Taurus Moon

Sprouting Revolution: New Moon in Taurus 2024

Murray Foubister, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 18 degrees Taurus 02'
May 7, 2024
8:22 PM PDT
11:22 PM EDT 

May's Full Moon in tropical Taurus helps solidify projects, events, and current issues as well as ground potential ideas, realizations, and insights that have emerged through the eclipse season/Mercury retrograde overlap the past month or so. 

While its alignment with the now separating Jupiter-Uranus conjunction adds some unstable volatility to emerging directions and events, it reflects a collective and personal desire to move toward greater freedom, autonomy, and individuation in all we're currently involved in. 

We can consciously utilize this New Moon as a grounding point and launch pad for setting off into directions that serve more authentic needs and relieve heavy restrictions and limitations that have held us back for far too long. 

The reflections of the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction, while fading out in July, will get significantly sharpened under this New Moon and following two weeks. And with Venus, the New Moon ruler, empowered in Taurus, this is a time to augment, innovate, and define our material conditions more clearly.

This New Moon in Taurus is a powerful opening for expanding income flow, health, and bodily enhancement, as well as grounding ourselves more firmly in solid and self-affirming relationships. While the peace and stillness of a typical Taurus New Moon might get overpowered by sporadic flashes of revolution and revelation, we are definitely touching more solid ground compared to the past several weeks. 

Is the Jupiter/Uranus Opposition Still Relevant?

Somewhere in central California; photo by Chad Woodward, 2018.&nbsp;

Somewhere in central California; photo by Chad Woodward, 2018. 

The short answer is yes. An opposition is 180 degrees and while Jupiter and Uranus' current relationship may not be exact, precisely, they both occupy opposing signs. Whole sign aspects were widely used by ancient astrologers, and they're still relevant today. With Uranus retrograding back to Aries, and Jupiter heading for Sagittarius soon, this oppositional relationship will only last until Nov. 7. 

Uranus in Taurus is still something we're all adjusting. Its entry into a new area of your chart and life will be making waves for the next seven years. With Jupiter's current involvement, the genius/innovative, radical revolutionary takes on a more bombastic quality, and changes come about more easily. Exploring the house Taurus rules in your chart could provide insight into the themes currently undergoing a revolution/liberation in your life. 

Jupiter & Uranus were in exact opposition from Dec. 2016 through Sept. 2017 in the Aries/Libra axis. Their cyclic conjunctions, squares, and oppositions lead to electric revolutionary impulses in the political, scientific, and creative landscapes. The combination of Jupiter/Uranus is inherently innovative and original, inspiring many to seek freedom in new frontiers or to release themselves from the status quo, with notable success.

So from now until early Nov., this broad Jupiter/Uranus oppositional relationship gives you added motivation to revolutionize some part of your life. Think in what way you could go above and beyond your limitations to bring something fresh and exciting into the foreground. The Moon's transit through Taurus Aug. 31-Sept. 2 pulls this theme into conscious view and has the advantage of helping generate palpable results. 

With the Sun in Virgo also stimulating an earth grand trine with Uranus & Saturn, we're experiencing a unique fusion of elements. Both the practical and novel weave together quite beautifully right now, assisting in the implementation of a different look and feel to things. Experimenting with unusual approaches can lead to new forms and designs. Pushing known boundaries might result in shifts to areas which have been stagnant for far too long. And the current earth energies help maintain reasonable, concrete focus for the avoidance of going too far.