May 15 2022

Trust Every Step: Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 2022

Photo by Chad Woodward, August 2020

Full Moon @ 25 Scorpio 18'

May 15, 2022

9:15 PM PDT

12:15 PM EDT

This month's Full Moon is a total lunar eclipse in tropical Scorpio. It represents a powerful culmination in various life arenas. Saturn's square to the Full Moon/eclipse adds some heavy pressures, but supportive trines from Neptune, Mars, and Jupiter create positive outlets for transmuting potential difficulties.

A Scorpio Full Moon highlights emotional and psychic terrain, amplifying deep feelings, desires, and impulses. Combined with Saturn's square, a depressive and brooding element is possible alongside this eclipse, but recognize that any of these potentials will dissipate over the following days.

As a south nodal eclipse in Scorpio, there is a potential to release unhealthy attachments to crisis, drama, or excessive negativity. Combined with Saturn's square, consider ways in which certain fears or self-worth anxieties have prevented simple pleasures and joy from flowing into your life.

This eclipse can symbolize a breakthrough in releasing such blocks due to hard work and commitment in choosing to live more fully. Additionally, this lunation can correlate with breakthroughs or culminations in the consistent development of specific skills or resources, where persistence bears rewards.

While the emergence or amplification of complex difficulties is likely, supportive trines from Jupiter, Neptune, and Mars invite opportunities to shift from a myopic focus to a broader point of view. Realize there is always a bigger picture, intention, and process in which all current dramas or difficulties are ultimately embedded.

Perhaps one of the most salient insights of the moment is realizing the western cultural world is experiencing a crisis in meaning, in an inability to see anything beyond the literal. Trusting the flow of life is not a naive acceptance of things as they are but an acknowledgment that what's happening serves a greater purpose and is motivated by intention.

The way out of any eclipse crisis is a willingness to live more intentionally and choosing to rise up and away from that which is harming us. It might begin with realizing what we're worth, in a radical embrace of self-love and self-care to shift forward and onward. When in doubt the next few days, choose the most straightforward solution over the most complex. Just breathe, feel your feet on the ground, and trust every step.