova
 via Wikimedia Commons
New Moon @ 10 Capricorn 57'
Jan 1, 2013
6:14 AM Pacific
9:14 AM Eastern

This month’s new Moon just so happens to coincide with the first day of the Gregorian New Year. That’s an interesting coincidence, since our calendar has no connection to anything natural or astrological. The astrology seems to be telling us something important here. It seems to say that 2014 is a critical year, so pay attention.

The new Moon occurs in Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign. Cardinal signs are all about action and initiation. Earth signs help to consolidate, condense and practically actualize intentions, desires or goals. Once Capricorn has fixated on a certain position or ambition, there’s no stopping it.

Thus, the start of the year may give us all a sense of unstoppable determination to actualize our goals or to clarify who we are or what we stand for. If there was ever a year to set resolutions, this would be it. To make an even more impactful statement, this new Moon conjoins Pluto and Mercury, forming a grand cross with Uranus in Aries, Mars in Libra and Jupiter in Cancer. It's also a Supermoon*, a term coined by astrologer Richard Nolle to describe any lunation that occurs at the Moon's perigee, it's closest approach to the Earth.

That’s a whole lot of energy to deal with since the Moon's power is greatly expounded. There’s also a lot to be cautious and mindful about. There is a strong need to publicly define ourselves and to break free of a limiting social role that restricts authentic self-expression. Use this energy consciously and wisely to make a statement, but make sure this statement is a truly authentic representation of who you are.

Also, be mindful of intruding upon the boundaries of those in your life. While it’s important to be true to yourself, be mindful of the bigger picture, and how your actions affect everyone around you—the people you love and care about. Be on the lookout for shortened tempers and people who appear a little on edge; you don't want to be the one to set them off! 

As we enter 2014, there is a clear message that big changes are needed and must take place this year. That's kind of the theme lately, isn't it? Stagnation and procrastination are best left at the door. That worn out persona you've been carrying around is clearly outdated. It’s time to step up and step into an entirely new role. This new Moon can help us all do that, as long as we have a plan and a clear intention.

The powerful tension that accompanies this lunation will naturally bring about resistance from others, specifically people closest and most important to us. But that tension is a powerful catalyst, and it helps us to more clearly define our motives and to get things going.

Mars in Libra squaring this new Moon foreshadows many elements that we are likely to encounter during its lengthy retrograde cycle beginning the first of March. With Mars in Libra, the battleground is relationships and the never ending fight to maintain peace and homeostasis against the chaos of the universe.

Pluto’s conjunction to this lunation gives a sense of immense power, which can boost confidence or appear as a daunting, overwhelming obstacle we must surmount. Mercury’s presence means that communication and an open mind will be our allies as long as we’re conscious of our shadow, lest it usurp us.

Be on the look-out for secret, occult or esoteric information that could drastically shape your outlook on life. There is a strong urge to uncover and communicate something taboo or merely concealed from everyone else; but be careful how you use this information, and don’t let it go to your head (and inflate your ego).

The pull into the future is a strong one, but the past has equal say in the matter. Mars in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries presents the challenge of the moment: finding that ideal balance between independence and mutual cooperation (i.e. conscious co-creation). There are a lot of needs that require acknowledgement and validation—the challenge is to give just the right amount of attention to all of them.

This powerful moment encourages us to dig deeply and express something very real to the world. This is a powerful catalytic lunation that offers plenty of fuel to truly make leaps and bounds. Whatever you decide to do with this energy, remain conscious of the world around you. As you take off full speed, just be mindful that the blazing trail behind you doesn't cause some kind of damage, or that you somehow unintentionally leave everyone else behind in the dust. 

*Supermoons can sometimes stir up anomalous earth changes, i.e. erratic weather patterns, earthquakes, etc. Just something to be mindful of as a possibility. 

Full Moon in Gemini 2013: Listen to the Crumbling Tower

The Tower tarot card from Aliester
Crowley's Thoth Tarot deck. 
Full Moon @ 25 Gemini 36'
December 17, 2013
1:28 AM Pacific
4:28 AM Eastern

This month’s full moon occurs in the mentally energized sign of Gemini. As if time wasn’t already whizzing by fast enough; a culminating full moon in this cerebrally speedy zodiac sign can further enhance that feeling of intense time acceleration.

On the other end of the spectrum sits the Sun and its close companion Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius. Of special significance is the fact that the Sun additionally sits close to the galactic center—a super massive black hole at the epicenter of our milky-way galaxy.

So, while the illusionary perception of time is emphasized here, there is a space of timelessness opening with this full moon as well. That’s a bit of a contradiction; but imagine buzzing by so fast, quicker and quicker until suddenly, a boiling point is reached and something pops.

And in that instant, there’s a sense of suspended animation while timelessness shrouds consciousness. It’s a beautiful, all-encompassing moment. The Gemini/Sagittarius polarity is all about that delicate balance of rational and irrational, factual and abstract.

Gemini seeks to construct a logical framework of what reality really is. The catch is that it never fully understands it because reality is truly beyond complete comprehension. We fashion theories based on our perceptions of how things actually work. But our theories are always ultimately flawed, because our perceptions are ultimately limited and finite.

So, things aren't ever what they appear to be. Collectively we have accepted theories about how nature works and functions. But one day, those beautifully crafted and carefully constructed ideas will come crumbling down.

Eventually our ideological tower collapses. We’re left with a shocking and jostling revelation. Another layer of the onion has unfolded revealing yet another enticing perception of the truth. And so it just goes on and on.

None of what we think or believe is ever how things actually are. We can greatly humble ourselves by embracing this truth. But each theory, idea or perception is important. It’s part of a seemingly endless evolutionary process [or maybe that’s just how we currently perceive it].

Each layer of the onion activates an awakening and blossoming of new awareness. With each unveiling further fueling our curiosity of what else there could be, what more we can attempt to comprehend? Gemini, in its full and healthy expression, is ever seeking to know and understand while filled with child-like awe and wonder.

Unhealthy Gemini clings to its petty little theories out of fear. A made-up mind is a closed mind. It has shut itself off from the bountiful, flowing revelations and mysteries of the universe.

The galactic core, a black hole, is something really beyond our comprehension.  Looming in opposition to this full Gemini Moon, the galactic core reminds us to continue seeking and exploring the great mysteries of the universe. But, in order to understand the curiosities of life, we must interact with it. Evolution requires active participation and engagement in the here and now.

What is culminating invites us to involve ourselves with it in some intentional and meaningful way.  The vibrant and stimulating energy that is emerging calls on us to engage and experiment unattached to any particular end result or outcome.  

A new awareness and reality waits. Pay attention, because this solar/lunar conjunction is a momentary and fleeting event. Keep your mind and awareness open to signals that you don’t usually perceive. Something revelatory is floating in the wind. You just have to listen.

Reweaving Fate: Venus Retrograde In Capricorn 2013

Venus and the Pleiades star cluster, April 6, 2012.
Image copyright Fred Espenak.
Venus Retrograde In Capricorn 2013
Dec 21, 2013- Jan 31, 2014

Shortly after the Sun enters Capricorn on the day of winter solstice (here in the northern portion of the globe), the planet Venus turns retrograde.  You may have noticed her brightness and captivating beauty gracing the night sky just after sunset. She’s hard to miss. Venus is always at her brightest a little over one month before she conjoins the Sun.

One look at her stunning visual brilliance and it’s certainly no surprise the ancients named her in honor of the goddess of beauty and desire.  For those so attuned to the magical and energetic pulsations of the cosmos, one glance at Venus creates a slight tug on your heart chakra.

Venus has a powerful magnetic appeal and resonance. Aside from her obvious visual beauty in the heavens, her cycle around the Sun, from our geocentric perspective, is mind boggling in its precision, perfection and accuracy.

Venus’ synodic cycle forms a near perfect rose shaped pattern. And within this perfectly symmetrical natural formation lies a stunning pentagram--each end formed by her retrograde stations that alternate between five zodiac signs.

[For those visual learners or for the people wondering what the hell a synodic cycle is, check out an article I wrote for the last Venusretrograde in 2012.]

The cycle of Venus moves to a very predictable rhythm and beat, with her retrogrades occurring in approximately the same location (within 2 or 3 degrees) every eight years.  

This knowledge alone explains her archetypal affinity with aesthetic beauty, symmetry, homeostasis and equilibrium. These qualities are embedded and etched into her cyclic structure.

As Venus travels through the great firmament, she weaves a beautifully intricate web that interconnects various timelines. She weaves our fate, so you could say, and when Venus turns retrograde many “fated” encounters begin to emerge from the shadows of time.

The same could be said of a Mars retrograde cycle too (which will begin in March of 2014). New people, or creatures, with a familiar vibe suddenly emerge. Have we met them before? Perhaps from another life—perhaps a long time ago in another dimensional plane of existence, or another planet, maybe.

That sense of familiarity is important, and it’s all that matters. From that point on you know: there’s some important business to settle, some desire to exhaust fully. If not now, then maybe later, maybe next retrograde. If not, we’ll meet again, that is, until we feel complete with this whole crazy trip.

Venus is magnetic and attractive. These connections reemerge because of this attractive force field inherent to the psyche. This whole matrix, this web of Maya, the illusion, it’s enticing. It draws us in; it draws us deeper.

We associate Venus with Libra and Taurus, which reveals some level of deeper understanding. Libra is all about making associations (between people, objects, concepts, creatures and constructs), building bridges, and maintaining balance and homeostasis. When Venus turns retrograde, we must re-connect bridges we may have burned but regretted. We must balance the scales in some way.

We turn our gaze backward; our “karma” attracts some “unfinished business” with a particular association or experience our soul (or maybe ego) felt was incomplete, unresolved or unfulfilled. Something deeply fateful begins or comes to conclusion.

Either way, the pain, the joy, or the indifference is curiously familiar. It’s all happened before. This is a familiar crossroads. There was a lesson we didn’t learn, and now we get a chance to see it.
Taurus is all about the moment—the beauty of the here and now. Taurus also deals with personal values, our sense of self-worth, and what we accumulate that makes us feel valuable. That equates to physical objects, ideas, beliefs, people or places.

When Venus turns retrograde, as with all retrogrades, we must reassess some things. With Venus one keyword is reevaluation. Our value system gets scrutinized, by ourselves or by others. Our relationships reveal shadows and blind-spots we usually push aside to keep the peace or to maintain a veneer of social grace or politeness.

A Venus retrograde can bring about a reevaluation of issues of dependency, self-sufficiency and emotional communication within relationships. Whether her dark side or light side emerges, something shifts, something changes. Values are called into question, as well as the personal sense of feeling valuable, lovable and worthy.

Into The Heart of the Sea Goat

Venus will be doing a sort of tango with Pluto. As she turns stationary retrograde, in Capricorn, she slowly makes her way back to conjoin Pluto and fire up the “sign of the times”, the Uranus and Pluto square.

That’s pretty significant. But probably not worrisome like the upcoming t-square with Mars retrograde in April. I’ll get to that later (in another article). Venus, even when retrograde and revealing her more “unsavory” or shadowy side, has a calming and rejuvenating nature.

Venus is more aesthetically, artistically and peacefully inclined. Coming into contact with the Uranus and Pluto square could set off some truly remarkable and “out of the box” artistic, scientific and philosophical creations.

This retrograde cycle can be incredibly useful because it helps to create or reevaluate strategies to effectively and precisely break free of controlling or stifling circumstances. The seriousness and focus of Capricorn lends well to getting to the bottom line, dealing honestly and authentically with things we don’t usually see, and very efficiently dealing with unresolved and deeply embedded karmic issues.

I would imagine this cycle in Capricorn will direct our attention to tremendously stifling material that’s inhibiting forward growth and the ability to direct one’s own life they want to; or preventing the collective energy from moving forward in more positive creative directions.

Radar image of the surface of Venus.
Photo by NASA via Wikimedia Commons.
Venus retrograde in Capricorn is about changing and reevaluating priorities, ambitions and social roles. Use this time to seriously examine all the things you give the most attention, time and energy toward. Look intentionally into the dynamics of your relationships and the people currently in your life.

In addition to her conjunction with Pluto, Venus will oppose Jupiter in Cancer. The past and the future are at odds here. A desire to mature, grow up and restructure our lives finds a strong counter desire to remain in the past, to keep from rocking the boat.

And because the past hits us like a tidal wave of nostalgia via all this retrograde madness (just beginning, mind you), we may feel that sense of paralyzing immobility. But while Venus is retrograde, we must keep in mind that this is a natural time of reflection and reassessment. The ghosts of the past come out to bring us messages and reveal lessons. This is a highly growth oriented cycle.

At the heart of Capricorn is a profound need for solitude and inner validation. Capricorn requires time alone to deeply reflect and rejuvenate its soul. This may be more of a time for intimacy with oneself, to practically restructure personal goals, relationship needs, and inherent values. This may also be a time of sorting through or processing painful emotional material.

With the presence of Pluto in the sign of Capricorn, this is a cycle that deeply emphasizes letting go and allowing those decaying elements to leave our experience. This may be a time to sever connections with rotting attachments we are afraid to let go of.  

With Venus turning backwards, there may be a profound change of heart. There may be a need to face deeply embedded fears and realities that are holding us back. Whatever happens, Capricorn, and its ruler Saturn, teach us about trust. Can we trust the process at hand? Can we trust that letting go will eventually lead to something new and rewarding?

Technical details

The last time that Venus was retrograde in Capricorn was Dec 2005-Feb 2006. You are likely to find yourself dealing with similar themes and issues from that cycle.

All cardinal signs will be the most impacted by this retrograde process: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Significant planets or placements in any these signs, such as the Sun, Moon or Ascendant—and to a lesser extent Mercury, Venus or Mars—will respond most strongly to this particular retrograde.

Venus turns stationary retrograde at 28 degrees of Capricorn and 57 minutes, and will turn stationary direct at 13 degrees of Capricon and 34 minutes, closely conjunct Pluto. The 28 th-29 th degrees of any sign are highly sensitive points. They tend to indicate a critical process of culmination, or events with an explosive quality or symbolism.

Venus entered the shadow of her retrograde on Nov 20, 2013. Venus will turn retrograde on Dec 21, 2013, the day of the solstice transition, when the Sun enters Capricorn. Venus turns direct Jan 31, 2013 and will leave the shadow on March 5, 2013, just after Mars turns retrograde.

The Venus/Sun inferior conjunction takes place on Jan 11, 2014, sextile Saturn in Scorpio. 

Big Plans, Small Steps: New Moon In Sagittarius

The Milky Way from Wellington, New Zealand. Photo by Andrew Xu.

New Moon @ 10 Sagittarius 59'
Dec 2, 2013
4:22 PM Pacific
7:22 PM Eastern

The Sun and Moon conjoin in the sign of Sagittarius--a dark Moon in a bright, expansive sign. The contrast of archetypes is explicit, but natural to any mutable sign. This solar lunar conjunction breaks through the intensity and heaviness of the placid Scorpionic waters that have flooded the collective vibe.

Every new Moon brings about a sense of new beginnings; the emergence of some new process or development takes hold. Sagittarius is a sign that opens consciousness to the infinite and ever expanding cosmos.  It is a sign that reminds us that there is far more to reality than we can possibly comprehend.

What we see with our eyes is a mere fraction of what actually exists. That truth is inspiring but equally frightening. The unknown is much vaster than the mind will allow us to entertain; but feel that sense of infinite potential just within your grasp. It is a powerful feeling; it drives humanity toward ever increasing vistas of achievement and aspiration.

This dark and invisible Moon opens the flood gates to higher consciousness; it directs our gaze to the ever churning stardust that envelopes the solar system. In this dark of the Moon, feel that primal connection to something larger, something omnipotent, that sense that somehow, divinity underwrites the world.

But infinite potential and higher density inspiration must be harnessed and brought down to human levels. Big plans, dreams and goals need practical strategies to make their way into reality. That’s sort of the theme with this new Moon, since it finds itself in the midst of t-square tension between Chiron in Pisces and Pallas Athena in Virgo.

Chiron can direct us toward our life mission, our soul’s purpose. Athena, a warrior goddess, is a mastermind strategist that can clairfy the path ahead. In Virgo, Athena’s strategies hone in on intricate steps and maneuvers, demanding precision. Chiron points to our debilitating wounds and blind spots so that we may strive toward wholeness and completion of our potential destiny.

The tension is strong, but it effectively wakes us up, it gets us thinking, planning, moving. The significance of any new Moon differs for each of us, but use this energy to simply open a dialogue about the bigger picture, the broader path ahead and the priorities that need to be put in place.

Are you going somewhere? Is there a clear intention, ambition or focus? Sagittarius draws our gaze upward and skyward, toward larger questions and meaningful ambitions.

Maybe take some time out with this lunation to reflect on or remember the bigger picture. Use this powerful t-square tension to find the passion or motivation to pursue something, but to make an effective plan toward that pursuit.

If you aren't where you currently feel you ought to be, trust in your ability to change it, to make things different, one step at a time. Are we always where we need to be, or where we choose to be? When things aren't moving, isn't some form of resistance holding things back?

Whether its fear, apprehension, ignorance or pride; we always have a choice to face the truth and step up to the next challenge. What challenge, whether big or small, have you come up against? What must you do to get to the next level? Have faith, and as Sagittarius reminds us, always strive for the higher truth, no matter how daunting the path.

Kosmic Horizon: December 2013

The winter night sky from the Swabian Alb.
Photo by Til Credner. Wikimedia commons

As December begins, we approach the second solstice point of the solar cycle. For those in the northern latitudes, that means gradually increasing darkness reaching a nadir as the Sun enters Capricorn halfway through the month.

Whichever portion of the globe you happen to live in, the solstice point can be described as a magical or mystical transition. For me, the winter solstice creates a subtle sense of increased lucidity and even slight, psychedelic awareness.

Modern consumerism has many of us running about mindlessly, increasing the incessant stress-load during the rush of the holiday season. Culturally, we’ve lost our connection to the astro-theological origins of the celebrations and traditions that form the basis of the Christmas traditions.

For the extreme northern lattitudes [where our holiday traditions originated from, such as Siberian shamanic santa claus, aminita mascara mushrooms and reindeer] the Sun completely disappears on winter solstice. From the perspective of ancient peoples, enmeshed in the natural world, the Sun would die for three days. Its rebirth was anticipated on Christmas morning; the Sun would no longer descend, and would continue rising until the summer solstice.

This astronomical event was perceived to mirror an inner transformational process—it was a collective spiritual communion with inner and outer divinity. That doesn’t sound too much like what we celebrate today. Christmas has been subjugated to meaningless gift giving and painful family gatherings. But as we approach this sacred and indeed magical time of year, remember that it all started with the stars [and possibly, well, most likely, psychedelic mushroom trips].

The Resurrection of Santa Claus.
Copyright 2004 jimmy b

As much as our attention is drawn externally this season, Capricorn is a sign more inclined toward deep self-reflection and solitude. That need is strongest this time of year, and it is deep within that we discover the magic we’re really looking for.

If you feel more inclined toward soul searching and reflecting on the deeper meaning, you’re simply responding to the collective vibe. Go with it. Pay attention to that deep and subtle transition within yourself this solstice. Both Sagittarius and Capricorn hone in on the bigger picture and perspective.

As the month begins, we’re greeted by a Sagittarius new moon on Dec 2. The Sagittirian directive is about stretching outwardly, physically or mentally, toward unlimited new horizons. Sagittarius is a sign that propels consciousness toward searching for something it has yet to attain or comprehend. Allow this New Moon to pull you out of the intensity and claustrophobia of the Scorpionic realm we’ve been so focused on.

The further amplify the need for more breathing space and expansion of awareness Mercury enters Sagittarius on Dec 4. While both Mercury and the Sun sojourn through Sagittarius, we are reminded that the end of the autumnal season is about opening our soul to the unlimited potential of the universe.

Mars enters Libra on Dec 7, entering the battleground of its retrograde cycle that begins in the spring of 2014. I’ll be publishing a more extensive article on the Mars retrograde cycle in a few weeks—it’s kind of a big deal. Mars will be in Libra for roughly eight months.

Needless to say, we can anticipate relationships to be a significant theme; but also decision making and the maintenance of homeostasis in our personal lives. Mars finds itself in foreign territory while in Libra. Mars wants to act and assert itself, and yet it will be spending a good amount of time in a sign that needs to think things through, while weighing the pros and cons.

As Mars enters Libra pay attention to the subtle themes that begin emerging, because as Mars enters its retrograde shadow, we’ll be covering this material quite extensively come March 2014.
Jupiter makes its third trine with Saturn in Scorpio on Dec 12. There appears to be an easy flow between growth and consolidation throughout these contacts. Take advantage of this time to invest energy or resources into something sustainable—but don’t be too optimistic about it, because the calmness and stability won’t last forever.

The present lunar cycle culminates into a Gemini full Moon on Dec 17. This full Moon may invite us to question certain assumptions we have about reality. An opposition from Mercury in Sagittarius brings awareness to contradictions and potentially shocking revelations that allow us to mentally or intellectually cross new boundaries.

The solstice occurs on Dec 21 as the Sun reaches the topical sign of Capricorn. Just hours later Venus turns stationary retrograde, and begins her backtrack through Capricorn until Jan 31, 2014. This is a powerful karmic portal where “new” connections appear vaguely familiar. This cycle creates a reevaluation of strategies, intentions and goals—an opportunity to go within and to more authentically connect what we project with what we really are.

On Dec 24 Mercury’s transition into Capricorn adds more structure and focus to the mental currents. This creates an opportunity to mentally zero in on more specific areas of concern, beyond the smorgasbord of possibilities during its transit through Sagittarius.

Christmas day, Dec 25, presents some rather tumultuous and potentially hostile transit activity. Both the Moon and Mars make an exact opposition to Uranus, creating a rough T-square with the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn. Any anger or frustration that’s been lingering beneath the surface could potentially explode from specifically targeted emotional triggers.

There’s a collective surge of strong rebellious and freedom seeking tendencies which will violently resist anything that attempts to control or stifle it. Be on the lookout for moodiness that turns into rage. Today is a day for full self-expression and having the courage to break free of blockages in certain relationships or personal routines. Just be mindful of impulses, and keep emotions in check.

Mercury’s sextile to Neptune helps to soften the collective intensity on Dec 26. Useful or practical insights are floating about in the ethers, but require a sustained focus and concentration to invoke successfully. Allow this brief moment to flood the mind with subtle impressions or clairvoyant perceptions that can be used constructively and intentionally.

The intensity picks up again with a Sun/Mercury conjunction square Uranus, creating a more precise t-square with Pluto and Mars on Dec 29. Used constructively, we can verbally communicate intentions in an impactful way that allows us to break free of stifling and limiting patterns.

But on the darkside, communication may be used destructively to dominate others or to attempt to dictate or control situations that appear threatening. Break free of perceptions that limit or control reality to the extent that creativity no longer flows. That may require a confrontation with uncomfortable personal truths, but facing them will lead to lasting maturity and growth.

Dec 2- New Moon @ 10 Sagittarius 59
Dec 4- Mercury enters Sagittarius
Dec 7- Mars enters Libra
Dec 12- Jupiter trine Saturn
Dec 17- Full Moon @ 25 Gemini 36’; Uranus stationary direct
Dec 21- Winter Solstice; Venus stationary retrograde
Dec 24- Mercury enters Capricorn
Dec 25- Mars opposition Uranus; Moon opposition Uranus, conjunct Mars
Dec 26- Mercury sextile Neptune
Dec 29- Sun square Uranus; Mercury square Uranus

Dec 31- Mercury conjunct Pluto 

Bring It Back To The Body: Full Moon in Taurus 2013

Leonardo Da Vinci
Trunk of female human body-Quad. Anat. I, fol. 12 r. 
Full Moon @ 25 Taurus 26'
November 17, 2013
7:16 AM Pacific
10:16 AM Eastern

As always, the full moon is a boiling point of culmination. It brings something to a head or apotheosis. Occurring in the sign of Taurus, November’s full moon condenses and stabilizes collective energies. There may be the impression that things have settled down into some solid, predictable routine. But the intensity of Scorpio is still seething beneath the surface.

The Sun, Saturn, Mercury and the Moon’s north node lie in the shadows directing us to the bottom line. Not all is as it appears to be. This is further punctuated by a rather wide square from Neptune in Pisces which seems to suggest that looks can be deceiving.

With the Moon’s south node in Taurus, the shadow side of this earthy sign is emphasized. The temptation to “keep the peace” to maintain an illusion of stability is enticing.

Who the hell wants to hang out in those dark trenches with Saturn in Scorpio, anyway? While on the surface all seems calm and serene, something intense is bubbling beneath. There’s some seriously deep territory the evolutionary impetus requires us to tread.

The pressing question that arises is this: can we stay calm, stable, solid and grounded while embracing an uncomfortable or unfathomable truth?

Can you keep your cool while standing on the razor edged precipice above that abysmal black hole? Naturally, a little vertigo sets in. We might feel slightly queasy thinking about it. This is a time to go deep. This full moon juncture, ideally, allows us to integrate psychologically challenging material into our bodies.

Neptune demands that we equally acknowledge the larger spiritual force guiding the whole show. Venus, the ruler of this full moon, is separating from a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn--placing emphasis on the “sign of the times”, the Uranus and Pluto square.

That brings about some deeply penetrating structural changes within relationships. A lightning bolt jolts the collective out of sexual and creative stagnation. This is a transformational and potentially cathartic passage for sure, as long as we allow it to penetrate.

Clinging to a safe and limiting perspective or routine is an invitation for an unwelcome and possibly painful shock to the system. 

Mercury’s approaching conjunction with the north node of the Moon brings about an equally powerful highlight and message: your perspective of reality may be dull and confining; if you want real change, you need to break out of the mold, challenge yourself intellectually, and hold nothing back.

Mercury’s retrograde cycle allowed us to process and sit with some rather heavy and pressing emotional material the past three weeks. Its direct passage over the Moon’s north node is a green light for us to do something with it, to share it with the world in some way.

Uranus’ quincunx with Merucry creates a radical revision of deeply ingrained worldviews—popping paradigmatic bubbles left and right. And yet, with all this seemingly erratic energy, this Taurean full moon may feel like a saving grace--pulling it all together into something tangible and substantial.

The minor planet Sedna also conjoins this Full Moon. She calls out from the icy depths of the disowned unconscious demanding that we face whatever we've drowned out, or were afraid to deal with consciously. 

With an array of emotions and desires generating crossfire, Taurus reminds us that everything is centered in the physical body. When the intensity becomes too much to handle, remember that your center lies not in your mind or emotional currents, but in a physical vessel your soul temporarily calls home.

We are physical beings with limitations that need to be respected, and needs that require our acknowledgement. As this lunation culminates, we reach a point of integration within the physical vessel. We are reminded of the power of the body, and its own innate intelligence. Let it guide you; listen closely. 

Kosmic Horizon: November 2013

Photo by Chad, Temecula, 2013.

This month begins in the heart of Mercury’s retrograde cycle in Scorpio. To further amplify the perception that reality seems to be turned entirely upside down, a hybrid/total solar eclipse in Scorpio occurs just three days into November. I wrote about this and Mercury retrograde in an article here.

To reiterate: this eclipse conjoins Saturn—a planet that governs real, tangible results which stem directly from our efforts in the world. Saturn is serious, disciplined and focused. It is the archetype of pure structure and consistency. Think of Saturn as a containment vessel, or the framework that supports an entire system.

What Saturn touches needs to be strong; it needs to withstand the chaos inherent to the universe. Scorpio is a water sign; its nature is fluid and ethereal. But it is also a fixed sign. When these archetypes come together, we get a hardening of fluid, like ice, or a condensing of spiritual or psychic forces.

Imagine this: the earth is a solid mass composed of hardened minerals. At some point in our planet’s evolutionary process it was a hot mass of molten rock. It eventually cooled. Today we see great mountains of solid structure and stability. That process of cooling and condensing chaotic and turbulent liquid is sort of an apt analogy for this eclipse.

During a solar eclipse, the Moon passes over the Sun. For a brief period of time, the hidden, unconscious and primal lunar archetype casts a shadow over the visible and conscious awareness. It presents the ego with a crisis. It reveals the absurdity of the illusionary self. In that brief moment of time, things get real.

The effect is even more powerful if you can actually see it. The eclipse is a mysterious, beautiful and ominous event. This one is pretty heavy, but it isn’t an omen of doom and gloom. Of all the planets, Saturn brings us the greatest sense of purpose, accomplishment and strength.

Hopefully, for most of us, we will feel the solidity of this eclipse. We will glimpse deeply into places within ourselves we have forgotten or pushed aside. We will embrace our own darkness and learn to love it the way that it is. Along with Mercury retrograde, we may reconsider some aspect of the world we have been afraid to look at, seeing it in an entirely new and different light.

Saturn is also the archetype of death. As the lord of time, Saturn confronts us with the reality of finite existence. Scorpio also deals with death, decay and unnerving, uncomfortable truths. But death comes in many shapes and forms. In a way, we die each and every day.

There are usually two responses to Saturn. One is that it overwhelms us, and we succumb to depression, futility or hopelessness. The other, we step up to the challenge and let go of the shell we have outgrown. Push through this eclipse, charge your way into the darkness; light will once again return.

If we’re “on track”, doing what we need to do—taking responsibility, allowing ourselves to grow—Saturn reminds us of our hard work and effort, we feel a sense of fulfillment and meaning. If we’ve been slacking off and evading responsibilities, we feel that Saturnian “kick in the ass”. Ideally, the latter response simply gets us back on track without too much drama. However, sometimes, more serious measures are required.

As the month continues on, we gradually find our way out of the eclipse passageway and Mercury’s retrograde cycle, back into calmer waters. The most significant events are compressed at the very beginning of the month. In way, we get a slight reprieve and some time to get back into the normal flow of things.

Due to other projects and responsibilities, this month’s Kosmic Horizon is a bit shorter and simplified than usual--my apologies to those who enjoy these posts.

As the month begins we’re greeted by the fourth square between Uranus and Pluto--the sign of the times on Nov 1. This is a powerful background transit that generates a profound urge to incite social reformation. This kicks the intensity up a notch as we move into the solar eclipse energy field. This is also a pivotal day because Mercury retrograde conjoins the Sun; and both planets sextile Pluto and trine Chiron.

It feels like a new beginning. The Sun and Mercury’s synodic mingling incites a new creative cycle. Whatever we find ourselves reworking now will likely carry on and have significance until the next retrograde. We’re more interested in deeper subject matter that has a transformative impact on perceptual awareness.

Today could be a potentially insightful and meaningful day. Mercury sextile Mars generates an energizing excitement that propels us to probe deeper. The key is to allow yourself to feel insights--analyzing them to death will get you nowhere. Give the mind a break, and try to go at it psychically or intuitively.

Also be on the lookout for Mercury retrograde mishaps (communication breakdowns and technical foibles). While initially annoying, they often point us to highly relevant weak spots. What pops up today may actually be a lot more helpful or useful than usual.

On Nov 3 the solar eclipse in Scorpio creates a sense of transparency of the world around and within us. Perhaps certain aspects of reality are suddenly more visible, obvious or apparent. While the eclipse sextiles Mars, the planet of action, take more time to tune out of the constant barrage of activity and simply pay attention to your own awareness.

Channel any sudden surge of energy into exploring inner and intimate realms. Some of us may feel more inclined toward isolation, while others won’t be able to stand the silence, requiring social distractions. Directing your gaze inwardly will be illuminating and rewarding.

The eclipse energy may feel pretty heavy and intense. It’s certainly not a day for making any serious decisions. If you can, take some time out and just tune in with yourself or get more intimate with a partner.

Venus entering Capricorn on Nov 5 adds another layer of seriousness and focus to the collective backdrop. Practical strategies and intentional action are more in vogue. The collective taste leans more toward simplicity, practicality and minimalism.

The Sun’s exact conjunction with Saturn on Nov 6 allows for an integration of material stirred up by the eclipse over the past few days. As the Sun and Saturn meet today, a razor sharp focus helps to facilitate a deeper penetration of personal issues. The conjunction is also supportive of self-discipline and an ability to pursue goals or ambitions.

Mercury will make a unique double trine to Neptune Nov 9 through Nov 11. As Mercury retrograde slows to stationary, it trines Neptune first on Nov 9, and then makes another contact after it turns direct, exact on Nov 11. This creates an interesting and unusual double take. That flash of inspiration or vision may not be so as fleeting as usual.

These three days may bring about a powerful opening within the mind. Vast spiritual insights come pouring in, changing perceptions and assumptions about how reality really works. Mercury trine Neptune gives us several days to verbally articulate elusive concepts and personal dreams. You might be surprised by what comes out of your mouth, and how deeply and profoundly it comes across.

Venus forms a t-square with Uranus and Pluto, entering the tumultuous cardinal zone Nov 14 through 15. This has tremendous collective impact. Venus seeks peace, diplomacy and aesthetic expression. This configuration could trigger artistic inspiration that motivates and encourages radical social change.

It equally brings up issues within relationships, and asks if we’re ready to make some critical changes and compromises. If conflicts arise, Venus in Capricorn suggests that going inward and taking some time out to reflect in isolation will help bring about a clear intention of what needs to be done.

Venus conjunct Pluto brings out all those blind spots we’d rather just push aside. Taking responsibility for the shadows in your relationships will help you to transcend the blame game and truly grow past stagnation. Power tripping or an attempt to dictate everyone else’s life will likely backfire instantly.

The Full Moon in Taurus on Nov 17 effectively breaks up the energy of the past few weeks. It brings about a grounding sense of stability. With so much acceleration of energy from the eclipses and the Uranus/Pluto square, this Full Moon allows us to take stock, slow down and come back to Earth.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on Nov 21. In a way, this helps to lighten up the intensity of the past few weeks. The Sun’s journey through Sagittarius can stir up collective enthusiasm and a pursuit of truth. However, the truth may be a bit elusive as the Sun squares Neptune on Nov 24.

Reality may not match ideals or carefully laid out philosophies. Before jumping on the bandwagon or enthusiastically espousing a convincing revelation, you may want to take some time out to ponder all the possibilities and the veracity of supposed truths.

Mercury makes its third conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on Nov 25. Serious and deep conversations may be ubiquitous. Psychic communication can be directed to acquire incredibly useful insights. Projects that have been on hold or delayed may begin to finally come together and solidify.

November’s final significant event occurs on Nov 28 with Venus opposite Jupiter. Venus and Jupiter usually get along quite well—but sometimes a little too well. Coinciding with Thanksgiving in the United States (a holiday where we celebrate the mass slaughter of Native Americans and the confiscation of their land by eating a lot of Turkey and tubers), I would imagine this aspect may result in over the top self-indulgence.

For everyone else not stuffing their face on this day, Venus opposite Jupiter is all about moderation. It can go either way. A desire to stick to necessities and essentials may be at odds with the desire to find happiness, however fleeting, by any means possible.

Uncertainty about what’s really wanted can likely send us chasing tails and going in circles trying to figure it out.  If you stick to the middle road, without going to any particular extreme, things should work out more favorably.

 Nov 1: Uranus square Pluto; Mercury sextile Mars; Mercury conjunct Sun sextile Pluto trine Chiron
Nov 3: Solar Eclipse @ 11 Scorpio 16’; Sun sextile Mars
Nov 5: Venus enters Capricorn
Nov 6: Sun conjunct Saturn; Jupiter stationary retrograde
Nov 7: Venus sextile Neptune
Nov 8: Mercury sextile Venus
Nov 9: Mars sextile Saturn; Mercury trine Neptune
Nov 10: Mercury stationary direct
Nov 11: Mercury trine Neptune direct
Nov 12: Sun trine Jupiter
Nov 13: Neptune stationary direct
Nov 14: Venus square Uranus
Nov 15: Venus conjunct Pluto
Nov 17: Full Moon @ 25 Taurus 26’
Nov 19: Mars sextile Jupiter
Nov 20: Mercury sextile Pluto
Nov 21: Sun enters Sagittarius
Nov 23: Venus sextile Saturn
Nov 24: Sun square Neptune
Nov 25: Mercury conjunct Saturn
Nov 27: Mercury sextile Venus
Nov 28: Venus opposition Jupiter

Nov 30: Sun trine Uranus

Crossing the Threshold: Lunar Eclipse in Aries

Photo by Chad Woodward, 2010, Murrieta, Ca.
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse @ 25 Aries 45'
October 18, 2013
4:38 PM Pacific
1:38 PM Eastern

October’s full Moon is a lunar eclipse in the sign of Aries. As this powerful lunation approaches, we may notice a slight shift in our awareness of the world around and within us. Things are a- changing, fast. As we enter the final eclipse season for 2013, we have little time for adjustment. This lunation appears to hit us like a ton of bricks! Aries is a dynamic sign.

While this eclipse certainly grabs our attention, there may be a sense of ambivalence and uncertainty permeating the atmosphere. Mars, the ruler of Aries, approaches an exact opposition to Neptune the following day. Shifty Neptune tends to cloud, distort and confuse the assertive forward momentum that Mars usually exerts so decisively. It may be hard to pin down a specific target or goal; and the ultimate directive may appear to avert our grasp.

And yet, welling up inside of us is this urge to break off into a new, unexplored frontier. So, where are we going exactly? It appears that the destination is, for the most part, unknown. If you can let go of a need to have it figured out, make it happen or take control, you will likely find yourself guided by some “higher” omnipotent force.  Trust and surrender are two keywords we should get well acquainted with. Look around for signs and clues; synchronicity may be louder than usual.

But don’t just blindly follow everything that appears to be divine guidance. Reflect on the meaning of the messages deeply; they can be interpreted from a variety of perspectives. Be wary of any impetus that urges you to charge forward with a sense of invincible, divine mission. The key is to let change happen as opposed to trying to force it to.

Blindly rushing into a battlefield is not a wise tactic. You need to know what you’re actually getting into. This eclipse will bring about an acceleration of changing circumstances. How well we handle them is entirely dependent on our ability to be receptive, observant and conscious.

Jupiter in Cancer makes a dynamic square to the full Moon axis. Jupiter is slowing down as it approaches stationary retrograde on November 6. Jupiter retrograde is a time to go back and nurture what is growing and expanding in our lives. This square challenges us to integrate something that culminated in the past, to bring it into the present moment.

This too can spur one into action. Jupiter can inflate egos with overconfidence, excessive enthusiasm and mindless optimism. If we aren't mindful of what we’re doing now, we could end up facing several setbacks and obstacles once Mercury turns retrograde. But with the warnings aside, here’s the deal: something must change, but that is ultimately an internalized process.

This lunar eclipse brings about a powerful shift of focus, priorities and sense of direction. It serves to wake us up, and get things back on track, even when we may feel unclear about where that track is leading. If you have found yourself drifting, wandering and uncertain about what you need to pursue, this is a critical turning point to take advantage of. Ultimately, Jupiter assists us to grow deep roots and expand into something that will require great stability.

To effectively step up to the challenge requires letting go of whatever is holding things back. The Mars/Neptune opposition is also a challenge to gain clarity, awareness and an expanded consciousness. So, do what you need to do now, but know that we walk a fine line right now. Reality is much harder to pin down and make sense of.

Things that were once solid and dependable are dissolving and dissipating. Paths and directions we once charged toward are suddenly irrelevant, ambiguous or lack meaning. Be honest with yourself and what you’re actually capable of—avoid blowing anything out of proportion or exaggerating things just to make a point or to get attention.

The trickster is afoot. The lunar eclipse roughly conjoins Eris, the planet that upstaged Pluto. Eris has a powerful warrior like quality, but it also carries the archetype of the trickster. And what does that mean exactly? It means that whenever Eris is prominent we are crossing a threshold; we are entering into a new reality. However, the trickster tends to incite chaos and make a mess of things, but it does so for a very specific reason: to create new forms, to change the way things work.

Nothing is safe from the trickster’s grasp, because the trickster is a boundary crosser; it blurs the lines between black and white, up and down, left and right. It confuses distinctions. This is just another warning to remain open and flexible to change. If something falls apart, there is a specific reason for it. The less attachment, the easier it is to let go and embrace the new.

Something powerful and strong is culminating with a lunar eclipse. In Aries, its influence is about taking center stage and refocusing our priorities. If things turn in unexpected directions, let it happen and accept that it’s all for the greater good. Anger, frustration and impatience will be common side effects. If you should succumb to such feelings, take a time out and center yourself.

Cross this threshold with confidence and consciousness. The uncertainty keeps us humble. Boldly step up to the challenges ahead, and no matter what, just keep going. Push through it. This first eclipse portal is a strong one, but don’t let it fool you into taking things too seriously, or giving up entirely, overcome with futility. There is a powerful process at work deep within each one of us, and great changes are taking place. Move with it, flow with it, and simply go along with the process. We will move into new lands eventually. 

How Deep Is That Rabbit Hole?: Mercury Retrograde and the Solar Eclipse In Scorpio

Mercury Retrograde In Scorpio: October 21—Nov 10, 2013
Hybrid Solar Eclipse In Scorpio: November 3, 2013

Mercury entered Scorpio on Sept 29th, where it will stay until Dec 4th due to its final retrograde cycle of the year. That’s nine weeks in Scorpio. With a Solar Eclipse on Nov 3rd (conjunct Saturn) in the sign of Scorpio; we get a heavy dose of depth, intensity and transformation this fall. Back in April of this year, a lunar eclipse conjoined Saturn in Scorpio; so we’re already familiar with this terrain. The difference is that Mercury’s retrograde cycle will occur alongside this weighty hybrid solar eclipse of the Sun.

A solar eclipse begins a powerful process of change and brings about an overwhelming sense of renewal. And in this case, occurring in Scorpio, that meaning is amplified. Scorpio is the sign of the zodiac that completely embodies the word transformation and all that we associate with it.

Letting go, releasing, dying, emptying, shedding, and rising from the ashes—these are all keywords inherent to Scorpio and its modern planetary ruler Pluto. And these qualities often accompany an eclipse of all kinds, because eclipses signify moments of deep inner personal change and transmutation. During eclipse season the personal self becomes porous and translucent. Our identity is a bit like putty; we have an opportunity to change or shape it into alternate forms. These are also moments of tremendous growth, but only if we so choose. They can just as well pass with the current they arrived upon—to become like a faint memory of some uncertain or seemingly precarious moment.

With the exception of this year when we experienced three eclipses this past spring, eclipses generally occur in pairs twice a year. Not too rare, but their interest lies in the peculiar ambience they generate and the impactful force of their presence within our own psyche.

During eclipse season, we may find ourselves more uncertain of who we are, and most of all, where we’re going. Eclipses are opportunities to adjust our course ahead; we get a chance to significantly alter the timeline we currently travel. That’s exciting and equally terrifying. The eclipse has the power to reveal just how much of an impact our choices and decisions have on our lives. It is a portal of transformation, and whether we participate or not, we come out the other end a slightly different person. With Scorpio, we can double the significance of that statement.

Saturn’s involvement brings a sense of seriousness and challenge. And Scorpio, as a fixed sign, suggests that this is likely to be a highly demanding eclipse passageway. The only way to work with it is to do your homework and show up on time. This is no time for slacking off, putting things aside, evading responsibilities, or sweeping unsettling realities under the rug. Mercury retrograde reveals that this is a time for making critical adjustments within very deep chambers. Failing to do so could be detrimental, and I’m tempted to say, that in specific cases, even life threatening.

So Mercury’s retrograde cycle in Scorpio, alongside this rather intense solar eclipse, seems to ask the question: How deep does that rabbit hole really go? This has tremendous personal and collective meaning. Just how deep? Well, ultimately, we may never know completely. The true workings of the universe are shrouded in secrecy, and possibly for good reason from an evolutionary standpoint. Most of the time, we’re quite contented with superficial explanations; they get us through the day; they keep us sane and productive.

Other times, like we’re experiencing now, we’re likely to have a little more curiosity than usual. But as the saying goes: curiosity killed the cat. Consider it a warning. There are secrets that humankind was never meant to know. Secrets that could destroy the feebler minded. Unless you’re well equipped with strong planets in Scorpio or the eighth house; be careful where you tread, and how deep you go down that abysmal rabbit hole—and actually, even if you meet the above criteria, be careful anyway; it might actually get you into even more trouble!

However, if you approach this passage with maturity, discipline and focus—you will reap the valuable rewards and revealing insights it offers-- all in due (and lengthy) time (it is Saturn we’re dealing with here). A critical and sharp focus and an eye for miniscule details will be required. This retrograde cycle brings about a hyperaware state of consciousness, maybe a little paranoia, and an introspective gaze and focus. Saturn’s involvement lends well to a process of reflection and a bout of solitary confinement. So, unlike many retrograde cycles, this one isn’t much of a break or vacation; there’s important work do be done.

The sign of Scorpio symbolizes our raw and primal instinctual urges. They keep us alive in more ways than one. When we encounter danger, it is the Scorpionic influx that gives us that “funny feeling” that something isn’t right; that feeling like, “maybe I shouldn’t turn down this street”, or “I just don’t feel right about this”. Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, infuses Scorpio with an inherent fight-or- flight reaction, even a sense of premonition.

Scorpio also symbolizes that instinctual drive that contributes to the boon of overpopulation. All of us who made our way past puberty are well familiar with its seductive allure. There’s no denying its power and influence, with its arsenal of hormones and chemical release. Healthy and balanced sexual expression is a potent psychic force. Unfortunately, modern western culture completely distorts it in grotesque and dysfunctional ways. And also, while Saturn is moving through Scorpio, it can stagnate and gum up the wheels of our sexual instincts and desires.

Perhaps this a time to refocus and recharge our sexual energy-- which, by the way, it isn’t solely reserved for sex or an orgasm. Sexual energy is a current of personal power, creativity and magnetic attraction. And like all energy, it can be wasted if it isn’t employed wisely or strategically. We use it in our everyday interactions, whether we’re conscious of it or not.

It’s a magnetic force that attracts us to other people. It brings us together. It’s the reason we’re drawn to a certain person without knowing why, even when that certain person isn’t necessarily sexually attractive to us. And when we band together with like souls, with a shared creative interest, goal or desire—magic happens and amazing things result.

At the heart of Scorpio is its relation to the osmosis of souls. In the realm of Scorpio we become something more than we currently are; we fuse with an external symbol. But that in itself is some risky business, because naturally, we risk losing ourselves. There are times when this is completely appropriate, but in all cases, it requires a strong sense of self and a hefty amount of discipline and solid boundaries. Be mindful of this.

As usual, Mercury retrograde warns us of making permanent commitments, and if we must, it is highly suggested that we deeply reflect on the matter and look at it from a multitude of perspectives. This retrograde cycle suggests the notion of resurrecting critical elements from the past, building off of previous foundations, and looking for missing or hidden essential pieces to the puzzle we’re working on.

With the eclipse, this is a potent retrograde cycle. Powerful emotional or psychological breakthroughs are possible, especially for those of us with significant natal placements in the sign of Scorpio. Deep inner personal insights are floating around like CO2, so don’t resist the inner work these two events are pulling up for us. Embrace it and shine your light into those places you usually avoid like the plague.

Oh The Horrors….

Yes, Scorpio is a “dark” sign. It gets a bad rap for that. But that’s just because Scorpio and its 8th house associate deal with some of the most sensitive and taboo of subject matter. Ultimately, our repulsive reaction to Scorpio has more to do with cultural conditioning than anything else. Sex, death, collective power, early childhood trauma, inner psychological terrain and so forth; they’re all elements our society suppresses or significantly distorts.

There’s a multitude of distractions to keep us from thinking about it all. The more time we spend on the surface, the more productive we are and the more we contribute to the current industrialized civilization. “Keep calm and carry on”…right?
Well this certainly isn’t a time for ignoring what lies in the deep. Willingly and consciously make your way down that rabbit hole. It beckons. Scorpionic material is generally uncomfortable to the ego. It points us toward that one undeniable truth: eventually, you’re going to die. You are impermanent. It’s unsettling indeed; nobody really wants to think about it. Even the most dark and macabre of souls, when it gets right down to it, will have some resistance to their own death. It’s natural.

In a society that glorifies youth and outer achievement--the inner world, the sensitive zones of life experience, goes on quite neglected. As a result, it takes on more ominous forms within cultural expression. At certain moments, when we least expect it, something explodes, there’s a collective catharsis. The external world is merely a reflection of the inner world. What happens out there is inside of us, a part of us; it is us.

That means that in order to heal, grow, and evolve toward our collective potential, we must embrace the horrors. We need to look them straight in the eye and process their realities and truths as we see them for what they truly are. This retrograde cycle and Scorpionic/Saturnian solar eclipse also urge us to step up and take responsibility for the horrors of the world. Instead of running away, or pointing the figure at everything except yourself, really step into it and see your part in creating it.

It is you and you are it. The segregation is an illusion. With that said, we may encounter some material that makes us uncomfortable, perhaps a little squirmish. But if it shows up in your awareness; there’s a reason for it, and it’s important that you look at it. It will help you mature and grow.

The Mind Hath No Substance

We all agree that Mercury is a symbol of the mind, the vehicle of ego consciousness. It’s the hardware that runs the software of the personal self. The mind is a network of pathways within the body, not particularly the brain. It is the intelligence within the nervous system. Without Mercury, and without a mind, we would have little success navigating the “real world”. But too much attachment to the mind, and we end up missing a whole heck of a lot.

The mind doesn’t like paradox. In fact, its sole purpose is the reconciliation of dichotomy. That’s how we make sense of the world. Mercury seeks to assimilate disparate pieces to make an intelligible pattern or formation. Without Mercury, what would we see? Without a mind, what would the world look like? Well, there are a few chemical substances that could quickly answer those questions, but there are also a few cosmic events which can momentarily provide us a glimpse beyond the veil.
The truth is that the universe around us is utter chaos. Order, symmetry and structure are created by conscious beings. What we see around us was created by focused awareness and attention. 

Does that mean that you’re “creating reality”? Well, not exactly. You aren’t that omnipotent. But yes, you’re definitely directing the scenes and arranging the scenery around you. Every choice you make alters what you experience in every moment. You’re thoughts play a crucial role in what comes into your life.

Your level of awareness and your beliefs about life severely affect what unfolds. The mind, in reality, has no substance. It’s a software program, and so is our identity. It can be readily deleted. But behind the software, there’s a ghost in the machine. We refer to this as the soul. Whatever you call it, we all know deep down that there’s something else inside of us, something behind the façade of the personal self.

That something else is what you really are. No matter what, it cannot be destroyed. Perhaps then, the soul is the only real thing that exists at all. And ironically, it is the most mysterious and intangible of concepts humanity has ever entertained. When you die, something lives on. That something isn’t necessarily who you think you are. It’s only your essence and your awareness.

My point here is to illustrate this image for you because it will play a critical role in this upcoming passage. Understanding it will allow you to benefit most deeply from the insights it offers.  When Mercury turns retrograde, the mind reconfigures itself. During eclipses, we enter a mild psychedelic state of awareness; we see the mechanizations of consciousness more clearly than usual, and we step outside the illusion of the personal self.

Pay more attention to yourself and to the people around you. This is a time to more authentically peer beyond the masks we wear in our daily interactions. It is within this altered state that we can actually make structural changes to the ego. We can let go of what no longer works, and we can release our attachment and enmeshment more than at any other time. Take advantage of this, because once eclipse season passes, it all comes rushing back in, as we attempt to further tighten that illusionary barrier.

Side effects may include:

Mercury retrograde is notorious for all sorts of technical mishaps, setbacks and annoyances--although, that’s not always the case. Mercury is a trickster. The trickster has the ability to work between realms, densities and realities. The trickster’s intention is to break down structures so that new forms can emerge. It’s a noble mission indeed. Reality would become rather sterile and banal if it weren’t for the trickster’s deeds.

When Mercury retrograde strikes, it initially appears as an inconvenience. But its lesson is always the same. Stop, pause, reflect and slow down. Notice the wind, look at the trees, and see the geometry in your lover’s eyes. What do you see now? How does it appear differently than it did before? What can you create from it? How can you do things differently? Take a few steps back, and really take a good hard look.

Mercury retrograde is not conducive for active forward movement; it’s a time for reflection and for making adjustments where needed. Usually, the more we push the more resistance we encounter. We may make adjustments to things that are solely tangible and mechanical, or we may adjust the way we see the world around us. Always, with each retrograde, we’re offered an alternate perspective, and it would be wise to consider it deeply.

Often, a specific outlook needs to change. We attract people or situations which seek to bring our attention to this need. Let go of the old and make way for the new—it will make you a more complete being. Take stock, double check, and reiterate everything you communicate. This is a time to be clear and direct in your dealings, because all sorts of blind spots and loose ends frequently emerge.

If you’ve been delaying or putting aside something, a Mercury retrograde cycle often serves as an opportunity to deal with it—sort of like a second chance. Often this comes together without much planning or foresight, it seems to be a natural consequence of Mercury retrograde. People and situations from the past may come back into your reality, to surprise or haunt you.

So don’t panic, worry or freak out. Even though this happens to be a pretty significant and heavy cycle—considering the involvement of Saturn and a Solar Eclipse—it could serve as a rather productive and insightful period of time.
But, also keep in mind the fact that we’re entering into a sensitive and deeply personal process. There may be some very significant insights and revelations about your own nature—a perspective about yourself that you didn’t see before. This can only come about by paying very close attention and observing yourself from an objective perspective.

Naturally, those of us who would rather stay on the surface and maintain the status quo are likely to have a far more difficult time with this. Uncomfortable truths are never digested easily. But, if you’re aware and well prepared for some challenging, yet deeply rewarding work, it won’t be such a shock when it arrives. 

Shake It Up: New Moon In Libra 2013

Photo by Chad Woodward, Palm Desert, Ca, 2011.
New Moon @ 11 Libra 56'
October 4, 2013
5:34 PM Pacific 
2:34 PM Eastern

This month’s New Moon occurs in Libra, the sign of balance and equilibrium. Libra contains the potential for equanimity—composure and poise amidst the chaos of the universe. It is a unifying sign. Venus, the ruler of Libra, governs our relationship needs and desires as well as our need for peace, healing and rejuvenation. The antithesis of Aries, the cosmic big bang, Libra brings a unifying sense of order, meaning and clarity to disparate elements.

It truly is a work of art to find cohesion within the complexity of individual identities (egos). Such an art can only be mastered through patience and inner peace. So what happens when a Libra New Moon occurs within the current battle field rendered by the Uranus and Pluto square? I would say a critical test and challenge to see whether we have truly mastered this Libran art form.

October’s New Moon sits in a rather precarious t-square with Uranus and Pluto, the current sign of the times. The Uranus and Pluto waxing square is a critical stage of the new Uranus/Pluto cycle which began in the late 1960’s. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. Its cycle appears to bring about a radical reformation of society and culture worldwide. Often its expression is violent and chaotic as it stirs up considerable social unrest and upheaval.

Due to the New Moon’s placement in Libra, it sits in direct opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto. Uranus resonates with the Promethean archetype, giving it a trickster like quality, defiant toward the Gods. Pluto embodies primordial wisdom and power, but also governs a process of entropy, of breakdown and decay. When these two get together, especially in conflict, ubiquitous change is demanded by the cosmos.

So, needless to say, this lunation brings an overwhelming impetus for change, an urge to break free, and a desire to move beyond stagnating environments. There is a catalyzing thrust alongside this New Moon which can be harnessed and directed in our personal lives. We can each ride this wave to free ourselves of oppressive circumstances. But, the challenge arises due to the fact that we must take in to consideration those we are in relationship to. We are guided to see the powerful change created when we band together in cooperation.

Venus, the ruler of the New Moon, is separating from a square aspect with Mars. Venus in Scorpio seeks to find peace and acceptance with uncomfortable realities. Mars in Leo wants to take charge, dominate, and lead the way. Venus is more inclined toward other viewpoints and perspectives, merging on a deeper level. Mars in Leo seeks to defend its territory and express its individual needs and desires directly. This reveals another undercurrent of friction contained in this New Moon—between assertion and receptivity.

We are guided to see that in order for us to truly break free, to change something; we need help to do it. On the flip side, if we’ve been too dependent in certain relationships, we may feel an urge to gain more independence, but to do so in a way that doesn’t necessarily burn bridges or sever connections in the process. It’s a tricky balancing act indeed. Pluto demands that transformation and evolutionary growth be our top priorities.

Libra also teaches about reciprocity, the sacred art of giving and receiving. The square between Venus and Mars ignites the potential for a breakthrough in our ability to share ourselves with others. Whichever end of the spectrum you fall (giving too much or not enough), there is a tipping of the scales taking place this lunar cycle, which invites us to see our relationships from a renewed perspective, and to bring more balance and equanimity into the picture.

This might also require deep and meaningful communication. Mercury’s approach to a conjunction with the North Node and Saturn opens the way for authentic conversations—where speaking the truth is about being vulnerable and learning to trust. It’s also about taking responsibility for our feelings by letting those we are most intimate with share in our own personal process. A sextile to Pluto means that through honesty and clarity we can break up outmoded routines and structures within our relations, if only momentarily.

The dark side of the New Moon creates an inflexible mental rigidity which socially isolates us and leads to depression, hopelessness and futility. An inability to see other viewpoints or perspectives limits our choices and decisions. Confronted with potentially difficult or harsh truths or realities could leave a lasting imprint, paralyzing us in fear or paranoia. On the other end, there’s the risk of losing our own vision or purpose by a more powerful collective goal—getting swept away.

The higher road leads us to move beyond personal needs and desires and to find that happy balance between giving and receiving love, without losing our own sense of self. Perhaps we glimpse a collective vision or ideal which creates a new perspective or solidifies a collective mission. We are entering a portal that invites us to channel our own personal power into the larger purpose or collective goal, but to do so without losing sight of our own goals.

There is much tension building up here, and there is much need for release. Whatever you’ve been holding back, suppressing or putting aside needs to be dealt with in some way. That might not require some drastic action or maneuver, but simply acknowledgment, awareness and honest communication. This New Moon culminates into an Aries Lunar Eclipse on October 18. As we approach this lucid and revealing time, look around and strengthen the support system around you.

That might mean rekindling connections or sharing your time or energy with people you’ve been neglecting. Whatever you do, intentionally shake something up in your relationships. Bring new life and fresh air where it’s most needed. The more we try to just keep the peace, the more likely something will force us out of our relational rut. There is far more happening than your own self-interest and concerns; and Libra’s perspective helps us to briefly put ourselves in someone else’s position, which can drastically alter our own.

Upcoming Events:

Oct 18: Lunar Eclipse in Aries
Oct 21-Nov 10: Mercury Retrograde In Scorpio
Nov 4: Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

Nov 6: Jupiter Stationary Retrograde

Kosmic Horizon: October 2013

Photo by Chad Woodward, Temecula, Ca, 2013.
October pulls us gradually into the final eclipse season of 2013 with the first Lunar Eclipse on Oct 18. In addition, Mercury turns stationary retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 21. Get ready for a change of course; it’s coming whether we’re ready or not.

This fall is all about deep inner personal change. There will be many mental and emotional adjustments and alterations taking place with things which have been highly resistant to change and movement. That could be really exciting for some of us, and slightly threatening for others. This month offers an opportunity to clean things out and unclutter the mind, soul and psyche.

October begins in the midst of Mercury’s retrograde shadow—which serves as an introduction to the themes and issues which the actual retrograde will address. Gradually, as the month progresses, you may find yourself questioning some key areas of your life, particularly related to the soul’s purpose and the path you currently tread.

This is all natural and healthy; eclipses provide key moments where we must alter and renovate our interior mindscape. Mercury retrograde is a natural cycle where sporadic renovations take place. In Scorpio, that relates to forgotten corners and hidden chambers.

Many undisclosed elements will emerge this month. Depending on how willing we are to integrate this material, this experience will manifest as a small crisis or a sudden yet brief transformational process. But, either way, it’s usually uncomfortable. That’s an inevitable manifestation of these energies; and if there’s any sign that exemplifies rather touchy subject matter it’s Scorpio.  

Mars is also a key focal point this month, since the eclipse occurs in Aries and Mercury retrograde in Scorpio—both signs which fall under its dominion. Mars governs our ability to take action and to implement our soul’s purpose in this life. Mars deals with willpower and self-assertion. Knee-jerk reactions, gut level instincts, primal urges, desires and emotions are central to the expression of Mars. And it is this territory that we’re likely to find ourselves getting more in touch with.

Eclipse season is time for letting go—letting go of the past, and letting go to yourself as you actually are. That means momentarily placing ego needs and desires aside and peering deeply into what lies beyond the veneer of personality. This is a deep and sensitive process. It can guide us to seriously question ourselves, our motives, agendas and intentions. But, if we flow with it, we come out the other side renewed and excited to move ahead.

Here is a forecast of significant collective events this month; use it as a rough guide for what lies ahead: 

Oct 1
While the mind is clear and perceptive of concepts which usually evade common sense and the rational laws of physics, emotional currents are a bit harder to pin down and make sense of. That doesn’t mean that emotional clarity isn’t possible, but that it requires some work in the process of sorting things out.

This is a day where discrimination is necessary to distinguish between real or imagined emotional responses. Fortunately, the mind is a little more useful, and by extension, rather more helpful than usual in dealing with such material.

In the background, the tension is heating up—more on a collective scale as the Sun squares Pluto and approaches an opposition to Uranus. There may be considerable resistance to our efforts to charge forward and assert will power and ego needs. The Sun in Libra is more compromising and seeks equanimity. As a result it isn’t as assertive. But there is power in numbers, so don’t try to fight this alone. ­­

Oct 2
Real healing is possible now—although it’s part of a process that we’ve been in the midst of since last November. Chiron trine Saturn brings us tangible results while transmuting deep emotional, physical and spiritual pain. It reminds us that we aren’t alone in our suffering. If we take the initiative and face the unknown, and the uncomfortable, much progress and integration is possible.

The system works; there’s an intention within the fabric of nature; there’s a grand intelligent design. If you work with it, if you play by the rules, things have a way of working more in your favor.

Oct 3
There’s a strong rebellious streak in the air, a powerful urge to defy authority, control and structure. All those suffocating routines may feel unbearable. Demands and expectations from other people are likely to set off some nerves and trigger aggravation. Personal freedom needs to be addressed, but so do the needs of others. Working it out takes patience, but it’s possible.

Oct 4
There is a fresh new start emerging today with the New Moon in Libra. But, it emerges under a considerable amount of pressure. Where the ego has been challenged the past few days, a strong emotional impetus adds more fuel to the fire that’s waging in the background. The challenge: to seek peace, diplomacy, and common ground within uncertain and unstable territory. Collectively this is a significant day. Violence is the dark side. Greater strength and fortitude grace the higher road.

Oct 6
An ability to articulate deeply buried emotional material is highlighted today. The mind is less focused on logical and analytical methods of perceiving reality; today is about feeling our way to the very root of the matter at hand, and dealing with it the way it is, without censorship. The insights and perspectives we uncover are likely to excite powerful transformative processes leading to a deeper sense of meaning, purpose and direction.

This is a day of true authentic communication through an open discussion of feelings, fears, desires, and previously undisclosed material. Conversations are likely to be a lot more serious and focused on the bare essential information. Express rather than oppress that which you find bubbling up and vying for acknowledgement. It might be heavy, it may be deep, but whatever it is, it’s necessary.

Oct 7
Venus entering Sagittarius today lightens up the ambience quite a bit, adding an inclination and desire for more breathing space and fresh air. While the “seriousness” and heaviness shrouding communication continues, there is the prospect of greater perspective, clarity and truth. It also takes some of the focus away from intimate or inner personal issues, directing the mind toward new social vistas.

Oct 8
Today presents a prelude to some themes and issues which will be heavily dealt with during Mercury’s retrograde cycle (beginning Oct 21). Mercury’s initial conjunction with Saturn serves as a starting point for the creation of strategies which require some serious reworking. Pay attention to that critical goal you’re pondering today and release your attachment to making it happen right away.

As Mercury turns retrograde towards the end of the month, we’ll have an opportunity to revise, restructure, reevaluate, renovate and reconfigure in many shapes and forms. You don’t need to nail it all down and start putting it into action. Trust that this is a beginning step that will naturally unfold and take form all in due time. Patience, persistence, discipline, and a penetrating mental focus will be your allies. By the end of November, once the kinks are worked out, it will be time to practically integrate your strategy into the world.

This is also a good time to make sure that a system or structure is well supported and strong—whatever we don’t address now may force us to at the end of the month.

Oct 10
The truth seems to evade our grasp today. Desires may lead us to dead ends as they reveal themselves to be mere mirages or pure deceptions. Don’t be fooled by what may initially appear enticing, salacious or glamorous. Really pause and reflect before you act or commit. In fact, meditate deeply and you will eventually realize the truth—but you must make the effort to see past the façade. Spontaneous and effortless revelations won’t come easy. If they do, they’re not likely to have much basis in reality.

Don’t waste your time and resources chasing after a mirage today, you’ll feel pretty stupid in a few days. Healthy skepticism needs to be applied diligently. However, a concentrated focus using a sober outlook will be quite productive. Today is more about receiving than doing. Be like a magnet and calmly reflect on what you attract. Real truth and beauty hides in the deep, beyond several layers. Only fools rush in; don’t be one of them.

Oct 15
A drive for creative self-expression gets reverted toward much larger issues and concerns as Mars enters Virgo. Collectively, intense self-focus and promotion fades into the backdrop. Mars in Virgo demands that we put talents to good use, to serve a purpose. The problem is adjusting to the change of pace. It may be interpreted as a loss of passion and enthusiasm, because we suddenly have deeper and more meaningful concerns. The best way to work with this transit is to find the passion to help and serve others. There’s nothing to “prove” while Mars is in Virgo, remember that.

There is a powerful willpower to make improvements where needed, and a drive to obtain an ideal. Channeling enthusiasm into a specific point of interest takes dedication to avert wasteful expenditure of energy. That also means you need to know what you’re doing. If you don’t, it’s time to brush up and freshen up. Practice makes perfect.

Oct 16
Today is a little bitter sweet. While there’s an amplification of bountiful desire and an enthusiasm for new and unexpected experiences, there’s some apprehensiveness in regards to opening up and embracing it all. Some of this may derive from deeply rooted insecurities and fears which stem from past traumas or difficulties. It might feel as if it’s just too good to be true while you look for the silver lining.

The challenge is to align with your hearts true desires and intentions today. To connect with a fountain of authentic as opposed to artificial joy. If it really has meaning and value for you, then open up and embrace the spontaneous. Working past your resistance and releasing the past will be a part of today’s activities, but you’ll have a sense of accomplishment and some self-respect. Push through the barriers to truth; something new and exciting waits on the other end.

Oct 18
The Full Moon in Aries today is also a Lunar Eclipse. There’s an overwhelming sense of culmination permeating the collective. Emotional releases focus on letting out the steam and relieving tension and pressure. While Aries and its ruler Mars are action oriented, the eclipse today invites us to merely remain conscious of our impressions, urges and anxieties and to do nothing about them. There may be a change of pace, of heart and of desire. But change is the whole point.

Certain goals, intentions, directions, and plans of action are coming to a head. If they’ve been successful you have to merely receive the bounty. If they no longer serve you, your loss of interest is simply an indication of the need to let them go. If anything, today serves to grab and direct our attention. Focus on the quality of your attention and nothing else. The less outwardly focused you are, the more insightful and beneficial the moment will be.

Oct 19
Today is a bit shifty and difficult to pin down—and preceding a lunar eclipse it merely amplifies the sense of uncertainty that pervades the atmosphere. The more you attempt to charge forward to face certain obstacles and goals, the further away they appear. With each step they back away, in complete unison with your maneuvers, until they vanish completely as if they were merely holograms.

Certain fears and insecurities may paralyze and keep one from moving; but this might not be such a bad thing. Remember, there’s nothing to prove here. There’s only an ideal which must be carefully evaluated. The more you push today, the more you are likely to burn out and implode. The day is best served seeking inspiration which will later motivate you toward seeking its obtainment when the fog clears.

And speaking of clarity, this is equally possible today. There is an opportunity to see very clearly the best possible direction. That may accompany a complete change of direction—but at least you’re clear about what path wasn’t working for you anyhow. In the midst of eclipse season, we tread on shifting sands. Remain open to the higher guidance that you would normally disregard as impractical or insignificant. Who knows where it will lead you, but that’s all part of the adventure.

Oct 21
Mercury turns stationary retrograde today, setting off a three week period of backward motion in our daily affairs and personal projects. This is an ideal time to rework, review, revisit, restructure, reconsider, reflect, etc. The more time and energy spent on backtracking for the next three weeks the more beneficial our retrograde experience will be. Sometimes we come up against nagging or incessant irritations, setbacks or technical issues. So remain flexible and prepared to deal with potential problems. Each retrograde we’re given the opportunity to see things from a completely different perspective, so keep your mind open and receptive.

The sign of Scorpio deals with hidden, disclosed, and highly unconscious material; this retrograde could bring to light those relics we thought were long gone or had forgotten about entirely. This is an opportunity to connect deeply with our more primal nature and to reconsider things from a raw uncensored perspective.

If you feel a little uncertain about where you’re going or what actions to take right now don’t fret. It’s in the air. It may be a challenge to move forward with confidence today. Psychic and intuitive impressions are strong, but the mind appears to be telling us otherwise. Don’t analyze your feelings too much, it will likely make things more confusing.

A barrage of conflicting data or information could possibly paralyze one with a bout of uncertainty. Do your best to discern what’s relevant and simply let go of what isn’t. With Mercury retrograde we have plenty of time to fact check and to do some deeper research. Don’t feel pressured or rushed to make sense of it all right now, it’s probably not the right time as critical pieces are still missing.

Oct 22
The Sun’s ingress into Scorpio today further solidifies our collective desire to dig deep and connect on a more authentic level. This is the season to take things much further than you normally would. It also illuminates certain hidden caverns and dark corners where we usually fear to look. This solar Scorpio season is all about the bare essentials. That means letting go of irrelevant material and sticking to the basics.
This is a season of considerable change and transformation, highlighted by a Scorpio solar eclipse in early November. Shed the skin you have outgrown. It may be an uncomfortable process, but the rewards will be long lasting and will develop in due time.

Oct 29
Today marks the second stage of a process that began around Oct 8. It’s time to rework a strategy, tighten some screws, and make sure the overall structure is well supported. There may be a breakdown within the system which will require considerable attention to detail. If you put in the extra effort and sort things out now, it will be more solid and stable next month.

Today also signifies a second chance to articulate uncomfortable yet highly relevant material. Be clear and direct, in fact, make the effort to reiterate clearly so that there aren’t any misunderstandings which could lead to a conflict. The mind is sharp today, but in its precision it might miss the forest for the trees. Focus your gaze on those elements that you would normally overlook; you may uncover some highly critical missing pieces.

Responsibilities, commitments, or contractual agreements from the past may come back to haunt us. Today is ideal for renegotiation, but not entering into new alliances. Read the fine print very carefully! Whatever you commit to will have long lasting consequences. There is a strong desire for freedom beneath it all. That means there could be a considerable amount of resentment toward restrictions that weigh us down.
The only way to effectively break free and spread your wings will be to ensure that everything is lined up and in order. That means taking responsibility. Be yourself today, and remain completely authentic to who you are and what you’re capable of. Any attempts to conform, suppress or censor yourself will likely lead to a build-up of anger or frustration which will be difficult to let out.

Oct 30
There is the potential to directly face and deal with something painful today. A strong enthusiastic drive and motivation is channeled toward deep healing and integration. There may also be a powerful impetus to confront and deal with issues that have remained quite ambiguous for some time. It’s not about fixing or solving a “problem”, but rather boldly stepping up to face the unknown before you. It’s about surrendering to transformation. And that takes bravery.

Equally, there may be a sense of feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of something. We may feel unable to take charge and complete what needs to be done. Honor your fears and limitations, and don’t attempt to take on too much if you’re unable to handle it all. Today may present a minor stumbling block, but it carries great lessons.

Oct 31
There’s a clear, sharp, and directed sense of focus and ambition today. Use this energy willingly and wisely toward a specific task, goal, or intention. Any apprehensiveness or hesitation that may have emerged yesterday is likely to dissipate now alongside a renewed sense of purpose. The energy today is quite conducive for anything that requires long sustained attention to detail and enthusiasm.

Oct 1-Mercury trine Neptune, Moon opposition Neptune
Oct 2-Saturn trine Chiron
Oct 3-Sun opposition Uranus
Oct 4-New Moon 11 Libra 56’; Moon opposition Uranus and square Pluto
Oct 6-Mercury, Moon and Saturn sextile Pluto
Oct 7-Venus enters Sagittarius; Mercury conjunct Saturn trine Chiron
Oct 8-Mercury conjunct Saturn (direct, first pass); Venus square Transpluto
Oct 10-Venus square Neptune
Oct 11-Firsr Qtr Moon 18 Cap, Venus sextile Juno
Oct 15-Mars enters Virgo
Oct 16-Venus trine Uranus; Mars conjunct Transpluto; Venus square Chiron
Oct 18-Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon 25 Aries 45’
Oct 19-Mars opposition Neptune
Oct 21-Mercury Stationary Retrograde 18 Scorpio; Moon, Mars and Neptune T-square
Oct 22-Sun enters Scorpio
Oct 29-Mercury conjunct Saturn (retrograde, second pass); Yod formation: Moon conjunct Mars and sextile Sun (conjunct North Node) quincunx Uranus.
Oct 28-Pluto sextile Chiron
Oct 30-Mars opposition Chiron

Oct 31-Mars trine Pluto

Darkness and Light: The Scorpionic Conjunction and the Full Moon in Pisces

Sedona Buddha, by Chad Woodward, 2011. 
Full Moon @ 26 Pisces
September 19, 2013

The dance of duality permeates every aspect of third density experience. We are creatures of contradiction. There is no light without the dark. Within each of us there is truth and beauty, and yet there is an equal amount of deception and ugliness to boot. The sign of Pisces, the final stop of the zodiac, brings cohesion to this universal disparity.

Pisces seeks unity. It carries the message that we are all oneness striving to know and love itself--and yet, most of the time, from our earthbound perspective, that remains a lofty ideal. It doesn’t seem to fit with our perception. I am me and you are you. There’s a perceivable difference. That perception has a purpose in that it keeps us alive while we walk around in our fleshy sack of bones. Boundaries are necessary and healthy.

One frightening truth about life is that we are completely vulnerable. There are no ultimate safety nets which will save us from suffering, pain or complete physical annihilation. Another frightening and yet liberating truth: all is impermanent; nothing stays the same. In the moment we are cast into the illusion of separation, but one day we will dissolve again; we will become one with the void.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. The reason I bring up these uncomfortable universal truths is because this Piscean Full Moon carries this message profoundly. While Pisces is often perceived as dreamy, spacy, ethereal, full of awe and wonder, there is a considerable amount of heaviness and seriousness alongside this Full Moon.

For several days leading up to this lunation a powerful and poignant conjunction of Saturn, Venus, and the North Node becomes exact in the sign of Scorpio. This conjunction comes into sharp focus on the days of Sept 16th to 18th—taking us directly into the culmination of the current lunar cycle. This is powerful psychic and emotional terrain. While Pisces may tempt us to “check-out” for a moment, to seek comfort in enticing illusions, this conjunction demands our full focus and awareness of reality as it actually is. Pisces equally helps us to clear the mind of distortions so that we feel this truth as it permeates all of existence.

Saturn in Scorpio (Oct 2012- 2015) is a rather lengthy transit which churns around in the background of consciousness. When highlighted by other transits it comes sharply into our awareness, and lets us know that it means business and what it’s up to. In Scorpio there’s inevitably that sense of concealment and secrecy.

We’re all feeling this in one way or another. There’s some seriously deep and heavy work going on within our lives….somewhere. Pinning it down to some recognizable construct is probably a challenge. While everything in astrology could be recognized as “unconscious”--that is, aspects of our psyche we don’t visibly perceive, the sign of Scorpio truly exemplifies those hidden trenches of the mind and soul.

Scorpio embodies uncomfortable truths and realities: death, impermanence, sexual lusts, unconscious fears, trauma, etc. It is a reservoir of primal rage, vulnerability and desire. While most of us would like to think of ourselves as “good” and socially polite persons—deep down, somewhere, there’s a blood thirsty beast. We’re all capable of doing some terrible and downright nasty things. No one is exempt.

When taken to the edge, past our ability to cope or deal with something painful, this reality gets exposed. It all hangs out. Things get real. That’s what we’re invited to do here—to get totally raw, honest, and real. Cut away all the B.S., and get straight to that bottom line. If we do it willingly and consciously, it needn’t surprise us. Any attempts to avoid what you don’t want to deal with will likely backfire. 
Full Moon @ 26 Pisces--September 19, 2013

With Venus’s involvement, this could bring relationships into the picture. That might mean intimate relationships, or that could mean relationships where we are somehow extremely vulnerable with that person. There’s a strong dependency factor with Scorpio, and a sense of enmeshment where our identity is bound up with someone else. This is some touchy and sensitive terrain.

The core message is this: bring it out into the open, take responsibility and deal with it consciously. Projecting, blaming or backstabbing would be the less desirable route to take. Saturn’s transit through Scorpio has the side effect of causing us to stagnate and bottle up emotions and sexual expression. In times like this, there is a universal breaking point: a collective cathartic moment.

This Full Moon could illuminate certain fears and challenges within our relationships--even deep, dark and uncomfortable secrets; it invites us to deal with and process some unsavory material. Doing the work consciously and intentionally could lead to unexpected emotional or karmic breakthroughs. This is a good time to find acceptance for your fears and vulnerabilities, and to realize that we all have them; it’s all a part of being human.

On the other end, Venus seeks to find balance, peace, rejuvenation, diplomacy and equanimity within the chaos and uncertainty that surrounds us. This Full Moon could symbolize a culminating point where something once in chaos and shambles comes back together again. It could symbolize a point of equilibrium within a long arduous process that required a lot of hard work and commitment. On the higher end, there is the prospect of restoring faith, trust and sanity.

The day proceeding the Full Moon (Sept. 20) Pluto turns stationary direct and makes an exact sextile to Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn and Pluto are currently in mutual reception; they occupy the sign the other rules. This brings commonality and accord between these constructs. This is a sobering connection; it helps us to see things as they really are, and this sextile is even more helpful; it motivates a committed response to transformation and the pursuit of our individual or collective purpose.

Additionally, Chiron makes a trine to this heavy conjunction, and along with Pluto offers a helping hand to pull us out of the sinkhole. Seize any help or support that gets offered, it would be foolish to ignore it. Pluto and Chiron cast a ray of light toward this intense conjunction. There’s a way out if we take the initiative to activate it. If we consciously make changes and deal with situations realistically, we will ignite a powerful and deep healing process.

The dark side of this Full Moon is that it ignites a sense of existential despair or hopelessness, and the perception that one is a helpless victim to the demands or nefarious agendas of those around them. Paralyzed by real or exaggerated fears-- one sinks deeper into stagnation and suffering. The Piscean temptation to numb out is strong, and we are offered rose colored glasses which momentarily blind us to the truth. But those glasses won’t hold the flood gates for very long. Eventually, something gives way and we wake up the hard way.

A square between Jupiter in Cancer and Mercury in Libra also highlights this lunation. There is a potential conflict between nostalgic ideals motivated by subjective feelings--and the ideas, facts and perceptions of alternate points of view. What we hope or long for may differ quite considerably from other people.

We’re all in this together; no one is an island unto themselves. That unifying Piscean vision directs us toward this fact of life. Humans are social creatures.  Compromise and an open mind are necessary to function in harmony with the reality around us, and to survive within social systems. Absolute self-sufficiency is an illusion. Finding that happy medium between independence and mutual dependency requires a lot of hard work. 

Pisces is about consciously surrendering and letting go. Again, we’re not alone. That island is a figment of our imagination. We are all connected, all sentient life forms. Personally and collectively we need to wake up and get real. It’s time.  That “frog-in-the-well” mentality isn’t going to serve us. The well is getting filled with dirt. Seize the opportunity and climb your way out! 

Find peace, silence and acceptance within that still point between light and darkness. Sink deep into that place of stasis that transcends time and space. It is only with a clear mind can we truly perceive the futility of our judgments, assumptions and self-delusions. Light and dark, beauty and macabre; they dance in unity for all eternity. We embody both ends of the spectrum. Embrace the ubiquitous contradictions.

Candy Coated Macabre: Venus in Scorpio

Venus In Scorpio square Lilith/Athena, trine Neptune. 
Venus enters Scorpio tonight after her brief and eloquent dance through her home sign of Libra.  As she gently hops off the Librian precipice (with poise) into the uncertain trenches of Scorpio, she makes a square to Pallas Athena and Lilith in Cancer, and approaches a trine with Neptune in Pisces. Venus in Scorpio becomes goddess of the underworld. She takes on the mask of Persephone and momentarily becomes the consort to Pluto, and equally Mars.

Scorpio is a different country as far as Venus is concerned. Depth, intensity and the macabre prevail. Polite social veneers get left at the door. Scorpio prefers an all-night rave or heavy metal concert to Venus’s more preferable cotillion parties. It’s far too loud and boisterous for lovely lady Venus. But, she handles it well and with dignity.

Venus’s square to Athena, at her ingress into Scorpio, seems to challenge us to feel deep and powerful truths. It also brings out a conflict between stereotypical feminine roles and true feminine energy. Her trine to Neptune (exact on Sept. 13th) can enhance the imagination creating powerful creative or artistic expression. And yet, it can also lead to a candy-coating of those unsavory elements that Venus discovers as she enters this Scorpionic terrain. Sometimes a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down—and other times it just unnecessarily spikes your blood sugar, pissing off your pancreas, and ends up feeding that nasty fungal infection that you didn't know about.

Venus’s transit through Scorpio is rather deep and serious this round, because it coincides with a critical conjunction of Saturn and the North Node (Venus joins in on on Sept. 18th). The upside of this transit is that it assists us in going deeper into a creative process or within intimate relationships; its downside tempts us to beat around the bush and fluff up some uncomfortable truths.

However Venus's square with Pallas and Lilith is a good kick in the rear. Let those truths permeate you from higher dimensional planes. There is the potential influx of insight and mystical connection, and Venus in Scorpio is all about depth now; she’s in the underworld. As Venus reluctantly hangs up her party dress and throws on a more revealing outfit (possibly showing some skin and perhaps made of leather); she’s ready for the raw experience.

Venus in Scorpio can help us find peace and tranquility with intensity or chaos. She can also help us find acceptance with difficult, painful or repulsive realities. It is a delicate dance, but it can be done. Don’t think about it, just allow yourself to feel it naturally. Those primal and unconscious currents are gaining momentum; they will be the focal point this next season. Go deep or go home.

Venus in Scorpio: Sept. 11-Oct. 7

A Cathartic Moment: Mars Square Saturn

Schrei der Natur by Edvard Munch, 1893.
I was walking along the road with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature.[1]

On Sept. 9th Mars in Leo squares off with Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn in Scorpio exemplifies a frozen statuesque formation. It conjures the feeling of numb sensory deprivation. Mars in Leo is action packed and ready to go; it has a mobile IV drip of testosterone. How will these two ever get along? Squares don’t suggest harmonious interactions. To top things off, the Moon conjoins Saturn on the same day—bringing an emotional element into the situation. Mercury additionally enters Libra striking an opposition to the Aries Point which has a significant global impact. 

Saturn in Scorpio has been freezing and hardening the primal emotional currents: sexuality, fight or flight reactions, intense anger, fear or paranoia. It’s sort of like a collective anesthetic most of the time. But when Mars enters the picture, it heats things up and starts generating steam, and all that bottled up garbage starts spewing out all over the place. It could get messy.

So for those operating from the lower chakras, this could lead to inappropriate or misdirected outbursts. Just tuck that possibility to the back of your mind, and deal with it the best you can if it shows up. Mars in Leo wants to go its own way, and it doesn't have any intention of backing off. Saturn is a little more indifferent but probably isn't going to budge either.

If you feel like “sticking it to the man” be careful how you express this frustration. The higher road urges us to step up and consciously develop a leadership capacity. If you’re feeling a little oppressed, or maybe a little numb from all that fluoride in your tap water, now is a good time to look for a way to take charge of your own life. Let some of the steam out in healthy and mature ways. There’s no sense in throwing a tantrum; or worse, exerting a primal and violent rage.

This aspect is indefinitely a challenge. It invites us to confidently step into our own creative power, and to equally temper egocentricity in the face of alternate opinions. Saturn’s conjunction with the North Node suggests opening up and embracing help, assistance and other agendas. The friction provides us the opportunity to strengthen and develop the will in a focused and directed manner. If you loosely follow the rules of the game, you’ll find yourself in a more ideal position.

That brings to mind the notion that the rules of the game were (most of the time) designed to challenge and assist in growth. So bring all of your talents and abilities to the table and give it all you've got. This is an ideal time for focused creative energy. It takes all that wild and untamed potential and directs it toward some tangible end result. If you've been feeling a little sexually, creatively or emotionally frozen or frustrated; this is the cathartic moment. Be mindful.

Screaming in an open field is highly recommended. Conscious travels. 

Notes & References
[1] A poem by Edvard Munch rendered from a journal entry dated January 22, 1892. Source: Peter Aspden (21 April 2012). So what does 'The Scream' mean? Financial Times. 

Healing and Becoming: New Moon In Virgo 2013

Flotar entre las nubes by Marianno Peccineti

New Moon @13 Virgo 04' 
September 5, 2013
4:36 AM Pacific
1:36 AM Eastern

The sign of Virgo condenses and organizes energy; it also adapts to changing circumstances. It is one of the most unique signs of the zodiac, in that it combines earthly practicality with powerful mental and analytical prowess. Virgo is also a sign of service—distilling the individual ego to its very essence so that it can serve a larger purpose.

This New Moon helps to consolidate, tame, and channel energy to fulfill a practical and meaningful role. It also carries a powerful message and lesson about healing. With Chiron in opposition to this New Moon, we come to a place of new awareness and acceptance in relation to our wounds or fragmentation. There may be new seeds planted, or the sense of closure and completion in relation to a healing cycle.

Healing is a process of becoming whole, healing isn't fixing. Virgo is always reaching for an ideal, to always “better” itself. When healing we must come to realize that we aren't broken; there’s nothing wrong. We are simply surrendering to a process of transformation; we have outgrown the shell that binds us.

The healing process is the process of becoming more than you currently are. As we expand and reach outward to absorb more within ourselves, we inevitably confront pain, trauma, wounds, fears, and darkness. When an infant learns to walk, it stumbles and falls. It struggles through as it learns how to work in harmony with the forces of gravity.

We are all seeking to illuminate darkness, and that requires reaching into places that initially make us uncomfortable. Such is the nature of the healing space; it’s uncertain and awkward. If that’s how you feel right now, then you know you’re probably on the right track. Move into that space and let go; surrender and trust the process as it unfolds one step at a time.

Achilles and the Centaur Chiron, 1746,
by Pompeo Batoni.
Virgo and Chiron teach us about the process of unfolding and becoming. Nothing in this reality ever really stays the same. Virgo’s mutable nature is at the heart of the unceasing evolutionary process. It is reaching toward the ideal “happy ending” of its polarity sign Pisces. But before it can get there, it must find acceptance for itself as it currently is, and it must embrace humility. Otherwise, a sense of restless dissatisfaction overpowers the mind.

This lunation presents the contradiction of movement and stasis--meaning that sometimes, we evolve through simply being. Most of the time, evolution doesn't need our help. The more we try to fix things, we usually end up getting in the way. The more we try to figure it out, the more we end up short-circuiting the process that is already in the works. Find that balance between active participation and simply letting go.

Insecurities or fears may arise with these energies in relation to our ability to manage daily tasks, details, and obligations. There could be a sense of feeling overwhelmed and unable to handle the pace of things around us. The sign of Virgo helps to focus energy on the moment--to discriminate and prioritize. This lunation may simply bring these wounds to light so that they can be consciously processed and healed.

Ceres in Virgo is in a very close opposition to Neptune in Pisces. This brings up the polarity between physical and spiritual nourishment. Ceres will be in Virgo until early November. At home in the earthy realm of Virgo, Ceres’s transit through this sign is helping us to bring nutritional needs into alignment. Its opposition to Neptune also brings our awareness to subtle energy that feeds us, and the need to balance between the necessities of both realms.

Subtle energy can be the quantum level vibrations of homeopathic medicine, or simply surrounding yourself with laughter and good vibes. It can also relate to the subtle yet powerful rays of the Sun. But, you can’t exactly live off sunshine and good vibes. We also can’t find healing through purely physical and tangible means. Both realms need to be acknowledged and integrated, and this aspect seems to point toward this realization.

Ceres's opposition to Neptune also points to the need to uncover addictive tendencies, as well as deceptions in relation to environmental issues and our food supply. We are facing serious environmental problems such as the fact that more radiation is leaking into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukishima Power plant. This will have a serious impact on not only seafood sourced from the Pacific (Neptune and Chiron in Pisces), but also California's produce which happens to feed much of the United States.

The New Moon makes a sextile to both Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio, inviting us to be fully present and to feel our way through consciously. This New Moon can assist us in reawakening our sensory perception of the world around us, and to restore trust in ourselves as well as in the support of others. It brings a happy medium between expanding and condensing, as well as playfulness and discipline.

Trust the foundation beneath you, what was there before you were born, and what you have worked to solidify all on your own. We aren't alone in this, and this lunation reminds us of the help and support that’s all around us; but we must acknowledge and embrace it, and we must put forth the effort to work with it.

Saturn is ever so slowly approaching a conjunction with the North Node in Scorpio, which will be exact on Sept. 18th. Scorpio is often perceived as a realm of overwhelming intensity and fear, because it deals with elements our society has long suppressed and misused. Saturn in Scorpio is about mastering uncharted realms, consciously stepping up to the challenge, and going where we don’t want to go.

It also carries big lessons about learning to responsibly manage secret knowledge, information, and power. Conjunct the North Node, this is currently a dynamic collective focal point. Saturn and the North Node form a t-square with Mars in opposition to Juno. This challenging configuration brings to light intense friction involved in the integration of individuality with group dynamics.

At the root of it is the notion of maintaining a sense of confidence among harsh demands and possible criticism from others, as well as the need to cooperate and find equanimity between personal and mutual needs. We are challenged to find that fine line between doing it “our own way”, and opening up and trusting that others have mastered another way, which we could learn from.

Again, the more you surrender to what unfolds, and find trust in what may be perceived as unasked for criticism, the more you will grow, and the stronger you will become as a result. Resisting and insisting on your own self-importance, or defending an established group ideology to the bitter end, will result in a rather bloody mess for all concerned.

Mars in Leo, which gives powerful focus and energy toward the expression of the ego, also forms an inconjunct with Neptune in Pisces—which further brings home the message of needing to compromise to a larger collective vision, purpose, and power. This indicates that humility will best serve us all throughout this upcoming lunation cycle. Mars just isn’t going to have it all his way.

Uranus in Aries is inconjunct to the New Moon. While there is an “earthy” and “natural” vibe to this lunation; Uranus in Aries brings in the notion or the necessity of technological intervention. It also suggests that wild and untamed revolutionary urges must be channeled and condensed into workable and practical strategies.

A New Moon is a naturally reflective and passive time. The days surrounding the New Moon are a time to reset ourselves and find peace. Whatever comes up for you, simply sit with it and absorb it. This is a moment to reflect, gather your wits, and prepare for growth. This requires that we nourish and protect ourselves.

In sharp contrast to the previous New Moon in Leo, this lunation presents a bridge that brings attention and focus away from personal needs and concerns and more toward collective or relationship issues. It helps to tame and channel ego desires toward group efforts, service, as well as healing and integration. 

Kosmic Horizon: September 2013

For those in the northern hemisphere, September marks the gradual end of summer. In the southern portion of the globe, winter slowly gives way to spring. Wherever you are, a transition is upon you. August’s astrology was naturally intense and frictional, all signs of the times. Jupiter’s opposition to Pluto and square to Uranus, correlated quite profoundly with significant global events, such as the violence raging in Egypt.

Inwardly and subjectively we all respond to this influx, especially those of us with strong or prominent placements in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). We are in the midst of a global crisis that reflects an inner crisis; but a healthy dose of tension gets us up and off our feet. Most of us learned how to walk, talk, or engage in social interaction. Everything we ever learned was, at one point, initially a challenge.

We need stress for growth to occur, evolution thrives on it. That’s what we need to remember as we reflect on what’s going on, and on what’s about to come. Uncertainty is naturally a part of the deal. In this realm/density we either move with life, or we risk getting trampled. Nature has little compassion, but that’s what separates us from the beasts. Let’s not lose sight of that either, our innate compassion and our ability to consciously transcend instinct.

At the start of the month, Jupiter is slowly inching its way out of the T-Square alignment with Uranus and Pluto. While still technically in orb clear to next year, Jupiter’s exploitive influence of Uranus and Pluto’s tense and historical rendezvous eases up slightly. That doesn’t suggest that things will somehow cool off, but that the peak intensity of this generational configuration is slightly backing off.

September presents a consistent theme surrounding osmosis within relationships: moving past the fear of intimacy and vulnerability, embracing cooperation, trust, and sharing of resources. Most of the summer brought us into contact with deeply personal issues emphasizing emotional needs, security, and creative passion. September creates a more open discussion and dialogue. Things are more on display at this time, and there is a critical emphasis on cooperation within partnerships.

Saturn is slowly moving toward a conjunction with the North Node in Scorpio, which serves as the significant background transit this month. This is the focal point driving all collective events. The message seems to be that, at the moment, we will be more successful if we merge with others of like mind than if we try to go it alone. This is mostly a collective message, although it will show up for each of us in various subtle ways—especially if you have an emphasis of Scorpio or even Taurus in your chart.

This brings critical events involving secrecy and transparency to a dynamic culmination. The misuse of power or hidden information will also be quite relevant at this time. Scorpio is a realm of pure instinct, symbolic of our “lower” animalistic tendencies. It’s that part of the psyche most suppressed by “modern” peoples. As a result of this, it controls our society and appears as an external threat attempting to imprison us in fear.

As I stated above, let’s not forget our ability to consciously transcend instinct. This is different from suppression, in that transcendence requires that we acknowledge, accept, and integrate this aspect of ourselves so that we can work with it as opposed to against it. Because of our denial and suppression of this “hidden” realm of the psyche, we find ourselves the pawns of occult forces which seek to enslave us.

This notion often brings up unresolved and suppressed emotions such as extreme anger, rage, fear, or despair. When confronted with these feelings it’s best to allow them healthy expression as opposed to acting them out. These are the parts of us seeking acceptance and recognition. The more we deny them, or project them on to others, the deeper we sink into our illusory imprisonment.

The more we consciously work with what makes us uncomfortable, the easier it is to handle, and the less control it has over us. So this month, bring it all out into the light and deal with it. Be conscious of your tendency to hoard or hide what you don’t want to get exposed. You are not alone; we all have our shadows. Witness your “darker” and unacknowledged side reflected in those you interact with, and remember that it’s all a reflection of you.
New Moon @ 13 Virgo

The Sun makes an opposition to Chiron on Sept. 3rd which will be a significant feature of the New Moon on Sept. 5th. Jupiter is currently in trine to Chiron as well, and so September starts off with Chirotic themes. The opposition of Sun and Moon in Virgo with Chiron in Pisces brings up the polarity of the “higher” and “lower” aspects of human nature. Chiron in Pisces points us dynamically to the wounds associated with disassociation and collective fragmentation.

The New Moon energy seeks to ground and integrate disparate elements and to focus attention back to the moment and the process; to what’s real and relevant in the moment. This opposition invites us to find balance between being and dissolving; it asks that we find a way to be fully present in our own awareness, while maintaining a connection with a sense timelessness and wonder in relation to the mystery of the universe.

This may bring up some fears associated with losing ourselves in the details, of being unable to manage simple daily tasks and responsibilities. Spiritual or numinous insights will likely emerge through an immersion with practical affairs. When grounded and focused on what needs to be done, a bigger picture will eventually appear. Acknowledge and integrate subtle impressions.

Mercury enters Libra on Sept. 9th setting off the Aries Point, which always has a profound impact on world affairs. Mercury entering Libra will create a highly noticeable shift of energy throughout the collective. Mercury in Libra has a potentially balancing and calming effect on the nervous system, at least until it enters the Uranus/Pluto square later in the month, so soak it up. Here Mercury seeks a more unified awareness of reality—it wants to understand both sides of the coin. This is a good time to become more conscious and clear of your own biases, and to seek a more unified and comprehensive understanding of certain issues. However, indecisiveness is more rampant than usual due to an increased openness to alternating viewpoints.

Also on this day, Mars squares Saturn, the North Node, and the Moon; this could be a bit intense and frustrating. Mars in Leo wants to do its own thing and go its own way. However, that’s not going to work out so well, and if Mars insists there could be some serious conflict. Mercury in Libra could be our saving grace here, because it opens the mind to other viewpoints. This aspect invites us to take some risks, and that might involve having to conform and merge with a group identity.

The trick is to surrender resistance or stubbornness, and to allow the process to alter your uniqueness. There’s something to be learned from both ends, requiring that we meet in the middle. If you hold on to an “all or nothing” type of attitude, it could get ugly. Form and structure helps to refine and tame the ego. See what wisdom you can acquire from what others have mastered.

There is likely to be a lot of intensity as Venus teeters on the edge of Libra, signifying a critical turning point. On Sept. 10th Venus enters Scorpio—and here we have the opportunity to move into new and likely intimate territory. Again this places more emphasis on merging with shared creative momentum, power, or resources. While Venus is in Scorpio we’re more concerned with substance rather than looks.

What looked good last month (August) might appear a bit different since we’re now actually experiencing it for what it really is. Venus in Scorpio takes us to the heart of our desires, and helps to get clear about how we really feel about them. So forget proper social graces; Venus in Scorpio invites us to get raw and real, and to acknowledge whatever comes up, no matter how uncomfortable it makes us feel. This draws our attraction to the secretive chambers of the psyche.

The Moon forms a catalyzing fire grand trine with Mars in Leo and Uranus in Aries on Sept. 11th.  In addition, the Moon makes a t-square with Vesta in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces. This provides plenty of fuel for enthusiastic creative passion and intense focus.
These energies are catalyzing and motivational, however, Neptune’s involvement asks that we get clear about what we’re really passionate about, and to be conscious that it isn’t misdirected in any way. Are you being motivated by an authentic signal from your heart, or are you chasing some delusional ideal imposed upon you? Be cautious of what you put your energy into.

Venus in Scorpio makes a trine to Neptune in Pisces on Sept. 13th. The Moon, while approaching a conjunction with Pluto, makes sextiles to Venus, Saturn, and the North Node in Scorpio in addition to Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. These aspects ask us: How we can make light of heavy and sometimes unsavory material? There is the potential of candy coating the macabre quite a bit. While obscuring the reality of what we’re actually faced with, we’re more likely to get it down our throat if it tastes better.

The Mars and Uranus trine is exact on Sept. 14th, and Mercury squares Pluto, while Venus squares Juno. Mercury makes an exact opposition to Uranus on Sept. 15th. That means the Uranus/Pluto square gets fired up quite a bit (especially the 13th through the 16th). We can anticipate an influx of collective tension and turmoil as usual, but Mars in Leo trine Uranus in Aries opens up creative and passionate channels. If used consciously, rather than destructively, these energies are conducive to forming new creative pathways that allow us to restructure and balance whatever system we find ourselves working with.

Venus in Scorpio square Juno in Aquarius brings our focus and attention toward partnerships and issues of desire versus true commitment and connection. This could also bring up partnership disputes, especially if certain desires distract or take away from shared or mutual goals. Venus in Scorpio can be possessive and domineering, preferring to keep things private and undisclosed. However, Juno in Aquarius requires that certain elements are brought to light openly so that they can be dealt with. Finding a compromise between transparency and secrecy (when appropriate) is the challenge.

Sept. 16th brings a powerful conjunction between Saturn and the North Node to exactness. Venus joins in pulling it deeper into collective awareness on Sept. 18th. A conjunction between Saturn and the Moon’s North Node occurs every 10-12 years. Saturn urges us to get serious about forward movement and releasing stagnant patterns that keep us stuck in the past. While it might feel safer and more certain maintaining things as they are, we are likely to encounter serious setbacks and frustration the more we resist.

This conjunction of planets, which has been building up to intensity for several weeks, demands that we master integration and cooperation with others. There’s always a risk to take, and fears to face in such circumstances—but Saturn insists that we deal with it, and step up to the challenge.  This suggests that we release stubbornness, narrow-mindedness, and isolating tendencies.

There is a powerful “karmic” element surrounding this particular configuration—so be on the lookout for significant connections with others that could help clear up loose ends or unresolved issues from the past. A Full Moon in Pisces occurs on Sept. 19th, bringing a dynamic culmination and resolution within consciousness. This Full Moon is all about surrender, trust, and acceptance—opening oneself up to the support of larger forces. 

Full Moon @ 26 Pisces

Pluto turns stationary direct and sextiles Saturn on Sept. 20th. This provides a thrust of momentum and excitement that further catalyzes the pursuit of deep change and tremendous growth. If you’ve been doing the hard work, and have been open to penetrating barriers to your own growth and maturity, then this aspect gives an extra boost. Venus’ proximity to Saturn indicates a breakthrough that opens the way for deep intimacy and osmosis within relationships, helping to move past blockages that have impeded authentic connection and sharing.

The Sun enters Libra on Sept. 22nd, signifying the shift and transition of seasons. Day and night are of equal length as the Sun teeters on the balancing scales of equanimity. The Sun’s movement into Libra further amplifies the themes of cooperation and mutual sharing. The Moon’s conjunction to the South Node suggests letting go of tendencies to hoard and segregate personal resources.

Venus trines Jupiter on Sept. 26th, and the Sun makes a trine to newly directed Juno in Aquarius. These aspects open up doorways within intimate or close relationships. Jupiter trine Venus creates emotionally charged intimacy within sexual partnerships, or the ability to open up emotionally and share vulnerable or sensitive material with those you trust. However, on Sept. 28th, Venus squares Mars in Leo which brings challenges up to the surface—so these three days (26th through 28th) are potentially both bitter and sweet.

Make sure you are honest and authentic when opening yourself either emotionally or sexually with another, as the square to Mars and Venus could bring it all out into the open. It’s best to be unfurled and real about your needs, as well as receptive and responsive to the needs of a partner.

Mercury enters Scorpio on Sept. 29th inviting us to probe and investigate hidden aspects of the psyche. Mercury’s transit through Scorpio creates a bridge between intellect and instinct--which means we have a chance to uncover specific knee-jerk reactions to situations. Pluto’s trine to Vesta in Virgo makes this a day of intense mental concentration which can reveal what’s normally far beyond conscious recognition. There’s a grating and obsessive quality to these energies, which can be constructive or overwhelming.

The month closes on Sept. 30th with Mercury entering the initial shadow of Mercury’s upcoming retrograde cycle (Oct. 21 through Nov. 10). Quite often, specific themes, issues, or situations we find ourselves dealing with during the retrograde surface at the initial shadow, so be conscious of this.

Sept 3- -Sun opposition Chiron

Sept 4—Venus opposition Eris

Sept 5--New Moon @ 13 Virgo 04'

Sept 7--Sun sextile Jupiter

Sept 9--Mercury enters Libra, Mars square Saturn, Vesta enters Virgo and conjoins Transpluto

Sept 10--Venus enters Scorpio

Sept 11--Fire grand trine: Mars, Uranus, and Moon; Moon T-Square: Neptune, Transpluto, Vesta; Venus sextile Transpluto, Pallas enters Leo, Venus sextile Vesta, and Mercury trine Juno.

Sept 13--Venus trine Neptune; Moon sextile Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Chiron; Moon conjunct Pluto and square Uranus.

Sept 14--Mars trine Uranus, Mercury square Pluto, Venus square Juno

Sept 15--Mercury opposition Uranus, Moon square Venus, Saturn, and Nodal Axis, Saturn sextile Ceres

Sept 16--Pluto trine Ceres

Sept 17--Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron, trine Venus, Saturn, and North Node, Neptune opposition Vesta

Sept 18--Venus conjunct Saturn and North Node, Pallas opposition Juno

Sept 19--Full Moon @ 26 Pisces 41'

Sept 20--Pluto stationary direct, Saturn sextile Pluto, Venus sextile Ceres

Sept 22—Sun enters Libra: Autumnal equinox (Northern Hemisphere) and spring equinox (Southern Hemisphere); Earth grand trine: Moon, Pluto, and Ceres.

Sept 23--Juno stationary direct, Mercury opposition Eris

Sept 26--Venus trine Jupiter, Last Quarter Moon, Sun trine Juno

Sept 28--Venus square Mars

Sept 29--Mercury enters Scorpio, Mercury sextile Transpluto, Pluto trine Vesta

Sept 30--Mercury enters retrograde shadow

Illuminating The Underworld: Full Moon In Aquarius 2013

Hermes reunites Persephone and Demeter.
Detail from The Return of Persephone,
circa 1891, by Frederic Leighton. 

Full Moon @ 28 degrees Aquarius 11’
August 20, 2013
6:45 PM Pacific
3:45 PM Eastern

Aquarius tends to amp things up—it kicks it up a notch. That’s pretty much the deal with this lunation, since this is the second of two Full Moons to occur in this sign in 2013. It’s quite a big deal because in addition to two Full Moons in that Aquarian double current, August’s Full Moon is anaretic. That’s an astro-geeky reference for a significant placement at the very end of a zodiac sign, generally 28-29 degrees.

So what’s the big deal with that? The anarectic degrees of the zodiac are pressurized; anything placed there gets condensed, and the result is often explosive, literally or symbolically. I often say that “something is about to explode” whenever an anaretic degree is prominent. Many significant events throughout history were unleashed preceding a planet or significant placement occurring at an anaretic degree. I’m not predicting anything here. I am only pointing out the inherent nature of this zodiac hot spot.

On an individual level, we’re all likely to feel this in one way or another--this “building up” of energy, the sense of something giving way. The floodgates are bursting open alongside a critical culmination of energy which is inherent for any Full Moon. With Aquarius, and with the 28th degree, this process becomes more exponential. The Uranian side of Aquarius is radical, revolutionary, and rather unpredictable.

Combined with the simultaneous Pluto/Uranus square and Jupiter Square Uranus and Opposition Pluto—we’re all feeling the overwhelming growing pains that are symptomatic of a restless revolutionary undercurrent welling up from the collective psyche. Aquarius is fast paced and it likes to assimilate swiftly. We get the sense of a quickening evolutionary process, which means that new innovations are emerging within bright and receptive minds, alongside the illusory experience of time acceleration.

Whether these innovations are used for the improvement of society or for darker self-serving interests is entirely up to the free will of the recipient. Any events, intentions, or situations you find coming to a critical flowering or breaking point are likely tied to seeds planted back at the New Moon in early February of this year. The Full Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces and sits in opposition, naturally, to the Sun and a rather interesting group of astrological entities: Ceres and Transpluto (aka Persephone) along with Mercury (Hermes).

Now since this is a radical, eccentric, and pretty much off the wall lunation, I’m going to take a moment to discuss Transpluto and its significance, since it’s only 2 degrees from a conjunction with the Sun, and since the Sun sits on the Ceres/Transpluto midpoint. Transpluto is considered a “hypothetical” planet. That means that as a physical planetary body, it can’t be tested since it has yet to be physically sited. I would argue that for astrologers, it’s definitely more theoretical, because they can test it, and they do. Needless to say, the use of Transpluto in astrology is rather controversial ground, especially from the perspective of traditional astrologers. 

There are several books about Transpluto and a large body of research conducted on this hypothetical object to convince me of not only its significance, but also its likely existence as a real tangible entity within our solar system. Transpluto appears to be a dynamic and impactful archetypal force within the ranks of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. My sense of Transpluto is that, because it is still unconscious and very much dormant within the collective psyche (like a lot of other stuff), we do not have the tools to deal with it on an individual level.

I find that it often overwhelms us completely, and as a result we end up short circuiting the energy and misinterpreting its underlying intentions (which is common with all Trans-Saturnian planets, since they deal with energies beyond our physical/tangible perception). But that doesn't mean we can’t use it constructively (there are many who do), but that most of us cannot fully grasp the complexity of the process it deals with, since it’s a part of an emerging paradigm we, as a society, are not yet (obviously) ready for.

Transpluto is the result of mathematical reasoning and speculation. After the discoveries of Uranus and Neptune, astronomers noticed that there were anomalies, or perturbations, in the two planets predicted paths—meaning they weren't behaving like they should, which could only result from the gravitational tug from another nearby object. In fact, Neptune’s discovery was catalyzed by these same observations in Uranus’ unusual orbit. Pluto’s discovery proved anticlimactic because initially it was believed to be the reason for the anomalies; shortly after however it was realized that Pluto failed to account for the perturbations.

And so, even with the discovery of a slew of other objects beyond Neptune, the mysterious Transpluto has yet to be seen, and must theoretically exist since nothing has as of yet explained away the anomalies. The first ephemeris (based on its mathematically predicted position) was published in 1972 by Theodor Landscheidt and Reinhold Ebertain (yes, collaboration between an astronomer and astrologer). Other ephemerides with differing calculations have emerged, but their variations are all but slight. Therefore, Transpluto has been studied by modern astrologers ever since, and has proved itself a reliable and testable object.

The name Persephone was initially proposed by astronomer H.H Kritzinger; he reasoned that because the object was just beyond Pluto (god of the underworld) that Transpluto must be its consort (Persephone as Queen of the Underworld). There is an asteroid by the (official) name of Persephone, and many argue that Transpluto cannot be named Persephone as well.  With official naming aside, I will say that from my experience Transpluto carries with it many elements pertinent to the Persephone mythos. A very convincing and extremely well researched book on this subject is Persephone Is Transpluto: The Scientific, Mythological & Astrological Discovery of the Planet Beyond Pluto by astrologer and astronomer Valerie Vaughn. I highly recommend it for astrologers, astronomers, or those just interested in the subject. 

Since both Transpluto (Persephone) and Ceres sit in opposition to this pressurized Aquarian lunation, I will suggest that the myth of Ceres and Persephone is playing a prominent role at this time, and will likely have an association with whatever emerges from it. Ceres (or Demeter) is Persephone’s mother. Depending on which version of the narrative you read, Persephone is either abducted against her will, or she willingly chooses to go to the underworld. In the much later patriarchal version (which I feel is more relevant to our current collective awareness), Pluto, god of the underworld, abducts Persephone and takes her away from Ceres and Mt. Olympus after tempting her with a narcissus flower.

Persephone becomes Pluto’s wife; accruing the title of Queen of the underworld, and together they rule and govern the dead. Neither Ceres nor Persephone is happy about the situation. Ceres searches everywhere for her beloved daughter, for nine days, but obviously fails to find her. She ends up conversing with the Sun who tells her the whole story. Ceres, as the goddess of fertility and harvest, causes the earth to dry up; it becomes lifeless as a result of her grief, creating an environmental crisis of sorts.

Ceres leaves Olympus and goes to live (and wander) the barren and ice covered earth, disguising herself as an old (mortal) woman. Ending up in Eleusis (in some versions) Ceres sits by a well and meets four young sisters who ask what she’s doing there. She makes up a story (obviously, because she couldn't possibly tell the truth, revealing her divinity). The girls invite Ceres to come stay with them and their family.

Ceres agrees, and ends up becoming a sort of midwife, nursing their mother’s newborn son (perhaps an attempt to compensate for her personal loss). Eventually, Ceres reveals her true identity, and demands that they build her a temple. There Ceres sits, still heartbroken and sorrowful due to the loss of her daughter. The world becomes ever more barren, lifeless, and cold, an epidemic of famine takes hold of the immortal earthlings.

Zeus decides that something must be done, and so he sends Hermes (being a sly and silver tongued trickster) to the underworld to retrieve Persephone. Pluto realizes he cannot refuse the order of Zeus, and so agrees to let her go. Before leaving however, Pluto convinces Persephone to eat a pomegranate seed (or seeds, depending on which version; sometimes she eats three). As a result of this, Persephone must return to the Underworld during one third of the year (three months of winter). And so, the story correlates to the origin of the seasons.

When Persephone must return, Ceres grieves and the earth becomes barren and cold creating the winter season. When Persephone returns, life once again emerges and spring is born. The story is very much about the process of death and rebirth, the impermanence of beauty, life, and innocence. It describes a process of initiation, which changes Persephone forever; she’s never quite the same again. Persephone is taken (abducted) from an idyllic field of flowers on the ascended Mt. Olympus. She’s dragged against her will, kicking and screaming into the underworld.

Upon her return, she is permanently stained by her experience. She brings the underworld back with her. Such is the experience of Transpluto; it permanently alters our reality and leaves an everlasting imprint upon the individual. It offers us a powerful initiatory process in which we must cross an evolutionary threshold, leaving old ways behind us. Often that takes us into an alternate dimension, or we become a part of two separate and seemingly conflicting realms. It is a planet of paradox, but ultimately, it is a construct of reconciliation.

Certainly not a reality we humans have yet to fully experience or comprehend—but, once or if it is discovered, we are likely to get catapulted into an entirely foreign and unimaginable paradigm. I have found Persephone/Transpluto to have an antithetical resonance to that of Pluto. While Pluto deals with death, decay, and entropy--Persephone embodies growth, empowerment, and ectropy; she seeks to pull us up and out of the mud, so to speak. Although, that process involves extremely harsh demands placed upon an individual, in which they must learn to rely entirely on themselves.

Another researcher who has done a lot of work on Transpluto is astrologer Lynn Koiner[1]. In her article, Transpluto Is Real! she reveals the results of her research and its effects within the individual natal horoscope. Lynn found a distinct personality type that emerged when Transpluto was conjunct significant natal placements, such as the Sun, Moon, and the angles of the chart. She found very strong perfectionist qualities associated with Transpluto, much like the zodiac sign of Virgo.

In many of the situations, the individual with strong configurations often had a highly demanding and critical parent. Lynn provides keywords associated with the Transpluto personality type: The Perfectionsit/Perfectionism, Self-Sufficiency, The Reformer Complex, and Alienation. One key element of Transpluto was that it was associated with extreme self-sufficiency, which was a psychological backlash to protect one from criticism and fault finding.  

From my own observations over the years I've found Lynn’s discoveries to be incredibly accurate and consistent whenever Transpluto is poignantly placed in the chart. It’s significant in the charts of highly “successful” (by the standards of our society) and infamous individuals who seem to “go their own way” and really push the limits of their talents and abilities, and as a result become extremely self-sufficient in the process. It also carries the theme of apotheosis, giving an individual a certain, "god like status". However, that’s not always the case.

It’s also prominent in the horoscopes of lottery winners. Lynn mentions that in all the cases she studied, Transpluto was making a conjunction or square to the ruler of the second house cusp, a planet in the second house, or Venus. In Astrology’s Special Measurements, in which Lynn’s article was originally published, Noel Tyl mentions a case in his article titled The Measure of the Astrologer, where a client of his “received a great deal of money unexpectedly”[2], while transiting Transpluto was opposing his client’s natal Venus.

Of further interest is the work of Astrologer Joyce Wehrman[3]. Joyce spent a great deal of her life studying the astrology of luck and gambling. She came up with a system she claimed could determine, at any specific moment, when an individual was either “on the wheel”, as she called it, or “off the wheel”. In other words, through her method you can determine when someone is either lucky or unlucky at any given time or place.

Joyce’s system is highly specific and incredibly complex. It requires a great deal of work because the horoscope needs to be extremely exact, down to the second. That means that you must test the chart over and over, to not only rectify the horoscope to its accurate time, but to also determine which specific planets or transiting house cusps trigger, for the individual, the most fortunate times. Joyce suggested starting out with penny blackjack, otherwise, that could be an expensive process.

Anyway, my point is that Joyce equally found that Transpluto was involved in the process of determining lucky wins or losses. So much so that she included it in her system, which as I stated, only works if the chart is incredibly precise. This eventually became a computer program developed by Matrix Software, which definitely makes it much easier to utilize. In my opinion, Transpluto is real! There’s something there, and that something is a force to be reckoned with. Because of its influence on these latter cases I've just described, I was led to discover that Transpluto has a distinct influence on money and economics.

The word economics is Greek for the management of the home, ecos (home) and nomia (management). In the myth of Ceres and Persephone, the earth (our home), becomes barren, cold, and desolate--leading to a global environmental and economic crisis for all (us) mortals. Economics isn't just about money, it’s about natural resources which we exchange with symbolic currency; it’s about how we sustain ourselves, and that often involves food and nourishment (themes related specifically to Ceres).

Again, this Full Moon sits in direct opposition to both Ceres and Transpluto (Persephone). It also happens to conjoin the natal (or radix) Moon in the U.S. Sibly horoscope--a highly sensitive point which was activated by none other than Transpluto itself (along with other transits and secondary progressions) during key events which lead to the Great Depression and the recent Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2012, which I would say is definitely not over, unfortunately.

This Full Moon isn't an eclipse, but it is, in my opinion, a very significant lunation that could carry a symbolic impact. It sheds a bright light on our national (and global) food supply, new and emerging technological advancements, economic issues, and the general well-being of planet earth. I believe that currently, Persephone is trapped in the underworld and that Ceres mourns the loss of her beloved daughter. Our world has become neglected and is dying. This compelling astrological object is slowly but surely becoming conscious within each of us, it is vying for our attention.

Persephone will one day return to the earth and spring will once again flourish and embrace the earth with new life. Its probable discovery will not signal a “solution” or “cure” to our global (economic, financial, or environmental) crisis, but rather the opening of new realms and realities which completely alter the perspective and understanding of the very root of such problems. With this lunation we have the opportunity to embrace the contradictions we’re currently dealing with, and to accept them for what they are. 

What that means is that the world is changing. There’s no going back to the way it was. The good old days will never return, even the perfect agrarian ideal of endless green pastures and bright sunny days. No, we have crossed a significant threshold; we aren't in Kansas anymore. So what do we do? Well we can’t hang on to the past (Norman Rockwell and Apple Pie Americana), and we can’t just give up and let the world become a barren and lifeless landscape (adopting a sort of hopeless or nihilistic attitude).

The myth of Ceres and Persephone points us dynamically to the concept of compromise, of both/and, not either/or. We must embrace the inherent polarities and contradictions, surrender to the chaos, and love it for what it is. Everything dies, all will come to an end. But the end is just another step within the process. Finality is merely our perception and assumption. So where is it all going? I can’t claim that I know, but we’re all going with it. You can either go willingly or….kicking and screaming, take your pick.

Transpluto/Persephone is slowly moving into the sign of Virgo, and will officially leave Leo in July of 2014. Persephone has been transiting Leo since 1938. I believe this transit correlates our current economic, industrial, and cultural emphasis on all Leonian themes: amusement/entertainment, ego glorification, self-indulgence, pleasure orientation, glamour, celebrity idols, etc., etc. It's transit through Virgo is likely to pop our collective ego bubble, and quite literally rain on the parade. Leo is all about the power of personality and the individual. Virgo is about how the individual fits into the larger scheme of society, and how it can serve the greater good.

That's quite an inversion, and a definite cultural shift. Virgo's emphasis is on improving health, the environment, and serving a larger collective purpose. What the economic ramifications will be--let your imagination run wild. Persephone, again, correlates to the theme of apotheosis, and creates a collective worship of the symbols inherent to the sign it is in. Ego/Self worship is meeting its end, the party is over. Economic structures related to the qualities of Virgo will gradually build and replace those outmoded Leonian industries as the curtain comes down.

Now, from that digression, let us look at other aspects of the Full Moon. As I stated at the beginning of this article, it correlates to a powerful flowering, culmination, and an explosive archetypal influx. Anaretic degrees signify a critical shifting of energy, a build-up, and can equally correlate to instability within a structure. In the Full Moon horoscope Jupiter is within minutes of an exact Square with Uranus, and just leaving its first Opposition to Pluto. The Jupiter and Uranus square is exact about 5 and ½ hours after the Full Moon.

This is some intense and critical energy, which has been active ever since Jupiter entered Cancer at the end of June. Jupiter expands and amplifies this highly individualistic, rebellious, and cutting edge Uranus in Aries—and both Squares (Jupiter Square Uranus and Uranus Square Pluto) are waxing squares. That means there’s a lot of cutting away and consolidating that needs to be done. Jupiter in Cancer relates to our home, our sense of security, nourishment, and foundation. Uranus in Aries relates to our need to be free to express ourselves authentically and to forge new frontiers.

This Full Moon, again, brings up the issue of reconciliation and compromise. How can we allow change to progress and take shape without losing our place in the world completely, without uprooting everything? How do we integrate these two needs so that they both have free expression? How do we acknowledge the need for those things that provide safety and comfort without clinging to the past and stifling forward progress? The only way is through trying it out, working out the kinks, and by allowing ourselves to make mistakes.

The tension suggested by these aspects requires that we tough it out. Through the friction and tension a new form emerges. Jupiter makes a Trine to the North Node in Scorpio, and a Trine to Chiron in Pisces. Jupiter Trine the North Node is an incredibly supportive influence, it reveals that as long we are real, open, and vulnerable--we are likely to find plenty of help and support as we face very deep, dark, and rough terrain. It also allows us to free ourselves of stagnation, pushing us through the clutter and obstacles to get to the bottom line essentials. Perhaps this Full Moon sheds light on paths that lead us effortlessly toward an essential cleansing and decluttering process, and allows us to merge easily with others going in the same direction.

On a personal and collective level, we must be open to support and feedback, especially when it’s literally being handed to us on a shiny silver platter. Jupiter’s first Trine to Chiron ignites a powerful healing opportunity that will last until next summer. It allows us to heal and integrate the root of certain wounds, and to guide us toward higher perceptions which reveal the truth of those wounds. This is a time of incredible insight that opens up a clear and numinous perception.

From now until next May, Jupiter Trine Chiron can assist in deep emotional processing, physical healing, integration, and the gifting of powerful intuitive insights and understanding gleamed from higher densities. Amidst the conflict and potential instability of the T-square with Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter—the Chiron/Jupiter Trine asks that we remain open and vulnerable, and that we surrender to our own healing process. This is tricky because many other elements are encouraging us to fight and attack things head on (Mars conjunct Lilith and Jupiter square Uranus).

Perhaps, along with this lunation, comes a moment of acceptance, trust, and surrender, since the Full Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces, creating an awareness of higher omnipotent forces. Aquarius is a powerful conduit of objectivity. Perhaps we get a glimpse, if only momentarily, of why things are the way they are, or why it all unfolds the way it does. If we surrender our judgments and preconceived notions; if we let go of all fear, paranoia, worry, and anxiety, for just a moment, we may just see that at the root of everything there is a divine and benevolent force guiding us toward a truly higher purpose.

Sometimes, that higher purpose takes us into lurid and disturbing landscapes, such as deep into the underworld. But at the root of it, we’re all going the same direction, despite the perceived detours. While it may not seem apparent from our limited third density perception, we are oneness striving to know and love itself. Remember that, and see that truth reflected in all eyes your gaze encounters. 


[1] Lynn Koiner's full article on Transpluto is posted on her website: http://www.lynnkoiner.com/astrology-articles/transpluto-is-real

[2] Astrology's Special Measurements, Llewellyn Publications (1994), p. 4. 

[3] Joyce Wehrman, What Are Winning Transits. Astro Computing Services. 

New Moon In Leo 2013

New Moon @ 14 degrees Leo 35'
August 6, 2013
2:51 PM Pacific
11:51 AM Eastern

This New Moon is seething with intensity, heat, and creative passion. It effectively breaks up some of the watery influence we've been so immersed in for the past month. The sign of Leo is dramatic and ostentatious; it doesn't hold much back. This New Moon brings us (perhaps momentarily) back to the moment, to what's right in front of us as opposed to what's behind. The astrology from last month was imbued with nostalgia and deep reflection. Leo isn't too concerned with such things, and although there's still a heavy planetary presence in Cancer, this lunation carries enough power and punch to point us toward any or all tasks currently at hand. The New Moon conjoins the asteroid Vesta, the goddess of the hearth and the sacred fire. Combined with the energizing enthusiasm of Leo, we get a powerful surge of fiery energy that's dynamic, willful, and strong.

Contact with Vesta is said to generate an intense focus and commitment. Interestingly, the goddess Vesta was said to rule over the hearth; the word focus, from latin, actually means hearth. Another quality of Vesta is that it provides a sense of renewal and an ability to recharge, regroup, and refresh. This lunation provides an opportunity to perhaps renew creative juices, adding a dose of humor, play, and spontaneity into the collective psyche. A Trine to Uranus in Aries creates the potential for flashes of insight and revelations that incite creative action. If you can allow yourself to really feel these energies and tap into this powerful moment, the universe will gift you with a brief glimpse into entirely new vistas and landscapes you never thought possible.

This New Moon also helps to lighten up the heaviness and conflict generated by Jupiter, Lilith, and Pallas in Opposition to Pluto--bringing a powerful and challenging T-Square involving Uranus into sharp focus. This configuration urges us to break free from past restrictions and limitations that stifle our independence. But, it can be a rather frustrating process, because we can't just throw off all of the shackles that bind us, because in a way, we depend on some of them for our security and survival. That means we have to make some compromises and work within the limits of the structure that we've chosen to be a part of--and yet, this brief Trine to Uranus gives us a little more room to maneuver and to take charge; just don't take it too far.

The dark side of this lunation (it is the dark of the Moon) is that it drives us into such single pointed subjectivity that we exclude everything else outside of us, which could generate some conflict from those who end up feeling deprived of our attention. Leo can be a very self-centered sign, but must tap into the awareness and reality that it's a part of a larger community it depends on for its sustenance and survival. That means we could end up really losing perspicacity because we're so focused on our own needs and concerns. With that said, however, if we can consider the bigger picture as well as the needs of others, we should feel free to develop and focus on our own creative development.

On the collective level, this lunation appears significant as a portal for innovative solutions. It helps to bring fresh air which supports ingenuity. In combination with the Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto T-Square, we're at a significant turning point which requires fresh ideas and solutions to bring new life into the world. However, it won't come easily. It comes through a lot of hard work and constant debugging to get it right. We're also in the midst of a very volatile and unstable period of time politically. Be wary of this and remain highly conscious and grounded so as not to get mindlessly swept up in some collective drama that seeks to siphon your personal energy. Leo can really exaggerate things way beyond what's necessary. The world is a stage, so just play your role, but don't forget, it's all just a show.

Conscious travels.

Kosmic Horizon: August 2013

The astrological landscape of August changes quite significantly compared to last month. July was an acutely reflective and possibly emotional month--our attention was likely pulled deeper into ourselves, toward our essential needs as well as vulnerabilities. Mercury retrograde, as always, brought us to a place from which we had to reconsider our current path and question deeply ingrained assumptions. Specific emotions may have been brought up to the surface, inviting us to deal with and process anything that we've suppressed or have been holding in. We were likely brought back to things that were essential for our security and survival. The water Grand Trine formations which highlighted July mutate into T-squares this month creating quite a bit of friction as both Venus and Jupiter join in on the Pluto/Uranus square.

This is the kind of energy that really motivates us to get down and dirty. Without considerable tension, nothing would be challenged to grow. While the aspects this month appear rather intense, they provide the impetus needed to make tremendous progress. Time itself will appear as if it's speeding up, and events will likely unfold quite rapidly. There's going to be a lot to process and take in, so it's best to be prepared and ready to assimilate a lot of material. If we flow with it we can cover a lot of ground. The need for freedom, the need to break away from repression, stagnation, or boredom is extremely powerful right now and most of us will respond to this in our own unique way. If utilized creatively we'll have the opportunity to break out of restrictive molds and templates.

The Grand Trine energy last month was much more about conceptualizing, observing, and feeling. August takes this process to the next level and invites us to step up and make use of our potential. In other words, if you've been testing the water for a period of time, it's now time to decide whether we take the plunge. On both the collective and personal level, this will be a highly eventful period of time. The events that are beginning to transpire will likely carry on and reverberate clear through to next Summer. This energy influx is also very creative and innovative. It invites to move beyond rigid barriers, stale routines, and patterns of behavior that have outlived their usefulness. We're all feeling it and there's no going back to the way things were. Resistance is futile. Your best bet is to make the changes that are necessary now and move with it. The pace is quick and the beat is strong; do your best to keep up.

This month brings with it a rapid acceleration of growth and progress. Obviously, these are collective energies, but each of us is responding to them in our own lives because in reality there's truly no separation. How much actually changes is completely up to us. Real change hits the very root or core. Don't be fooled by artificial change, which is only a superficial renovation so that things merely appear to be different. Authentic change comes from within, it adjusts and uproots the foundation; it's uncomfortable and usually frightening, but once we've crossed the threshold, we're grateful we made the transition.

August 6th The New Moon occurs @ 14 degrees of Leo--The fire element begins to gain prominence with this lunation and a surge of passion and a single pointed focus infuses the collective psyche. This New Moon is creative and provides a burning intensity and drive that offers plenty of fuel for the long haul. The New Moon conjoins Vesta, giving a sense of powerful focus and stamina, and a Trine to Uranus amplifies willpower to break through creative barriers. Anticipate sparks or lightening bolts of inspiration that motivate action. August 7th Jupiter (along with Pallas and Lilith) makes an exact opposition to Pluto, joining in on the Uranus/Pluto square. This is intense, it amplifies power plays, it expands all the tension that's been slowly bubbling up to the surface. These energies seek complete freedom and especially the bottom line. That means no more beating around the bush, it isn't going to cut it; these energies demand that you get right to the point and cut all the bull. Jupiter in Cancer opposite Pluto creates an overwhelming desire to break free of past constraints.

August 8th Mercury enters Leo which helps to lighten up the intensity that's currently brewing. Mercury in Leo likes to play with ideas and try out different modes of self-expression. While we may feel challenged this month, the Leonian energy reminds us that life is really just a stage, and we're all just playing our role. As serious as it can appear to be at times, we shouldn't forget to just enjoy the show and go along for the ride. Mercury in Leo infuses the collective with a playful quality that lends well to social gatherings and the development or fine tuning of personal style.

August 16th Venus enters her home sign of Libra. Venus in Libra has impeccable taste and combined with the Leo energies creates the desire for the enjoyment of beauty. This also creates a strong allure that can be bit deceptive, so be discriminating. We're likely to fall for the facade more than we usually would. So before you commit to something, check to make sure there's enough substance beyond appearances. Venus in Libra helps to shape and mold creative projects toward their highest visual expression.

August 20 We encounter the second Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius of the year 2013. Occurring at the 28th degree of Aquarius, this is an "anarectic" Full Moon. A planet or placement is considered anaretic when it occurs at the end of a sign (about 28-29 degrees). It's considered a point of crisis, because the energies are building up to a boiling point and are more than ready to push through to the next layer. An anaretic Full Moon brings events to a critical point of culmination, and it can feel as if things are really blowing up. There can be a strong feeling of anticipation with this lunation. In the sign of Aquarius, we receive the opportunity to gain an objective awareness about something--like suddenly it all makes sense and we can see all the connections that were previously obscured. With the Sun in conjunction with Ceres and Persephone (the hypothetical Transpluto), there's likely going to be some significant connection with this lunation and our food supply. With Aquarius, I'm thinking something involving GMO's and the current battle and debate that's been waging. This should signify an interesting turning point with these matters, and a rapid acceleration of development for either end of the spectrum.

Aquarius rules technological progress as well as scientific methodology. Historically, major breakthroughs within scientific fields emerge whenever Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto form hard aspects with one another. I'm not sure what that means for the current conflict over genetically modified food exactly. Current technological advances aren't showing any signs of slowing down, despite the massive surge in health related issues. The events that transpire this month will likely involve the emergence of new scientific discoveries, advancements, or paradigms.

August 21st Jupiter makes its first of three squares with Uranus while also in orb of an Opposition with Pluto. Jupiter also forms the first of three Trines with Chiron. With Jupiter and Uranus, any progress made from this developmental process comes only with hard work and patience. There's a strong desire to break loose, cut all ties, and make a run for some uncharted horizon--to "stick it to the man" and just sail away toward whatever symbol of freedom we can conjure. Jupiter in Cancer opens up such sensitive and vulnerable terrain, it can feel like a violating invasion and there's no safe place to go. Any sense of freedom to be derived from this can only come if we're willing to work with what's right in front of us. Through trial and error, we must slowly work out the kinks until we get it right.

These energies produce considerable social unrest, rebelliousness, and revolutionary impulses--but all of this must be tempered with the knowing that any innovation created right now comes from building upon past foundations that, at the root of it, have withstood the test of time. This same principle applies to our own personal loves. Unlike the 1960's, when Uranus and Pluto were in conjunction, we aren't exactly forging an entirely new frontier and completely altering the structure of society. We have to work within the limits of what's already been established, and that pretty much involves many of the elements that were considered "radical" back at that time.

Jupiter Trine Chiron occurring alongside this aspect accelerates healing on a collective scale. It also opens the way for psychic, intuitive, and mystical insights. We must look at everything through a more holistic perspective, and not just focus solely on the signs and symptoms. Fortunately, this rather positive aspect helps to facilitate integration on many different levels of reality. It opens the doorway to a multidimensional awareness, and helps to guide and temper the frustration and potential turmoil inherent to Jupiter square Uranus. We can also come to a place of understanding and awareness of pain and suffering we may have endured, and see it's purpose in helping us to achieve growth. This aspect helps to heal and process trauma and come to terms with painful material in an open and gentle manner. We may also discover new keys and insights which can help facilitate healing for ourselves and for others.

August 22nd The Sun enters Virgo shifting the energy from spontaneous creative play to a more refined and ethical mode of operation. The Sun in Virgo is the final passage for the Summer Sun as we slowly make our way toward the Autumnal Equinox. On August 23rd Mercury follows right behind; as the collective energy begins to shift into Virgo we get to pay more attention to all the intricacies. It's the season for fine details, so get intimate with all the elements you might have overlooked.

August 24th Venus squares Pluto, on Augsut 26th Venus makes an opposition to Uranus, and on August 27th Venus makes a square with Jupiter--creating a Grand Cross configuration that's sure to stir up collective as well as personal tension. Compromises are extremely hard to come by because all planets want to go their own way and direction. The only way to reconcile these energies is to consciously and patiently work through it by integrating and considering many different perspectives and positions. Sacrifices and adjustments are inevitable, but common ground is possible, it just won't come easy. Venus is the strongest placement within the configuration, seeking diplomacy and equanimity. Venus in Libra helps to balance arising tension and ensures that conflict and chaos is well contained; we shouldn't fear things getting too out of control here.

Additionally, on August 27th, Mars enters the sign of Leo blowing all hesitation and uncertainty out of the way. While Mars is in Leo there's a collective surge toward overcoming fear, exerting the power of the will, and asserting ourselves in dynamic and creative ways. Mars in Leo knows what it wants, and it usually goes about getting it through dramatic or boastful tactics.

In conclusion, August appears to jump start things into action producing considerable momentum. We need to already be blazing toward something if we wish to harness this energy fully. The Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto T-Square configuration begins and will carry over until the Summer of 2014. On the collective and social level we can anticipate events to really start heating up during this month, and it will be interesting to see what transpires. This month produces many challenges and potential conflicts, but it also assists in creating much progress, building strength, and the healing of things we never thought were possible. That means if we're willing and ready, this month helps to produce major breakthroughs, especially if you have significant planets or placements occupying the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).