Another Perspective: Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019

Photo by Mary Hollinger, NODC biologist, NOAA.

Photo by Mary Hollinger, NODC biologist, NOAA.

Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 24 Capricorn 04’

July 16, 2019

2:39 PM Los Angeles

5:39 PM New York

July 17, 2019

10:39 AM London

5:39 PM Beijing

7:39 PM Sydney

This month's Full Moon is a partial lunar eclipse in tropical Capricorn. It is not the culmination of last month's total solar eclipse but rather the New Moon/eclipse in early January. Important themes or issues from the start of 2019 could resurface, meeting a crisis, completion, or resolution. The lunar eclipse will be visible from Australia, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and an eastern portion of South America.

In general, lunar eclipses are more significant Full Moons. They bring about more dramatic breakthroughs and blossomings. In the sign of Capricorn and conjunct Pluto, this is not a comfortable or relaxed lunation. It brings the building Saturn/Pluto conjunction into intense focus, an aspect that peaks in January 2020. This eclipse has a dystopian aura and the need to face the consequences of past actions. On the collective level, we might feel more intensely the retracting, overly conservative side of Saturn/Pluto.

Disturbing revelations can surface on the extreme end. It can correlate with the exposure of abuses of power or corruption, and generally feeling the weight of responsibilities and limitations more heavily. If you're caught up in the negative side of this eclipse or find that it amplifies a current existential crisis, move through the feelings and insights no matter how uncomfortable. If you're looking out at the current political and cultural scene and feeling especially hopeless, you're probably more attuned to reality than those clinging to optimism.

This Capricorn eclipse can bring us closer to facing reality; however, if you're naturally more on the stoic side, its insights won't be as shocking. The North Node in Cancer conjunct Venus offers some helpful advice. The "right side" of the current, unfolding drama is in the path of inclusivity, compassion, and love. The North Node suggests releasing fear by letting go of the need to maintain control of the status quo, but ultimately, Venus in Cancer suggests seeking out the support of others and banding together.

Venus on the North Node correlates to more amplified desires for authentic bridge building. With Venus approaching opposition to Saturn in the following days, relational insecurities, challenges, and tense negotiations are likely to surface. Venus' higher message is to listen and practice empathy. Seeking common ground is never easy, but there are ways of making it harder by refusing to see another point of view.