Scorpio New Moon 2015

Reaching Out From the Dark: New Moon in Scorpio 2015

A single tree highlighted by a shaft of sunlight through the dark
forest of Coed Moel Famau; photo by John S. Turner, 2009.

New Moon @ 19 Scorpio 01'
12:47 PM Pacific
9:47 AM Eastern

As the Sun and Moon come together in the sign of Scorpio, you may find yourself needing to face the reality of situations that you don’t want to acknowledge. Scorpio is an archetype that embodies the awareness of uncomfortable truths—those things in our lives that the mind and ego would rather ignore. But our subjugation of anything, either personal or cultural, only amplifies its influence and control over our lives. The planet Mercury joins this New Moon, bringing with it an expansion of perception to include a greater awareness of what you have been ignorant of or have chosen not to deal with.

You can still choose to ignore it; nothing will stop you, but you will have to continue your life knowing that something dark and potentially troublesome will be left to fester and grow within you. In this dark of the Moon, you have the opportunity to set in motion a strategy to bring consciousness and awareness to that which is unknown to you. And what is unknown isn’t always as bad as you think it is, but the only way to find out is to be brave enough to step into the dark consciously.

The planet Mars is nearing the end of its passage through Virgo and is about to enter Libra to align with the North Node of the Moon. As Mars nears the cusp of Virgo, it correlates to this feeling of something that’s “about to explode”. Mars is activating the intersection between the personal and the collective. Put simply, it brings to the surface events that affect us all, collective events that seep into our personal lives. It symbolizes the emergence of issues that are much bigger than you alone.

And as you choose to deal with situations you’ve buried or pushed aside, you have the opportunity to reach out and ask for help. Take the initiative and admit that you’re scared or that you need support and assistance. A new cycle is emerging that invites you to stop sitting alone in that dark corner. The world is populated with a lot of other people who can help you if you know where to look or who to ask, but that will require vulnerability.

In your personal or intimate relationships, this New Moon requires opening up and getting real about what you have been ignoring. It also requires that you open your mind and perception to include input from others you trust and rely on. If you can approach this moment with honesty, realism, and humility, as well as a willingness to face some uncomfortable material, you will have succeeded in illuminating some mysteries (whether they’re what you feared or not), leading potentially to rapid healing and transmutation. Whatever the reality of the situation, try to acknowledge that help and support is available to you if you’re willing to receive it. You don’t have to face this darkness alone.

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