Getting Better: Full Moon in Virgo 2021

Photo by Chad Woodward, August 2020.

Photo by Chad Woodward, August 2020.

Full Moon @ 08 degrees Virgo 57’

February 27, 2021

12:17 AM PST

3:17 AM EST

With the Sun and Venus now in Pisces, this Full Moon in Virgo briefly highlights these two signs' polarity. There can be a momentary tension between the Piscean proclivity for the transcendent, mystical, or fantastical and Virgo's more grounded, earth-based pragmatism. Yet, conflicts are also opportunities for integration, where the Virgo/Pisces polarity can bridge the numinous and the mundane.

As with every Full Moon, you'll often note a significant turning point flavored by a sense of something budding, culminating, or resolving. Think peak experiences but with a Virgo quality: seeing the results of hard work/effort, organizational strategies reaching efficiency, or a greater sense of competence, skillfulness, or usefulness.

Something you've been working to improve or perfect could reach a critical milestone under this Full Moon, aided along by a sudden surge in progress or a light-bulb revelation. Uranus' trine to this lunation is brief but dynamically innovative and liberating. And Venus' opposition from Pisces adds the ability to more effectively make connections across time and space.

However, Mars' wide square also poses a challenge that can incite aggression and aggravation as much as it pushes for action, bravery, and assertion. Mars can also correlate with taking the initiative in getting better organized or finally putting together an effective self-improvement strategy. Nit-picking, fault-finding, and overly critical assertions can peak, so be wary of such tendencies in yourself or others.

Two quincunx aspects to this Full Moon from Chiron and Saturn also form a unique yod configuration. The Virgo Full Moon is the focal point, adding a symbolic layer suggesting that for the sake of healing and tending to responsibilities, we might feel inevitably compelled to get our lives in better order. A sense of fate might be at play surrounding this.

The Virgo archetype embodies the humility required to get better at anything. To step up and improve, we have to admit that whatever we're doing or wherever we're at isn't quite at that perfect place (despite perfection never really being a realistic goal). Those admissions, confessions, or realizations can come erupting forth alongside this Full Moon, so take notice and correct the most essential or critical. Yet, on the flip side, those steps we've already taken and those admissions we've previously made can also bear significant fruit.