Mercury retrograde in Gemini 2021

The Infinite View: Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius 2021

The Grand Canyon South Rim; Photo by Chad Woodward, September 2018.

The Grand Canyon South Rim; Photo by Chad Woodward, September 2018.

Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse @ 05 degrees Sagittarius 26'
May 26, 2021
4:14 AM PDT
7:14 AM EDT

This month's Full Moon in tropical Sagittarius is also a Supermoon and total lunar eclipse. The total eclipse will be visible over most of the Pacific Ocean, while regions of North and South America, China, Japan, Russia, and Indonesia will see partial or penumbral phases.

Following this Supermoon/eclipse is an annular solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10. In astrology, eclipse season is a brief period of accelerated changes that can happen both inwardly and externally. The pace of events can pick up, and subtle to dramatic changes in circumstances or perception can emerge.

Mercury's retrograde cycle (officially beginning May 29) coinciding with this year's first eclipse season is also significant. Occurring in Gemini and aligning with next month's solar eclipse, perception, beliefs, and ideologies will be the focus of substantial changes over the next few weeks (both on a personal and collective level).

As humans, this can be dramatic because we rely so heavily on exchanging information for our survival. Having to re-evaluate our beliefs or opinions about reality can be threatening and naturally challenging. Having to admit that we're wrong or that something we believed isn't true can sometimes feel like a matter of life or death.

Yet, letting go of an outmoded belief or idea can also be liberating as it frees up space for a new perception to unfold and fresh possibilities. In the two weeks following this lunar eclipse, also consider what else you can dissolve, eliminate, and release from your life. This will be a powerful period for clearing out all that you've outgrown.

At the heart of Sagittarius is an expansive quest for the truth and a willingness to be guided by faith. Be mindful of dogmatism or clinging to conviction as this Full Moon culminates. While there can be significant culminations or validations relating to a position we've taken, be mindful of how you're presenting your perspective to others.

This eclipse can ask us to adjust our faith to new information that might conflict with the big picture we've embraced or were given by others. Conversely, we might find that more pieces emerge that further expand the picture, adding more complexity, nuance, and details. Remember that the universe is likely infinite, and we have glimpsed merely a tiny portion. So find joy in all that you have yet to discover.

The Simple Path: New Moon in Taurus 2021

Photo by Chad Woodward, August 2020.

Photo by Chad Woodward, August 2020.

New Moon @ 21 degrees Taurus 18'

12:00 PM PDT

3:00 PM EDT

This month's New Moon in tropical Taurus restarts the lunar cycle and acts as a symbolic transition point for the first eclipse season and second Mercury retrograde cycle of 2021. Keeping things slow and simple is good advice before the potentially more erratic archetypal field we're heading into.

The Taurus archetype connects us to the inner animal, the earth, and eternal stillness. Consider simple ways to cultivate joy, relaxation, self-care, or pleasure. Also, consider that whatever is emerging now might require careful thought, consideration, and patience to enact or come to decisiveness.

Mercury will turn retrograde at the end of the month, and beyond this New Moon will be two eclipses (total lunar eclipse May 26 and annular solar eclipse June 10). Dramatic shifts in attitude, plans, or perception are likely over the next month, so move ahead carefully, mindfully, and gradually.

The New Moon vibes naturally draw us inward and internal, and Taurus emphasizes the moment and maintaining a simple focus. Yet, Venus, the New Moon ruler, is now in Gemini along with Mercury. There could be some tension between the body and mind, the intention to expand outward conflicting with a more sluggish response on the material plane.

The Gemini archetype will eventually come to predominate, so take this time to rest up and recharge before the acceleration of eclipse season and detours of Mercury retrograde take hold. With the New Moon square the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint, this can be an excellent time to take the initiative in carefully plotting ahead and assessing benefits versus risks of various situations.

Neptune's sextile to the New Moon stimulates creativity, inspiration, and interest in the numinous/mystical. With Neptune exciting this Taurus lunation, we might note a greater desire to engage in the moment through contemplation, meditation, or a deeper connection to whatever we're engaged with.

Lastly, as you step ahead of this New Moon, look for ways to simplify all that you're presently taking on. That's what Taurus does best, and in this potent Taurus moment, we can unburden ourselves slightly by finding an easier path to follow. The following weeks will give us a lot more time to reconsider, unpack, and meander. Take your time for now.