Capricorn 2022 Full Moon

Stepping Forward: Supermoon in Capricorn 2022

Joshua Tree National Park, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 21 degrees Capricorn 21'
July 13, 2022
11:38 AM PDT
2:38 PM EDT

July's Supermoon occurs in tropical Capricorn, widely conjunct Pluto, square Eris, and opposing a building Sun/Mercury conjunction. While the sign of Capricorn highlights culminations related to goals, ambitions, achievements, and persistent efforts, the Sun and Mercury in Cancer draw us into intimate realms related to family, tribe, healing, and security.

A supermoon occurs when there's a Full Moon at the Moon's perigee, its closest approach to the Earth. The Moon appears slightly larger and undeniably brighter, especially for those in the northern hemisphere when the Moon rises higher than usual in the night sky. This month's Supermoon is the closest of 2022 and is ideal for soaking up that late-night lunar glow. It will be visually notable for a few days.

Since this Full Moon/Supermoon occurs close to Pluto and thus involves itself in the Pluto/Eris square, there are likely to be some breaking points, crises, or culminations surrounding various political/culture war issues which can amplify and highlight divisiveness, hypocrisy, and social volatility. That, of course, has been a significant theme of the Pluto/Eris square, which started building in 2016.

Humility is always the antidote to hubris and hyper-rationality. The Sun and Mercury in Cancer remind us of the power of inner knowing, gut feelings, and intuitive impressions. While our rational faculties help us to survive in an increasingly complex social world, we cannot rely entirely upon them because life doesn't always match up with what makes sense according to the plan, strategy, or moralistic ideal.

Balancing between the rational and intuitive and a breakthrough in that process may be a significant theme of this Full Moon. Yet, so can a culmination involving projects, tasks, and ambitions where dedication and consistency can bear fruit in tangible results or end-product. With Saturn as ruler of Capricorn, notable events in this sign inevitably bring up issues surrounding responsibility, purpose, and the surmounting of obstacles.

Lastly, Chiron is also involved in this Full Moon/Supermoon via a square aspect from Aries. Chiron tends to include issues of healing, integration, and the pursuit of wholeness. While defining ourselves and our position on various issues is critical to healthy individuation and the formation of boundaries, consider how addiction to divisiveness and tribalism can turn toxic and prevent meaningful connection.

Sometimes, our addiction to conflict can require a dedicated deep dive to discover the root of our impulses as perhaps ways in which some early life imprinting taught us to equate love and affection with conflict and turmoil. Yet, other times, we can simply turn off sources that trigger such tendencies or simply choose not to engage despite how tempting. Chiron represents that switch and choice. Perhaps this Supermoon illuminates a healthier pathway forward in which releasing toxic impulses lead us to gentler and authentically loving ways of connecting.