Mars in Aquarius

Waxing Moon & Venus Trine Mars

Photo by Chad Woodward, October 2018

Photo by Chad Woodward, October 2018

Venus retrograde is making a trine to Mars in Aquarius. Venus has been retrograde since early October. Venus retro is a fertile period for significant creative, financial, and relational shifts and changes. With Venus back in its home sign Libra, it carries a more harmonious, friendly, artistic, and auspicious flare.

Venus trine Mars is a notable sexual stimulus. Combined with Jupiter's recent ingress into Sagittarius, there's a powerful surge of adventurousness and excitement currently filling the air. The next few days can intensify desires. Yes, both creative and sexual powers gain leverage and leading into Venus' direct station next week (Nov. 16), there will be a gradual amplification of the heart center once again.

As we move beyond the deeply intense New Moon in Scorpio, the astrology this week opens us to new possibilities. It can feel like a switch has been flipped, a burden rapidly lifted, or a new potential is gaining more traction. Venusian, heart-centered vibes in trine aspect to Mars can provoke a longing to bond, connect, or indulge in carnal pursuits.

Consider that getting what you want may come more accessible, but as always, be mindful of its relevance. With both benefic planets in their home signs, the mood might suddenly feel lighter and hopeful the remainder of this month. And at least until Mars shifts into Pisces Nov. 15, our self-assertion and willpower flow with an unusual sense of ease. Social harmony and charismatic persuasiveness make for a valuable building of rapport and resolution of conflict.


Rapid Fluctuations: Mercury, Mars, & Neptune

By LCGS Russ via from Wikimedia Commons

By LCGS Russ via from Wikimedia Commons

Mercury in Scorpio is reaching two aspects at the end of this week (Oct. 19). First, a trine to Neptune in Pisces followed by a square to Mars in Aquarius. Unless in the process of a retrograde station, flighty Mercury is quick, zooming through a zodiacal sign in 20 days or less. Mercury relates to our shifting and ever-changing reality, as much as it refers to the mind and its logical/rational aptness.

Mercury's exacting trine with Neptune is daydreamy, magnifying the mystical qualities of Mercury (as the messenger of the Gods and Goddesses). Yes, you might feel that sense that new things are possible, and given Mercury's presence in Scorpio, that your perceptual abilities are hyperfocused and nearly transcendental. It might be hard to fully articulate what you perceive under a Mercury/Neptune moment, and sometimes it’s best to convey insights and information through less literal communication.

Mercury/Neptune's auspicious trine aspect creates a free flow of exchange between the tangible and numinous, but Mercury's square to Mars is a source of conflict and tension. Currently transiting Mars' home sign, Mercury in Scorpio more easily succumbs to the primal, raw edges of instinct, desire, and reactive emotions. There can be a challenge in the moment of managing a compromise between the impulsive/visceral and prudent/sensible.

But overall, Mercury is a messenger, and as we near the end of the week, we are likely to receive profound insight, information, news, or advice related to our deepest desires, lusts, dreams, and visions. We can't forget Venus too, moving retrograde and so lighting up the sensitivity of the heart and its need to feel loved, wanted, heard, and understood. This is a dynamic receptivity moment, so yes, open your mind, but don't forget to listen to the heart and trust its wisdom.


Revolution Reboot: Mars Square Uranus

By Thennicke, via Wikimedia Commons

By Thennicke, via Wikimedia Commons

Mars is making its final square with Uranus this week (Sept. 18). We are likely to feel the full force of Mars/Uranus clear to the Full Moon in Aries (Sept. 24). This week can inspire sudden, impulsive moves. Mars/Uranus is erratic, individualistic, and freedom-loving. Mars in Aquarius has a flair for genius and eccentricity, too. And these Mars/Uranus themes have been ongoing since Mid-May. Notice the progress you have made.

Dissatisfaction with stale or stifling routines is a likely possibility, but be careful how you carry out liberations this week. Mars on the lunar South Node significantly cools Mars' aggressive hostility, which can help lessen explosiveness. Still, be mindful that Mars near the South Node emphasizes a letting go of violent or destructive behaviors. Uranus can help liberate frustrated energies and channel them to more constructive means.

So yes, this week is infused with restlessness or potential agitation. Don't push yourself too hard, but don't repress your need to change or innovate something either. With Mercury nearing its superior conjunction Sept. 20, the mind is getting sharper and more attuned to the future. Virgo Mercury alongside Aquarian Mars can generate fresh perspectives and transcend the past.

So do indulge in creative change/innovation this week. Seek a healthy expression of pent-up unrest. However, considering that we are nearing the equinox this weekend and a dicey Full Moon square Saturn, do not throw all caution to the wind or recklessly pursue your own needs and desires. Maintain mindfulness of consequences, because the Full Moon energies are not supportive of an unrestrained Mars. Compassion and common sense are a must.


A Fresh Route: Mars in Aquarius+Venus in Scorpio

By Johannes Plenio jplenio ( [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Johannes Plenio jplenio ( [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

We are still in the dark of the Moon, the cyclic restart of the lunar cycle. New beginnings abound pointing us in fresh directions. The Moon's new cycle is underway at the start of the week, so be prepared to rise and forge ahead. Mars re-enters Aquarius today, following Venus' entrance into Scorpio yesterday. Mars direct in Aquarius will make its third and final square with Uranus next week (Sept. 18), but we will feel it the next two weeks. 

Mars in Aquarius square Uranus is innovative and cutting edge in its approach, but also volatile, even erratic. The rebel genius is the Aquarian/Uranian ideal, and Mars' square can inspire sudden breaks with the past and anything suffocating autonomy. So, the next two weeks offers up another wave of rebellion, freedom fighting, and groundbreaking moves. However, unlike Mars/Uranus squares earlier this year, Venus joins the conversation. 

Yes, Venus will turn retrograde next month. We may already notice strange turnarounds in our relationships, serendipitous meetups, or even blast from the past reemergences. Those will get louder Oct. through Nov., and Uranus flavors each of these changing dynamics in our partnerships. Anticipate allowing yourself and others more space to reinvent themselves.

Experimentation with new arrangements and interactions is a likely scenario. However, Venus in Scorpio gets deep into the core of relational issues, uncovering all hidden dimensions. Be sensitive to that, and avoid pushing others too hard too fast. Venus retrograde is a cycle of revaluing what we love and want, so give your heart some time to reflect. Some profound work lies ahead. 


Close Encounters: Earth, Sun, Moon, and Mars

Photo by Georg Slickers via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by Georg Slickers via Wikimedia Commons

Mars is nearing an intimate flyby with our home planet soon. Intimacy in astronomical terms is about 35 million miles, but if you've been paying attention to Mars lately, via the night sky, you've seen that's quite a statement. On July 26/27 (depending on your time zone), Mars will make its exact perihelic opposition to the Sun. 

If you looked down from above the solar system, you would see a straight line formed between the Sun, Earth, and Mars. If you could somehow perceive the orbital paths of these objects, you'd notice that both Earth and Mars run along an ellipse and that both planets were at their closest points relative to one another. 

This opposition of Mars and Sun is one of three rare and significant events at the close of this month, and all of them involve the infamous, red planet. Following the Sun and Mars' exact opposition, a total lunar eclipse occurs July 27/28, entirely or partially visible for much of the globe except North America and Greenland. 

This eclipse occurs in conjunction with Mars, as the red planet emits its orangish-red beams just beneath the eclipsed Moon. This eclipse will also be the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century, lasting about an hour and 42 minutes for those on the direct path, such as Eastern Africa and the Middle East. 

And finally, on July 31/Aug 1, Mars will make its closest approach to the Earth, crossing that roughly 35 million mile mark. Mars hasn't been this close to Earth since 2003, and before that, nearly 60,000 years. We are speaking of a few million miles difference for some other Sun/Mars perihelic oppositions, but when it comes to astronomy, numbers seem to count. 

In astrology, Mars is a challenging planet to integrate. It's not a "bad" planet, that is, it doesn't always portend tragedy or crisis, but its emergence into both the personal and collective field is often uncomfortable. I believe that's because Mars is a catalyst, and whether we're responding to pain, anger, or fear, something is prodding us into action. 

Mars' perihelic opposition to the Sun always occurs during Mars' retrograde cycle, every two years. When Mars is retrograde, it's a chance to make adjustments to our aggressive, sexual, and passionate nature. But this cycle, Mars is a little bigger and brighter than usual, and perhaps that physical closeness relates symbolically to a heightened sense of passion, lustiness, aggression, or a willingness to fight. 

As an astrologer, I think that the archetype of Mars exists within us all, but that everyone's response to it is different. Mars has a "primal" vibe, in that it relates to thoughts, feelings, or compulsions which are seemingly beyond rational control. As Mars makes its opposition to the Sun, that primal wave will take over the ego momentarily, and we are given a window into that unfiltered, and untamable void. 

It's what we do with our passion, rage, or fear that matters most. Some things are beyond our control. People may trigger us, a health issue can arise, or an accident. Perhaps nothing so serious shows up for you, but you're feeling fed up with the way things presently are. Catalysts can arrive both inwardly and externally, but what we do with them, how we let our experiences define us, is indeed the most critical work. 

The synchronicity of a historical lunar eclipse and Mars' closest terrestrial encounter is both beautiful and intimidating. Always, on the global stage of political/cultural changes, we see the most cartooned version of astrology, such as a building aggression surging out of control. But with Mars retrograde, something different might show up, a critical adjustment or shift in the tide of war. 

With Mars on the lunar South Node, we know that some karma has ripened, some past, unresolved or unexpressed frustration seeks closure and release. With the Sun now in Leo, nearing the lunar North Node, we can only do our best to take the higher road, to stand confidently and courageously in our power while acknowledging the heart. 

Leo's positive face is that of generosity but also humor. Taking things too seriously could blow up in our faces. The higher road might also suggest the lighter path, where laughter is good medicine and reminds us of our humanity. Beware of the pitfalls of extreme alienation or "higher than thou" attitudes. Remember that a unique feature of humanity is the necessity of community. 

The negative face of Aquarius, the tropical zodiac sign both Mars and the lunar eclipse will reside, is anti-social-like apathy or the rebel without a cause. A Mars-like field as potent as this reminds me of Carl Jung's hypothetical enantiodromia, which warns us that when we polarize against an evil other, we risk eventual assimilation of that which we fight.

In looking at the astrological clock, it's evident that we could all use a catalyst, so let us be thankful for the reminder that life is worth living and that there are things worth fighting. Mars is the warrior after all, but a warrior defends what is sacred and vulnerable. There are harshness and injustices in the world, but Mars inspires us to protect what matters. 

In our fighting, let's not lose sight of compassion, or fall into the trap of making our enemy a literal embodiment of evil. There are profound lessons in a moment of terror, and immense strength acquired through every battle, no matter how small. And when you look out into the world, realize that everyone is in the midst of a personal crusade, even if you can't see it. Use that insight to connect yourself to the greater whole, and perhaps not feel so alone. 

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path