Opening to Love: New Moon in Cancer 2021

Sunset behind Molokai; photo by Chad Woodward, June 2021.

Sunset behind Molokai; photo by Chad Woodward, June 2021.

New Moon @ 18 degrees Cancer 01’

June 9, 2021

3:17 PM PDT

6:17 PM EDT

As the Moon resets this month, it aligns with the Sun in tropical Cancer. As a sign that emphasizes intimacy, inwardness, and emotional perception, this New Moon helps us recharge and cultivate our inward lives. The Moon, in its home sign, can significantly magnify domestic interests, issues, and themes relating to safety, protection, and intuitive awareness.

Uranus' sextile to the New Moon stimulates radical breaks and diversions from the usual flow. That might show up as a desire to change up routines, innovate self-care, or as inspiration to shift things on the homefront. Combined with Pluto's opposition, Chiron's square, and the cardinal energy of Cancer, there is both momentum and friction for initiating significant life shifts with this lunation.

Pluto's opposition and Chiron's square to the New Moon present both challenges and opportunities in confronting fears, defects, and wounds relating to various Cancerian themes--belonging, giving/receiving love, safety, and emotional honesty. Anticipate a new beginning in relating and connecting on more profound levels alongside this lunation.

Additionally, look for both culminations and starting points in various relationships around this New Moon and beyond. Venus and Mars' conjunction (exact on July 13) will correlate with the desire to assert new needs and boundaries, allow space for novel connections, and significant shifts in creative and sexual activities.

Together, these New Moon archetypes are opening up venues for intense, intimate encounters, inward growth, and exciting foundational changes. Under such energies, we might deeply question where and with whom we truly belong. Consider also the seeds now being planted to help confirm or discover the answers to these questions and how we can open ourselves further to love, connection, and healing.