Full Moon December 2021

Breaking the Shell: Full Moon in Gemini 2021

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 27 degrees Gemini 29’

December 18, 2021

8:36 PM PST

11:36 PM EST

This final lunation of 2021 is a Full Moon in tropical Gemini. Out of all of the zodiac signs, Gemini knows well the inherent messiness of a universe imbued with nuance. If you're majoring in Gemini in this life, you realize that as you go. Every story has two sides--a counter-narrative to what "everyone knows" to be true.

When Gemini comes rushing into the collective psyche, as it is right now, it quickly points out the shortcomings of our carefully constructed worldviews. Perhaps it brings us facts, challenging questions, or a rebuttal. We might not be entirely wrong, but we probably don't have every detail of the universe covered.

As this Full Moon rises, it brings a sense of culmination, climax, or completion to a perception, conversation, or understanding about "reality." With Neptune's wide square, and the Sun's opposition (from its alignment with the galactic center), there is the potential to glimpse deeply into some semblance of the truth.

There is equally the potential to realize that whatever semblance of the truth you had previously was wrong, or merely begin to question things in light of personal experiences, intuition, or upon hearing another side to the story. Humility will prevent things from getting messier than they already are. Yet, Jupiter's trine adds more to the story, perspective, and belief, ideally expanding awareness and perception.

Let's add Venus stationing retrograde while conjunct Pluto (and quincunx the Full Moon). All of that lofty, big picture stuff, the revealing facts and details, have to share the stage with the nitty grittiness of our everyday relations and interactions. We might be realizing how imperfect things are in a particular relationship or how flawed someone or something we idealized actually is.

And that's okay. Getting more grounded in reality is healthy and keeps us sane. Talking things out honestly or checking in with our feelings and reactions to relational triggers will help to deepen those connections that truly matter. The more we have idealized the things and people we love, the harder it will be, but not impossible to integrate the emerging truths.

These mutable lunations remind us how quickly our perceptions can change based on new input and information. Truth is what it's all about, however elusive it might seem at the moment. Yet, as we clear out the ideological clutter, alter or put aside certain beliefs, we can get closer to our heart path. And there is where destiny truly unfolds.

"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding." --Khalil Gibran