Aquarius New Moon 2022

Nurturing Truth: New Moon in Aquarius 2022

USFWS Mountain-Prairie, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 12 degrees Aquarius 19'
January 31, 2022
9:46 PM PST
February 1, 2022
12:46 AM EST

January's second and final New Moon occurs in tropical Aquarius and features a conjunction with Saturn and a square from Uranus. While occurring at the end of Venus and Mercury's retrograde cycles, this monthly reset might still feel slow going yet also like a critical break with the past.

After the convergence of Mercury and Venus retrograde, many paths have altered, perceptions changed, and new/renewed attractions have emerged. Venus retrograde's "change of heart" attribute has likely shown up in numerous ways, deeply altering the nature of our desires and relationships.

This New Moon might feel like a gradual thaw as things take their time getting back to normalcy. Aquarius is a fixed sign, and along with Saturn's conjunction, this New Moon supports taking initial steps toward building a more solid and sustainable future. The Aquarian archetype imbues this lunation with a sense of looking forward, onward, and collaboratively at what lies ahead.

However, Uranus' square adds an element of chaos into the flow, deeply challenging ideas, knowledge, and collective visions that have entrenched themselves in the broader culture. This New Moon is the beginning of the end of many group-think mentalities and a challenge to integrate radical perspectives into mainstream narratives.

Step through this New Moon with caution, a willingness to tackle a challenge, and an openness to alternative routes as they emerge down the road. While new potentials are emerging, especially those that can dramatically liberate us from the past, they will take some time. Therefore, nurture your emerging vision and be willing to let it change and evolve. Nothing quick or easy will come from this New Moon, only what is true and lasting.