Taurus Full Moon 2021

Inner Shifts: Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 2021

Neil McIntosh from Cambridge, United Kingdom, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 27 degrees Taurus 14'

November 19, 2021

12:58 AM PST

3:58 AM EST

November's Full Moon in tropical Taurus is a partial lunar eclipse. It will be visible from all of North and South America, Oceania, and most of the Asian continent. The penumbral phase will be visible from portions of Europe and Africa. And since eclipses always occur in pairs, we are now in the thick of eclipse season, with a total solar eclipse to follow on December 4 (visible over Antarctica).

Eclipse seasons tend to correlate with accelerated changes, pushing all of those things pending into motion or in new directions. Occurring along the axis of fixed signs, anticipate changes to things with more consistency and stability, which may explain why they appear more dramatic.

Lunar eclipses are also potentized Full Moons. So anticipate more notable culminations, breakthroughs, resolutions, or crises. And while the pace of outer events can seem more intense than usual, it's always a good idea to reflect more on what's happening internally and not neglect the inner changes (via the emotional, psychic, and perceptual landscapes).

Occurring in Taurus, a fixed earth sign, this eclipse relates to more pronounced shifts and culminations involving physical dimensions of earthly experience. Think bodily sensations, money, food, sex, and the natural world. Further, Venus' trine to Uranus adds spontaneous or surprise minglings or unforeseen changes in attraction or desire.

Jupiter's square to the Full Moon/eclipse axis is the second most notable aspect. It inflames situations for sure or adds an element of overconfidence. Yet, it also represents the emergence of opportunities, where some risks pay off or leaps of faith bear some fruit. Lastly, Pluto's trine to the Full Moon/eclipse might deepen the intensity, but it also opens pathways for insight, introspection, and a more gentle emergence of uncomfortable truths.

Changes occurring alongside this eclipse can feel heavy but also potentially liberating. While the eclipse itself receives supportive aspects, it occurs in the zone of the Mars/Uranus/Saturn t-square. And in the next two weeks, in the waning phase of eclipse season, consider all that you need to let go of to make space for the new horizon coming into view. That will better prepare you for the solar eclipse on December 4, when a more expanded vision or outlook will begin to emerge.