Sagittarius Full Moon 2022

Moving In Flow: Full Moon in Sagittarius 2022

SeanXCurry, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

June 14, 2022

4:52 AM PDT

7:52 AM EDT

With this Full Moon, we're balancing between the archetypes of Gemini and Sagittarius. Gemini curiously seeks out the inherent diversity within the universe while Sagittaius seeks to find meaning or purpose behind it. Gemini emphasizes a multiplicity of perspectives, data points, and opinions, while Sagittarius seeks to funnel complexity into cohesive beliefs, ideologies, or philosophies.

Combined with Saturn's square-off with Mercury the past week, this Full Moon helps to focus and direct the many possibilities or information bits we've been playing or struggling with. The archetype of the Full Moon is all about completion, breakthrough, or resolution, bringing pending thoughts, plans, and anticipations to a fulcrum at the start of the week.

This Full Moon can empower faith and optimism as well as embolden zealousness and hubris. Yet, both directions can be challenged by Neptune's square to this Full Moon as it forces a questioning of the veracity of what we believe or hold faith in or whether our certainty is justified by reality.

Neptune puts pressure on all the dots we've connected and the beliefs we've manufactured in making sense of the world. As we quickly pass through this Full Moon, the best advice is to stay humble, admit what you don't know, and surrender to the endless mysteries that envelope us. And for the next few days, choosing to go more with the flow rather than enforcing a specific agenda will work more favorably.

When encountering confusing or suspicious situations, step back to gain more clarity. Neptunian energy encourages or forces a more inward perception or less rational approach to dealing with obstacles. There may be things brought up around this Full Moon that require some sacrifice or may be beyond our control, but try to look past the facade and to the deeper layers, intention, or purpose.