Supermoon 2016

Focusing the Mental Storm: Supermoon in Gemini 2016

Supermoon rising over Queen Valley in Joshua Tree National Park; photo by NPS/Brad Sutton [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Supermoon rising over Queen Valley in Joshua Tree National Park; photo by NPS/Brad Sutton [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 22 Gemini 26'

December 13, 2016

4:05 PM Pacific

7:05 PM Eastern

There’s a lot going on with this final Full Moon of 2016. First off, it’s a Supermoon. That means that the Moon is at perigee and thus closer to the Earth than an average Full Moon. This closer proximity makes the Moon appear slightly larger; though visually, the difference isn’t really that drastic compared with other Full Moons. However, its closeness does appear to amplify emotional reactions for some people. It can rip the lid off of the unconscious, especially those who tend to suppress their feelings, resulting in spontaneous, psychic eruptions. Richard Noelle, the astrologer who coined the term “Supermoon”, also claims that there’s an increase in seismic activity or other natural events around Supermoons.
As fitting for the Gemini archetype, this month’s Supermoon is talking to a lot of planets via a series of aspects. Most significantly, the planet Saturn sits in opposition to the Moon and conjunct the Sun in Sagittarius. A Saturn/Moon opposition is not a comfortable thing. It can pit the sensitive inner life against the demands of the outer reality--generating an awkward and often difficult confrontation. With the Full Moon in Gemini, expect the surfacing of important information or an explosion of busyness to permeate the atmosphere. With Mercury, the ruler of Gemini currently in the shadow of its retrograde cycle (in Capricorn), you can also expect information that sheds light on the past, or the resurfacing of data that you might find useful for future endeavors.
This Full Moon brings to a head an important conversation, one that’s likely been going on for some time. Be alert to whatever is trying to get your attention. It could be quick, fleeting, and evasive. Saturn’s opposition can be a hindrance or incredibly helpful. Coming up against Saturn can feel frustrating at the moment. If you find yourself feeling trapped, without the possibility of direction or a clear path ahead, consider that there’s some work you must do to find your way forward. Keep your mind open to the input that’s coming at you, and try to sort it all out the best you can. It’s possible that this Full Moon stands as a prelude to future obstacles and setbacks in the weeks ahead. But don’t let that discourage you! See it as a challenge to discover new possibilities and directions.
The Full Moon also forms a grand trine between Jupiter in Libra and Mars in Aquarius conjunct the asteroid Athena. While Saturn’s presence focuses this Full Moon on long-range goals, limitations, and current restrictions, this air grand trine is quite stimulating, bringing with it a desire to share ideas, thoughts, and information--generating potential solutions. Uranus, which also makes a sextile to the Moon, is about to make its first opposition to Jupiter this month. While not a focal point of this lunation, the Jupiter/Uranus opposition is a collective and personal process of revolution, innovation, and creative or personal breakthrough. Try to remain receptive to alternative solutions or strategies when dealing with current obstacles. There’s a lot of information floating around that could help you break free of oppressive circumstances.
So, while there’s likely to be a lot of stimulation and incoming messages to process with this lunation, stay focused! With such a barrage of data, it’s easy to get sidetracked or distracted. The Gemini archetype impulses us to catch things in our environment that we would normally miss. That’s certainly a good thing, but Saturn’s opposition in Sagittarius places some pressure to remain focused on a specific objective. That’s the challenge with this Supermoon: to remain open minded enough to take in new information without getting lost in it. As this rising tide of mental energy builds, keep your eye on the prize. A new perspective is waiting for you to discover and integrate in some practical and purposeful way.

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