New Moon November 2017

Loving the Darkness: New Moon in Scorpio 2017

The Cygnus Wall, part of the North America Nebula (NGC 7000); photo by Chuck Ayoub.

The Cygnus Wall, part of the North America Nebula (NGC 7000); photo by Chuck Ayoub.

New Moon @ 26 Scorpio 19'
November 18, 2017
3:42 AM Los Angeles
6:42 AM New York
12:42 PM London
3:42 PM Dubai
5:42 PM Beijing
8:42 PM Sydney
11:42 PM Auckland

This month's New Moon in tropical Scorpio arrives just two weeks before Mercury's retrograde cycle in Sagittarius. Occurring in Mercury's retrograde shadow, this lunation is conducive for laying low, recharging, regeneration, and healing. Scorpio is a zodiac sign with a somewhat negative stigma. It is symbolized by a Scorpion after all. Scorpions and many other arachnids can be deadly creatures. So, naturally, the archetypal resonance of Scorpio is along the lines of danger, darkness, and even death. 

Scorpio's modern ruler, Pluto, symbolizes entropy and regeneration. When confronted with Plutonic realms, horrors, atrocities, and nightmares typically surface. And Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio is one of the "lesser malefics," i.e., a "bad" planet that to ancient astrologers caused destruction, violence, and separations. No wonder Scorpio is so feared by the western mind. As a fixed, water sign of yin (or feminine) polarity, Scorpio embodies most strongly the symbol of the abysmal and irrational unconscious, and ditto for Pluto. It's an interesting synchronicity that both rulers of Scorpio, Mars and Pluto, are applying in a square aspect alongside this New Moon (exact the following day). 

With Mars in detriment in Libra, this may not be the most comfortable lunation or the most promising for getting precisely what you want. However, the New Moon makes a trine to Chiron, and both Venus and Jupiter are currently transiting Scorpio, too. So, what is this New Moon good for? First off, it's an auspicious moment that helps us shed light on anything that's been obscured from conscious acknowledgment. Chiron's trine promises the opening of new pathways that could potentially lead to rapid reversals, healings, and breakthroughs. The western world's fear of death reflects its obsession with purity, light, and whiteness.

lf you've lived long enough, you've probably realized that life isn't always "love and light," that often, real healing requires not cleanliness or "good" thoughts, but boldly stepping into the dreaded darkness and facing some shit with a positive attitude. Life is far more interesting (and healthy) when you're inclusive of diversity. This New Moon is all about honesty, and when you're honest with yourself and your real feelings and needs, authentic healing opportunities emerge. Jupiter's transit through Scorpio (until Nov. of 2018) suggests rewards are waiting in the pit of hell. The risk? There's always a risk with Scorpio, Mars, and Pluto. The best advice for this New Moon: don't just listen to your impulses. In fact, if you're uncertain about what you should do, or what direction you should take, respond to reason, competent guidance, and intuition over any emotionally charged reaction. 

Ask people you trust to give you a more objective viewpoint. This is likely to be an intense lunation, extending some moodiness or seething hostility into the collective vibes. It could also be incredibly sexy, passionate, and profound. With Mars/Pluto, you may notice that any accumulation of repressed desires and instincts may come pouring forth here. And the best way to deal with that is to give them a voice and listen to what they have to say. Realize that whatever shows up, it's okay. If it hurts, feel it. If you feel angry, get it out. Sit in your darkness and embrace that everything, even your worst fears, is still a part of your wholeness and deserving of love.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path