New Moon December 3 2021

A Change of Faith: Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 2021

Total Solar Eclipse @ 12 degrees Sagittarius 22'
December 3, 2021
11:44 PM PST
December 4, 2021
1:44 AM EST

December's New Moon in tropical Sagittarius is a total solar eclipse that will be visible over Antarctica (with a partial eclipse visible over southern portions of Africa, Australia, and New Zealand). While most of the world will not visibly witness the eclipse, the inner eclipse is just as significant.

As an extra potent New Moon, this solar eclipse brings us to a novel emerging horizon and the seeding of powerful potentials. Yet, as a south nodal eclipse, some elements of this fresh start can feel familiar. There can be a reemergence of the past alongside south nodal eclipses that can weave things forgotten or momentarily neglected into the present.

This eclipse can help us reintegrate vital pieces to our understanding of the world, universe, multiverse, etc. Sagittarius points us to our driving faith and quest to hold a larger view in focus. While potentially frustrating for more detail critical activities, Mercury's conjunction adds an element of perceptual expansion and a new understanding of certain truths.

Neptune's wide square does suggest some caution with emerging data or novel solutions, especially those zealously presented as unquestionably accurate or efficacious. Yet, the opportunity to challenge reality and push ourselves to see past facades, while possibly uncomfortable, can be revealing and insightful.

Uranus' quincunx to this New Moon suggests not remaining too comfortable with our current understanding. In light of emerging evidence and information, sudden changes to the truth and narrative are likely forthcoming. This eclipse stands as a powerful sign and suggestion that the most significant changes coming alongside this eclipse are likely perceptual and present both challenges and reinforcements to our faith.