November 3 2021 New Moon

Freeing the Shadows: New Moon in Scorpio 2021

temporalata, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 12 degrees Scorpio 40'

November 4, 2021

2:15 PM PDT

5:15 PM EDT

November's New Moon in tropical Scorpio represents our collective ingress into the final eclipse season of 2021, kicking off with the partial lunar eclipse on Nov. 19, followed by a total solar eclipse on Dec. 4. Yes, the remaining astrology of 2021 reflects some turbulence, yet also necessary movement and action, especially where there's been stubborn resistance to change.

The New Moon in fixed, water sign Scorpio touches upon the deeper layers of life experience, including emotional, psychic, and psychological undercurrents. It also represents a fresh start relating to situations that have evaded complete understanding, clarity, or acknowledgment. The Scorpio archetype relates to the places where the light of conscious awareness does not fully illuminate, and it stirs fascination with the dark, obscure, taboo, and ignored.

Uranus' very close opposition to this New Moon adds an extra element. As the liberator and revolutionary of the planetary pantheon, Uranus suggests that change is coming alongside this New Moon, and it is likely to be rapid, sudden, or unanticipated. Yet, whatever emerges alongside it, opens a path to a novel direction where greater freedom and autonomy can be acquired or awakened.

Opposing the Scorpio New Moon, Uranus seeks to free us from the grip of that which we've refused to see or that which we literally could not see for whatever reasons. In doing so, this lunation releases the power that ignorance can often have over us. That's because awareness is empowering; it allows us to finally notice potential dangers or problems so they can be appropriately managed and understood.

Saturn's square completes the t-square structure that is central to this lunation and the month of November. Its highest expression represents the wisdom needed to know the appropriate limits of progress, allowing us to create steady, moderated change. Negatively, it can relate to an overbearing hubris or breach of authority as it clashes with radical defiance.

Obstructions can be frustrating until we realize they're often placed for a reason to define what's possible and appropriate for the soul more clearly. Yet, with Mars (the New Moon ruler) now in Scorpio, passion, desire, intensity, and willpower will increase. Directed with intention, we can move creatively and wisely around imposed limitations to accelerate progress and better align ourselves with where we need to go.