Scorpio solar eclipse 2022

Innerscope: New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2022

Satoshi KAYA from Japan, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse @ 2 degrees Scorpio 00'
October 25, 2022
3:49 AM PDT
6:49 AM EDT

October's New Moon in tropical Scorpio is a partial solar eclipse. Solar eclipses enhance the significance of the New Moon, symbolizing a potentized new beginning/restart within the psyche where accelerated shifts and changes begin to emerge. Additionally, we are at a significant astrological crossroads just past the Sun/Venus conjunction in late Libra (Full Venus) and nearing Mars' retrograde station.

The sign of Scorpio is often associated with the archetypal darkness, shadow, and underground. Scorpio tends to highlight those aspects of reality and the individual/collective psyche that is sometimes kept hidden due to ignorance or fear. We could associate Scorpio with our personal and collective blindspots, and thus this is a sign that deals heavily with truth, authenticity, intimacy, and deep meaning.

As with any New Moon, and especially an eclipse, we are invited to delve deeper into our darkness and find within truths we've evaded or neglected. Shadow work, the process of bringing to consciousness that which is unconscious, would be one way to explore what emerges under this lunation and beyond. This is a powerful starting point for transformative healing and unconscious exploration.

It is often said that the truth will always prevail. While that may not always be the case in every situation, this lunation/eclipse appears to support it. On a collective level, anticipate the rapid emergence of truths that have been concealed or avoided. This can be an uncomfortable awakening for some, while for others, a vindication of what they knew all along.

Venus' conjunction with the New Moon adds an emotional, relational, and creative dimension. It brings forth the heart's desires, intentions, and insight. With this New Moon/eclipse, we might benefit immensely from listening more intently to those more subtle psychic aspects, gut feelings, and intuitions and allowing them to reveal themselves more fully.

Alongside this New Moon/eclipse are the emergence of honest dialogues, soulful encounters, intimate breakthroughs, and heart-deepening/opening experiences. Pluto's square and Mars' trine also augment the intensity level and catalyzing impact of this lunation to push us deeper onto pathways of emotional, psychic, and relational changes. Move with the heart and follow it into those hidden layers where more authentic love, joy, and creativity seek expression.