Sun in Scorpio

Revolutionary Rumbles: Sun Opposition Uranus

Photo by Chad Woodward

Photo by Chad Woodward

As we get closer to the Full Moon culmination (Oct. 24), the rumblings of revolution get louder, starting with the Sun's opposition to Uranus. Entering Scorpio, the Sun faces off with the God/Goddess of mutation, innovation, and genius. This week is likely to be filled with rapid, or unanticipated shifts in both internal and external environments.

Uranus triggers the desire to seek freedom from the past as well as the freedom to make a unique stamp on the world. As the Full Moon blossoms this week, it sends out powerful Uranian surges which can make conformity a challenge and stability hard to maintain. The approaching Full Moon can synchronize with much-needed change-waves, so surrender to something fresh and flow with your heart's desire to add something new to the daily narrative.

The Sun's transit through Scorpio also deepens the Venus retrograde cycle currently underway. On Oct. 26, Venus reaches its inferior conjunction with the Sun. Breakthroughs and new beginnings both infuse this week. And with Uranus, Sun, and Venus square the nodes, the current climate feels karmically "charged," that is, supported by events/actions which can be meaningful turning points in the soul's overall plan.

Yes, it can feel like a poignant crossroads is upon us in some way, so pay close attention to the current direction of flow. Venus retrograde beckons the conscious mind to get more rooted into the heart to reflect on what the soul wants. While things can feel incredibly accelerated this week, there are subtle dimensions which need tending. Many of the changes on the table are likely to manifest in the realm of interpersonal relationships, finances, and values.

The heart is getting louder, and with it, a magnetic pull to what you want and need. The Uranian emphasis adds a unique and individuating spin to all of this, so it's not the season to hold yourself back or sell yourself out to gain approval. Reflect on what it is that excites you and feeds both heart and soul, and let the mind figure out the logistics.


Honest Assesment: New Moon in Scorpio 2016

Image by Chad Woodward

Image by Chad Woodward

New Moon @ 7 degrees Scorpio 44'

October 30, 2016

10:38 AM Pacific

1:38 PM Eastern

October's New Moon in tropical Scorpio highlights a time to go deeper within yourself and with those you are connected to. During any New Moon, we are consolidating our energy, turning inward, and recharging ourselves for the new lunar cycle ahead. Notice what emerges around you now. This New Moon is likely to reveal to you insights about life and yourself you may have been unconscious of or weren’t ready to face. The sign of Scorpio deals with uncomfortable truths and favors blunt honesty.
With Mercury’s conjunction to the New Moon, use this time to explore subjugated topics--sex, death, occultism, psychology. Take conversations to a new level of depth and meaning. Look around for opportunities to bond, make eye contact, and to say what you’ve been afraid to say. New seeds are being planted for the honest assessment of yourself, your relationships, and more truthful communication. Often, we move through our social interactions behind a superficial veneer.
That works well to establish connections, rapport, and social cohesion, but too much politeness deprives us of expressing who we truly are. As the Sun and Moon conjoin in Scorpio, expect that veneer to disappear, exposing us to the raw dimensions of others, ourselves, and the world around us. With Venus and Saturn conjunct in Sagittarius, consider how new or established relationships take on a tone of seriousness, tending toward the assessment or possibility of commitment. Saturn conjunct Venus is stirring up our ideals about partnership, favoring a more sober and realistic assessment of what’s possible (and what supports further growth and maturity).
Combined with this Scorpio lunation conjunct Mercury, this might be a time to openly discuss what you really want from yourself and others. Don’t settle for small talk or superficial exchange. This is the season to take things further, maybe even take a risk to fully express yourself to another person you trust. The New Moon makes a trine to Neptune in Pisces. Expect certain topics of exploration or conversations to lead toward an expansion of consciousness or an opportunity to glimpse spiritual insights. If you get anything from this New Moon, keep your mind and heart open to a reality you’ve been avoiding. It has the power to greatly alter your perception, leaving you more insightful and aware of what’s possible.

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