Leo New Moon 2022

Inner Light: New Moon in Leo 2022

John Samuel, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 5 degrees Leo 39'

July 28, 2022

10:55 AM PDT

1:55 PM EDT

With the Sun recently shifted into tropical Leo, the next lunar cycle renews itself in this fixed, fiery sign ruled by the Sun. The Sun is in its domicile in Leo and so dominates this New Moon moment. Additionally, the New Moon's trine to Jupiter is equally significant as Jupiter stations retrograde just hours after the conjunction of Sun and Moon.

Leo is often conceptualized as an image of extravagance, confidence, and maybe even chutzpah. This is the cliche Leo, the attention-grabbing and illuminating archetype that seeks to brighten a room or gather sustenance from those around it. Yet, Leo also can represent the need to be seen and validated or the need to express innate/developed creativity and self-expressiveness.

In the northern hemisphere, when the Sun is in Leo, it is at its highest ascent and has its most influence in terms of exuding heat and vitality. Sometimes it can feel warming, energizing, and joyful, and other times oppressive, exhausting, or life-diminishing. Leo represents light, brightness, playfulness, and joy if distilled to its most positive essence.

A New Moon here represents a renewal of this capacity to cultivate these positive attributes within our lives. It could symbolize the start or renewal of a creative project or simply taking steps to brighten something up to bring more energy and vitality into some specific area.

Jupiter's trine opens up possibilities--a sense of optimism or new direction to pursue. However, Jupiter's retrograde station adds an inward turn to this New Moon in which we may not be so much externally focused. Jupiter in Aries typically wants to charge ahead and take on new challenges.

Jupiter's retrograde trine conjures an image of connecting with one's inner light, taking steps back to refocus our creativity and passion. Indeed, New Moons, by their nature, are moments to reset, recharge, and gather momentum. This New Moon may be a significant moment to implement a pathway toward building inner strength or cultivating joy more intimately rather than outwardly.