Supermoon August 2022

Future Waves: Supermoon in Aquarius 2022

August 11, 2022

6:36 PM PDT

9:36 PM EDT

August's Supermoon/Full Moon occurs in tropical Aquarius and close to the Moon's perigee--its closest approach to the earth. A Full Moon at perigee is a more powerful Supermoon when the Moon appears notably brighter and slightly larger than usual. The Moon's conjunction with Saturn is amidst a tension-filled grand cross pattern involving Uranus, the Moon's nodal axis, and the Sun.

First, this Supermoon in Aquarius is not a comfortable integration, much like the past two weeks of the Mars/Uranus/Node alignment in Taurus. Unexpected challenges, volatile new elements, and general overall instability have likely been significant themes. Much of these developing processes come to a head alongside this Supermoon and hopefully lead to resolution or some clarity.

As with any lunation (New or Full Moon), these energies will quickly pass by. Mars is already heading out of its conjunction with Uranus and will be in Gemini late next week (though that presents its own set of challenges with its retrograde at the end of the year). Yet, for now, the storm is reaching its fulcrum.

The upside of Uranus and Mars' meetup on the Moon's North Node has been a radical (and perhaps forced) breakup with the past on several levels and an accelerated push toward the future (destiny, higher purpose, renewed calling, new beginnings. etc.). Sometimes we need a shake-up to get things moving, especially when we get set in our ways.

This Supermoon in Aquarius is, however, dominated by Saturn. The Moon conjoins Saturn and is in a Saturn-ruled sign. We must contend with some harsh limitations, restrictions, or reality-testing. Yet, the positive side is that for those areas of life in which we've fairly earned some status, achievement, or recognition, there can be a sense of "getting there" or feeling elevated due to consistency and commitment.

If you feel weighed down by the depressing or less empowering life dimensions, realize this will pass. Feeling caught between a struggle of the past versus the future is another symptom of this Supermoon. Choosing a hard line with one or another may not be so simple. Seek some compromise the best you can, but also realize that things are changing fast regardless.