The Light Side of the Dark Night of the Soul: New Moon in Capricorn 2014

An amanita muscaria mushroom, quite the possibly the inspiration
for our modern day Christmas celebrations;
photo by Böhringer Friedrich.

New Moon @ 0 Capricorn 06' 
December 21, 2014
5:36 PM Pacific
8:36 PM Eastern

Winter Solstice

December 21, 2014
3:03 PM Pacific
6:03 PM Eastern

The current lunar cycle resets in the tropical sign of Capricorn alongside the solstice transition—winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and summer solstice in the southern portion of the planet. The word solstice literally means “sun standstill”, as it is a point along the Sun’s journey when the Sun has reached its highest (in summer) or lowest (in winter) point in the sky. For us northern dwellers, the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, which means decreased sunlight and colder months ahead. For those southern dwellers, the opposite is true—lighter and warmer months will follow.

When the Sun comes to a stall, though momentarily, it is a reflective and transitional point no matter which portion of the planet you happen to reside. It is a time to pause and gain perspective on the path you are on—to look forward or backward to locate your footing and assess your progress. The solstice transition occurs just a little over two hours before the New Moon; thus these two events are inextricably linked. That this New Moon occurs at the entry of Capricorn, touching the Aries Point, gives this lunation a certain power and momentum that connects the personal and intimate with the impersonal and collective.

Also on this day, Uranus turns stationary direct, just after its sixth of seven square aspects to Pluto on Dec. 14. We can rightly assume that this New Moon and solstice transition points dynamically to the collective events currently on the table. The Uranus and Pluto cycle has correlated with some dramatic changes on the world stage—principally involving the integration of what may have seemed too radical and impossible at the conjunction in the 1960’s. If we look back on the past several years, it is clear that the social infrastructure has been significantly altered, for good and ill.

We are living in a very different world—more “connected” though increasingly less intimate and personal. Also, that Uranian surge of progress relates to an overwhelming tidal wave of “change” and cultural transformation. It may feel a bit too much to digest at times, as if the world is moving too fast, too soon. And we are often left wondering, where are we going? From the battle over medical and recreational marijuana use, the revelations of the NSA mass surveillance program, the racial disparity sparked by recent acts of violence by law enforcement, the legalization of gay marriage in many states, the widespread awareness of the unsustainable and unjust economic system, to the recent revelations of the CIA torture report in relation to the events of 9/11, the world, and indeed the American infrastructure, has seemingly turned upside down and inside out.

As much as these changes and revelations have taken place, it seems that unlike the 1960’s, the revolutionary spirit of America has been substantially numbed out—perhaps due to the overwhelming shock of too much at once, or perhaps due to the widespread technological distractions and the “bread and circuses” fueled by the Empire. It’s easy to feel disempowered these days, with so much uncertainty in the air and the always looming threat of economic collapse. It was indeed just six years ago that Pluto entered the very same degree of Capricorn as this New Moon--which seemed to correlate quite poignantly with the Global Economic Crises, of which we are still recovering, though anyone with a shred of common sense knows that the problem hasn’t been rightly resolved.

Capricorn is the symbolic culmination of the zodiac, the highest point of manifestation and concretion of energy. While we associate the pursuit of achievement and success with Capricorn, it is also a very “inward” oriented sign. Capricorn needs time to reflect and retreat to get in touch with its core values and to connect authentically with itself, otherwise it’s  just playing for the crowd, seeking applause but unaware of who it is and what it really wants.

Outward success, while a noble pursuit, can only gratify us so much. There needs to be that awareness and acknowledgement of our soul’s true calling for us to reach outwardly in a healthy, balanced way. This inward focus of Capricorn energy is often ignored in a society that places more value on worldly accomplishment than it does on self-knowledge. As Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, this New Moon works as a powerful point of focus and self-discipline. With so many planets clustered in this sign, there is a sense of seriousness and an emphasis on more practical matters.

Capricorn invites us to get our priorities straight, to have a clear plan or strategy for action, and to take the appropriate amount of time to reflect on ourselves and our true desires. We each come into this life with desires carried over from somewhere else. Perhaps those desires linger from some previous life experience. As we come into this world, we are conditioned and programmed by our family, friends and collective culture, and new desires are readily implanted. As we grow older, it becomes our task to differentiate between what our souls truly want and what we have been conditioned to believe that we want. Often that process of gaining clarity can be painful and wrought with frustration.

Capricorn is a sign of single-pointed clarity and focus. When we know who we are we do not doubt what we want in life. There is no question. When we have that certainty and clarity, we are free to pursue our dreams with confidence and determination, but when we lack that deep, personal connection, when we ignore the need for solitude, we experience a disconnect between our true self and the mask we wear to appease the public. A New Moon in Capricorn is a dark night of the soul, but not necessarily in a negative sense. Often, that seemingly dark place inside of us simply lacks the light of our acknowledgement and love. What we ignore or cast aside takes on whatever form is best suited to grab our attention.

Alongside this lunation, Venus is separating from a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn—which brings Venus directly into the crosshairs of the square with Uranus. Capricorn also has a strong sense of “right-timing”—an intuitive gaze that allows those of a strong Capricorn nature to act when the moment is just right. Love and relationships are common Venusian themes, but so is the desire for beauty and rejuvenation. Pluto asks us the question, “How are you trying to control the flow of love and beauty in your life?” Must there always be a “right-time” for everything? When do we really know that this time is more right than any other? Pluto equally brings to the surface those false masks we wear to merely receive love and affection—urging us to get real.

There is, I feel, an unfolding plan that underwrites our experiences. There is indeed a “right-time” for everything; though that doesn’t always conform to our wishful thinking or expectations. Life happens, love happens, pain and heartbreak happens. Such experiences flow into our lives via some synchronistic thread we do not control. All of those external cues are reflections of embedded desires held hostage in the unconscious mind. As we confront them, we are fulfilling some deeply buried want or need. No matter the experience, we must learn to trust it, for it holds the experiential lessons our soul truly needs. When we break free of our attachment to the way things should unfold, we are liberated to open our hearts to the greater plan of the universe.

Take some time to honor the sacredness of this solstice transition. For the north, that inward focus is more pronounced with the onset of colder weather and darker days. There is a “magical” presence surrounding the winter solstice—reflected in the rich traditions passed down from the extreme northern latitudes. The muted sunlight opens up the potential to glimpse worlds undetected by the physical senses. The crispness of the cool, night air adds a vividness and intensity to the canopy of stars. It is a time to go inward, to connect with nature in some way, and to have a moment of clarity, if only to gaze upward at the infinite splendor of incompressible, cosmic beauty.

In case you didn't know, I do give personalized astrology readings. The Gregorian New Year is upon us; astrology readings are a great way to start your year out wisely. This requires an accurate birth time. If you are interested, please contact me by e-mail:

If you're reading this from an e-mail, head over to my blog page via this link for information on pricing and my methodology. Note: I adopt a sliding scale/donation policy.

Change Your Mind; Change Your Life: Full Moon in Gemini 2014

A galaxy overlayed over a human skull; artist unknown.
Full Moon @ 14 Gemini 18'
December 6, 2014
7:27 AM Pacific
4:27 AM Eastern

The mind is an incredible thing. Its complexity is what truly separates humans from the other beasts. We often associate the mind with the brain, but that is not an entirely accurate perception. Indeed, the brain has much do with our thinking processes, but the mind is much more ubiquitous throughout the body. When I think of the mind (as if that isn’t a paradox), I imagine something that permeates my entire body, something that exists throughout the entire nervous system.

The mind extends throughout the body as a whole. It’s in our brains, yes, but it’s also in our fingertips and our toes. So, what is this thing called mind? How do we come to understand it from an astrological point of view? Well, we could start with the tropical sign of Gemini which holds space for this month’s Full Moon. Gemini is an air sign, as well as Libra and Aquarius. We could associate all three air signs with “mental” processes. Air signs are mental creatures; they are objective points for the observation of reality.

The mind is a tool that allows consciousness to separate from its experiences to form ideas and understandings. It is the interpretive lens through which the observer (beyond the ego) perceives the universe. I don’t imagine that a dog or a cat thinks much about the meaning of life—the names of things, the deeper underlying mechanisms behind the façade of perceptual observations, or the symbolic meaning of disparate events. These are purely human activities. Perhaps, as mythology paints it, the mind is a gift from the “Gods” (it’s equally a curse for those ill-equipped to handle it). If the mind is some fairly recent evolutionary development, we are perhaps in the midst of a long struggle to master a symbiotic relationship.

According to the Greek version of a very old story going back to Mesopotamia, Prometheus brought “fire” to humanity against the wishes of the other gods. This fire gave humans something “god-like” that profoundly changed human behavior. For this act, Prometheus was punished, chained to a rock island and beleaguered by a tumultuous sea, to forever suffer the agony of having his liver pecked out by an eagle. As an immortal, Prometheus couldn’t die. That’s a pretty rough deal. Fortunately for him, Chiron saved the day. He gave up his own immortality to free Prometheus from his imposed bondage.

So, what was this “fire” that Prometheus brought to humans? Similar to the biblical story of Adam and Eve and the tree of knowledge, this fire gave humanity a shift of perception; it allowed them to see things quite differently. It allowed them to glimpse what the God’s could see, and that was understandably quite threatening, for it elevated humanity to a level not possible before. We could say that this “fire” is both a symbolic reference as well as a literal one (a conversation a bit beyond the scope of this article).

This Full Moon in Gemini highlights the nervous system, the mind in general and communication in all its varied forms. You’re thoughts, perceptions and ideas about life have an incredible impact on the body. And Gemini, a mutable air sign, indicates the plasticity inherent to the mind itself: the ability to change your mind with the attainment of new information or insight. Imagine the power of a single experience to change your entire life--how a single book, conversation or interaction can alter your outlook and transform your perception. That is an amazing thing and it demonstrates the flexibility inherent to human perception.

Chiron in Pisces squares this Full Moon axis—indicating the potential for sudden, spontaneous awakenings and a shifting of thought, perception and outlook. When Chiron is worked with consciously, it opens a hidden, creative potential that we often deny, inviting us to activate our gifts and talents, or else we succumb to a soul-deadening meaninglessness--swallowed by the void deep inside, devoured by the wound of separation. Sometimes that manifests as a very real disease process in the body. Chiron’s square is a challenging call to action that invites us to do something about the way we think and perceive reality, and how we integrate and acknowledge the bigger picture.

The New Age circus is chock full of ideas about mind over matter. The “create-your-own-reality” bandwagon has quite a bit of momentum these days. Do you really create your own reality? Well, kind of. I mean, to some extent. Personally (and I’m not attempting to topple anyone’s paradigms here), I think the idea as some validity, but it’s also a bit delusional when taken to some extremes. I don’t make the Sun rise each morning. It does so whether I choose to believe it does or not. I don’t think gravity into existence either. There are laws in this reality that I have nothing to do with, but my attitude, how I feel about the way things are, that I can control, and that does impact my reality and the experiences I attract into it.

Chiron helps us to change our toxic attitudes, and when contacting planets in Gemini or Sagittarius, it seeks to shift our thinking, beliefs, or ideas about how things are or should be. As the Full Moon illuminates this Gemini landscape, we are given the opportunity to see that mental clutter more clearly and to do something to change it. That won’t come about without some effort on our part, and it may feel a bit challenging at first, but persistence will lead to a renewed perspective, however drastic or subtle.

The asteroid Ceres also joins in on the conversation. Ceres stirs up issues surrounding nurturance and nourishment—often pointing to some very practical issues involving food. We often underestimate the importance of food and its impact on our physical, mental and emotional health. A nourished body leads to a clear and happy mind. Our cultural conditioning convinces many of us that we’re victims of disease and that we can’t do anything about it without the help of pharmaceuticals or surgery. Sometimes, those things are necessary, but a lot of the time, they’re quite counter-productive to the healing process.  

True healing takes time; though sometimes, dramatic changes and shifts come about quite spontaneously when we choose to change how we see it. When things seems bleak, lost or hopeless, no matter how dire the situation, there’s always a way out and there’s always something guiding us toward a resolution and integration of our experience. The pivotal moment lies in one single choice: the choice to change your mind, to never give up on the pursuit of wholeness. That determination to thrive can make all the difference in the world. It’s all just a matter of how you choose to look at it. 

In case you didn't know, I do give personalized astrology readings. This requires an accurate birth time. If you are interested, please contact me by e-mail:

If you're reading this from an e-mail, head over to my blog page via this link for information on pricing and my methodology. Note: I adopt a sliding scale/donation policy.

Does This Path Have A Heart?: New Moon in Sagittarius 2014

Spring path in Amayé-sur-Orne, Normandy (France);
photo by Roi Dagobert, April 2014.

New Moon @ 00 Sagittarius 07'
November 22, 2014
7:32 AM Eastern
4:32 AM Pacific

Take a deep breath, seriously. Take a moment out of your potentially busy day and just breathe for a minute. Close your eyes. Turn it into a meditation or whatever. Allow yourself to feel what that does to your body—how it immediately releases stress and tension. Yes, this New Moon is like that—a breath of fresh air permeating your lungs and entire body. You see, we’ve been in the trenches for quite some time, especially these past several weeks, months, or what may have felt like years. It’s been intense to say the least.

Much of that has had to do with Saturn’s transit through Scorpio—a sign that gets a bad rap which I seem to be potentiating here. No sign is inherently bad in astrology—though some combinations of signs and planets have a certain “negative” feel and are more difficult to integrate. With Saturn in Scorpio, we feel a sense of immense challenge and uncertainty. Okay, let’s face it; this transit has been, for many of us, like slogging through hell with no end in sight; though hopefully you’ve come out a “better”, more integrated person. Hopefully, you’re more aware of the dark side and wiser for it.

Knowledge is a really important thing. Scorpio is not a sign we associate with knowledge, but it is a sign that encourages an awareness of the “dark side” of reality, of the world and of ourselves. That awareness leads us to knowledge—which we must make the effort to seek ourselves. Saturn moving through this dark and secretive sign gave us that impetus to probe those places that make us uncomfortable, perhaps a little queasy even. Saturn pushes us to make the effort—to push ourselves to make things happen, to make things real, to face reality no matter how painful or scary it is.

This month’s New Moon occurs at the entry of tropical Sagittarius—a quixotic sign that seeks new horizons--physically, mentally and psychically. The “newness” of this New Moon finds itself at the fresh start of Sagittarius, the critical point of transition from the preceding sign of Scorpio and, in a way, it symbolizes a preview of coming attractions. Saturn is still in Scorpio, but in case you haven’t heard it’s about to dip into Sagittarius come December; though it will retrograde back into Scorpio once more before fully committing to its new journey in September 2015, but that subtle shift, that first foot in new territory is enough to get us excited about what’s coming next.

This New Moon packs quite a punch for it redirects us from what may feel like a suffocating bind to something else, something larger—to new possibilities and potentials. I’m getting pretty excited just thinking about it. I can feel the dawn of a new day coming—new vistas expanding, the spaciousness of infinite possibilities. Feel that in your body—that opening, that awakening, that feeling of weightlessness and levitation--new worlds, cultures, experiences, galaxies; that is the Sagittarian directive.

Maybe I’m being a little optimistic here—just a little, but that’s kind of the deal with Sagittarius. Besides, optimism is what gets most of us out of bed each morning. It’s perfectly necessary and it’s perfectly healthy to embrace it in moderation. Jupiter, the planet we associate with Saggy, is quite literally the god of optimism and happy-go-lucky attitudes galore. It’s a planet that just can’t say no for good or ill. Sagittarius takes on a bit of that positivism which elevates consciousness beyond the mundane and depressing truths of life’s existence.

Sagittarius is also a sign we associate with truth—though that truth differs from Scorpionic truths—less raw and disturbing and a little more gilded. Sagittarius seeks the “higher truth”, platonic truths that transcend mere logical conclusions about reality. Sagittarius is both the remedy and the root of existential despair. If we work with this sign correctly, we have restored our faith in the fact that life has meaning, purpose and design.

Astrology is an amazing tool that reveals this fact, but in reality, meaning is something we must create and strive for. Saturn through Sagittarius will certainly assist us with this. We are not born with a purpose, but rather we are born with a potential. Life is not inherently meaningful by itself. We give it meaning; as we reach for our potential, our purpose is solidified and becomes something tangible and real and as the old platitude goes: God helps those who help themselves. There is much truth in that statement.

No one is inherently special or significant in the larger scheme of things. Nature prefers to keep all options open and available. An oak tree drops a heck of a lot of acorns with the hope that at least a few will one day reach their potential destiny. Our specialness comes from what we do with our talents and abilities, how we use them and how well we develop ourselves. That takes a certain level of consciousness, intention and ambition.

Saturn’s entry into Sagittarius also coincides with the activation of the mutable signs. Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune will form a t-square next year, introducing this mutable energy to the collective psyche. That is quite a shift from the cardinal emphasis we’ve been experiencing with the Uranus/Pluto square. Cardinal energy is about initiative and action. Mutable energy emphasizes change, transition and adaptation—more on this to come.

Venus widely conjoins this New Moon and Neptune makes a square aspect from Pisces. Yes, this lends well to optimism, to restoring hope, faith and coming to peace with the world in some way. Though, let’s not be naive here. Let’s not assume that anything is handed to us without considerable effort on our part and some form of energetic compensation. Sometimes hard lessons and challenging life experiences are the only way to restore our faith in the universe.

Let this New Moon inspire you in some way. Allow these energies to restore your vision and direct you further upon your personal, spiritual quest, but remember that if we wish to live truthfully and authentically we must make the effort. If we wish to transcend the illusions that surround us, we must choose to see beyond them and ask some hard questions. Assuming that every magical synchronicity is some kind of divine affirmation of your specialness is a sure sign that you may be courting disaster.

Your destiny is not some preordained destination at the end of some linear path. Your destiny, while conforming to the archetypal dimensions described in the sky, has a multitude of possible expressions. Sagittarius reminds us of this—that the universe is filled with infinite potentialities. The challenge is which one to choose. That’s a little scary, isn’t it? You have a choice, and each decision will take you on an entirely different path. Each choice is unique and yet symbolically similar. In the end, the choice is always yours. Choose wisely.

“All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. ... Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn't. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you.”
 ― Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

In case you didn't know, I do give personalized astrology readings. This requires an accurate birth time. If you are interested, please contact me by e-mail:

If you're reading this from an e-mail, head over to my blog page via this link for information on pricing and my methodology. Note: I adopt a sliding scale/donation policy.

Something You Can Depend On: Full Moon in Taurus 2014

An oak tree in the midst of spring; Photo by Chad Woodward, 2012. 

Full Moon @ 14 Taurus 26'
November 6, 2014
5:23 PM Eastern
2:23 PM Pacific

Last month’s Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio culminates as a Full Moon in the tropical sign of Taurus as the month of November begins. Taurus, a fixed earth sign, will help to calm and ground the collective energy from what may have felt like a temporary period of emotional and psychic turbulence as well as a time of some uncertainty and second guessing. With Mercury’s retrograde period coinciding with these eclipses, life may have taken some unusual and unexpected turns.

We’re almost clear of Mercury’s retrograde shadow, which invites us to make finishing touches and last minute alterations. While the retrograde cycle is complete, minor glitches and inconveniences may still pop up, though its “influence” is slowly dissipating. A Full Moon in Taurus brings to the surface that which we can depend on. This is a time to solidify and find our footing—to establish a reliable and stable position in some way.

Venus, in opposition to this Full Moon and conjunct the Sun, brings relationships, esthetics and the desire for peaceful resolutions into the conversation. The polarity of Taurus and Scorpio represents the dichotomy of growth and decay, construction and destruction. Taurus seeks to build and maintain while Scorpio desires to deconstruct and scrutinize.

While Scorpio appears more “negative” or even morbid, it serves an essential evolutionary function: to keep structures from becoming too rigid and to prevent stagnation within the flow of life. Venus in Scorpio probes the depths revealing hidden desires most likely suppressed or intentionally ignored. We are human beings with human needs. The past several weeks has brought forth a potentially harsh reminder that all aspects of our human nature must be acknowledged and expressed in some way.

Sexual lust, anger and even violent urges need a forum for their expression; otherwise such feelings take on more grotesque formations within the psyche. Scorpio is all things taboo within our cultural heritage. It represents the dark chasms of the psyche we are conditioned to ignore—shoving it all under the rug to deal with at some later time, though it’s usually far too overwhelming for us to process when it all comes bursting forth.

Hopefully, the past few weeks offered us opportunities to decompress and release some of the pressure. While this Full Moon in Taurus bathes us in light—both literally and metaphorically, we’re not quite clear of the underworld quite yet. Mars approaches a conjunction with Pluto (exact Nov. 10) and Mercury is about to return to Scorpio (Nov. 8); and, of course, the Sun will transit this sign for the next two weeks, until the lunar cycle resets on Nov. 22.

As Mars and Pluto meet up in Capricorn they stimulate power struggles both internally and externally. Going back to the theme of desires inherent to our human condition, Pluto and Mars may dredge up certain tendencies within us that our more civilized and conditioned selves find repulsive or even frightening. Again, I would caution you to be exceptionally conscious of this conjunction, because it may stimulate some unsavory outbursts; though I encourage full, conscious expression of this transit because it is a powerful one. Mars and Pluto coming together in Capricorn is a point of focus and an opportunity to discipline the will toward higher transpersonal purposes.  

Mercury’s return into Scorpio allows us to take a plunge and commit ourselves more fully in some way—seeing as we have had several weeks to think it over. With the retrograde and eclipse season complete, we likely have more confidence and certainty about where we’re headed. This Full Moon can give us an extra boost and the gusto to nudge us in the right direction—though Taurus prefers the slow and mindful start.

We also can’t forget that Saturn, that old devil, is still slogging through Scorpio. Venus conjoins Saturn on Nov. 12 followed by the Sun on Nov. 18; Saturn makes its first dip into Sagittarius Dec. 23. While Saturn will retrograde back into Scorpio next year, it’s reaching the end of its transit through Scorpio and these final conjunctions will help us integrate all the hard lessons learned since Oct. 2012. As this month progresses, and the Full Moon begins to wane, there is a sense of closure that permeates the air. We are approaching new territories to master—having braved the darkness and found the light within.

Take some time out with this Full Moon to just check in with yourself and your progress. Sit back and take the moment in. Taurus symbolizes the beauty of the here and now, the appreciation of silence and simplicity. Whatever you may be dealing with now, whatever complexities or problems nag for your attention, take some time to simply breathe and find gratitude for what is working and for what you can actually depend on. 

Into the Deep: Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2014

The Moon and the solar corona, Venus in
the distance; photo by NASA/U.S. Geological

Solar Eclipse @ 00 degrees Scorpio 
October 23, 2014
5:57 PM Eastern
2:57 PM Pacific

As we reach the final eclipse of 2014 (a Solar Eclipse in tropical Scorpio) we’re invited to look deeply into ourselves to assess the changes taking place there. As I explored in the previous Lunar Eclipse article, eclipses are moments of collective change and transition. While there are differences in the nature of each eclipse (whether lunar or solar), they each share this common attribute.

What I failed to mention (as if I can remember everything) was the sense of acceleration that accompanies an eclipse. This is not the same as “time acceleration” attributed to major aspectual contacts between outer planets, i.e., the Uranus and Pluto square. No, this sense of acceleration relates principally to rapid developments or a quickening of unfolding circumstances (either externally or internally). While related to the subjective experience of accelerated time (since unfolding events relate to a specific duration of time), they are slightly different experiences.

The eclipse has the power to open new portals into our lives, which can rapidly precipitate new paths of growth and development. These portals bring us opportunities to enter new territories, landscapes or narratives. Yet, with Mercury drifting backwards at this time, there is also a sense of familiarity to these “new” realms, since they are likely to be new expressions of unresolved past, experiences. Relationships are likely to be a major component since the Libran archetype is accentuated now—though we cannot limit our interpretation to that.

Libra is also a rather artistic and creative archetype; relationships can be forged between seemingly disparate elements to create an object of beauty. Libra is also a stabilizing archetype which can assist us in acquiring more balance and equilibrium. Thus, this month may have us feeling very creative and passionate as well as more aesthetically or romantically inclined (co-dependency or neediness would be the most shadowy expression).

The Solar Eclipse tends to place more emphasis on the momentary dissolution of the ego—to see deeper into ourselves and others to glimpse the more authentic elements of the psyche. The moment of the eclipse (the day or night of) is a time to simply observe and look more deeply at the symbolic meaning of the events unfolding around us. Much of the work that accompanies an eclipse is very unconscious, though what emerges into conscious awareness is often quite revealing and informative.

Mercury’s backtrack from Scorpio to Libra is about re-establishing trust and equilibrium. Scorpio, which holds space for this month’s Solar Eclipse is a sign of depth and intensity as well as intimacy. As I stated before, the Scorpionic impulse must follow the establishment of trust. Can we trust ourselves to move forward? Can we trust someone else enough to make a deeper connection beyond the façade of social niceties? Ultimately, can we trust the universe to bring us what we need at any given moment?

As the Sun and Moon conjoin toward the end of October, they also conjoin Venus and Pallas Athena (an asteroid) at the very entry of Scorpio—the place where trust has been established on some level and consciousness decides to take a risk.  This is a partial eclipse of the Sun so its impact is less intense than the Lunar Eclipse two weeks prior, but all eclipses are significant from the astrological perspective.

Similar to last week’s Lunar Eclipse, another occultation occurs, but with the planet Venus. That is to say that the Moon conceals Venus due to its relative declination; however, if looked at from above, if one were hovering in a spaceship just above the solar system, Venus would be on the far side of the Sun, thus further concealed by Sol’s irradiation. Again, we are dealing with layers of concealment or obfuscation with this eclipse.

Occultations are seen as highly pronounced conjunctions—an accentuated infusion of archetypal energies. The expression of the planets involved is fermented by the presence of the planet or planets they conjoin.  A planet that is occultated in a natal chart has a far more vibrant expression; the occulted planet is also seen as a hidden talent or capacity which must be probed consciously to fully access its potential.

With Venus as the concealed element in this eclipse—again, we’re brought back to the theme of relating, the urge is to seek souls with which we can authentically connect. In Scorpio, there is, of course, an element of intensity, passion and excitement. Needless to say, this eclipse may lead to some dramatic and emotional interactions, which may assist in deepening pre-established bonds or cementing something new—though we must also be careful.

I say this because this eclipse symbolizes a moment of intense vulnerability. The Sun becomes porous and translucent during an eclipse—revealing layers within the psyche usually concealed. This may have the effect of dissolving boundaries which are necessary most of the time, to keep us from revealing too much, or to protect others from things we wouldn’t share in more casual circumstances. Scorpio likes to get straight to the point; it is relatively matter of fact in its expression. But that doesn’t mean that Scorpio lays all its secrets on the table but that it is often quite blunt about what it wants or needs.

As you go about your interactions in the days surrounding this eclipse, keep your mind sharp and be conscious of what you reveal to others. What we feel in the heat of the moment may not always be entirely appropriate for various reasons. While the eclipse itself has a momentary ego dissolving effect, we must be conscious of what we are actually projecting. Are we sharing ourselves as we truly are, or are we merely presenting an image that will receive immediate approval or get us what we want?

Remember, at the heart of Scorpio is the impetus to probe and reveal deeper chasms within the self and others. At its highest expression, Venus helps us to establish relationships that truly feed us on a soul level, not simply for reasons of convenience or to temporarily ease a bout of chronic loneliness. What isn’t true or what isn’t real at this point, is simply reflecting the fact that a deeper connection to ourselves is needed at this time. What doesn’t feel right may still feel good at the moment, but will it last? Will it sustain us? Is it truly what we need?

Only you can answer those questions for yourself. For current relationships, this eclipse may prompt us to look at our connections from a different vantage point—to see things we have been avoiding. If worked with consciously, we can bring to light certain blind spots that could potentially trip us up if we continue to remain unconscious of them. Mercury retrograde will assist us in talking things out and changing our perspective.

Mars makes a sextile to the eclipse while Neptune connects through a trine aspect. Mars’ presence from Sagittarius excites and stimulates these highly charged emotional energies, again amplifying an impulse to blurt the truth in some raw or intense way. Truth-telling isn’t necessarily a bad thing with this eclipse if we are fully conscious of what we’re sharing with another—aware of the deeper motivations for doing so as well as the ramifications. Neptune’s “favorable” aspect adds a spiritual or visionary dimension to the conversation, which can prompt an awareness of numinous realities.

Neptune and Venus are, however, prone to idealizing things beyond what they really are. Idealism must be tempered with rationality and common sense. All archetypal currents must be handled cautiously and with care if we are to make proper use of their impulses. If we can navigate this eclipse carefully, we’ll be able to reap its potential benefits far more successfully. As this eclipse builds momentum in the collective psyche over the coming days, be exceedingly mindful of the impulses that arise within you.

It’s best to simply explore impulses that suddenly arise from within the psyche before choosing to act them out. If we’re grounded and balanced, we can approach this sensitive material in a way that doesn’t overwhelm us or those we’re likely to interact with. Utilize this energy to open up on a much deeper level than you would otherwise. Be wary of the fact that many of the secrets locked deep inside are often concealed for very good reasons and must be approached cautiously. 

Scorpio, above all, is a symbol of transformation—shedding the skin we have outgrown. As we pass through this final eclipse portal, something is shifting within each of us and that may be a little uncomfortable initially. We are letting go and awakening to new realities that lie before us. Transformation is often a very scary thing, but the more we cling to what no longer serves us, the more frightening it will become. 

Also, this transformative eclipse is a release of pent-up emotional and psychic energies, related specifically to our relationships and interactions. Keep this in mind and try to have compassion for what others may be experiencing now. Not everyone is comfortable with these energies. Mercury turns retrograde on Oct. 25 and will gradually shift the collective awareness from an inward, introspective focus back to the way things usually are. If you're brave enough with this eclipse, take the plunge now and do some inner work. You'll be grateful that you did. 

The Genius Hides in the Deep: Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries 2014

Sculpture of Prometheus by Hungarian sculptor
Imre Varga; 1978; Szekszard, City Centre; Photo
by Csanady via Wikimedia Commons.

Total Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aries 05'
Oct 8, 2014
3:51 AM Pacific
6:51 AM Eastern

The paradox of light is that ­­­­­it reveals artifacts within the visible spectrum but obfuscates that which is hidden from perceptual view—the unconscious, ethereal, and unseen chasms of reality. The visible world is a façade; all spiritual teachings tell us this (this has been a redundant theme in the astrology lately). Deep down, we intuit this to be true, but what we see with our eyes is so convincing and palpable; it’s all we really know. Who we think we are, our identity or ego, is equally illusory, a momentary garb to interact with the visible world.

Eclipses are mysterious moments in time when the light that emanates from the Sun becomes eclipsed and the visible world becomes momentarily obscured from view, symbolically and literally speaking. During a Lunar Eclipse, which occurs on Oct. 8, the Sun’s light is concealed (though not entirely) by the presence of the Earth which casts its shadow upon the Moon. This alignment of celestial objects emerges within each of us as a bursting forth of unconscious content.

The light that illuminates gives way to that which it hides from view. For some, that is a precarious situation, for others a moment of clarity and ironically, illumination. A Lunar Eclipse, we could say, is an amplified Full Moon—a critical culmination of psychic energies from the depths of the unconscious. Eclipses are collective opportunities to make shifts and adjustments within ourselves—to respond to messages arising from our very souls and to acknowledge what it is we really are.

When you strip away the exterior garment, you’re left with only the essence of your true nature. The degree of your attachment to that façade indicates whether such times present you with a liberating experience or a crisis (or both). Naturally, during a Lunar Eclipse, as well as a Solar Eclipse, we are encouraged by the universe to simply observe our very nature, to see consciousness as it truly is, not what we project on to it.

A Lunar Eclipse, specifically, is a time to recharge our souls and to allow that which is eternal and authentic to imprint itself upon the very fabric of the external. I can’t help but overemphasize the profundity of these events, which happen (usually in pairs) two times a year. When we embrace the Eclipse process we come out the other end renewed and reconnected to our life path and potential. We are given the opportunity to change our course which happens only after we have made a shift within ourselves.

Mercury is still stationary and changing direction at the time of this Eclipse—indicating that we are stepping back to essentially move forward. To complicate matters, this month’s Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse (total as in complete obfuscation of light and thus more impactful) occurs in the tropical sign of Aries—which, to say the least, is a very action-oriented sign, a sign that emphasizes the power of the will to take action and make change.

But only fools will actually jump off the precipice with this lunation—that is, take the archetypal impulse literally. Change begins inside of us; remember that. If you want to see changes in your life, you have to shift your inner life first and foremost (thinking, beliefs, and emotional reactions). During times such as these, we are usually better off to remain stationary while the events unfold around us. What we have already put into motion will simply transform accordingly. All we have to do is watch and respond appropriately at the opportune moment.

In other words, life doesn’t stop, but rather the usual process—the dynamics of cause and effect often becomes inverted. If we are aware of this, we can simply be in the moment and not push ourselves into forcing anything to happen through willful action. That is how we can work and flow with the Eclipse and retrograde energies. Mercury’s retrograde cycle encourages us to make changes and adjustments to a project or process that we’ve already put into motion—to deconstruct and ultimately refine. If you come up against resistance it’s usually a sign to back off and adjust your strategy.

Interestingly, there are many layers of obfuscation with this Eclipse. The Moon, prior to coming to full opposition to the Sun, occults the planet Uranus, concealing it from view; or looked at another way: merging completely with its archetypal nature. The two become one, both Moon and Uranus. Of course, without a telescope or good pair of binoculars, Uranus is invisible to the naked eye; it belongs to the trans-perceptual realms. Its vibration is subtle yet that does not lessen its influence upon the psyche. That which is unconscious (invisible) often has more power over us than we wish to admit.

Yoda meme exemplifying Uranian wisdom.

That which we don’t see, or worse, what we refuse to acknowledge, tends to direct our lives, often to our detriment. The need for emotional individuation is strong with this lunation, but the risk of drowning in overt subjectivity is equally tenacious. Uranus must be acknowledged and heard: you are not the product of your conditioning; you are vastly more powerful and eternal than you have been led to believe. The paradox of this lunation is that freedom is essential but ultimately limited and finite. While we all need our own space to become who we are, we depend on others for optimal survival. Freedom is always a double edged sword.

This South Nodal Eclipse opposes the Sun, Venus and North Node in Libra—emphasizing relationships and negotiation. Often, our facades become mechanical and routine—our interactions scripted and banal. Uranus hiding behind this dimly lit Full Moon reminds us that we need not hide who we are. We can be authentic and still interact with the world. Whether the world approves of us or not isn’t the point. The risk of being authentic nourishes our soul and that is reflected in the external environment. Eventually, the more we remain true to our nature, we attract those (soul mates) that can respect and love us as is.

As this lunar cycle culminates, we are encouraged to face our stale and mechanical acts—to nourish our soul essence and allow the true being to burst forth. Beyond all those layers of social conditioning lies the divine genius, who revitalizes us through bursts of spontaneous creative inspiration. How have you lost touch with such a force? How can you revitalize your connection? A fire grand trine between Moon/Uranus, Jupiter and Mars connects this Eclipse in a web of passion, playfulness, motivation, adventurousness and the eternal fire that fuels the life force within all sentient beings. Creativity is strong here and there is certainly no shortage of supply.

To access these energies, we must step back and face what’s true, real and raw within us. Pluto’s square may challenge us to face fears that have shaped our lives, holding us back from what we have come here to do. Introspection and honesty are needed. The opposition with Sun/Venus in Libra presents a challenging balancing act: to be true to ourselves yet to make peace with the world the way that it is—regardless of whether it approves of us or not. In the end, the external is always a mirror of the internal. What’s out there is inside of us. The separation is merely an illusion of our limited, human perception.

*This eclipse will be visible throughout much of the world including North and Central America, Greenland, some parts of Austrailia and most of Asia. South America will only see the onset of the eclipse. It will not be visible in Africa, Europe or the western portion of Russia or Asia. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Moon will gradually take on a red-orange hue often called a "Blood Moon". The effect is quite ominous looking and hard to miss (if you're awake, of course). 

The West Coast of North America will have the best view, since it occurs several hours before sunrise; thus the Moon's reddish-orange color will be particularly striking. If you can stay up or get up for this Eclipse, it will be worth your while, especially if you've never seen one. I've seen several, so I may actually skip this one (sleep is far more valuable for me these days). For more on the astronomy of this eclipse, check out this article over at

In case you didn't know, I do give personalized astrology readings. This of course requires an accurate birth time. If you are interested, please contact me by e-mail:

If you're reading this from an e-mail, head over to my blog page via this link for information on pricing and my methodology. Note: I adopt a sliding scale/donation policy. 

Reestablishing Trust and Equilibrium: Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio/Libra

"Mercury with caduceus" on ceiling mural
Allegory of the Planets & Continents (1752)
by Tiepolo (1696-1770),
Würzburg Residence, Germany

Every three months the planet Mercury turns retrograde—that is to say, that Mercury appears to move backwards from our point of view. This optical illusion happens with all the planets and objects used in astrology, with the exception of the Sun and Moon. The reasons for this are quite technical, but have to do with the disparity in the speed and distance of two moving objects as they meet at a certain point along their designated paths. Imagine the perceptual illusion created when looking out from a fast moving car or train; objects moving at a relative speed yet slightly slower appear to float backwards in relation to the objects (telephone poles and trees) racing by in the background.

The perception is quite convincing but not quite accurate to reality. Then again, what is reality but an illusion itself—an agreement made within consciousness about how things should or shouldn’t work? We could get rather philosophical with all this, but my point here is that time itself is relative to motion; all matter is energy in motion. You catch my drift? “Truths are illusions about which it has been forgotten that they are illusions,” said Freidrich Nietzsche. In a sense, Mercury retrograde is an illusion within an illusion. While not what it appears to be, it still has a profound effect on consciousness, as does everything else.

Mercury retrograde is probably one of the most well-known of astrological phenomena. Even the conservative home maker next door is probably aware of it, and likely has something to say about it. With anything that reaches a level of consensus understanding, it’s plagued with myths and misunderstandings. Mercury retrograde has reached the status of a cursed deity, the ubiquitous symbol of everything that’s going wrong in our daily affairs.

Yet, with every stereotyped consensus perception, there’s still a modicum of truth. For good reason, Mercury retrograde is known for its correlation with a higher incidence of “unfortunate” happenings—most usually involving something technical, mechanical or dealing with communications (in all its varied manifestations). Did your computer crash? Oh, it’s Mercury retrograde! Your car is having trouble? That e-mail didn’t get delivered? Well, you know, it’s probably that damn retrograde.

This is all quite true, but not entirely true. For instance, lots of cars break down and computers crash when Mercury isn’t retrograde. So how do we explain this? The key is in the fact that I stated above: Mercury retrograde seems to correlate with a higher incidence of “unfortunate” happenings. Can we prove this statistically? No. Do I care to? Not really. I do believe there have been studies on this in some shape or form, all of which were pretty inconclusive. That usually happens when you put astrology under the scientific ringer. It doesn’t work out too well for astrology’s reputation.

So what is happening when Mercury is retrograde? Well, on one end (and highly subjectively I might add), things do get a little wonky, especially electronics and machinery. This is most noticeable during Mercury’s stations—that is when Mercury is slowing down to change directions, coming to a standstill. For our purposes, this happens on the days of and surrounding Oct. 4 and Oct. 24. At least in my experience, this has been a consistent observation. Of course, the whole period of Mercury’s retrograde is wrought with “unfortunate mishaps”, as well as its shadow periods (Sept 29- Oct 4 and Oct 24- Nov 10).

The truth is, Mercury retrogrades will not affect everyone the same, nor is there any way (that I’m aware of) to predict whether this one is really going to nail you or not. Maybe if Mercury were to hit a planet or sensitive area in your chart, it might be more significant, but then again, maybe not. How I view Mercury retrograde is this: Hermes, the Greek representation of Mercury, is a trickster. The trickster is notorious for throwing a wrench in our plans and expectations; not because he’s out to get us like some psychopath (though maybe Hermes was a little sociopathic), but because he’s like the cosmic wild card. Not even the “Gods” are immune to the trickster’s antics.

When Mercury is retrograde, its trickster side seems to come out to play more than usual (though let us not forget that all planetary archetypes do have a trickster side to their expression, regardless of whether they’re stationary or direct). A bi-density/bipolar being, the trickster doesn’t take sides. He can fly from this world to the next with the greatest of ease, poise and elegance. But his “curses” can also be blessings in disguise. Like the illusion of a planet moving backwards in the sky, it’s all a matter of how you choose to view it. Lewis Hyde, in Trickster Makes This World, says of Hermes:

“Accidents break the surface of our lives to reveal hidden purpose or design. The carefully interwoven structures of thought and social practice provide stability and structure, but they bring a kind of blindness and stupidity, too. Gifts of Hermes tear little holes in those fabrics to offer us brief intelligence of other realms”.

To quote Meister Eckhart, “We are made perfect by what happens to us rather than by what we do”. As I’ve often written, Mercury retrograde helps us to see outside the suffocating bind of beliefs. If you really take a look, beyond all the “accidental mishaps” that may or may not surround you at these times (which, as we have just learned may be helping us break free of our perceptual prisons); you will see what you have refused to see before.

If Mercury retrograde does one thing consistently, its challenge our perceptions of the world and our beliefs about what is or isn’t truth. Still, your computer might crash, light bulbs burn out, or a rock might bless your windshield while driving on the freeway (yes, that happened to me a few retrogrades ago). But maybe, just maybe, that really annoying and seemingly meaningless mishap is trying to tell us something, trying to break us free of our blindness or stupidity. Maybe, like Carl Jung said, “When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate," Mercury’s retrograde foibles reveal deeper layers of the psyche, bringing to the surface those artifacts clogging up the mental septic tank.

We need order and structure to survive, but the trickster’s purpose is to keep our structures loose and flexible, free from becoming either too rigid or oppressive. When taking a look at the world around us, consider it a blessing that Mercury turns retrograde every three months; it keeps our minds and the structures they create open, fresh and alive. Astrology is often blind to the trickster. I think that on some level, our attraction to astrology is/was a way to gain more control of the chaos inherent to the world—and by extension the cosmos itself.

When we include the trickster in our pantheon of astrological symbolism, we open to an entirely new perceptual field, one that reveals the ever changing nature of life predicated on the unexpected. Hyde’s brilliant book is chock full of ingenious insights that can help us to understand this process. I highly recommend it. Often, the most rewarding things in life come to us from out of the blue, when we aren’t expecting them. This is often what can happen during a Mercury retrograde cycle. As with any retrograde, its purpose is to redirect consciousness from some rigid path or expectation, to reveal a broader field of possibility, and to help us step back and do things differently.

While it’s probably best to stick with some of the usual advice, to avoid signing major contracts, purchasing expensive equipment, executing some big project, coming to a critical, conclusive decision or to be more clear and redundant in your communications while Mercury is retrograde, we can’t forget that sometimes the unexpected turn of events are actually blessings from the gods. To appreciate these “accidents” and “mishaps”, we need to remain open to the unexpected. To quote Hyde once more, “The agile mind is pleased to find what it was not looking for”.

So, rather than pushing against life, trying to force our will and exceptions onto reality, Mercury retrograde is a time to step back and see things differently—to not look, but rather allow the unfolding to reveal “brief intelligence of other realms”. We shouldn’t fear this pertinent astrological cycle, hiding out in our house until it’s all over; and we certainly shouldn’t follow some rigid rules that tell us to put everything on hold until Mercury is direct and moving forward. Some of those rules are helpful, and can assist us to simply see that there may be holes in our game plan that we aren’t quite aware of; but Mercury, the trickster, is always lurking in the shadows, waiting to remind us that rules are meant to be broken.

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio/Libra

Sept 14, 2014: Mercury enters retrograde shadow 
Oct 4, 2014: Mercury stationary retrograde (retrograde begins)
Oct 25, 2014: Mercury stationary direct (retrograde ends)
Nov 10, 2014: Mercury leaves retrograde shadow 

Mercury’s retrograde cycle occurs just beyond the equinox transition and the New Moon in Libra. These two events bring a dramatic yet subtle shift in collective focus and priorities. As with all Mercury retrograde cycles in 2014, two signs are involved, both water and air signs. While spending more time in air signs with these cycles, the slight dip into the proceeding water sign has a certain symbolic significance.

Mercury will retrograde through Scorpio from Oct. 4 to Oct. 10—just under a week. It then dips back into Libra for the remainder of the retrograde. In the zodiacal cycle, Scorpio symbolizes a certain kind of relationship—one that takes commitment to a whole new level. The Scorpionic relationship is imbued with a kind of intensity and passion that takes a little bit of time to get used to. When consciousness reaches Scorpio, it’s ready to take the plunge and go really deep. That Mercury backtracks into Libra, a sign that favors social niceties and the seeking of common ground, indicates that this cycle alludes to that fact that we may, collectively and individually speaking, need to backtrack and get more acquainted with certain formalities before we take a leap and get really dirty. This could apply to a whole host of things. Relationships might be one of them, but there are many variations of this.

In order to merge deeply with something or someone, we need to have a certain level of trust established first. That’s what Libra is all about—gaining trust in another human being or what have you. If we can’t trust someone, we can’t let down our guard and release certain barriers to allow for the free exchange of energy and resources. So we may find ourselves needing to test the waters, to talk things out, re-negotiate or re-communicate our intentions so that everyone is clear about where the other truly stands. 

The fact that things aren’t moving as quickly as you may like them to may have much to do with this process that needs to happen first. There may be a sense of restlessness with other commitments or attachments made previously, as if we feel stifled or too co-dependent. Again, this retrograde process allows us to see the holes in the current framework so that we can reestablish our commitments or our point of view. Keep the trickster in mind. Let the unexpected do its thing. New relationships may pop up or old commitments may fall apart. Let the chaos work its magic; embrace the contingencies. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio/Libra can help us see those dynamics within our interactions (personal, intimate or otherwise) that we were blind to before.  

Beyond the symbolism of the signs involved in this retrograde cycle, Mercury retrograde is a time to go back and review those things we’ve been working on to gather more information, to look for loose ends, and to return to things we’ve forgotten about or have left behind. The past often plays a significant role at these times. With Scorpio/Libra, that may involve past relationships and the karmic dynamics generated between the individuals involved. Keep your eyes peeled, your ears receptive and your mind loose and flexible. When Mercury changes gears, we need to be agile and prepared in case things go awry. When we go with the flow and trust the process that presents itself to us, we’re less likely to experience the many frustrations so prevalent at these times. 

Beyond Ambivalence: New Moon in Libra and the Equinox

Astrologer observing the Equniox and a scene of the parting of Adonis and Venus; by Domenicus van Wijnen; circa 1680.

New Moon @ 1 Libra 08’
September 23, 2014
11:14 PM Pacific
September 24, 2014
2:14 AM Eastern

September’s New Moon follows the equinox transition, initiating autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere. For those of us just above the equator, the onset of the autumnal season heralds the beginning of shorter days. Whichever end of the globe you reside, the Sun’s entrance into Libra is a balancing and integration point within the Sun’s annual cycle. The equinox is literally such—a balancing of day and night, where each are of equal length. Both hemispheres experience this same effect.

The symmetrical equinox occurs when the Sun enters Aries, balanced by two solstice points in between. There are various symbolic interpretations of each equinox transition, primarily influenced by cultural and geographical differences. Less sunlight is a blessing to some, while unsettling to others. Here in the Southern California desert, autumn is usually perceived as a welcome relief from the intense, dry heat, and our winters are fairly mild compared to more northern locales.

Psychologically speaking, the Sun’s descent mirrors a process of turning inwardly and intimately. This makes perfect sense, seeing that less sunlight and colder weather reduces an emphasis on outer activities. The upper signs of the tropical zodiac—Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces—lend more emphasis to intimate relationships and ideological, political, communal and spiritual constructs.

There is not one universal interpretation of the equinox transition, as this will vary depending on where you live; but we can all agree that the sign of Libra deals with balance, at the very root of the archetype. Western astrology obtained its symbolism from ancient, northern dwellers and their agricultural activities. Virgo, the harvest, comes to an end at Libra. The bounty (or lack thereof) of the growing season must be sorted and prioritized to prepare for the darker, colder months ahead.

This is a time to take stock. For most of us living in modern society, obtaining most of our food from grocery stores or the labors of local farmers need not worry about rationing our food supply for the approaching winter season; though, we will find ourselves, perhaps instinctively, taking stock of our personal lives in some way. This New Moon occurs in the sign of Libra since it happens to coincide with the equinox transition. At first glance, not much seems to be happening with this lunation.

There are no striking Ptolemaic aspects from other planets to consider (aside from a rather wide conjunction with Venus in Virgo and a quincunx from Neptune in Pisces), but it would be a mistake to say that this is an irrelevant New Moon. For one thing, this month’s lunation hits the “Aries Point”, which is a potent position for any planet or object situated at or around (generally within a degree) zero degrees of all cardinal signs.

The Aries Point itself is actually located at zero degrees of Aries, but any planet occupying the very formative degrees of Cancer, Libra or Capricorn are by effect in aspect to this point. In mundane astrology, there is enough evidence to know that any event touching the Aries Point has truly global ramifications; its symbolism often jumps dramatically onto the world stage, in some shape or form.

Just reflect back to the spring of 2011 when Uranus hit the Aries point itself. An earthquake and tsunami led to the world’s worst nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi in Japan, the consequences of which the world will be dealing with for hundreds and thousands of years in the future (I am not predicting anything of this magnitude, as I don’t make predictions here; I’m just pointing out the significance and potential of this zodiac hot spot).

Without getting too much into the political events currently on the table (ongoing war in the Middle East--business as usual), I will just say that this lunation is a symbolic and rather significant marking point in the current political narrative. If we stretch our orbs quite a bit, or if we approach things from a more classical astrological perspective, Pluto (which moved direct roughly two hours before the equinox) makes a square to this New Moon from Capricorn—adding heavy negotiations and the dealing of karmic consequences.

At the heart, this lunation could symbolize some deep transformation and or death of certain ties we’ve established in the past, but with every death/transformation comes something new and different. With Libra, we are making new connections, sorting out past relationships and re-establishing equilibrium in our personal and intimate lives. There may be a need to commit ourselves more fully to something, a need to move on to better things, or an ambivalence that requires us to wait things out before making any drastic decisions.

That Libra deals with relationships is true, but it misses the very heart of this sign, for many signs also emphasize relationships, just in different ways. Libra symbolizes those bonds where we must be conscious of an equal playing field; open communication, honesty, and objective awareness are needed for things to work harmoniously or productively.

The key to Libra is commitment—commitment to ourselves, to others and to certain goals or objectives. There’s not much fence sitting with Libra; this sign requires decisive action (though Libra’s are known be indecisive in their more shadowy expression). There can be a lot of conflict and complexity in this process. This point of integration is a meeting place of personal and shared objectives and the awareness that what one side does deeply effects the other.

An understanding of chemistry makes clear the Libran process of balance. At the microscopic level, the very particles that construct our reality are in a process of constant, split second negotiations we cannot fully fathom, less so when looked at through a quantum lens. So, sit with that and see how it comes up in your life over the next several weeks, as the Sun chugs along in Libra.

What needs harmonizing and balance? What balancing act are you in the midst of? What seemingly disparate pieces need to be brought together for clarity, sanity and peace of mind? If we are to feel confident of our ability to survive the darker, colder months ahead (symbolically and literally speaking), we need to make sure we have what we need, that loose ends are effectively dealt with—which will be critical as we're in the midst of Mercury’s retrograde shadow period.

Mercury will turn retrograde Oct. 4 through 25. So, whatever you’ve been on the fence about, putting off or procrastinating needs to be dealt with now, or it should probably wait until the end of October to fully address. This primarily involves the signing of contracts, important paperwork filings, major purchases/financial transactions or anything to do with beginning long-range or large-scale projects. 

As I mentioned above, Neptune does in fact quincunx this New Moon. That doesn’t lend well to making critical decisions at this point, or actually committing ourselves with full conscious awareness. Neptune here may not so much cloud our judgment (though that is a possibility), but it seems that our intuition or certain psychic impressions are telling us one thing and our logical sensibilities another. That is, no doubt, frustrating to deal with. To resolve it and move forward, we must simply acknowledge that while we need to have clear intentions to proceed with our lives, we need to remain open to the reality that often, life, the unfolding, has plans of its own.

I always get annoyed when someone asks me questions like, “Where do you see yourself in such and such amount of time?” Yea, I have an idea, but I’m also wise to the reality that at the root of it, I have no clue, because life often just does its thing. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t set goals, or commit ourselves to something, but that we’re open to the possibility that everything could change at any moment.

If you’re feeling that way, just take note. Do what you have to do, but know that as Mercury stations retrograde we may have a change of heart and mind about certain things we’re dealing with right now. Mercury’s retrograde cycle is a natural time to step back and reassess our journey—in Libra, we’re likely to reconsider certain commitments and relationship dynamics.

Jupiter makes a trine to Uranus on Sept. 25—bringing some heat back into the picture. This is a potentially stimulating transit, creatively speaking. It also invites us to take the lead in an unconventional leadership capacity. Coinciding with the onset of Mercury’s retrograde cycle, Jupiter and Uranus invite us to creatively experiment and embrace more unconventional ideas or tactics.

This new lunar cycle culminates in a dynamic and powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus on Oct. 8. That means that we’re also making our transition into Eclipse season as every Lunar Eclipse is either preceded or followed by a Solar Eclipse. This emphasizes the fact that very deep, profound changes within ourselves are forthcoming—changes that often have the power to catalyze us into new directions or territories, if so choose to release our attachments to past patterns.

Do what you can to bring about a harmonization of elements in your current process. Take care of some important matters before the month is over. Settle in and get ready to see things from a renewed perspective in the coming weeks. Above all, open your mind to alternate perceptions, especially provided by those you interact with most personally or intimately. As the season comes to its inevitable transition, a new phase of growth and development is upon us—asking us to possibly change gears and consider directions we weren’t likely anticipating. Such is the natural flow of life. We can either flow with it or against it. I highly recommend the former. 

Pushing Through the Light: Full Moon in Pisces 2014

Inside view of the pantheon in Rome, Italy with the typical light
 beam glaring from the occulus in its rooftop; via Wikimedia Commons.

Full Moon @ 16 Pisces 19'
September 8, 2014
6:38 PM Pacific
3:38 PM Eastern

This month’s lunar cycle culminates in the sign of Pisces—the symbolic end of the tropical zodiac. There is always a sense of nebulous dissipation with Pisces, as the world of form meets a point of transcendence, an apotheosis.

The summation of biological and ideological evolution must, at some point, dissolve—at least from our point of reference; though the dissipation is merely an illusion. We know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, that it can only change form.

The next stage of the journey is hidden from us; it has expanded beyond our perceptual reach; but that does not mean its presence evades more subtle faculties. Thus there are things just outside our visual perspective that not only exist, but that have tremendous power over us.

Symbols are potent and dynamic forces that can shape entire cultures. They can spur humanity into an emotional and psychic hysteria—creating movements which have the longevity to endure several thousands of years.

It’s funny, comical really, how the current western paradigm downplays the significance of anything that doesn’t fit into a Newtonian framework of reality. The world of the “supernatural” is often disparaged as a silly, childlike belief--something akin to fantasy and make-believe.

Discarnate entities, aliens, or UFOs are likened to mythologies—which to the vast majority of modern peoples are merely stories relegated to a form of entertainment. Yet, the past reveals something truly incredible (and equally frightening) about the power of myths, symbols and archetypes.

Christianity, Nazism, Scientology and many facets of new age fundamentalism are powerful movements which have little scientific or rational basis; yet, it’s obvious their addictive power to lure the masses into activities that seem to defy all logical sensibilities.

The holocaust is a grim example of how a symbol can warp and contort basic human instincts. In the wake of such atrocities, we’re left to wonder whether such things are truly human….or the byproduct of something else.

For me, that something else is hard to describe, for it resides in a realm we cannot fully comprehend in a human body. Try explaining Einstein’s theory of Relativity and all its flaws to a cockroach and you get what I mean.  Yet, when we take a step back, and really look at things from a much vaster vantage point, it becomes obvious that human evolution is guided by profoundly intelligent agents.

Who or what they are can only be speculation. The more asleep and unconscious we are as a society, the more prone we are to truly disturbing behaviors and compulsions. The path of entropy is the path of least resistance.

As Carl Jung once said, “There is no coming to consciousness without pain.” Most of us would rather avoid the pain. Most of us would rather stay asleep and feel good and comfortable most of the time. That’s all fine and well, and probably best for most people.

But truth and beauty arise only from unbearable struggle. Take a look at the natural world. Really notice the most beautiful flora and fauna that surround you. They are masters of evolution; they have painstakingly chiseled away, rising from the abysmal void to take on a form all their own.

I’m running into a tangent here, I know. Bear with me. The point I’m trying to make stems from a centaur object that is obscured by the brightness of this Full Moon. Chiron has confounded astrologers ever since its discovery in 1977.

No one seems to quite agree on its meaning. We know Chiron as the “wounded healer”. Yes, mythically, that’s what he was. Chiron was a centaur—half man and half beast; he was also quite astute in the healing arts and was immortal. Therefore, Chiron was likened to a god.

Yet, as the story goes, Chiron was not immune to pain and suffering. Like everything else in the universe (or everything confined to the illusion of separation from oneness), Chiron was vulnerable. In a nutshell, Chiron was struck, accidently, by an arrow shot by one of his inebriated students, Heracles.

You see, a bunch of centaurs had a bit of wine. In their drunkenness (which we could say symbolizes a state of unconsciousness), an arrow had struck Chiron, who was not participating in the raucous. In a way, Chiron was a helpless victim.  

The arrow contained a poison from the Hydra. Since he could not die, Chiron was left to endure unbearable pain for eternity. To relieve his suffering, Chiron chose to die. He took the place of Prometheus, who was bound to a rock and tortured by an eagle that relentlessly pecked at his liver for bringing fire to humanity.

 "The Centaur of Tymfi". Centaur skeleton prepared and articulated by
Skulls Unlimited International as a work for hire commissioned by Bill Willers.

Chiron transcended his physical vehicle and became a constellation in the sky--what we now know as the archer, or Sagittarius (but not to be confused with the tropical sign of Sagittarius used in western astrology). Chiron reached an apotheosis and moved beyond the world of form and structure to become a symbol, which still haunts humanity to this day.

What’s the moral of the story? I suppose, like any myth, it all depends on how you look at it. What does Chiron mean? I have the same answer: it’s a matter of the perception you choose to view it. One thing I think we can all agree on is that Chiron represents a wound—something deep that festers within us.

But that wound really reveals something about humanity. It reveals the struggle to find reconciliation between our innate, primal (or lower) tendencies and the painstaking struggle to evolve beyond them. The irony is that we can’t escape what we are; we can only strive for something more.

Pisces symbolizes that “something more” we all fight to achieve. We probably shouldn’t give up, but we should equally not beat ourselves up for not being perfect, and then, at some point, we see the futility of it all.

Sometimes that realization leads to nihilism. At other times it brings about an acceptance of our inevitable human fate and imperfection. In the end, all forms reach a state of dissipation—from either transcendence or annihilation (which is actually a form of recycling).

In Buddhism, the objective is to reach a point of joyful participation in the sorrows of the world. We need not escape reality, but rather awaken and return and become a part of it, yet not attached to the illusion it truly is (to detach ourselves from eternal suffering).

As this Full Moon culminates in the sky, conjoined Chiron, we are faced with the opportunity to awaken from some deep sleep that has come upon us—individually and collectively. That bright and luminous Moon irradiates the placid and mysterious Piscean sea.

Two weeks ago, the New Moon in Virgo redirected our awareness back to a path more suitable for our evolution. That was accentuated by Saturn’s conjunction with Mars. With the now fading cavalcade in Leo, that lunation brought in some rain clouds that may have put a damper on some things—that is, if we refused to focus ourselves intentionally.

Saturn is easing the pressure with this Full Moon. Mars is moving on into Sagittarius and progressing slowly out of orb of that conjunction. If we choose to awaken, to clear the fog that has blinded us from certain truths, Saturn’s trine to the Moon and Chiron helps to bring what was once intangible into some concreteness.

In other words, we can make some real progress here, but that only comes about in a Piscean sort of way: through a meditative observation of reality the way that it actually is. That means allowing the light to clear away all wishful thinking. With Chiron, the wound has the potential to become an asset of some kind, if we choose to accept what is inherently inevitable about us.

As human beings, we’re vulnerable. That much is true. No amount of scientific progress will ever negate that truth. Our woundedness is a part of the deal, no one escapes it; but our woundedness can teach us truly valuable things--like humility, compassion and the attainment of awe.

In the end, all wounds stem from the original wound: our perception is limited; what we see is merely a shadow, an after image of something we couldn't possibly perceive in its entirety. In a nutshell, we are caught up in an illusion—the world of Maya.

It can take a soul thousands of lifetimes before it realizes that. Why is this significant now? Well, because it seems that we are on an interesting course—collectively speaking. It’s a lunation like this that can quench our spiritual and perceptual thirst.

I’ll leave it up to you to decide what that would look like. As you go about your daily affairs, look deeper into the events and sequences of your life. See beyond the appearances to what they actually symbolize. Yes, the universe speaks through symbols.

When we finally grasp that, we gain the opportunity to transcend cycles of seemingly endless pain and suffering. When we awaken, the light is blinding; it hurts our eyes. If we endure and keep pushing through the light, resisting the temptation to retreat, we find ourselves transformed and adjusted to a new perceptual framework.

Getting Back on Track: New Moon in Virgo 2014

A supercell thunderstorm forms over Chaparral, NM April 2004;
Photo by Greg Lundeen.
New Moon @ 2 Virgo 19'
August 25, 2014
7:13 AM Pacific
4:13 AM Eastern

This month presented some conflict of interest. At its genesis, August contained some rather “light-hearted” astrology as several planets congregated in tropical Leo. One of those planets, Jupiter, will be there for an entire year; but the rest will move on to other signs and this New Moon appears to break up the party—at least for now.

The conflict arises between the need for spontaneous, creative playtime which comes up against the need to address some heavy responsibilities and “karmic duties”. Saturn and Mars conjoin in Scorpio just after the exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon—heralding a change of focus to a more structured and pragmatic gaze.

At its best, the now fading surge of Leonian energy catalyzed new creative directions. Now, as Mars and Saturn conjoin in Scorpio, we’re challenged to see how far that creative juice will carry us.

Leo and Scorpio are naturally in conflict. For Leo, life is to be enjoyed, everything is possible—with Jupiter, optimism abounds and knows no limitations. But limitation is what this Mars and Saturn conjunction is all about.

In Scorpio, that limitation may be the reality of the mortality of all creative progeny. Some things may sound great in the realm of what could be, but can they hold up to the tests and challenges of reality? Can they be funneled into something more compact and realistic?

Cutting away all the fluff and streamlining the baroque is the role of Virgo, the sign holding space for this encroaching New Moon. If we go along and play by the rules, this lunation can help bring about a change of focus, to assist us to structure and channel our enthusiasm more productively.

Mars and Saturn conjoining in Scorpio can help us rid ourselves of procrastination, time-wasting and self-sabotage. As these two rather intimidating planets come together in one of the most intense signs of the tropical zodiac, we have to face the reality of our current path with honesty and humility.

Mars and Saturn conjunctions are inherently intense. They tend to produce tremendous pressure and sometimes aggressive tendencies. Mars meeting Saturn can represent the need to crystallize our will in some way. If we work with it we can use this intense focus to bring solidification and manifestation of our efforts. Perhaps something we've been chiseling away at finally comes into focus. 

While Leo tends to outshine everything else around it, we must look beyond the glamour and into the heart of what we really want to achieve right now. Take the time to check in with yourself and your priorities. Are your activities conducive to the manifestation of your goals and objectives? If not, it’s time to clean up and toss out whatever is getting in the way.

Neptune, one of the most intangible of archetypal constructs, makes a wide opposition to this New Moon. On the one end, Neptune may invite us to face some delusions surrounding our capabilities. On the other end, Neptune stands as a beacon of inspiration—a dream on a faraway cloud that we must work hard to reach.

Mercury, which rules the New Moon, stands powerfully in one of its (two) home signs. Just beyond exact opposition to Chiron, Mercury brings our focus to a higher calling, our responsibility to ourselves and to the larger, global community.

All talent and creativity must ultimately find its way toward humble service. Our gifts are meant to be shared. When our passion or bliss is lost, we often succumb to addictive undercurrents that work as a surrogate creative process.

Whatever stands in your way toward the accomplishment of your divine mission must be dealt with, or else it will consume you, left to manifest as demons that taunt until you awaken to what you’re really here to do. If that sounds a little scary, then you’re getting the message. Saturn and Mars take center stage; sometimes we need a good kick in the ass to get ourselves back on track.

Once you’re back in the swing of things and moving to a steady rhythm and beat, you’ll be unstoppable. Trust that a little hard work pays off in the end. Okay, make that a lot of hard work. But that feeling of accomplishment goes deeper than the ego; it nourishes your soul and acknowledges its greater purpose. 

Mars Meets Saturn: Inwardly Focused, Outwardly Sensitized

Woman doing Yoga; Photo by Robert
Benjil; March 6, 2011.
By Elizabeth Michaud

Structure is sometimes a difficult concept to embrace in our lives, coming as it does with rules and regulations. Many of us feel frustration or resistance when we confront boundaries, especially if we are driven by inner purpose or passion. Limitation is often accompanied by a deflating sense of powerlessness, and we tend to miss the beneficial lessons of being restricted or reigned in.

Mars (the planet of action) and Saturn (the planet of form) will conjoin in Scorpio on August 25, proceeding the New Moon, making this aspect influential now through the end of the month. What we have is an opportunity to actively manifest our desires, but that may not be what it feels like to many. 

Saturn's gifts do not come easy; we have to work for it. It is in the effort and struggle that we learn, we grow humble, and we strengthen our resilience and our competence.

As astrologer Liz Greene wrote, "The frustrating experiences which are connected with Saturn are obviously necessary as they are educational in a practical as well as a psychological sense. Whether we use psychological or esoteric terminology, the basic fact remains the same: human beings do not earn free will except through self-discovery, and they do not attempt self-discovery until things become so painful that they have no other choice."

Mars in Scorpio is focused and driven by passion. There's a depth of intensity in the astrological atmosphere as Mars transits this fixed water sign, a potential to dig deep into previously feared or avoided areas of our life. 

Willpower is a potent tool right now, making it a great time to set goals or quit bad habits. So much can be healed when brought to the light, and Mars in Scorpio suggests a fearless (and sometimes ruthless) ability to face our shadow material.

But fear and anger may seem to loom as Mars, the forceful warrior, meets Saturn. When we are overly assertive, we inevitably encounter confrontation. Saturn is reminding us of our structure -- the organized civilization we are a functioning part of, the larger environment in which we play a role. 

When we act purely on our own desires, without consideration for others, we create a ripple effect of selfishness. If you feel like you are meeting unnecessary obstacles, ask yourself what good is served by the current course you are on. Saturn wants us to succeed, and this transit is a clue in to where work needs to be done.

The key to using this astrology wisely is to look at what you want to fix in your little world. Mars and Saturn want a project to work on, a problem to solve or a wound to heal. Instincts and precision are major tools at our disposal. 

During a recent yoga class, one of my teachers reminded us to stay "inwardly focused; outwardly sensitized." That seems to be a message of this Mars-Saturn conjunction. How can we contribute to building a healthier structure and releasing toxic baggage? How can we act in integrity, for the greater good?

Elizabeth Michaud is a writer and astrologer based on the New England coast. She is a contributing writer and editor at Planet, and has been studying astrological cycles for 15 years. 

Elizabeth is available for personal readings and can be reached at

Containing The Vision: Full Moon in Aquarius 2014

Two Perseid meteors visible over the thrones of Kokino,
Aug 12, 2013. Photo by Algorit007, via Wikimedia
Full Moon @ 18 Aquarius 02'
August 10, 2014
11:09 AM Pacific
8:09 AM Eastern

This month’s lunar cycle culminates in tropical Aquarius Sunday August 10. The Sun, naturally in opposition to any Full Moon, is joined by Mercury and the dark Moon Lilith in Leo. Additionally, Saturn in Scorpio makes a square to the Full Moon axis.

Aquarius, ruled by Saturn and Uranus, seeks to establish and revolutionize social structures; but above anything, this sign desires independence and the road less traveled. The Full Moon culminating here brings about a collective desire to question authority, to go one’s own way, and to think outside the paradigmatic box of culture.

However, Saturn’s square to the Full Moon axis tempers this transient, revolutionary streak. In other words, every rebel needs a cause and a deeper sense of purpose. Eccentricity must find its footing within established traditions.

A surge of creativity and a sense of confidence emanates through the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Leo. Saturn urges us to use discipline, focus and hard work to bring our creativity forward into tangible forms and to balance confidence with humility and perspective.

This Full Moon may bring to light a creative vision that challenges the status quo without toppling the whole structure. If you’re in need of an answer to any creative frustrations, this Full Moon helps to get things moving in a practical direction—as long as we make the effort and do the work to get there.

In many ways, Saturn’s square to the Full Moon axis brings about a sense of restriction that can feel like a stranglehold on our need for free and uncensored expression. To resolve this, we have to be honest with ourselves and our limitations.

While sometimes uncomfortable, Saturn’s influence assists us in gaining real results from our efforts. Working with Saturn requires integrity and pragmatism. Saturn in Scorpio suggests that the only way for that creative vision to solidify, is to get dirty and work with the process.

We have to dig deep, see what we’re made of and burn away any self-sabotaging behaviors. Check in and attempt to look at what’s holding you back from the successful execution of your goals; it’s probably stemming from within yourself, from fears you may not be aware of.

With the Moon at perigee—it’s closest approach to the Earth, this lunation is also considered a Supermoon. This Aquarian Full Moon will be the largest Supermoon of the year; the Moon appears just slightly larger in the sky than it normally does. That subtle perceptual shift is just enough to amplify the Moon’s power in our personal and collective lives.

When the Moon is extenuated via its perigee, feelings and emotional undercurrents have more prominence and expression.  If the Full Moon touches a sensitive zone in our natal charts, its effects are always magnified, indicating an eruption of awareness from the unconscious realms.

Venus is about to enter Leo on Aug 12 as it teeters on the edge of Cancer.  For three days, until Aug 15, when Mercury enters Virgo, four major planets will be in Leo. This adds more weight and gravitas to ego needs and desires.

We may feel more confident than usual, more generous, playful and care-free. Leo’s childlike nature invites us to play and experiment with our creativity. But with Jupiter in Leo, we must expand consciously without exaggerating or inflating self-importance.

The Full Moon’s square from Saturn, however, reminds us to find a balance between work and play—breaking and following the rules. Too much of one thing and we wind up in trouble and important matters go neglected. Don’t fall into that trap. Let loose and allow yourself some playtime, but don’t lose sight of your responsibilities and larger purpose (destiny).

Also, we must be conscious that this fun Leo energy will be rather short lived this month, as Mars and Saturn team up in Scorpio as the month comes to close. Don’t let that rain on your parade, but keep at least one foot in reality, grounded and aware, prepared for the final exam as the month comes to a close. 

Enthusiasm is helpful; it catalyzes us into places we're usually more cautious to venture into, but enthusiasm without a plan or a strategy is just wasted energy. Saturn and Mars conjoining in Scorpio require a structure to contain our creative vision if it has any chance of lasting beyond a fleeting moment of inspiration.

One final note: the famous Perseids meteor shower will peak on Aug 12-13, just as Venus enters Leo and the Full Moon begins to wane. Unfortunately, that waning Full Moon is still bright enough to outshine much of the show; but the Persieds are well known for spontaneous bursts and explosions that could truly rival the Moon’s encompassing glow. 

Confidence Tempered by Humility: New Moon in Leo 2014

One of the Louvre Museum lions from the famous glazed bricks friezes found in the apadana (Darius the Great's palace) in Susa (Shush). Pavillon Sully at the Louvre museum, Paris, France, July 2008. Photo by Patrick C., Wikimedia Commons.

New Moon @ 3 Leo 52'
July 26, 2014
6:52 PM Eastern
3:52 PM Pacific

The Sun and Moon conjoin in Leo this month, renewing the Lunar cycle alongside the most gaseous of gas giants, Jupiter. Yes, Jupiter has moved into Leo as of July 16. Its journey through Cancer amplified a collective emphasis on healing, nourishing, nurturing and introspection—connecting to our roots and establishing ourselves somewhere.

Jupiter’s elevated expression guides us with optimism toward a higher path and pulls us out of some precarious sinkholes. Through Jupiter’s expansion we are guided to opportunities for the advancement of destiny; we see something new on the horizon, some hope for a better set of circumstances.

Now, Jupiter moves into Leo, changing things quite a bit. This New Moon is an announcement of Jupiter’s latest journey since it sits within a degree of conjunction to this lunation. Mercury’s retrograde cycle is now in the past, putting an end to the lengthy chain of inner planet retrogrades we experienced at the start of the year.

First, take a look back at the past six months to see how far you’ve come. How has your life path changed? If you have but a modicum of conscious self-awareness then you’ve probably come pretty far. Now that things are direct and “forward flowing”, this lunation provides the gusto and momentum to make a statement.

Leo is the most ostentatious sign of the zodiac. After all that inward reflection, nurturing and healing, we’re ready to take a break, let loose and play a little bit. Jupiter, associated with fire sign Sagittarius, finds ample room in Leo for showcasing the ego’s greatest talents and abilities. Jupiter’s transit through Leo can help us all acquire more confidence to tackle our destiny head on.

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in fiery Leo, sink down and feel that reservoir of inner strength within you. Notice the life force that permeates all living things. The Sun, ruler of Leo, is the most primal symbol of this life force that enlivens all sentient beings. Connect to that sense of natural, inner joy that is every human’s right.

The creative impulse that animates our cells is pure joy and bliss. It is a wellspring of endless energy and enthusiasm for life. It flows through each and every one of us. Think about that. What keeps you going, exactly? What motivates you to do what you do each and every day?

When things seem bleak, difficult or challenging, just remember that the creative life force is within you and it’s always guiding you toward a higher path. Jupiter, the cosmic helping hand, coming into Leo can assist in pulling us up and out of any rut to rejuvenate our creativity and our thirst for life experience.

This New Moon can act as a powerful launching pad to put ourselves out there in some way. The seed is being planted now, kicking off Jupiter’s latest journey. It’s time to explore the inner creative realms, to grasp opportunities for self-expression and to rediscover joy in our every-day lives.

Also, sometimes a giant tub of ice cream and a funny movie can be just as healing as psychotherapy and a tissue box. Sometimes simple laughter can bring us back to a point of integration and sanity like nothing else. That’s Jupiter in Leo. If you’re feeling it, let yourself indulge in playfulness for a bit. Get in touch with your inner child in some way.

Of course, it’s not all fun and games. This Jupiter/Leo combo can also amplify the ego and its drama like no other astrological fusion. Keep that in mind. Confidence must be tempered with humility and perspective. Without that, we end up looking like fools, jumping off every precipice, throwing all caution to the wind.

Also, since Jupiter was exalted in Cancer and trine Saturn, events on the world stage have been relatively mild--politically and economically speaking. But Jupiter's movement through Leo is likely to heat things up quite a bit, quite possibly in some dramatic way. 

Mars recently moved into Scorpio July 25, the day before the New MoonMars has been in Libra since Dec. 2013 due to its most infrequent retrograde cycle. There’s been a particular emphasis on relationships with this transit—redefining ourselves within that context.

Mars’ retrograde cycle through Libra also helped us to break out of certain molds or expectations placed on us from other people. We may have experienced a process of redefining ourselves in some drastic way—breaking out of the box, so to speak.

Mars in Scorpio makes a square aspect to this New Moon, applying some tension to this otherwise joyful, expressive, and enthusiastic lunation; but I think this square is the perfect aspect to temper the fiery passion and optimism inherent to this lunation.

Scorpio brings up depth and perspective; it also reminds us of our impermanence. We’re challenged by this aspect to showcase ourselves honestly—to be true to ourselves and realistic about what we’re really capable of. If we fail to do so, we may be in for a rude reminder of our limitations.

The catch is that all this energy is urging us to take a risk of some kind; but to do so in a way that doesn’t lead to overreaching or exaggerating our capabilities. Saturn, now moving direct as of July 20, also occupies Scorpio and so emphasizes the fact that there are no shortcuts to success. All the talent in the world is useless without the proper discipline and focus.

Mars in Scorpio square this lunation gives us the focus and perspective needed to attain what we desire. Saturn’s distant influence can help mold and direct that wild, creative impetus bubbling up beneath us in some practical and realistic way. So, needless to say, this New Moon is quite conducive to taking action.

If you feel the creative impetus emerging from within you, you’re not alone. Whatever’s been holding you back for the past several months is likely losing its grip, clearing the way for a fresh, new start that’s bound for success if we really believe in ourselves and our ability to make it happen. If you’re in need of a confidence boost, look no further than this New Moon and Jupiter’s transit through Leo.

If you’ve inflated yourself beyond realistic capabilities, look to see how you can temper that over-confidence so that it fits neatly with reality the way it actually is.

SolarScopes July-August 2014

Yes, I’m trying something new this month. Maybe it’s Jupiter conjunct the New Moon in Leo. Well, truthfully, it isn’t entirely new. I’ve experimented with Sun sign horoscopes in the past, on this blog actually; but it’s always been a rather unnerving process—a love hate relationship of sorts. Anyway, the muse struck just prior to this lunation, and this is where she led me. I hope you enjoy and benefit from these oracular messages from the tropical zodiac.

This may or may not become a consistent, monthly addition to my New Moon readings, so don’t get too attached. I’m a Gemini. I’m allowed to change my mind, right? These are probably more accurate if read from the perspective of your tropical zodiac Sun sign; but further insights could be obtained from reading your Moon or even Ascendant signs. Hey, this isn’t a science; it’s astrology for God’s sake. See what resonates for you. (Btw, tropical is just your Sun sign as you likely know it; unless you’re into Jyotish or something like that; but I doubt you would be reading my blog)


The heat is off, for now, despite the fiery energy inherent to this New Moon. It may have felt like you were shoved into a pressure cooker there for a while. Take a deep breath, and embrace this period of momentary relief from tension. You’ve earned it. Look around for opportunities to use your talents in some way. Indulge your creative side, explore and experiment. Laughter will be your medicine the next year or so, but especially right now in this moment. Yes, laughter is sometimes a mask for pain, but there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s the best way for you to relieve tension and stress right now.


Awareness is often the greatest gift. The more you know about yourself and the world around you, the better equipped you are to take on life’s challenges; and the less vulnerable you are too. The more awareness we have, the more we seem to grow and evolve through life experience. You are being blessed with the gift of awareness; embrace it and use it wisely and constructively toward creating the resolution you now seek within yourself and with your environment. Doors are now opening, allowing you to enter a more intimate as well as psychic space. Sink in, get comfortable and play with it.


The greatest ideas can’t shine unless we share them in some way. Also, sometimes, the greatest ideas aren’t as great as we thought they once were. Where are you on that spectrum? It’s time to figure it out. There’s a fine line between too much confidence and not enough. Ideally, we find the middle ground somewhere. Ideally, we step back and assess what it is realistically. But, now, you’re feeling the need to let it out and to be heard. The only way to find out how “great” those ideas really are, is to put them out there or into motion somehow. The universe will provide you with valuable feedback.


You may be feeling the urge to prove yourself in some way. But I invite you to ask yourself to whom are you proving yourself to? Often we find ourselves trying to make a statement to appease someone else’s expectation or ideal; but have you really assessed your own? What do you expect from yourself? No, really. Think about that for a moment, what do YOU expect from yourself? That might be harder to do than it sounds. When you figure it out, you might realize that the only person you have to prove your worth to is yourself. It’s that simple and it’s that complex.


If there ever was a moment to shine, this would be it! But, uh, don’t let that go to your head. I mean, really, we know how you are sometimes. Jupiter entering your sign for the next 12 months is an exciting prospect and one that you would do well to utilize consciously and responsibly. I throw those words out there because it’s the smart thing to do. But seriously, there are opportunities that beckon, in whatever shape or form. There is a wellspring of confidence emerging into the light. Do you see it? You may feel bigger and brighter than usual. It’s time to expand your personal horizon; lead with confidence but know your limitations.


The creative muse is emerging from behind the scenes, whispering inspiration when you least expect it. True creative energy is something transient—emerging from realms we neither see nor fully understand. When the muse strikes us, we know it based on a bodily sensation, an adrenalin rush of sorts. You may be gifted with unasked for inspiration. Chances are that it takes the form of something you need to communicate truthfully and honestly. Forget about offending anyone—that’s likely inevitable. Not everyone will understand your vision as you do. Let it take whatever form it desires, even if that pushes someone else’s buttons, or worse, goes against their beliefs about reality.


You may have reinvented yourself over the past several months. That’s perfect. But now you’re getting used to this new you, taking it out for a test drive to see how the world responds. What you seek now is something a little deeper than physical appearances. You may want the world to not only accept the façade, but the deeper values that lie beneath it. Sometimes, we have to take a risk to stay true to ourselves. That’s a little scary for some of us, and it may be for you now too. The only way to know what you really believe in is to see it stand up to criticism or, if necessary, scrutiny.


The heat is on and it’s burning with fiery passion! There is this energy in the air it seems, motivating you to take on your destiny in some direct and dynamic way. Perhaps it’s a small step, but they add up over time until you realize you’ve built a mountain through the sheer power of your will. Your will is strong now; it cuts deeply into reality. It may take some work to see anything tangible emerge now, but Saturn in your sign has been teaching you those hard lessons for the past two years. Like a warrior, you have the ability to take on giants. Have confidence, but be wary of overdoing it. Small steps can build mountains, but all in due time.


Our cultural conditioning has convinced us that we should have some rigid plan for our future. Those that really believe that usually end up disappointed, or soon realize that it’s not entirely how life actually works. Some of us never quite shed that belief. When I was seven I wanted to be an actor. That probably would have worked out; but life unfolded unexpectedly, and well, I couldn’t have imagined doing what I actually do now. Life, when given full expression, unfolds creatively. We start somewhere and end up some place completely unexpected. Embrace this wisdom. Trust the creative impulse urging you to break out of the template and explore something you never thought you would.


Western culture has such a perverse perspective of death—and equally, sex too. In astrology those two things are intimately related in an archetypal sense. For all of us, death is inevitable. Sex, well, optional. Neither has to be so shrouded in taboo. Both experiences bring humans together in an intimate way. In death or orgasm we glimpse beyond the veil; for a moment we sense something larger than ourselves. You’re invited now to play with other worlds beyond the palpable reality. Things that were too scary to look at now seem much friendlier than before, inviting you to touch the depths of human experience with confidence and a light-hearted attitude.


Commitment might not be too appealing right now. You wouldn’t buy a car without taking it for a test drive first, would you? Don’t beat yourself up just because you aren’t more decisive. What you need now is a more playful attitude. Sample the dynamics that emerge between you and another. How does it taste? How do you feel after certain interactions? Most of all, whatever comes up, let it unfold naturally. You might be looking more for playmates as opposed to soul-mates. That’s okay, go with it. You need people around you now that feed you joy—that bring laughter into your life.


Fad diets and their marketing strategists have us all convinced that a healthy lifestyle equates to gnawing on raw vegetables and cutting our caloric intake until we’re left with saltine cracker crumbs. Sometimes, that might be helpful; but is it healthful? A healthy lifestyle requires that we nourish ourselves—body, mind and soul. Nourishment takes on many different forms. Sometimes laughter is nourishing, sometimes ice cream. What everyone tends to believe about health, usually the opposite is true. You need to find a way to bring more joy into how you choose to improve yourself. Get creative with it! Expand your definition of self-improvement; it can really be fun! 

Introspection and Honesty: Full Moon in Capricorn 2014

A full moon is visible in this view above Earth’s horizon and airglow, Photographed by Expedition 10 Commander Leroy Chiao on the International Space Station on (24 February 2005). 
Full Moon @ 20 degrees Capricorn 03'
July 12, 2014
4:23 AM Pacific
7:23 AM Eastern

While those of us in the northern hemisphere are likely feeling a little warmer with the onset of the Summer season, this Capricorn Full Moon brings in a different archetypal influx, a cold and serious tone. Accompanied by Pluto in Capricorn, the Full Moon takes on a tint of Pluto’s icy, distant aura.

There may be a desire for deep and introspective solitude alongside this Full Moon. There are shadows to face, demons to acknowledge, addictions to fess up to. What are those things covering up? They’re concealing pain, lots of collective and personal pain. It seems that suffering is a natural part of the human experience. Few of us ever get off the wheel.

Don’t get me wrong here; I seem to be painting a rather negative picture, generating dread for this Full Moon. That’s not the whole story, but I put it out there because it seems a prominent theme—fessing up to addictive tendencies to cover up something painful, possibly traumatic.

At the root of it, this Full Moon brings to culmination and brings to light, aspects of our reality we don’t want to acknowledge. There’s a need for raw, uncensored honesty here, whatever that looks like for you. It may be some small thing, but whatever it is it should be dealt with truthfully by seeing it the way it actually is.

The Full Moon squares Mars, Ceres, Vesta and the North Node in Libra. This prominent conjunction points to relationships and the compromise needed to sustain them. Too often, we get into relationships because we feel that they’ll somehow fulfill something missing within us and we commit to others without understanding ourselves.

Eventually, the hormonal spell wears off and we’re left to deal with that void, usually projected onto the other person. Ceres and Vesta speak about nourishment and passion. Mars points toward directed and willful action.

How can we nourish others without first nourishing ourselves? How can we find passion in a relationship without first connecting with our own inner passion? When we place too many expectations on a relationship to fulfill our inner needs, we end up disappointed and sometimes angry that it isn't working out the way we desire.

The New Moon seed that was planted two weeks ago brought our attention to the need to recharge and connect with the soul energy. Now, that seed is culminating, bringing to light those desires and fears that block us from successfully integrating with the world.

Check in with your compulsions, what’s motivating them exactly? Instead of acting on the compulsion, sit with the thing you don’t want to feel. Go into it, acknowledge and nurture the void.  When other people aren’t cooperating or falling into alignment with your expectations, ask yourself whether there’s something you need to look at within yourself first.

The people in our lives are powerful mirrors of our internalized stuff. Look around at those you associate with daily, and see what they’re showing you. Sometimes a little solitude and self-reflection is all we need to get a clearer perspective. Capricorn’s highest expression is the mastery of desires, taming the beast within us and directing its energy toward some higher calling.

That’s certainly no small task, but we may get a taste of that process with this lunation in some way. When feeling angry or frustrated, it’s probably best to take a time out and check in with yourself first. That could save everyone from a lot of grief later on. 

Recharging The Soul: New Moon in Cancer 2014

Me (Chad) enjoying the sunset behind the distant mountains.
I wasn't really meditating, but it made for a good picture.
Mt. San Jacinto, Ca, 2010. Photo by Ashly Smith. 

New Moon @ 05 Cancer 37'
June 27, 2014
1:08 AM Pacific
4:08 AM Eastern

This month’s New Moon occurs in the tropical sign of Cancer, just proceeding the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere. Thus, this lunation ushers in a new chapter, a marking point in the Sun’s annual cycle through the zodiac. Everything sentient takes notice of this change; we feel it mentally, emotionally and biologically.

Our cells know that something has shifted. If we listen carefully we might just  hear what they have to say about it. That might take some practice, but I think it’s possible. Here in the northern latitudes, the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year; the Sun is at its highest ascent in the sky; it will never be as exalted in the heavens as it is on the day of this transition. It begins its descent at the Fall Equinox.

There is a climactic quality inherent to the Summer Solstice, a sprouting forth of energy and potential. With each solar cycle we are creating something, whether we’re conscious of it or not. When the Sun enters Cancer we’ll have some sense of foundation—of being rooted and grounded, ready to move forward with the full manifestation of that creation.

When the Sun and Moon conjoin in Cancer we may feel the urge to “withdraw” into the more intimate chasms of our personal life. That may manifest as a desire for more alone time—to reflect and connect with some deeply internalized process; or that may show up as a need to stay within a more close knit group of souls—tribe, kin or family.

The dark of the Moon in Cancer is intimate, but gentle. Cancer is a “sensitive” sign; it emphasizes feelings and transient moods. Like the perceptibly slow undulation of the ocean’s tides, Cancer is sign that amplifies the constant fluctuation of emotion.

Needless to say, our feelings and gut responses need much more attention at this time because we’re checking in with ourselves, fine tuning intuition and recharging our souls. Let that sink in a bit—the notion of feeding and nourishing the soul’s energy.

With Mercury retrograde in Gemini, the need for some time out, to step back and take in all the pieces, is greatly emphasized. While Gemini is all about the mind, disparate facts and logical conclusions, the power of this New Moon in Cancer draws us deeper into more sensitive and vulnerable territory.

Give the mind a break, and most of all, give yourself and your soul, some time out. Cancer, and by extension, the Moon, governs the enteric nervous system—which controls our digestive processes. Think of this New Moon as an opportunity to properly digest your life in some way.

Let all the elements sink in; absorb the complexities via osmosis as opposed to trying to sort them all out manually. If we get caught up in the extraneous stuff, we’re likely to experience the more negative side of Cancer—exaggerated emotionality or emotional isolation, feeling disconnected from the world and as a result, disconnected from our true nature, the soul’s energy.

In order for proper digestion to take place, we need to be in a more parasympathetic state—that is, we need to feel safe. Environmental stressors can wreak havoc on digestion, drastically slowing the process. Mercury retrograde reminds us that there’s no need to rush—that would be quite detrimental to the process.

Mercury turns direct on July 1, just three days after the New Moon. This opens up space for healing and integration. Within a few weeks we’ll be ready to take on the world. But for now, tune in and listen to your soul. A trine to the New Moon from Neptune in Pisces opens up channels to “higher” perceptions—ecstatic visions, spiritual insights and something transpersonal.

That transpersonal component may invite us to see beyond our own personal cocoon—to consider some larger sense of purpose. Whatever it is it will come to you with this lunation; there’s no need to go looking for it. The answers we seek now are to be found within us—in our bodies, in our souls. Sink in and find a comfortable, safe place you know well, if that’s possible.

If not, find that safe place within yourself—that well of abundant nourishment and joy. Remember what that feels like, what it does to your nervous system; and as the Moon continues in its waxing phase, try to hold on to that space and carry it forward as best as you can throughout the rest of the solar journey. 

Mars Direct in Libra: Taking the Reins

An original card from the tarot deck of
Jean Dodal of Lyon, a classic "Tarot of Marseilles" deck.
The deck dates from 1701-1715.

I'm excited to introduce Kosmic Mind's new guest writer, Elizabeth Michaud! Elizabeth will be writing in-between my lunation articles, whenever she feels compelled. I hope you enjoy the additional updates; I know I will.

For the rest of the month of June the astrological energy is offering up the chance to tap into our strength and direct our course with dynamic purpose. Mars, the planet of driving force, is moving forward through Libra, and getting our personal motors running as it makes its last contact with the Uranus/Pluto square.

Mars entered Libra last December, turned retrograde from March 1 through May 20, and is now building momentum as it chugs along in the cardinal air sign. Libra seeks harmony in relationships, but not codependency. It is the sign of balance-- meaning equal expression of personal desires while still meeting the needs of others. With Mars the Warrior transiting partnership-oriented Libra, this time period may have disrupted or reoriented the way we feel about the relationships we are in.

Perhaps we've wanted to protect or maintain something in our lives, but realize we can no longer play that role. Or maybe we've finally become aware of some part of ourselves that has been stifled or ignored-- and we see that it just isn't fair to hold back anymore. The idea that "that's just the way it is/I am" is no longer valid.  Whether in personal friendships, intimate bonds, or professional teams, there can be some tension as the planet that fights for "I" and "me" churns up the sign of "us."

Mars formed an exact square to Pluto in Capricorn this past Saturday, June 14, and will oppose Uranus in Aries on June 25. This potent T-square symbolizes a powerful opportunity to break away from old forms that no longer serve us, old skins that need to be shed in order for us to align with our inner truth. We are in a phase of transformative healing-- but Mars demands that we make the move.

It's important to be aware of this energy. It can feel like a pressure cooker as the planet of action ignites the revolutionary and destabilizing influences of Uranus and Pluto. If we can direct the passion to create what we want, rather than destroying what we fear, or lashing out in chaos and confusion, we will be harnessing the power of these transformative times. So steer wisely, be mindful of your vision, and aim high.

Elizabeth Michaud is a writer and astrologer based on the New England coast. She is a contributing writer and editor at Planet, and has been studying astrological cycles for 15 years.

A Wider Perception and What Really Matters: Full Moon in Sagittarius 2014

Yodo-gawa from Setsugekka, Snow, Moon and Flowers. A traditional concept that provided the subject for sets of paintings and prints by Ukiyo-e artists. Shows boats being hauled up the river, which flowed passed Osaka, under a full moon. Hokusai, circa 1833, via Wikimedia Commons.

Full Moon @ 22 Sagittarius 06'
June 12, 2014 
9:11 PM Pacific
June 13, 2014
12:11 AM Eastern 

The current lunar cycle culminates on June 12/13 with a Full Moon in the tropical sign of Sagittarius. What is blossoming for you now? What great, gestating truth emerges into the light for you to embrace? It may be some small thing, but that does not negate its relevance by any means. 

With the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius, we come to a point of integration, a confrontation of the mind with the truths of a higher awareness.With a Full Moon in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis a truly profound, unfathomable awareness can now be mentally processed and integrated into a logical construct and form.

With Mercury retrograde in Cancer those intellectual filters are momentarily cast aside, widening intuition and empowering our gut responses. We are feeling and thinking in some new and different ways—opening doors and widening perception.

A square to the Full Moon axis from Chiron in Pisces opens up channels to numinous dimensions; but the “spiritual insights” it offers must be intentionally sought through the active pursuit of truth. Chiron’s awareness brings healing and integration to the mind, which may extenuate certain wounds or blocks that have stymied the flow of higher consciousness.

But the most poignant aspect present with this lunation is an exact opposition between Venus in Taurus and Saturn in Scorpio. As the Full Moon seeks to widen our field of perception, Venus and Saturn create yet another confrontation which may play itself out quite dynamically in certain relationships.

Venus and Saturn shed light on what really matters between those we are relating to. Once you cut away all the clutter and all the facades you wear for social appeasement, you’re left with the bare essentials: what keeps you connected and engaged with another soul.

It may be something “karmic”—that is, something unresolved or seemingly incomplete. Whatever we choose to call it, there’s “glue”, a gravitational force that attracts us toward others that is truly beyond conscious awareness.

Venus and Saturn ask us to get real about that cohesive bond, to look beyond intellectual rationalizations to see to the heart of the matter. That realization is something we simply feel, somatically. It’s simple and primal. It doesn’t need to be analyzed to death.

While the Gemini influx is strong now, the Full Moon’s power momentarily supersedes the mind’s grip on awareness--broadening its reach in ways that doesn’t overpower it. Sagittarius seeks to break free of limiting routines and beliefs that keep us stuck in a rut.

Perhaps that urge for freedom manifests in our relationships. Perhaps it manifests as a desire to expand our personal worldview, or modify some theoretical framework. Maybe we see something from a broader vantage point, opening up space for acceptance of what is and an anticipation of what could be.

As this Full Moon culminates remember that what you know is limited. What you see is always filtered, but we’re always given what we can handle. We see only what we can deal with. There is a need to jump off a precipice and take a leap of faith on some level, but don’t take that literally.

There is a need to exercise caution with this lunation, because Sagittarius’ fiery passion can sometimes go to extremes. It can break off more than it can chew. Too much awareness can be overwhelming, sometimes perilous.

Too much enthusiasm can lead to regrettable mistakes. Mercury’s retrograde cycle reminds us to take our time to process and integrate whatever we’re working on. Remember that as you navigate this terrain

Open Hearts, Open Minds: Mercury Retrograde In Cancer/Gemini 2014

Guido Bonatti, De Astronomia Libri X
(Basel, Nicolaus Pruknerus, 1550)
Stationary Retrograde: June 7 @ 3 Cancer 10'

Stationary Direct: July 1 @ 24 Gemini 23' 

Mercury is about to turn retrograde on June 7. That flighty, witty and lightning fast archetype is coming to a standstill and changing directions. While we’re likely still recovering from Mars’ retrograde through Libra and its dynamic interaction with the Uranus/Pluto square, Mercury gives us a chance to reflect and reexamine.

All this retrograde activity often results in a profound shift of energy in our personal lives. The most reliable attribute of any retrograde (from an inner or outer planet) is this “shifting of the tides”. That usually manifests as a rerouting of our focus and attention—sometimes altering our life path in quite significant ways.

We may feel more reflective during a retrograde; we may also find ourselves forming a connection to the past, to something unresolved or incomplete. This is why many astrologers advise us to refrain from embarking on new territory at these times; there may be some loose ends that need to be tidied up first; though this is not to be treated as dogma.

When we’re dealing with Mercury, we’re playing with a highly mutable energy. Things are never so black and white in Mercury’s realm; the world is an ever changing reality. Congruent with this mutable nature, Mercury will retrograde through two signs this cycle: Cancer and Gemini.

Mercury will spend about 19 days retrograde in Cancer as it gradually shifts gears. Cancer, a sign we associate with the Moon, adds more emphasis to the tidal influence of this process, this shifting of the tides. Cancer is a realm of feelings while Gemini a realm of thoughts.

This switch from emotion to mind lends itself to a reexamination of our feelings, and then a focus on what we think about it. Obviously, astrology is more multidimensional than that, but that simple phrase sums things up quite well.

While Mercury is in Cancer, thoughts take on a fluid-like quality, feelings and subjective impressions override logical and analytical processes. Mercury retrograde through Cancer can feel rather nostalgic, as well as allowing for a reconnection to our basic feelings and inclinations.

Ask yourself how you really feel about anything that comes up. Really explore that feeling or reaction more than you usually would. Reconsider your basic needs and ask yourself whether they’re being met effectively. Mercury retrograde in Cancer can open us up to feelings we may have held back, allowing us to process and integrate deeply embedded emotional material.

Mercury retrogrades into Gemini on June 18—shifting from the heart and back to the mind. It’s a rather curious thing that Mercury retrogrades often correlate with a process of retracing our steps. Keep that in mind as Mercury moves back into Gemini. Keep your mind open to missing bits of information you may have left behind, or unresolved communications reemerging to be clarified.

And consider that Gemini, the purest zodiacal representation of duality, tends to consider multiple perspectives. As I stated above, things are never so black and white in Mercury’s realm (and by extension, Gemini’s too).  

Intuitive and emotional insights can be properly analyzed when Mercury dips back into Gemini. We are being gifted an opportunity to see things from a renewed perspective, to learn something we didn’t know before. This requires an open heart and an open mind.

Of course, we can’t forget the other aspect of Mercury retrograde. Yes, shit happens. It’s hard to explain sometimes. Though I believe everything in life is symbolic of some “higher” process, sometimes Mercruy, the trickster, likes to keep us baffled. So as usual, Mercury retrograde is going to keep us on our toes.

Technical or mechanical breakdowns, changes in plans, delays or cancellations can be expected. This is just a common side effect of Mercury retrograde. But the breakdown is a part of the process.  Perhaps that problem with your car is simply a reflection of what’s going on deep within you.

But Mercury doesn't just leave us hanging. If we’re persistent and open to new ways of doing things, a solution is likely to be found—but perhaps in the most unexpected of places. Also, be cautious of signing important contracts, making big business decisions and purchasing electronic devices or appliances—especially anything costly.

Take your time over the next three weeks. This is a time for processing and integration. The tides are changing, and they bring new realities to our shores. What we’re usually blind to suddenly takes on a dynamic presence in our field of vision.

What wasn’t apparent may suddenly become blindingly obvious. Sink deep, reflect and reexamine your mind and emotions this retrograde cycle. Embrace any and all inclinations toward introspection and self-analysis. This is a natural time to tune in and check in. Like the tides, we are changing, fluctuating, growing and expanding. 

Transcend the Prison of Perception: New Moon in Gemini 2014

Gemini by Johfra Bosschart

New Moon @ 7 Gemini 21'
May 28, 2014
2:40 PM Pacific
11:40 AM Eastern

Perception is a tricky thing. Our eyes can be rather convincing; yet, we know (from science and mysticism alike) that the world of our senses isn’t quite what it appears to be. Gemini symbolizes the root and foundation of our mundane, human perception. Mercury, a planet we associate with this sign, symbolizes the mind in its pure archetypal form.

For the most part, Gemini revels in this illusion that encapsulates consciousness. That doesn’t mean it is incapable of seeing beyond it, but that it can work with the illusion and master all the dynamics within it. The mind, while limiting our awareness to some extent, allows us to filter out the noise and focus on a very specific wavelength.

For us, the denizens of third density, that is an essential thing. Who could function in the world otherwise? An unfiltered perception would be like an endless psychedelic trip. I don’t think we could survive for very long in such a state.

While we know that we perceive only a small fraction of reality, we have the ability to become specialists of this fragment before us. In a way, as humans, that gives us some advantage over beings with more limited awareness than ourselves.

But those “lesser evolved” species have equally mastered their own niches in quite extraordinary ways. A dog’s sense of smell, for example, is truly beyond our comprehension.  There are many examples of this throughout nature. So sometimes, a limitation can be turned to an advantage.

Gemini is a mutable sign. That means that our perception can change. As our knowledge of reality increases so too does our awareness. We suddenly see things so clearly that once evaded us entirely. As scientific discoveries unveil ever wider perceptions of the world, our daily lives begin to change, the mundane becomes permanently altered.

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in Gemini, it sheds light on our awareness. It plants the seeds of an evolving and ever changing perception of the world. That requires the use of the mind, to compare and contrast old and new paradigms of perception.

Gemini’s ephemeral nature allows for the expeditious processing of information. When Gemini is active in the collective psyche, information is the most coveted of all things--for Gemini seeks knowledge, and knowledge gives a sense of dominion over the chaotic world around us.

That flighty, ever curious quality inherent to Gemini will be ubiquitous as this lunation develops. That means, perhaps, an increase of distractions. As we focus the mind on one thing, something else, more interesting, pops up, inviting us to investigate. So, in usual Gemini fashion, this lunation is likely to lend itself to a sense of restless curiosity and fascination with the world (the illusion).

And if there was ever a time to realize the ever changing nature of perception, this would be it. An exceptionally close square from Neptune in Pisces to this lunation greatly challenges our collective and individual perceptions.

While Gemini and Mercury seek facts and knowledge to create a seamless and stable perception of reality, Neptune and Pisces seek quite the opposite: a perception that transcends and dissolves the world of our senses. So there is a quality of intense uncertainty surrounding this New Moon.

It invites us to utilize caution as we acquire more knowledge and awareness, because Neptune in Pisces indicates that there is far more to our reality than we may realize. There is the risk of complete deception. Fact checking is in order here. The mind, eager to make rational sense of things, can often miss critical elements, much to its detriment.

Because, for the most part, we only see what we want to see; we see only what we know. But what we know is always limited, and so Neptune invites us to perceive a much vaster field of awareness. So don’t hastily come to any conclusions with this New Moon.

When confronted with new information, make the effort to go deeper and see beyond the superficial. Mercury’s encroaching retrograde is also a reminder to refrain from “jumping the gun”, so to speak. It’s back track through Cancer/Gemini (beginning June 7) will allow for a reorientation of our awareness and a tightening up of loose ends.

So take your time to stop, pause and consider what’s presented before you. Don’t just settle for the most logical and rational explanation. Neptune urges us to realize that there’s something more to the picture, something we may not fully comprehend, but something from which we can at least gain a modicum of understanding from.

Mercury, the “ruler” of Gemini, is out of bounds alongside this lunation--which relates to something called declination, or a planet’s apparent altitude compared to other planets when viewed in the sky. It’s a more third dimensional view of astrology, which takes it beyond the two dimensional perception of the horoscope on paper.

Quite simply put, when a planet is “out of bounds”; it is beyond the Sun’s highest ascent in the sky. It is beyond the reign and grasp of the “king” (the Sun), the gravitas of the solar system. It is free to express itself in ways it wouldn’t dare to otherwise.

Often the expression of an out of bounds planet is quite Uranian in nature, in that it tends to defy the accepted ways of doing things. Because Mercury, the ruler of this lunation, is out of bounds, we are invited, more than ever, to truly think outside the box. In fact, we’re invited to utterly transcend it, if not completely dissolve it.

There may be a feeling that our limited awareness is more akin to a prison--that the mundane perception is somehow overwhelmingly stifling. Trust that feeling, because this lunation is creating the opportunity for a mental prison break. 

That process is just beginning, as I said, and the seeds are being planted with this New Moon. Lastly, this New Moon makes a trine to Mars, now slowly and surely moving direct. That provides a jolt of mental momentum, and the confidence to ponder things outside the accepted paradigm.

Muster up some courage and challenge your own perception—truly look beyond what you see before you. The energy is readily available, and the tides are truly shifting now. Mercury’s retrograde will help us to rework our newfound awareness so that it fits perfectly into our ever evolving perception. 

The Poison is the Medicine: Full Moon in Scorpio 2014

King Scorpion, detail from his mace head. Oxford Asmolean Museum.
Photo by Udimu, Wikimedia Commons.

Full Moon @ 23 Scorpio 55'
May 14, 2014
3:16 PM Eastern
12:16 PM Pacific

The much anticipated cardinal grand cross has come and gone, though we are likely to feel its effects well into the month of May. The world didn’t end, the economy didn’t collapse, and aliens didn’t return to proclaim the truth of human origins. Well, at least we didn’t hear about it. 

But, this was by no means a non-event. April brought a high precedence of earth changes like we’ve never seen before. In fact, believe it or not, April was the most seismically active month in recorded history, with 13 major earthquakes shaking several regions across the globe.

Five of the 13 quakes were a 7.8 magnitude and higher—including an 8.2 that rocked Chile on April 1. This is really quite remarkable given the fact that such severe quakes generally occur once or twice a month.The cardinal energy seems to radiate throughout the world, expressing itself in some profound and dynamic ways. 

If you have planets situated in the direct line of fire (about 12-16 degrees of all cardinal signs, i.e. Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) you may have felt the full force of the event in your personal life. The cardinal energy is all about action and initiation—exemplifying the power of the will.

But with Mars retrograde, the floodgates were likely held back a bit; though that doesn’t mean that some big changes didn’t actually take place. Earth changes are a reflection of shifts in higher (and lower) densities or realities. Earthquakes are symbolic of changing, shifting foundations and infrastructures.

Economically speaking, the vast majority of the population isn’t privy to what’s really going on or about to happen. We’re usually the last to know, when it’s far too late to do anything to stop it.

So, let’s not write this event off and subjugate it to the realm of failed astrological predictions. In fact, the biggest, most significant changes happen within each of us. They’re incredibly personal. Since all separation is an illusion, personal change is just as significant (if not more so) than collective change.

Anyway, if you’re reading this, you’ve survived the main event of 2014, fully intact (or so I hope). Perhaps you lost a limb or two, but at least you can still read and operate a computer (It’s the 21st century, those are pertinent skills).

We’ve also safely passed the eclipse passageway. That portal to accelerated change and transformation has closed. This month’s Full Moon slams it shut, until next time. How has the past month affected you?

How have you changed? How has your life changed? Are you stronger, wiser? If the answer is yes, then you’ve successfully harnessed this energy into your personal life. If the answer is no, you may be clinging to something well outworn.

Most of the time change is voluntary. Astrology doesn’t really guarantee anything. We have free will and astrology is simply a guide to its ideal usage. What it does guarantee is the appearance of circumstances, desires or opportunities that invite us to do something with the energy provided. But ultimately, the choice is ours in the end.

This month’s Full Moon takes place in the sign of Scorpio, and yes, conjoins that frightening corner of the zodiac occupied by Saturn. In other words, this Full Moon sits next to the planet Saturn in the tropical sign of Scorpio. Cue the ominous music.

Well, it does look ominous. I mean, Saturn (the greater malefic) conjunct the mysterious Moon in the sign represented by a stinging arachnid. You can’t help but conjure up disturbing, uncomfortable images from that one. But fear not, as we will see, all things can be harnessed toward a much higher road.

Scorpio literally means to pierce, to unveil. A scorpion is a rather fitting symbol to represent that process; although the more archaic representation of Scorpio was actually a serpent. Archetypically speaking, venomous creatures (arachnids, reptiles, insects, etc.) often symbolize the emergence of a remedy, a medicinal substance that will lead us toward transformation.

The venom, the sting, is the medicine. It symbolizes what we need to move past failing circumstances. While the bite or sting may be unpleasant initially, if we survive, we’ve crossed a significant threshold; we’ve entered into a new realm.

In a way, Scorpio symbolizes a deeply spiritual and alchemical process. It symbolizes the desire to merge with something larger than our own personal power. The infusion is often overwhelming, and sometimes devastating or deadly. But with Scorpio, there’s always a risk involved.

That’s the nature of the beast. To become something more than we are, we have to take a leap. We have to defy our fears and face the unknown in some formidable way. The Full Moon culminating here symbolizes the blossoming of a leap we’ve already made or have been intending.

Saturn and the Moon aren’t terribly compatible planets. In fact, they symbolize two highly antithetical yet complimentary archetypes. But with the conjunction, we have a fusion of two elements—two ends of a spectrum: nurturance and tough love.  

That fusion is likely to feel a bit uncomfortable. If we take it too seriously, we may find ourselves overwhelmed by a sense of depression, even despair. That’s the disclaimer on this one. But, a water grand trine formed by the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron creates a wellspring of (potential) deep emotional healing.
Feel your way through this one; connect deeply with your inner guide and intuition. All that cardinal energy, all that moving and shaking, takes a bit of a break with the fluid, psychic and intuitive energy that permeates the collective with this Scorpio Full Moon.

Be mindful of getting swept away by emotions, overtaken by real or imagined fears. This Full Moon may have the advantage of illuminating the darker corners of the psyche, allowing us to glimpse into places we are usually reluctant to gaze—to ultimately find a place of healing, to discover the remedy that can lead us further along the path of evolution.

Venus is approaching a conjunction with Uranus alongside this Full Moon and will be exactly square Pluto. This could represent some intense friction and tension within relationships. Venus in Aries conjunct Uranus seeks freedom, personal space and adventure.

Pluto’s square from Capricorn can incite power struggles from those threatened by another’s need for more room and independence; but again, there may be a need to take a risk, a need to go deeper and explore some dynamics within a relationship that are stifling personal growth.

But if such power struggles turn physical, it may be wise to step aside and let things cool down and unwind as the Moon gradually wanes over the next two weeks.

With Mars’ retrograde cycle winding down, that catalytic cardinal energy isn’t as intense as it normally would be. We are likely tying up loose ends with the processes we began less than three months ago (possibly in relation to relationships we’ve revived or are currently involved with).

But this Full Moon doesn’t bring things to a standstill by any means. It invites us to do some deep and possibly intense inner, emotional work. Allow this Full Moon to illuminate what’s real and help you see what you need to heal. While sometimes uncomfortable, these energies allow us to clear away what no longer works, to embrace something fresh, new and exciting.

Things may still be pending which is perfectly natural with Mars’ stationing direct; but we can really get clear here about some very important and critical elements within our lives, if we’re open and receptive to the process. Don’t fear the dark; you are the light that will illuminate the unknown and the forgotten.  All things can be transmuted; all darkness can be used for healing and transformation.