Earth Grand Trine

Mercury in Virgo+Saturn Direct

Grand Tetons National Park, August 2017; photo by Chad Woodward

Grand Tetons National Park, August 2017; photo by Chad Woodward

Mercury is entering Virgo, its home sign, and place of exaltation. From Sept. 5 through Sept. 21, Mercury in Virgo empowers mental and communicative precision, favoring the editing of words/documents, clarification of messages, and technical mastery. For all cerebral tasks, projects, and activities, a more precise focus can fuel productivity but can also overwhelm with minutiae. 

Hyper-awareness of imperfections can lead to rigorous and laborious digressions. If you need your words or thoughts on point, Mercury in Virgo is invaluable. With Saturn's direct station Sept. 6, anticipate a notable increase in ambition the next few days. For those just getting into the work groove this Virgo season, Saturn direct is pure motivation. 

If you think you're not living up to some higher expectations at the moment, assess whether or not that's true. You might have internalized an unhelpful inner voice which has now become a tyrannical critic. Guilt tripping is never useful nor helpful, so make improvements where needed, but then forgive yourself for not being perfect. Start with small steps now, and you'll rise with the new lunar cycle next week. 

The week's end brings us high-capacity earth energy, and yet, from the background, the numinous invades our perception through the Sun's building opposition to Neptune (exact Sept. 7). Beyond delusions of grandeur and paranoia, lies the awareness of one's participation in a vast synchronistic field, rich with meaning, inspiration, and insight. While the magical and pragmatic may clash toward the end of this week, the mystical can infuse the physical, revealing their separation as a total illusion. 



Virgo Season & Earth Sign Synergy


Virgo season has arrived. For northern hemispheric dwellers, summer is on the wane, though you will notice that nature has begun to transition and change (the signs of spring have emerged also in the southern hemisphere). As the Sun enters Virgo this year, it comes into a grand trine with Saturn and Uranus, exact Aug. 25. The synergy between Sun/Saturn/Uranus in earth signs is incredibly palpable, synthesizing pragmatism, ingenuity, and precision. 

For adding a unique touch to the daily grind, freshening up an otherwise monotonous task, or giving the overly radical a more credible look, this earth grand trine can do it all. With the Sun in Virgo until the equinox Sept. 22, consider those things in life which desperately need more clarity. Virgo season is a time to get coordinated in daily routines, emphasizing duty, service, and contribution to others. And this year, the productivity flow is almost effortless.

Yes, Virgo is known for its potential obsession with perfection, but at the heart of that lies a commitment to the ideal. Getting better at something always motivates the path toward self-improvement. And improvements can always be made. You might notice shortcomings more than usual, but don't lose sight of the need to do your best and move on. Getting hung up on the fact life doesn't exactly match up with the ideal can be problematic.

The Full Moon's culmination (Aug. 26) following the peak of the earth grand trine is incredibly motivating for taking on or tackling critical projects. The earth element is all about making mental constructions concretely manifest. Consider what you need to materialize the next few days, and what needs improvement and augmentation. Getting closer to health and fitness goals, gaining more competence in your job/calling, or just taking care of anything that needs tending, this is an optimal time. 



Earth Grand Trine/Venus and Jupiter Conjunction

Quite a beautiful and productive grand trine formed today---energies and events which have been building since late fall last year, could be brought back into focus--this is a very earthy, centering, and grounding influence--allowing for optimum organization with areas of finances, building and securing structures, and solidifying ideas into more concretness. Powerful expansion of the very material substance of reality--giving us an extended ability to shape and change the world around us--which includes our own bodies--through a razor like perception which could assist us in healing, assimilating, and integrating using disparate tools or bits of information. With Venus joining Jupiter, we feel a strong pull to the natural world and natural beauty--or just beauty in general, although our tastes are likely to be more focused on the simple, elegant, and organically inspired. Watch for indulgent tendencies--and most of the skies, at and just after sunset--Jupiter and Venus will follow the Sun as it descends, reaching exact conjunction late tonight on the Pacific coast. These beautiful planets are not hard to miss--quite the brightest "stars" in the sky indeed, and quite the eye candy--maybe just seeing them together will be enough to curb those cravings ;-) Above all--especially with Mercury Retrograde--this in an excellent time to check in with how you're pacing yourself with things--if you feel rushed, check in deeper and see if urgency is really warranted. Taking things step by step, one piece at a time, is the best way to go right now.