New Moon in Libra 2021

Renewed Relations: New Moon in Libra 2021

Photo by Chad Woodward, Maui, June 2021.

Photo by Chad Woodward, Maui, June 2021.

New Moon @ 13 degrees Libra 24'

October 6, 2021

4:05 AM PDT

7:05 AM EDT

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in tropical Libra this month, they're joined by Mercury retrograde and Mars, forming a cluster of planets in the sign of peace, homeostasis, and relational equanimity. Those, of course, are Libra's positive aspirations, and we can equally anticipate a suppression of honesty for the sake of peacekeeping or losing agency to the needs or demands of others. Also, an inconjunct with Uranus and opposition from Chiron further complicate this lunation.

Classically, a New Moon in Libra is a reset and new start in various relational situations, an opportunity to implement fresh strategies for destressing and cultivating beauty. With a heavy emphasis in this sign under this lunation, and for the next few weeks, the complexity of social interaction is likely to take precedence, and how we achieve homeostasis in our relationships is also expected to change notably.

Mercury's retrograde cycle through this sign requires listening more and perceiving less logically and more heart-centered, opening us to new ideas, perceptions, and dimensions of experience. Alterations to the way we relate, who we relate to, or the pace of interactions are likely as well. Open yourself to new or renewed relational encounters, all of which can provide information and insights under this lunation and the next several weeks.

Mars' conjunction with this New Moon represents the start of a longer range cycle in how we assert/attain our desires, make things happen, or confront fears and challenges. Consider how your passions, sexual relationships, relational goals, and interpersonal battles are being reset or refocused. Also, what might feel like a loss of stamina is really a vital recharging of the inner warrior.

Much of what emerges alongside or around this New Moon conceals an intensity that may not blossom or erupt for a few weeks beyond it. What might seem like a civil and or peaceful interaction/exchange may have more brewing beneath the surface--wildness, passion, or aggression. With Uranus quincunx this New Moon, a disruptive disequilibrium enforces itself, likely inciting unwelcome, unexpected detours and radical departures that have to be contended with.

Lastly, Chiron's opposition to this New Moon points to certain flaws, defects, traumas, or wounds that prevent us from healthy, sustainable relational experiences. Yet, under this lunation are opportunities for healing, for creating new boundaries, asserting needs, opening our hearts to hear what others have to say, or letting down barriers to more loving experiences. The emergence of those wounds is helping to bring consciousness and eventually rapid resolution through critical perceptual changes.