Sagittarius Rising Forecast August 21, 2017- September 6, 2017

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It seems that you’re being called to break away from your usual routines with this total solar eclipse in Leo. The past few weeks have probably left with you a lot to think about and ponder. If you’re feeling the itch to really drastically change your present environment, then you should do what you can to explore any possibilities that have been presented to you. Wild adventures in the world or even in the mind are all possible with this eclipse, anything that can feed your passionate side. You’re possibly starving for something more exciting than your current reality offers.

Feed that hunger in any way that’s possible for you. This eclipse could stand as a poignant breakthrough gifting you a whole new way of seeing the world and your place within it. It will reverberate through time as a moment that sent you seeking new horizons and fresh experiences. You’ve possibly exhausted yourself with your usual day-to-day schedule and desperately need to meet new people, listen to alien perspectives, or just sit and stare at a sunset as it descends behind a mountainside. Again, do what feels right and is realistic for you, and your soul will be greatly nourished.

This total solar eclipse forms a grand trine with Saturn and Uranus. These fiery vibrations are inciting within all of us a thirst for impassioned experiences or dynamic modes of self-expression. For you, it’s igniting your willpower by heating up the “willful” regions of your whole sign chart. With Uranus in Aries since early 2011 you’ve perhaps found radical new modes of creative power. The solar eclipse making a close trine to Uranus gives it an edgy, rebellious quality which also creates a direct conduit of playful, creative energy directly your way! This could result in receiving new inspiration from a newly discovered (or newly comprehended) ideology, life philosophy, or spiritual outlook.

Whatever it is, it has the capacity to liberate you in so many ways, and also clear any creative blockages you’ve been dealing with. If you’ve been under a lot of stress, worrying, or otherwise tripping (in a bad way), this eclipse can help lighten the mood, and give you a new horizon to look forward to. At the heart of this is the need to change things up in your usual routines or otherwise remove yourself from the same places you’ve been frequenting. That could result in simply going to that other coffee shop/book store in a neighboring town/city, cozying up in chair, and devouring that heady book you’ve been meaning to read. It might also look like a road trip or actual vacation someplace exotic.

With Mercury now retrograd and the Sun entering Virgo on Aug 22, your “career” regions are lighting up big time. The Sun’s transit here for the next month will lend to an increased focus on your overall purpose, life mission, and communal reputation. While this seasonal solar cycle to the top of the sky is usually a high time for gaining attention or otherwise making a good impression, Mercury retrograde here is causing some revising and restructuring of all of these things. That means you’re in an experimental mode until Sept 11/12, and so don’t feel pressured to have your direction/goals entirely pinned down (or your PR completely on point).

With that said, the combination of these symbols and this eclipse means that you’re probably interested in expanding your reach or further enhancing your marketing strategies (for whatever you do). This could also be a time in which a changing philosophy or spiritual outlook is greatly impacting your idea of what “you do” out in the world. Expect some big changes to be going on with your overall life path and direction, and that once mid-Sept rolls around you’ll have a much better sense of the bigger picture.

Saturn stations direct on Aug 25 in Sagittarius (your ruling sign). With Saturn moving through your rising sign since Sep 2015, you’ve been in a life-changing reset that’s possibly put some ambitions on hold or has otherwise made you unclear of exactly what you’re striving for out in the world. You’re beginning to step into a new, more mature personal style, but also beginning a cycle that will greatly emphasize hard work applied more to your personal rather than professional life. This solar eclipse is one powerful boost in this process, but this Saturn station toward the end of Aug could feel a little heavy, daunting, and uncertain.

You’re simply reviving your willpower and ability to take the lead again in your own life. Don’t give into an existential crises that could possibly arise from this. Trust that you have the strength to call some shots and keep working on that blank canvas the universe has gifted you. The ability to use your will to chart new paths is at an ultimate high point for you right now. It only comes around every 30 years! Trust your co-creative powers and get back to work on that masterpiece (that is essentially your life).

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help.

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Capricorn Rising Forecast August 21, 2017-September 6, 2017

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Over the past few weeks you’ve likely experienced some notable changes in your resource base, whether that’s related to finances or simply possessions. The trap of our materialistic culture is its overvaluing of objects, financial security, and wealth. Certainly there’s nothing wrong with wanting nice things, or anything spiritually corrupt about creating a safety net. But overvaluing the acquisition of stuff can lead us into soul-deadening places in life, where we feel cut off from something deeper, more meaningful, and illuminating. Those deeper places have been calling to you, inviting you to look more closely at yourself and indulge your curiosity about how other people think.

This total solar eclipse in Leo represents a dramatic change in your perspective that helps to deepen your awareness and understanding of yourself and your intimate partners. You may have realized recently just how brief and ephemeral life really is, and compulsively trying to fill that with things can often prevent you from deeper intimacy and spiritual awakening. This eclipse invites you to open up, share, and release your attachment to hoarding or otherwise trying to control the flow of resources. Move beyond a purely fear based survival mindset into a willingness to receive help and thereby deepen your ability to trust.

The solar eclipse in Leo represents a breakthrough in self-understanding. It can also help you open up to those you trust and love, as well as awaken to a greater sense of connection to the universe at large. A fire grand trine between the eclipse, Saturn, and Uranus creates a powerful conduit of motivation to go further with your self and close partners. It can also correlate with sudden movement, progress, and change impacting your domestic life or family relations.

Particularly with a close trine to Uranus, this eclipse can inspire spontaneous personal revelations, and rapid changes occurring on the home front, which should be relatively positive. But none of this is entirely guaranteed. It would seem that your inner work reflects changes around you and in other people. That means the further you go with this, the more you can expect to shift and change for the better.

Saturn moving through Sagittarius has probably felt like a long, drawn out closing of a chapter in your life--a sense that your previous ambitions are melting and dissipating from conscious view. You’re coming into a new cycle of growth, and the more you release those old structures, the more liberated you’ll feel. Look for someone to help you see all of this from a new perspective, and assist you in deepening your trust in the process. As Saturn is your ruling planet, life can feel really uncertain at the moment, but listen to your desire to pull away from too much drama and stress for a while. Perhaps keep your social circle a little tighter, and give yourself time to be alone if needed.

Just after this dramatic eclipse, the Sun shifts into Virgo around Aug 22. With Mercury retrograde here too, you may be reconsidering your ideological stance or cosmological perspective. For the next month, the Sun’s transit through Virgo is your seasonal cycle to reach out and take in big ideas and concepts. You’re probably feeling a little restless. Let yourself get some space for a while and feed your curiosity. While you should certainly feel free to travel at this time, do keep in mind that Mercury retrograde may create some delays or otherwise complicate your plans.

That’s certainly not the end of the world, but just give yourself extra time for the unexpected should it arise. Also keep in mind that Mercury retrograde in Virgo isn’t impossible to work with. You’ll likely find that any setbacks are more easily overcome and dealt with. Mars also makes a trine to your ruler Saturn on Aug 22. That could help with making progress with a spiritual practice clearing and releasing some crap from your life. Expect an intimate partner to give you more solitude and space to reflect or otherwise commune with spirit.

Saturn stations direct on Aug 25. Since April of this year, you’ve been given some time to digest this “closing chapter” in your life and hopefully make some peace with it. This station could bring about some heaviness on the days surrounding the 25th. If you feel a call to turn away from outward activity or drama, this is the best time of the month. Any kind of structured spiritual practice would be worth your time, like meditation, yoga, or tai chi.

There’s likely to be some narrowing of your focus, and a need to withdraw. This Saturn station can help perfect your asanas or even dissipate that ONE thought that just keeps interrupting your meditations. Venus entering Leo around Aug 25 could be helpful in bringing money or resources from a partner or friend. From late August until Sept 19, this Venus cycle could help you bond, connect, and deepen trust and intimacy too. Mars enters Virgo on Sept 5 at which point you’ll be more than ready to get out there and explore a little more.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help.

Follow me on Instagram for weekly astrological updates.

Aquarius Rising Forecast August 21, 2017-September 6, 2017

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Freedom and personal autonomy are likely to be high priorities for you. Being true to yourself and having the space to express your authenticity is a guiding principle in your life, and so naturally dealing with other people is a challenge. There’s been a lot of emphasis on your relationships lately. Perhaps you’ve had to set some boundaries and work through some confrontational energies. It’s also possible that this current cycle has been a time in which you’ve had more energy than usual to put yourself out there, attracting partners, and asserting yourself more.

While freedom and autonomy are wonderful things for you, you’ve had to perhaps realize their limitations when overemphasized. The lunar eclipse two weeks ago likely helped you release your need to have it all your way, opening you up to the value of accepting help, assistance, and looking at the world through another person’s eyes. Consider that this total solar eclipse in Leo correlates with some major changes in your current and emerging partnerships--a breakthrough in how you relate and how you see your place in the world. Our cultural perverse worship of self-sufficiency robs us of seeing the value of inter connectivity and healthy dependencies. Accept that you don’t have to go it alone from here on out.

This total solar eclipse is a powerful statement for you on the social scene. It forms a loose grand trine with both Saturn and Uranus, highlighting the most interactive and sociable places in your whole sign chart. Saturn in Sagittarius has likely correlated with severing some connections with people who haven’t shared your true goals, visions, and dreams. In reaching out, you’ve probably met a lot of closed groups and exclusive networks that have given you a rather cold shoulder.

The reality is that you can’t join a shared vision is you aren’t clear about your own. And your own dream is really important now, and something you can put a lot of effort into solidifying. Uranus in Aries has been liberating you from boring, mechanical conversations, inciting within you the freedom to explore new perspectives, radical information, and more engaging topics for inquiry. All of this comes together with this solar eclipse, gifting you the ability to step into a new relational role with others, and discover ways to add passionate and joyful engagement in your communicative and relational interactions. Use this solar eclipse to reach out more, follow exciting research paths, and gather input from others to help solidify your goals and objectives. The more you reach beyond yourself, the more you’ll get out of this process.

The Sun enters Virgo on Aug 22 and will help you deepen your partnerships over the next month until the equinox mid-Sept. This solar transit through Virgo will give you an increased interest in understanding the psychological complexity of other people in your life, as well as how that’s reflected within yourself. This is also the season for indulging your curiosity for taboo subject matter, such as sexuality or occultism.

Your awareness is becoming more attuned to what lies beneath the surface of your life and relationships, helping you uncover the root causes of impulses or motivations. With Mercury still retrograde, consider that you’re having to work out any difficulties, kinks, or breakdowns with mutually shared finances or resources. It might not be an ideal time to commit to a loan or lending out to others. This is a time to gain more clarity about your situation and not compound any preexisting problems. Be mindful of impulsive communication that could clash with someone you work with around Aug 24. Venus squaring Uranus (your modern ruler) might trigger upset if you push too hard or force the issue.

Venus enters Leo around Aug 25, which is a highly fortunate time for relationships and can even assist you in mending any upset created over the last few weeks. Until Sept 19, Venus in Leo can help with dating or otherwise improving current partnerships. If you’re on the market for a new lover, friend, or professional relationship, consider this the season. If you need to make peace with someone or at least find some compromise or common ground, consider Venus a helpful ally for you.

Saturn also stations direct around this time, which always creates some collective heaviness and potential despair. Don’t worry, because this fleeting transit will not last long. As mentioned, Saturn is helping you to more clearly define your vision, guiding dream, or finding groups more suited to who you are. This moment could present some discouragement or even frustration with the reality of current goals, but dig deep and find your strength to keep dreaming big and looking forward to the next horizon. You’re ready to start sharing your gifts and accomplishments again with the world, you just need to narrow down the appropriate market and audience.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help.

Follow me on Instagram for weekly astrological updates.

Pisces Rising Forecast August 21, 2017- September 6, 2017

It’s possible that you’ve been putting a lot more effort into daily, mundane tasks. Perhaps you’ve been consumed in a creative process, or busy working toward gaining more visibility for what you do. Your efforts are likely to be applied to enhancing performance, skill, technique, competence and usefulness. That is to say, you’ve had a lot of energy to direct toward creating a more lively working environment, also suffusing passion and creativity into it. Maybe you’ve equally found extra enthusiasm toward furthering a health or fitness routine, if not just dedicating yourself more to healthy eating habits.

This total solar eclipse in Leo represents a significant new beginning in which you can move beyond escapist tendencies and become more productive and dedicated to helping others. You’re passing a critical threshold here. Beyond this eclipse is a new path forward, and one in which you’ll have to dedicate your time and energy from here on out. New beginnings are always exciting, but the reality is that what we commit to has to stick. Your challenge is to keep pushing yourself forward and remember the excitement of this moment whenever you feel discouraged.

The total solar eclipse in Leo forms a loose grand trine with Uranus and Saturn, highlighting the “mundane” regions of your chart, which symbolizes a significant new beginning for your job, career, and income flow. Uranus transiting Aries since 2011 has been seeking to liberate you from a onerous means of making a living, freeing you from becoming a robotic zombie slave. Saturn in Sagittarius has probably closed a lot of doors in your face, creating some frustration about your higher purpose and mission.

While difficult, Saturn is helping you to make your dream, mission, career goals realistic. That requires some sacrifice and lost opportunities to narrow down your focus. Not easy to navigate. But this epic grand trine alongside this solar eclipse is a game changer for sure. It’s opening new possibilities for you--a time to trust your own creativity in building a more secure place for yourself that’s equally aligned with who you really are.

If you want to liberate yourself from the robot zombie fate, you’ll have to keep working really hard to maintain this momentum from here on out. Right now, there’s an open channel for you if you take advantage of it. Don’t sit back now and let all this juicy, creative energy dissipate (it certainly will). Use these current advantages to your advantage. At the heart of this is an epic change and breakthrough in your daily grind, so keep on grinding.

Mercury is still retrograde until Sept 5 and on Aug 22 the Moon joins in on this retro party in Virgo. This cycle is about revising your relational strategies, and it's probably changed the flow of energy in several key relationships (either platonic, love related, or even professional). The Moon here puts some increased focus on these partnerships, perhaps a time to work out some kinks with these people, look at critical issues, and deal with communicative obstacles. The Sun enters Virgo around this date too, which gives you about a month of increased attention on others and a time to reach out of your personal bubble.

From now until Sept 5 might not be ideal for dating or otherwise making new commitments. Though it is possible to rekindle past connections. You perception of partners is likely to change much throughout this cycle, so don’t seek to avoid dealing with your feelings now. Use this time to work with the people already in your life, and open yourself to input, feedback, and advice. You don’t have to accept any of it, just consider what you’re receiving and decide later. You’re gradually emerging from some seasonal introversion, and beginning to step out a little more (expect this to really notably shift in early Sept.)

Saturn turns stationary direct around Aug. 25. This will ideally give you an ambitious boost and increased focus on your status, reputation, and life mission. The tides are changing in your career region right now, and if you’ve been working hard at better aligning your priorities with your responsibilities, then consider this a significant shift for pushing forward. You’ve had some time to step back and adjust your overall game plan while Saturn was retrograde, but the heat is really back on now.

You'll be feeling the pressure to get it together and stop wasting time and energy on things that aren’t helping you succeed. Saturn rewards hard work, effort, and integrity. If you’ve managed stick to that since early April, then Saturn moving forward now will help you along. If not, consider this moment a harsh confrontation with reality. Wherever you are, this part of the month will still feel heavy, and you can easily get discouraged. Don’t give into depression, despair, or feeling like you can’t handle what you’ve set out to accomplish. Use this to reorient yourself and find the inner strength to continue.  Venus enters Leo here too, which will help you add finishing touches to your projects and any changes you’ve made to your work, job, or health routine.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help.

Follow me on Instagram for weekly astrological updates.

Aries Rising Forecast August 7, 2017- August 21, 2017

Your “scene” is starting to shift and change. By that I mean your network of support, which may encompass casual friends, groups, organizations, or communities. You may find that a building unfulfillment has been making itself known to you. This doesn’t suggest to cut everyone off, or to throw out all shared, visions, strategies, goals, or ideologies, but that you need to give more space to you. Sometimes, we get so caught up in what everyone else thinks, or in contributing to a larger cause or movement, that our own means of expression and action gets neglected. You have a creative power deep inside you that doesn’t need approval to be valid and strong. You have fierce passions and creative solutions that only you need to hold. For now. Don’t think that you need to make a drastic decision and burn all bridges. We know how prone you are to impulsive actions. Expect much help from a partner or intimate friend to gently nudge you in the right direction. Be open to help, but it may come more from intimate connections. For now, sit in this moment, take in the realizations, and tend to your own fire. You’ll have an opportunity to see and gain better clarity of the future when you step away from the crowd and simply observe what’s happening within yourself.

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The Sun and Mars have been moving in close proximity through Leo, generating a creative, sexual, passionate movement that could be helping you spice things up, bringing more joy and vitality into your daily life. With the Sun and Mars conjunction at the end of July, you’ve been given new life, and possibly a new reason to get up out of bed in the morning with excitement. That could be a new creative project, lover, fun activity, or even a relationship with a child that works to incite your playful side. Whatever it is, consider that these themes are big for you in the moment, especially with the lunar eclipse on Aug 21. That’s a breakthrough moment for you, one that helps you to more closely align with your passion, playfulness, or even your need for creative self-expression. This lunar eclipse addresses a critical issue here: that you’ve been possibly looking too much beyond yourself for inspiration and vitality. Realize that what you need is right here, within you. When you embrace that, you’ll have more juice to push yourself right into a productive strategy that’s all your own. Expect to get more accomplished once Sept rolls around. For now, revel in this inspiration and energy a little while longer.

Mercury turns retrograde from Aug 12 through Sept 4 in Virgo. This three week process will help you rework, reorganize, and adjust a health plan, work strategy, or technique. Look closely to what you’ve been neglecting in these areas and what you’ve been ignorant of. The days surrounding those two dates (Aug 12 and Sept 4) could relate to some stagnation in your daily grind especially Aug 12. You may not have the momentum you’ve been accustomed to, but don’t fret! This too shall pass. This Mercury station is helping you to take some time to narrow and zoom in your focus and notice the faults and details you’ve been glazing over. Accept that there are critical pieces you need to acknowledge, and Mercury will help you uncover them in the right timing. While potentially frustrating, Mercury retrograde is a time to step back and reassess our actions, choices, and decisions. You don’t need to push forward with your work, health strategy, or productivity just yet. Consider that some critical elements need to be moved around and played with. With so much energy in Leo, try to approach all that emerges under this cycle with a spirit of playfulness. Expect the usual techno/mechanical hiccups, delays, and setbacks. After Mercury turns direct in early Sept and Mars enters Virgo, you’ll be more than ready to get to work. Give yourself extra time and space and you’ll be in a position for enhanced performance and productivity in no time at all.

Mars, your ruling planet makes a sextile to Jupiter on Aug 20. Consider this a brief yet poignant opportunity to make a relationship more interesting or fun. For committed partnerships, this might suggest looking for a new recreational outlet or a way to enhance a sexual bond. For friendships, this could be a fleeting inspiration to find some fun activity that you could share together. Whatever the situation, consider that there’s a need to release some tension that’s been placed in your current relationship. That might not be entirely negative, but merely just related to a restlessness. With Mercury retrograde in Virgo, you don’t need to be as focused on your usual hum drum (even if you typically love it). Use this sextile to try something fun, exciting, or even creative that could help release and give expression to any stagnant energies in your current partnerships. This may also prompt a more casual, sexual relationship into experimenting with a more committed role. That doesn’t mean you have to stick to those roles, but try it and simply see how it feels or fits.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

Follow me on Instagram for weekly astrological updates.

Taurus Rising Forecast August 7, 2017- August 21, 2017

There has been a developing shift in your reputation for quite some time. This may affect your personal mission and purpose in the external world thereby generating changes in your professional or community role. Opportunities to improve the rhythm of your daily life will greatly assist you in dealing with these changes which implies new prospects in enhancing your job, health, or mundane daily tasks. Look to the improvements you’ve been making in these above mentioned areas to help you manage these outward changes should they arise. With the lunar eclipse in Aquarius, you’re experiencing a need to find compromise between your public role and your inward or intimate life. The need to assert your individuality in the public sphere is strong, but fully consider the consequences of doing so. Remain conscious that what you’re putting out there is truly connected to who you really are on the deepest of levels. You’re being called to represent yourself more authentically as opposed to holding on to that image that’s been projected onto you by others. Your newly acquired skills, techniques, and habits will assist you making the most authentic and effective statement at this time. 

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The Sun and Mars have been traveling in close proximity in Leo, which may correlate with some instability in your personal, domestic, and inward life. You may have found the need to set some boundaries with family or close intimate friends/partners. There could have been some confrontational, edgy, or even combative energy in your “safe spaces." And looking deeper, there’s likely to be some pent up energy existing in your own psyche, whether the result of anger, frustration, anxiety, or fear. We could assume that what you’re experiencing externally has its roots in your own unconscious mind. You’ve begun a new cycle of working through these energies, which may last a couple of years. Consider what’s been building up, and how you can healthfully release, resolve, and give voice to your feelings. But the tensions you’re presently experiencing in your actual reality will begin to ease up soon, once past the solar eclipse on Aug 21 and into the beginning of Sept. You’re being given an opportunity to make some dramatic changes in your intimate life, perhaps some breakthroughs. For the time being, this lunar eclipse will pull your attention to how these changes have affected your personal mission in the world. While it might feel uncomfortable dealing with these changes, know that you’re presently in the thick of it, but that this too shall pass.

Mercury turns retrograde from Aug 12 through Sept 4, designating a three week cycle that could turn the tables on a creative process, a romantic/sexual relationship, or even a strategy of dealing with children in your life. If you’ve been so focused on everything else except your need to have some fun and cultivate joy, this retrograde cycle will help you change that, reminding you that it’s possible to allow yourself some much needed pleasure. If the opposite is true, that recreation has been more center stage, or a relationship has taken up too much of your focus, you’ll be redirected. This will help you rework your life to make space for other things. If a current romantic partnership becomes idle or stagnant, try to see that you need to put it into a larger perspective and open yourself to new information or ideas to help it along. Mercury will dip back into Leo toward the end of Aug, which will place the focus again on your living situation and deep, personal issues. Early Sept will heat things up for you again creatively, sexually, or will help you to assert some boundaries in a parenting situation. Any setbacks, delays, frustrations, or breakdowns you experience now are helping to reveal blind spots and areas that need to be reinforced. Expect the possibility of the usual techno/mechanical breakdowns and hiccups. Take your time during these three weeks to step back and adjust your strategies. The energy will return soon enough.

Your ruling planet, Venus, makes an opposition to Pluto on Aug 15, creating a t-square with Jupiter in Libra. This could relate to a moment that can greatly catalyze a perceptual shift and conversation about further ways to perceive your reality thereby altering your service, work ethic, or health. Pluto has been moving through Capricorn since 2008, breaking down ideological structures, revealing the shadow and pitfalls in your beliefs. This has been a powerful and transformative epic in becoming more conscious of the dark side of a personal ideology, philosophy, or theoretical system. Venus opposite Pluto could potentially be confrontational, in that someone may challenge your beliefs, or even help you see more of the picture. Be mindful of inflated, exaggerated, or radical reactions or responses from either end. Do your best to stare deeper into the truth, no matter how difficult it could be. When Venus squares Jupiter on Aug 16, your work, health routine, or service will greatly benefit from information you gather from other sources. What you learn now has the potential to make you more effective, competent, and skillful.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help.

Follow me on Instagram for weekly astrological updates.

Gemini Rising Forecast August 7, 2017- August 21, 2017

This lunar eclipse could represent a moment where a philosophy, belief, or ideological structure experiences some changes as you’re confronted with an altered perspective. Ignorance may be bliss, for a while, but you of all people know that it’s never a sustainable nor ideal condition. You’ve been going through an alteration in how you perceive the world, as well as the general pace of your daily life. It’s time to look beyond the usual parameters for a guiding vision for yourself. You’re beginning to see things differently, which means that you need to let go of beliefs and assumptions that are no longer working. Consider this a subtle yet profound perceptual revolution. But for you, the need for adaptability is a common life experience, and it’s possible that you can quickly conjure a new outlet for further discovery. Consider that a stranger in the grocery store, a local bar, or another parent you meet in the park has a perspective to offer you that can give you inspiration. In other words, remove yourself from attachment to your beliefs and open yourself to the possibility that someone you might not expect, even a child, could expand your awareness thereby altering your truth.

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With the Sun and Mars still making their way through Leo and two New Moon lunations occurring here (along with a total solar eclipse) you’ve probably been pretty active with improvisational strategies and channeling extra energy into your communicative skills. Consider that you’re going to make some breakthroughs in your overall outlook and the way you come off. You may have had to be careful with your words, because in the moment you’re likely feeling more verbally aggressive. What you need to keep in mind is that you’re actively seeking a new intellectual or mental challenge, and finding healthy outlets for that will help you avoid using your words to hurt or injure as a result of pent up frustration. This is a period that can greatly assist you in understanding your communicative boundaries. This lunar eclipse is helping to expand your worldview, perhaps confronting you with even shocking perceptions that can incite your curiosity for further exploration. Keep up your current pace, and consider that the solar eclipse on Aug 21 is helping you transition into a new environment, greatly altering your perception, outlook, and the pace of your daily life.

Mercury, your ruling planet, turns retrograde from Aug 12 through Sept 4. It opens for you a time in which you can reassess and rework your domestic situation, but also your understanding of yourself. Look for information, advice, and feedback arising from those you trust the most; that could be members of your family, or even friends or partners you would consider to be such. This isn’t a time to remain fixed to any rigid assumptions about those you interact with most intimately, as you’re being offered a chance to see them through a renewed lens, which may have to capacity to revise your understanding your own emotional, psychological, and psychic content. Pay attention to your dreams and any synchronicities that emerge externally. All of this information is important to consider. Expect the usual techno/mechanical hiccups and breakdowns that usually occur; these may present themselves more frequently on the home front than the usual retrograde cycle. Also, be mindful of setbacks, delays, and reversals involving your current domestic life. The pace will regain its normal speed just after Sept 4, and for the time being you need to step back, take your time to consider new input, and revise your current perception of these deeply embedded issues. After Sept 5, you’ll be better equipped to handle any future difficulties and challenges should they arise in these areas, so work on your communication skills and make sure everyone is on the same page.

One last note on this retrograde: Mercury, your ruling planet, will station on Aug 12 in Virgo, that is to say that is stops dead in its tracks for a few days while it begins to move forward. This places intense mental focus on your inner life. It’s a chance to gaze deeply into the above mentioned themes to gain more insight, awareness, and discoveries. It can also slow you down a bit, and you’ll likely not be your usual, quick-witted self. Occurring in the lower quadrant of your horoscope, this Mercury station reveals the importance of tending to intimate and domestic issues. Naturally, this is opposed to external achievement and outwardly directed ambition. It’s time to give space and deep consideration to the interior dimensions of your life which will greatly improve your interaction with the public and professional arena. Trust that the universe is giving you extra time to do this. Aug 16, the transiting Moon will challenge you to see that much of your life is divinely guided, or that forces beyond rational comprehension play a role in the flow of events. Open yourself to this possibility and its ability to change how you make decisions and take action in your life.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Cancer Rising Forecast August 7, 2017- August 21, 2017

There’s something a little intense about this lunar eclipse and its capacity to dredge up submerged and embedded feelings from within your psyche. We know that the emotional landscape is an environment you know well, as your life path is so often imbued with impassioned experiences. This can be a moment of release and surrender of many fears, attachments, or even mutually held possessions. It can incite a deeper awareness of mortality, and the true, ephemeral nature of life. There’s a deepening bond opening up for you, and opportunities to express immense vulnerability. At the heart of this lies the notion that you’re getting more in touch with yourself, but it’s just as possible that close family or a domestic partner can assist you in opening up and staring into this darkness head on. What you find there, actually, is not darkness at all, but a place that’s merely been rejected for far too long. Navigate this eclipse, ultimately, through your heart. It can help you see farther than the mind could possibly imagine. You’re being led now to more self-sufficiency, and any dependencies that are dissipating are assisting you in this direction.

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The Sun and Mars are still moving through Leo, which has you extending a lot of energy into matters pertaining to finances, resources, and self-confidence. Naturally, that pulls you more into your head while you plot, assess, and attempt to make rational sense of your current situation. This lunar eclipse in Aquarius seeks to momentarily pull you out of this present process, to reflect and more deeply assess your feelings as opposed to what you’re trying to do about it. It can also change the tides on a mutually held financial situation, generating an acceleration of circumstances or a change in its current direction. As always with eclipses, there’s a heightened emotional intensity, as well as a process of reflecting into the past. It’s possible that what you’re presently faced with has been going on for some time, and this is a moment that works to release pent up energy and stagnant feelings. With Jupiter in Libra sending a trine to this lunar eclipse, there is a supportive gesture or offering arising from your domestic roots should you choose to receive it. Any current financial difficulties or dilemmas will find some resolution, or at least give you space to breathe and relax toward of the end of Aug and the early part of Sept. Consider that you only have to fight your way just a little bit further.


Mercury retrograde begins on Aug 12 and will last until Sep 4. The days surrounding Sept 4-5 can be a significant turning point for your financial situation. It could represent the culmination and transition in a long chapter that you’ve been dealing with and the start of a new era. With Mercury retrograde in Virgo for three weeks, keep your mind open and receptive to incoming news and information. While you can expect all of the usual techno/mechanical issues, setbacks, delays, and transient frustrations, this retrograde cycle can help you gain a new perspective or a more informed opinion on several matters. The challenge is to not force any issues, and instead move through your daily life in the spirit of openness. You might just stumble upon some valuable information, or come across a random conversation that gifts you the education you now require. If your life has been busy and fast paced, expect a slowing down to occur so that you can take your time and notice any information you’re missing. If the opposite is true, expect a possible increase in the pace of your daily life. Perhaps even a short trip could open your eyes.

The days surrounding Aug 15 can represent some considerable challenges in your relationships. Pluto has been moving through Capricorn since 2008, slowly corroding away weak, toxic, or unstable relational bonds, replacing them with more authentic connections. With Venus now moving through Cancer, expect some possible challenges to crop up, requiring that you face any issues you’ve been avoiding. While your response may be to take a more passive role, or even attempt to kill criticisms with kindness, you’ll need to actually deal with these challenges head on. What emerges now could be threatening to your personal security or even self-image, but try to see that all relationships often reflect critical issues that lie deep within you. Don’t play the blame game or give into patterns of avoidance; look to your closest partners honestly and humbly. This is a good time to make an authentic connection and attempt to see eye to eye. If you can do that, you’ll not only deepen your trust, but help to build a more stable and sustainable foundation for future love and support.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Leo Rising Forecast August 7, 2017- August 21, 2017

You may have realized lately that you have more say in the current direction of your life. Sometimes we forget that, especially if we’ve been so immersed in someone else, or dependent on their actions, opinions, or advice. This lunar eclipse represents a dramatic change in your relational interactions. It invites you to release unhealthy dependencies (should they exist) for the sake of more autonomy and the freedom to make your own choices despite what others think. While our culture has an unrealistic and unnatural idealisation of self-sufficiency, we still often fall into stagnant patterns with partners, friends, or even those we work closely with that inhibit our free-will. It’s possible that some issues have been on the table for a while, and you’re reaching a critical point where you can properly resolve them. Be mindful, however, of coming off too strong or forceful. This process is helping you to learn news way of negotiation, and unnecessarily triggering upset or causing conflict would would be counter to your true intentions. Also consider that you can learn a great deal from someone now and that an opportunity to improve communication lies within your current process.

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With the Sun and Mars still moving through your rising sign, you may be feeling more naturally yourself, more comfortable in your style and persona. That’s inured you with an ability to give more expression to who you want others to see, even though that may not be who you actually are on a deeper level. These transits are also acutely affecting your confidence and attracting to you “worthy opponents” who can help you strengthen your stance and better articulate your arguments. But consider also the power that you’re feeling that can be channeled toward making some positive changes and honing in on a particular focus. One major theme of your rising sign is the need for some visibility, to somehow stand out and set yourself apart in some dynamic way. Even if you aren’t necessarily extroverted by nature, your rising sign still likes some attention and applause. Consider in what way you could stand out even more, as well as what tactics you could presently employ to give yourself more space to be yourself and pursue your own path. The solar eclipse on Aug 21 represents a powerful turning point and transition where you’ll be able to cross over into a new era of expanded confidence and awareness of your power. You’ll be given an opportunity to utilize this newfound power toward the beginning of Sept and beyond.  

Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 12, and for three weeks until Sept 4, you’ll be reworking your finances and perhaps uncovering some new sources of income. The flow of money is likely to change during this time, so depending on where you’ve been this, you’ll experience either a slowing or a quickening of those circumstances. Step back for a while and see what other way you could look at your situation. Keep yourself open to input from your environment, as well as unexpected insights and new perspectives. You’ll be able to more confidently take charge of financial matters once the retrograde is over, and expect to be able to actually tackle any challenges that you uncover once Mars enters Virgo by Sept 5. Keep your mind open to the possibility of new ways of handling your resources, as well as extra sources that you’ve been overlooking up until this point. I’m not just talking about money either. You may uncover some talents, skills or abilities that can greatly enhance your confidence and be lucrative for you in the future.

On August 13 and August 20, you’ll have the ability to more effortlessly solve some problems and push things further along. With the Sun trine Saturn on Aug 13, just when Mercury stations in Virgo, you’ll find your mind focused on some practical dimensions, especially issues regarding personal survival and attainment of resources. This solar trine to Saturn could either help you get proactive in a creative process, an issue involving children/child rearing, or even a romantic/sexual relationship. You’ll be inspired to get serious about tackling the challenges there, either working to make yourself more appealing and available, working through relational challenges, or getting down to doing the hard work of bringing a creative project into concrete form. Whatever issues you’re presently dealing with, try to consider the realistic limitations you face and assess how much time and effort you can presently commit. Expect the Sun trine Uranus on Aug 20 to be much less difficult, exciting, or even surprising. This is a day to liberate yourself from dogmatic or rigid thinking patterns and to try out a new way of looking at the world/universe. A sudden opportunity to travel (either inwardly or externally) could crop up. Take the initiative in both situations and you’ll get the most benefit.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Virgo Rising Forecast August 7, 2017- August 21, 2017

Being of service and fulfilling a useful role is likely to be a priority for you throughout your life. That service could even be something simple, perhaps not culturally accepted as a definition of “success”. Simply offering a helping hand to another person in a time of need certainly fits this basic of human urges. This lunar eclipse could relate to a changing tide in how you serve and improve your life. That may relate to self-care, a job, or health issue. Consider where you’ve been with these themes up until this point. Expect to see a reversal in your current situation, one that’s been brewing for some time and finally beginning to surface. This is a moment where a new direction, pathway, or attitude emerges helping you to step into a more useful and productive role. It might require an improved technique or a change in your daily regimen. Whatever shows up for you, trust that you’re being guided to acquire further competence and skill, which will help you better serve not only yourself, but your community as well. It’s possible that these changes will help increase your income flow or improve your self-confidence. 

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With the Sun and Mars still charging their way through Leo, you’ve had to perhaps deal with a feeling of being trapped, or even stymied from getting to where you ultimately want to go. This has been a time to channel more energy toward helping others, or having to sacrifice much for the sake of a larger purpose or goal. If a work situation hasn’t been going the way you expect, consider that you’re needing to uncover an awareness of deeper issues within yourself which may be blocking forward movement. Consider that you’re reaching the finish line in this current passe, and this lunar eclipse in Aquarius is generating some tangible evidence of the fruits from your persistence and commitment. The solar eclipse on Aug 21 will represent a significant transition in this process and a potential breakthrough in your consciousness. The early part of Sept will help to carry you back into the action. No matter what frustrations you’ve had to deal with, try to see the benefits. You will soon experience a rebirth of your willpower and ambition, but still there is much that needs to change in regards to your perception. It’s likely that you’ve been gifted with more awareness, humility, and compassion, which can help to put future achievements and attainments into better context. In other words, hang in there and wait until the obstacles clear.

Mercury turns retrograde in your ruling sign from Aug 12 until Sept 4. This three week cycle often confronts us with techno/mechanical hiccups, communicative challenges, setbacks, detours, and delays. If you feel like you’ve had enough of that, don’t be discouraged. While seemingly unnerving and unnecessary, Mercury is helping you to sharpen your gaze, determination and willpower during this time. That might feel like you’re again being blocked from taking what you feel is the appropriate and necessary action. In reality, you don’t quite have your target pinned down. This cycle will assist you in acquiring a clearer focus for what you really want to go for. The problems you face now are likely to be less concrete and more existential, that is rooted in your uncertainty about what you really want to create or make happen. Again, focus on narrowing down a particular target, and wait this one out.

Additionally, with your ruling planet retrograde in Virgo, this can relate to a momentary uncertainty about your identity and self-image, accompanied by a process of revision and testing. That might look like a need to try different approaches with people to see how they respond and make adjustments from there. If it develops into a crises, trust that it won’t last too long. Sometimes, the best course of action is to do nothing (unless dealing with a serious or life-threatening emergency). In doing nothing, we open ourselves to possibilities to simply arrive on their accord. What’s happening for you this Mercury retrograde cycle is an awakening to a deeper appreciation of finding what you weren’t expecting or going after. Sometimes, when we step back from our pursuit and simply allow things to happen, we admit to ourselves that we don’t always know what we need, thereby allowing the universe to provide it.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Libra Rising Forecast August 7, 2017- August 21, 2017

I expect that not many people get up each day with joyous anticipation, but those who do seem to really love what they do. By “doing” I’m referring to a means of survival, and how so often that takes up the bulk of our life, leaving little room for play and recreation. There are, however, passions we can pursue that may not make us money (though for some they eventually do). Consider that this eclipse is turning the tides in how you playfully anticipate each day, but where you stand with that is unique to your situation. Some things you might need to ask yourself in lieu of this south nodal eclipse: do I have something in my life that really feeds me joy that I can give more attention to? Are there habits and behaviors that stand to block me from my true, creative or sexual passion? So often we mistake recreation or authentic sexual exchange with mere escapism. But this eclipse can help you get in touch with that truth, and realize that something more substantial could be integrated into your life. Consider more long-range strategies and how too much focus on distraction or amusement has inhibited your attainment of future goals. With Jupiter in Libra, realize that you have the power to change that. 

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With the Sun and Mars charging their way through Leo, you’ve probably been putting a lot of focus on your dreams, goals, and aspirations. It’s also possible that you’ve had extra energy for social networking, but most likely you’ve been looking forward to the possibilities that stand on the horizon. You may be in search of other like-minds who share your particular vision, whether that’s casual friends or members of a group or community. Expect this trend to continue, but the eclipse momentarily pulls your attention more intimately and subjectively to your own creative process. The things we want in the future can’t exist without our active engagement, and this eclipse can help you see how to better align yourself with your own means of self-expression. Have you been devoting too much attention to certain activities that drain your creative juice? Or conversely, have you been working too hard for someone else’s dream leaving little time or energy for your own? The solar eclipse on Aug 21 is a powerful transition where your brainstorming and reflecting can really pay off. This is a symbolic finish line in your current process, and beyond it lies a more clearly defined strategy to guide you from now on.

Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 12, which may pull you away from external interactions for a while, as well as revealing hidden or secret information. For the three weeks of this retrograde cycle (Aug 12 through Sept 4) you’ll be given some extra space to step back and engage more with your inner self, which should be helpful in gaining perspective of your current life choices. If you’re in need of inspiration, you’ll need to step away from your usual routines and seek some solitude to formulate your thoughts. What you uncover during this cycle may not be comfortable or pleasant, and the temptation to drown it out is enticing. The higher road invites you to stare honestly at reality instead of avoiding it, and there you’ll be be able to engage with your innermost voice. Consider giving up some things as opposed to having others taken away. Expect the usual techno/mechanical glitches and communicative obstacles. Don’t believe everything you hear either, or jump to sudden conclusions. Take your time until early Sept to sort yourself out.

Your ruler Venus makes an opposition to Pluto on Aug 15, which may be a day (or days) of having to contend with some domestic tensions or even an incongruity in your public image and true self. With Pluto moving through Capricorn since early 2008, you’ve likely experienced some profound changes/transformation of your domestic life, but also some deep inner work and psychological discovery. Venus in Cancer squaring Jupiter in Libra, may correlate with some tensions between social/family expectations and your need to assert your own will. With Jupiter in Libra since Sept 2016, you’ve been given more freedom to pursue your own path, and the days surrounding Aug 15 can help catalyze some movement, and get you going in the right direction. By “right” direction I mean one that’s more appropriately suited for your current reality. Consider input, feedback and ideas coming from those closest to you, but ultimately choose what calls you on the soul level. If you have enough personal insight, this will be a lot more clear.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Scorpio Rising Forecast August 7, 2017- August 21, 2017

Your very foundation is being impacted by this lunar eclipse; it touches your most intimate and personal reality. There’s likely to be some significant changes happening not only in your domestic life, but also deep within you. You may want to consider how connected you are to your “inner” self--that aspect of your psyche not visible to the public sphere. There is a person within you that most people rarely (if ever) see. You’ve been putting a lot of energy on your outward mask, tending to your status and reputation, but at this time you’re experiencing a brief interruption which may pull you away from career or public matters to tend to previously submerged issues rising to the surface. Those issues may just involve family, but likely there’s a powerful calling to turn inward, to check in with who you really are and what matters most in your life. This eclipse may gift you the awareness of something more you could strive for. Perhaps a larger mission or career direction that you have neglected. Whatever arises has been gestating for some time. If the situation looks challenging, realize that there are positive developments happening behind the scenes which may not be discernible yet, as well as assistance from unseen guides who may just make their presence felt.

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The Sun and Mars have been moving through Leo, revving up your ambition and giving you extra energy for self-promotion and tending to your public/professional/community role. This is an energetic high point for you in many ways, a time in which you can begin new directions, especially since the Sun/Mars conjunction that occurred July 26. You may have not have felt this much motivation for a while, and the confidence, stamina, and determination you have now is a unique situation. But do be mindful of pushing too hard, or succumbing to ego inflation. Your aggressiveness is likely to be at an all-time high, which could stir up conflict if you overstep some boundaries. While this lunar eclipse in Aquarius draws your energy inward, you’re still going strong. Keep up your present efforts, climbing to the top, and asserting your willpower toward furthering your personal mission or calling. Expect another breakthrough to begin manifesting around the solar eclipse on Aug 21, followed by further developments in early September. Consider the eclipse as a significant turning point and transition in this current process, a time when you can further your goals and objectives with courage. Since your ruler Mars is at the peak of your chart, this represents the beginning of a two year cycle, pursuing your desire for achievement and success.

Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 12 in Virgo, signifying a moment where you will need to step back and reassess your current dreams, strategies, and important connections you need to successfully attain them. Keep your eyes and ears tuned into to the possibility of receiving important lessons, information, or advice from strangers or brief social interactions. For three weeks (from Aug 12 til Sept 5) you’re in a process of reworking your networking skills. That might require testing out some new “schmoozing” techniques, or looking for groups or communities with a vision you can vibe with. Don’t feel pressured to make any long-lasting commitments during this time. Think of this as a moment to test the waters and feel it all out. Expect the usual techno/mechanical hiccups, delays, and communicative obstacles to show up for a while, but as usual, these will pass, leaving you more aware of what needs further reinforcement. Don’t expect anything, just live your life, and allow yourself to be surprised about what, or who, you run into.

On Aug 15 Venus makes an opposition to your ruler Pluto, forming a t-square with Jupiter. While Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, it’s been slowly and surreptitiously breaking down your perceptual barriers, confronting you with a deeper awareness and understanding of the world. Look to some key relationships for some substantial insights that can help you put things into a larger perspective. What you see might not be comfortable to digest, but this is a good time to bring it out into the open. Try to remain receptive about what you’re being shown. This is also a significant period for venting frustrations and communicating any ideological divides you have between someone. The challenge is finding a mutual space to agree, or to simply agree to disagree and move on. Jupiter in Libra could heighten inflated or exaggerated responses, so do your best to keep this in check. Mars sextile Jupiter on Aug 20, just before the eclipse, incites some movement of things that have been building up behind the scenes.  

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Sagittarius Rising Forecast August 7, 2017- August 21, 2017

You’re in a rather stimulating period, a time in which you must be exceptionally mindful of the information that’s coming to you. This lunar eclipse relates to a rapidly expanding consciousness and awareness of your environment, which may come through an increase in social interaction or heightened intellectual activity. This changing chapter turns the tables on your current perceptual understanding, which may be threatening to any fundamentalist stance or carefully guarded dogma. But your life is so often colored by these perceptual breakthroughs, and this is certainly one of them. Over the past several weeks your curiosity has likely been engaged in a process of trying to better understand something about your life. Continue to follow these research trails, as well as your restlessness to experience something greater, more expansive and exotic. This is a moment to take your new understanding and reach out to a larger social environment. That may involve a need to connect with and contact a group of like-minded souls who share the same thirst for knowledge and new experience as you do. The more you branch out, the more you will learn.

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The Sun and Mars have been traveling close in the sign of Leo for several weeks, relating a confrontation with experiences which have altered your worldview. It is times such as these that you get closer to some important lessons for your unique path and destiny. Consider that you’re currently receiving a critical education that goes beyond books or theoretical speculations. You’re in the thick of raw experience, and what you learn now has the capacity to greatly shape a new philosophy which can further guide your life. Consider that any challenges you’re presently encountering are simply the pains associated with the acquisition of wisdom. It’s time that you accepted just how valuable and precious that is. Keep pushing your boundaries over the next two weeks. The solar eclipse on Aug 21 will gift you another transformation of your awareness. You don’t need to step down from the mountain top just yet, though if you feel called, reach out for some social support to help you put things into greater perspective. Expect some final AHA! moments early Sept, followed by a call to step forth and become a little more public.

Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 12, and the days surrounding that transition could relate to some setbacks and glitches, but also the potential for misunderstandings within a community/public or professional role. In other words, someone may misinterpret what your saying, or may be merely spreading rumors. Make sure that what you say is true, and that what others say accurately represents you. For the next three weeks (Aug 12 until Sep 5), you’re likely to experience some rerouting in your current professional/career/public mission, a time to reassess the path that leads you to your highest goals. Look around for powerful clues that could help inspire you, and don’t feel pressured to have it all figured out just yet. You can take some solid steps after Sep 5, when Mercury is direct and Mars enters Virgo. Then you will have more confidence to follow through on a stable plan, but for the time being, begin thinking about what that might look like, and brainstorm about your options. Expect the usual delays, setbacks, and techno/mechanical hiccups to show up during this phase.

Aug 16 presents some interesting challenges, but also a day that can significantly work to catalyze you into action. While Mercury is retrograde, and it may be hard to have a concrete direction pinned down; look to this day as a moment to get you moving, which may be an active engagement with solving problems guided by a powerful intuitive awareness. With Venus squaring your ruler Jupiter, you may have to sort through the challenges that accompany interaction with larger groups or acquiring superficial relationships. Consider that you can have deep, meaningful interactions with someone sitting next to you on a flight, and yet never see that person again. Intimacy comes in many shapes and forms, and may not be long-lasting. That last part is the take-away point, that what you reveal now might make other people uncomfortable, but it’s likely you won’t continue further involvement. Be mindful, however, that what you let out may not be well received. If you feel you should dive in anyway, without that affecting your confidence, then go for it. Use this as an exercise to learn which boundaries you can or cannot cross.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Capricorn Rising Forecast August 7, 2017- August 21, 2017

What’s been building up for you the last several weeks may have involved some concern with your current financial state, or even if you’re capable of making some changes that could increase income flow thereby boosting your confidence and self-worth. This situation doesn’t just involve your own self-interests, as it’s likely that other people also have a say in the matter. You’ve had to work on some boundaries with those you’re intimately connected to. Naturally, what you face is probably more complicated than a simple decision or alteration in your strategy. Fortunately, you’ll find some opportunities arising that could help expand your reach with your professional position, thereby positively and rapidly influencing the flow of resources. If you feel stuck with the way things currently are, deeply consider some doors that are opening for you and actively take charge of the matter. But before you invest in anything, seek input from those you trust and make sure you’re on the same page.

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The Sun and Mars have been charging their way through Leo, which may relate to some potential conflicts or sorting through core values and how well they mesh with another person. Any credit or loan that you’ve acquired in the past could make their consequences felt, naturally creating some potential fear and uneasiness. Now may not be a good time to compound any problems should they exist. Take some time with this lunar eclipse to fully assess what’s happening and make sure that any existing tensions in a relationship are being actively worked on. The more you acknowledge those fears and frustrations, the deeper and more intimate your bonds will become. Also, look for some open doors or ways to promote yourself a little more. While you may not have complete freedom to make this happen, you can push the issue a little further and see what results. Hold off on borrowing more than you can handle now, as the situation is still a little unclear. The solar eclipse on Aug 21 will dramatically shift these present tensions, and from there you’ll have more information to make a more conscious choice. Once Venus enters Leo on Aug 25, you’ll be able to relax and patch up present difficulties.

Mercury begins its retrograde cycle on Aug 12, and for three weeks you’ll be invited to open your mind to new perspectives, experiences, and realities. This is a good time to take a leap in discovery. What you find has the capacity to shock you, thereby infiltrating and impacting your personal philosophy. You might feel reluctant to embrace anything impractical/irrational, but whatever shows up has some important implications and will help you gain more understanding of your place in the universe. If you’re drawn to a certain book, class, lecture, or teaching, I’d suggest taking a bite and see how it tastes. The greatest pitfalls in life have their origins in our ignorance. Facing that fact is sometimes painful, but in hindsight so rewarding. You’ll have several weeks beyond the retrograde cycle to digest these new perspectives and fit them into your life. Expect the usual technical, mechanical, and communicative obstacles. Travel delays are highly possible, so leave room for extra time and space for detours and delays should they arise.

The Sun trine your ruler Saturn on Aug 13 could lend you some support in clearing away debts or relieve the burden of accumulated guilt. This may come through a partner or a person with enough insight to enlighten you. With Saturn in Sagittarius since 2015, you’ve been in the process of releasing old patterns, dreams, and habits. Look for a new perspective on these themes, as well as extra space to reflect and detach to gain some much needed insight. Aug 15 you need to be careful of impulsive reactions or attractions. With Pluto still moving through Capricorn, you’re working through a process of better aligning your actions with who you really are, not what you’ve come to believe as a result of past trauma/abuse/imprinting. Work through any tensions in a relationship carefully, and watch your reactions mindfully. Someone could push some buttons today thereby triggering hostility, but find your center, and work to see the origin of these reactions and how the other person is merely reflecting your own issues.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Aquarius Rising Forecast August 7, 2017- August 21, 2017

You’re in the midst of a personal breakthrough which could turn the tables on your ability to lead others and direct your own life. This has been brewing for a while, and now is the moment of a realization of your power. You may find that others are looking to you for direction and naturally that could be generating an immense feeling of pressure. While you’re in the heat of the moment, it’s hard knowing exactly what to do, or worse, if your choices are for everyone’s best interests. If you feel stuck, look beyond the usual parameters for insight and inspiration. You might consider a mini-vacation, not to escape any current problems, but to merely clear your head and attain a fresh perspective. If that’s not possible, look to spiritual teachings/teachers or someone more educated on your particular matter to help you see this from another angle. Also, don’t think that you’re completely alone. Look to those you trust for support and feedback. This eclipse is placing the power in your hands, but you may find collaboration to be even more effective than going it alone.

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The Sun and Mars are still charging their way through Leo, which may symbolically relate to your recent desire/need to set boundaries with intimate partners, friends, and colleagues. Conflicts are possible, as everyone seeks to take up their own space in the world (and in the situation they find themselves). We all deserve to have our own space the way we require it, but that creates complications because each requirement is different and so often incompatible. Sorting through that and finding compromise has likely been a major theme for you, but now the lunar eclipse is inviting you to call some shots and take decisive action. Your choices here will have some lasting consequences, so treat the situation with some delicacy and mindfulness. There is help out there if you actively seek it. The solar eclipse on Aug 21 is a major milestone in this current development. You have about two weeks to work through relational challenges, and then you’ll hopefully come out the other side with some stability. See this as a symbolic finish line (Venus will help patch things up beginning Aug 25).

Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 12 which may create some setbacks, delays, and difficulties in a mutually held financial situation until Sept 5. There’s probably been some issues that you haven’t been aware of, and this retrograde cycle will help you work out some kinks, obstacles, and critical defects in your current strategy. Another possibility: this cycle can also bring deeper awareness of intimacy needs and force you to look at uncomfortable matters (whether that’s relating to mortality or even personal, psychological discoveries). In other words, this is a moment to go deeper within yourself or another, trusted person and uncover a new awareness or realization. Expect the usual, technical, mechanical, and communicative obstacles with Mercury retro. Take your time to explore and experiment with insights and information.

The Sun trine your ruler Saturn on Aug 13 conjoins the Moon’s north node. There’s likely to be some much needed support from those wiser and more experienced who can offer a unique, yet practical perspective. Expect a new strategy, game plan, or dream to emerge through a partner, friend, or working relationship. How receptive you are to such input is entirely up to you, but perhaps at least listen and consider what comes to you. Then, around Aug 20, the Sun trine your secondary ruler Uranus could gift you some radical, new insights and possibilities. This creates a loose grand trine, opening up new pathways, lines of communication, and an opportunity to integrate both pragmatic and innovative solutions in your partnerships. Bottom line: expect a solid, shared strategy informed by unexpected news or information to emerge just before the next New Moon/solar eclipse.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Pisces Rising Forecast August 7, 2017- August 21, 2017

Potential breakthroughs are possible if you can manage to transmute avoidance and escapism for a more direct engagement with life in its wholeness. That may require some sacrifice or loss to clear the way for something more meaningful and genuine. Several issues that have been floating in the background have evaded detection for far too long. It’s time to acknowledge that fact, and get proactive about seeking resolutions. This lunar eclipse could help bring more awareness and compassion for yourself and others, but the real test is what you do with that insight once you have it. The temptation to turn away, or go back to sleep is strong, but this is a turning point in those natural tendencies, and an opportunity for real growth to occur. Take this moment to step away from external drama so you can bask in this newfound clarity. You’ve likely been hard at work, putting a lot of energy toward self-improvement and productivity. This momentary pause is just what you need to put your efforts into perspective and further inspire you toward helpful service in the world.

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With the Sun and Mars heating up your work-flow, you’ve likely been busy with a job or work situation or making progress with a fitness or health routine. The lunar eclipse on Aug 7 gives you a chance to pause and make better sense of your efforts. Don’t get lost in this momentary interception which may tempt you to totally check out and avoid reality. Your hard work will pay off if you keep going, but simply see this moment for what it is: a way to make space for more consciousness of your current process. The solar eclipse on Aug 21 is kind of like the finish line (though that’s more of a simplification, but a useful metaphor). If you can make it to this symbolic end-point, you’ll know that you have something worth further investment and development. Don’t worry about the overall aesthetic, just put down the rough and raw effort to get the engine up and running. Venus will help you with finishing touches beginning Aug 25.

On Aug 11 look for a boost of creative or romantic stimulation. Venus is opening a conduit to your ruler Neptune, which can help you open your heart space, increasing your ability to bond and connect with lovers, friends, and partners. This also has the potential to gift you more insight and inspiration, encouraging you further on your spiritual mission, though be weary of romantic or unrealistic idealization of others. Mercury turns stationary retrograde on Aug 12. Expect increased mental focus on intimate partnerships to be highlighted around mid-August. You may have to sort through some communicative obstacles. Expect the usual Mercury retro technical/mechanical glitches, setbacks, and delays. Use this time to sort out some problems in key relationships (this includes committed relationships/professional partners/friends).

Mercury will be retrograde from Aug 12 through Sept 5. This is going to carry for you some major themes in these relationship areas. Expect trickster Mercury to throw you some challenges and realizations which will likely trip you up. The goal, however, is to shed light on certain defects and relational challenges. Open your mind to new perspectives and try putting yourself in the other person’s shoe for a while; see their side of the story. Resist the temptation to totally write them off (even if you feel they deserve it). Proper decision making is difficult under Mercury retrograde. Take this time to sort out your thoughts and gain a more well rounded perspective. Once Mercury turns direct and Mars enters Virgo at the beginning of Sept, you’ll be in a better position to take the appropriate action.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Aries Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- August 7, 2017

Aries Rising

You may be feeling a little more aroused than usual, and I’m not just talking about sex (though that’s certainly a possibility). The New Moon could prod your creativity into action, lending to a renewed passion for living and intentionally directed purpose. Trust this juicy vitality that’s currently emerging, but also be mindful of its true power. This is a moment to assert your need for fun, joy, playfulness, and perhaps even sexual or romantic gratification. Sounds fun, right? It certainly can be, as long as you’re careful. This is a potent new beginning for creative projects, play, recreation, or even a romantic fling. Whichever shows up for you, consider how much time you’re willing to commit to it and whether it leaves enough freedom to pursue other directions if need be. These themes will take a sudden and rapid turn by the solar eclipse on Aug 21. The seeds are being planted now.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Mars will be in Leo from July 20 through Sept 6. There is high energy to step into your sexy, juicy self and indulge a little. Creativity, self-expression, romantic activities, or even child-like playfulness are all themes that you can devote much energy to. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak buildup of these themes but also a risk of burning out. It’s possible to play too hard, so keep a steady pace and let yourself shine.

Mercury enters Virgo July 25 and will begin a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This will help you make some revisions in your workflow and productivity level. If you’ve been slacking off, this retrograde will get you back on track, if not, then expect some new techniques and strategies to emerge at this time.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, again highlighting your creative process. There may be some final touches to make here, as well as a last call to enjoy yourself before more work comes your way. Consider that whatever major changes or breakthroughs activated by the solar eclipse on Aug 21 will gain their most notable influence around Sept 3 through 5 with Mercury and Mars’ conjunction on the eclipse point.

Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1 which will get you back into the groove of the daily grind.

From July 31 until Aug 27 you’ll be in a peak cycle for enjoying time with close friends and family. Consider how you can make your living space more appealing and comfortable; perhaps some redesign or sprucing up is in order. This can also help you patch up any conflicts with familiar issues.

The days surrounding Aug 2 may have you feeling a little rebellious and less compromising. Keep this in check, though feel free to explore expressing your individuality more dynamically without creating unnecessary conflict with others.

Around Aug 4 expect to find a supportive partner or friend encouraging your ambitions. When you need a boost to keep you going, look to those closest to you for a much needed pep talk.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

This upcoming lunar eclipse will greatly alter your current dreams, goals, and strategies. You’ve been feeling this for a while, that you need a new vision to strive for. The time is ripe to finally have this vision in hand and ready to reach out for the help needed to guide your way along.

Taurus Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- August 7, 2017

Taurus Rising

There could be some rising tension on the domestic front, but also opportunities to set some much needed boundaries with intimate partners, family, or tribal bonds. Consider what, if any, tensions have been bubbling for a while and how delicate you should presently treat the matter. You needn’t let it all explode, but perhaps letting some air out might make things a little lighter for the time being. Think of this as an opportunity to breathe new life into your living situation by relieving some pressure, which may require that you think differently as well as creatively. Also consider what emotions you’ve been keeping tucked inside. You might discover anger and volatile aggression you didn’t know was there. Giving acknowledgement, expression, and consciousness to these feelings (healthfully) will make space for the more productive vitality and life force you could direct toward a higher purpose. Expect a dramatic shift in this process by the solar eclipse on Aug 21, so take the initiative now.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Mars will be in Leo from July 21 through Sept 6. This gives you plenty of energy to resolve issues on the domestic front either through cleaning/organizing/gardening/cooking or working through conflicts with those you live with. You’ll also find that you increased focus for tackling the inner dimensions of your psyche leading to greater self-awareness. Expect to lay low for a while, tending to your personal and shared, intimate space. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak buildup of energy with these themes and issues.

On July 25 Mercury will begin a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This correlates with a turning point in a creative process, a romantic relationship, or a change in how you enjoy yourself. Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 13 which correlates with a critical revising and change of energy flow in these areas.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, placing the spotlight back on domestic and inner life issues. Sept 3 through 5 will activate those changes that began around the solar eclipse on Aug 21, creating some big shifts with your home life and greater self assurance after a period of inner work.

Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1, at which point you can give yourself a break, loosen up, and allow yourself some much needed playtime.

From Jul 21 until Aug 27 Venus will enhance your communicative style which can help strengthen a writing project or teaching style. Consider some good books you’ve been wanting to read, or emails you’ve been intending to send out. This is also a peak period for social interaction on various levels, so expect to be busier than usual.

The days surrounding Aug 2 could correlate with an eruption of spiritual insight that seems to arrive out of thin air. Secrets and hidden matters could suddenly make their presence known. Hold off on jumping into opportunities that emerge at this time; give yourself time to think and reflect on matters before committing.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

This upcoming lunar eclipse could correlate with significant changes in your career or professional life. A new direction or altered course could throw you for loop. The truth is that many of these changes have been brewing for a while, so you’re likely more prepared than you think you are.

Gemini Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- August 7, 2017

Gemini Rising

Choose your words wisely. The start of the lunation cycle gives you immense verbal strength, which can be used to defend yourself but can also be used destructively. What’s brewing beneath the surface has the power to utterly change your current environment. There may be a lot more activity in the coming weeks and opportunities to use your mind in new, creative ways. But it suffices to say that you should think before you speak. The power of your words have a critical role to play in your overall life path, and so this is a time to assess just how much force is actually needed. What’s emerging now may equally require a different approach to communication, which warrants a change of style along with the change of pace. With that said, if you need to speak up about something, go for it, but fully assess the consequences. These themes and issues will take a dramatic turn by the solar eclipse on Aug 21.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Mars will be in Leo from July 21 through Sept 6. It’s possible that the pace of daily life picks up considerably and you’ll find yourself expending much energy on social interaction. Phone calls, meetings, emails, or even an increase in driving/commuting are all likely to take up much of your energy. Mars will help you to speak up as well, which may require stepping into a new and potentially scary communicative role. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak buildup of this fast-paced energy and an opportunity to step forward confidently into a teaching, writing, or counseling role.

The days surrounding July 24 could be a challenging time for personal and professional interactions. Venus has been enhancing your appearance, giving you grace, charm, and attractiveness that has likely helped in winning people over or getting what you want, but consider that there’s far more than looks. In reality, those relationships you’ve established take effort, teamwork, and mutual support to work effectively, and this is a time to face the reality of your commitments, striving to solve problems head on.

On July 25 Mercury will begin a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This reveals that you’re reaching a significant turning point in your domestic and intimate life. Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 13 which may create some setbacks, delays, frustrations, or general unexpected issues on the homefront which you must resolve for the next three weeks.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, which may correlate with a brief period of communicative obstacles. Sept 3 through 5 will correlate with a dramatic change in your daily life and routine.

Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1, at which point those domestic and interpersonal issues should get resolved and the path ahead will be a lot more clear.  

From July 31 until Aug 27 Venus will help benefit your financial situation and attract the resources and confidence you need. Expect at least some of these issues to see an improvement, however big or small.

The days surrounding Aug 2 could correlate with inner restlessness in relation to your current dreams, goals, and strategies. You may also find that your true personality may clash with a group ideology you must interact with. Use this time to work on boundaries between your goals and those of others; through comparison and contrast you can better shape your current aims.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

This upcoming lunar eclipse could relate to some unexpected changes in your worldview and life philosophy. Travel may be apart of this, but exposure to any shocking, new ideas could be just as impactful. Expect many routines to suddenly shift and change.

Cancer Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- August 7, 2017

Cancer Rising

Survival might be a critical theme that’s on the table right now. Is there enough food on that table? How’s your safety net? This lunation generates some energy, might I say warrior-like energy toward the acquisition of resources, both externally and inwardly. This is a moment to check-in with your current state of confidence and security and which tactics and plans of action you need to implement to make improvements in these areas. You may be feeling a surge of enthusiasm to use a different career or public strategy to create more income flow. Be mindful of the fact that you need space to be yourself. It’s not just about money (though society and reality suggests otherwise). It’s also about how well you can prove yourself at the moment. Consider that it’s possible that you can create a little more freedom for yourself within your current career goals and still manage to survive. Figuring that out is going to require original thought and creative thinking, but a expect a breakthrough by Aug 21 if you begin taking those steps now.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Mars will be in Leo from July 21 through Sept 6. You’ll have extra energy to acquire just what you need, whether that’s money, resources, or an improved sense of confidence. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak energy that could either result in scarcity fears or a sense of self-assurance that you can handle anything. I’d encourage you toward the latter no matter what the situation is like; you’ll be in a better situation to receive later down the road.

On July 25 Mercury begins a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This highlights a period that can awaken you to a new way of thinking as well as a discovery of new information. Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 13 which may have you revising facts and data, encouraging you to go back over critical pieces of information.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, placing the spotlight back on financial matters and the acquisition of confidence. Sept 3 through 5 will relate to some critical changes with your resources and finances.

Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1, at which point you should have the appropriate information and facts pieced together.

From July 31 until Aug 27 Venus will help you enhance your appearance. You may find yourself feeling a little more attractive than usual which gives you definite social and networking advantage. If you need to impress anyone, this cycle will likely give you increased charm and personal flare.

The days surrounding Aug 2 could correlate with unexpected changes in your professional life or current goals and strategies. You may also find yourself restless with your current public image and a strong desire to assert your individuality, changing up your reputation. A desire to rebel against authority is strong, so keep your impulses in check.

A deepening awareness of yourself has been emerging for a while, and around Aug 4 you may find that it conflicts with those you presently interact with--creating some tension in a relationship. Hold back from forcing yourself too strongly and you’ll experience less resistance or conflict.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

The lunar eclipse has a certain edge about it for you. It’s possible it might be emotionally stormy or even psychologically perplexing, as it brings to the surface both psychic and mundane issues. There’s no need to fear. You’ve been dealing with these issues for some time, and it’s the ideal time to finally deal with and release them.