New Moon in Taurus 2019

Moving With Ease: New Moon in Taurus 2019

Evelyn Simak / Russian comfrey (Symphytum x uplandicum)

Evelyn Simak / Russian comfrey (Symphytum x uplandicum)

New Moon @ 14 Taurus 11'
May 4, 2019
3:45 PM Los Angeles
6:45 PM New York
11:45 PM London
May 5, 2019
6:45 AM Beijing
8:45 AM Sydney

Ease your way into the New Moon in tropical Taurus. New Moons are natural rest and reset moments, a potent time for planting new seeds and initiating fresh intentions. The sign of Taurus emphasizes the body, the natural world, and the implementation of a slower pace. With Saturn's trine to the New Moon, you might find it easier to manage tasks, responsibilities, and challenges. The flow of productivity runs high with this New Moon, but Saturn's call to duty can feel more like an invitation than a demand. 

Taurus, while a fixed, earth sign, isn't inherently ambitious. The lack of hard aspects to this New Moon means that you'll have to take the extra initiative if you want to get anything done this weekend. A Taurus New Moon such as this is a perfect time to check in with your body, connect with nature, or otherwise give yourself some space to relax and recharge. Those of us with a list of tasks piling up might find this call to "take it easy" a bit at odds with what needs to get done. 

Indeed, Venus in Aries, the ruler of this New Moon, is applying to square both Saturn and Pluto. Heavy demands loom on the horizon, and relational conflicts, adjustments, or comprises can arise in the following few days. The best way to deal with such challenges, according to Taurus, is to ground and nourish yourself. Taurus' highest teaching is that self-care allows us to make space for others. When we neglect ourselves, when we deny ourselves nourishment, we don't have enough energy to share.

If anything, utilize this New Moon to assess where you're at in your self-love endeavors. Notice places you've neglected, or areas that could use improvement. Stick to simple changes and adjustments. A hike, nature walk, or a healthy meal might be all that's required. Neptune in Pisces also makes a sextile to this New Moon. This can help to stimulate creativity, offer inspiration, or catalyze meditative moments. Even if you find yourself consumed in productive tasks or commitments, remember to breathe, stretch, and feed your body. A little self-love can go a long way.