Taurus New Moon 2012

New Moon In Taurus 2012

New Moon @ 01 degrees Taurus 35'
April 21, 2012
12:18 AM Pacific
3:18 AM Eastern

The New Moon in Taurus is grounding, practical, steadfast, and persistent. This is a time to begin or initiate things that need plenty of time to develop and mature, as Taurus is all about the process, which requires that we work one step at a time. Whatever does begin now, will have much strength and solidity behind it, and with Venus, ruler of the New Moon, in Gemini--we can slowly focus our minds sharply on whatever we are dealing with currently. The New Moon conjoins Ceres, the earth goddess, and so we are likely to feel strongly pulled toward the natural world and a desire to nurture others or ourselves. The New Moon makes a trine to Mars, now recently direct after a three month retrograde cycle. Mars is also slowly moving out of a very powerful opposition with Neptune, and thus this New Moon is likely to signify a rush of strong telluric forces coming up from the Earth, providing a much needed boost of momentum, to slowly begin a new building and healing process.

The New Moon sextiles Neptune in Pisces--this assists in bringing expansive spiritual vision into solidity, or feeling inspired to make what may seem impossible, a reality. In fact, it is likely that if one has been enduring a long, arduous, and seemingly hopeless process--then this New Moon brings a powerful shift and awakening, as well as renewed faith, determination, and courage. Mercury rejoins Uranus in Aries, after its return from retrograde--and thus we feel a sense of electrifying spontaneity--look around for the sudden and unexpected this lunar cycle, which will not be as chaotic or uncontrollable as with the retrograde pass--we can use this energy productively, and with more intention to go further beyond the known and familiar. The past few months, and especially past three weeks, brought on quite a retrograde force, with everything seemingly moving backwards and against the flow. This New Moon marks a definite transition from all that, toward more steady productiveness. The New Moon also opposes Saturn retrograde in Libra, challenging us toward discipline and focus.

If you can dream it, and if you have the patience, determination, and commitment required, you can probably do it. Just keep in mind that whatever pops up now, isn't going to be a free lunch, it will require plenty of hard work--but in the end, it's not about the final objective anyway, it never really is--it's always about the process. Venus turns retrograde on May 15th (through June 27th), just four days before the next New Moon/Solar Eclipse. Venus retrograde is a bit different than Mars or Mercury retrograde--and deals mostly with karmic issues, which usually involve other people in our lives. Venus retrograde can also help us redefine our values, and to keep us open, renewed, and refreshed with new constructs from which we can identify with. Venus retrograde, can however, bring unexpected delays or changes in our plans and objectives, which is typical with any retrograde--especially amongst the inner planets. The reason for this is to redirect the normal flow of movement and attention, so that we are, actually, more aligned with our true path.

If Venus turns retrograde or direct near a significant placement in the natal chart, then expect big changes to take place this summer--or if Venus passes significant placements throughout the retrograde, then we are likely to meet new and influential individuals, or have deeper insights into our own nature. Venus retrograde is also a very powerful karmic gateway, allowing us to peer deeper into past lives, whether through connections with others, or through the dream-time. Mercury enters Taurus on May 8th, adding to the strong Taurean impulse, also, perhaps, calming the mind a bit. With Venus in Gemini, the nervous system has received quite an increase in activity lately. It may feel a bit overwhelming for a while, especially with Venus in Gemini for roughly four months--the challenge will be to sort through a lot of choices, options, and information--to find the kernel of truth from all of it--no easy task, but with patience, and a dose of Taurean persistence, if can be accomplished.

The Sabian symbol for the New Moon reads:

An electrical storm.

This image invokes the rumble and roar of thunder, perhaps in the distance. When lightening strikes anywhere near, all forms of sentient life pay attention--there is no denying the true power and force of an electrical storm. Often, an electrical storm comes out of the blue, unexpectedly, suddenly. That crash of thunder is truly grounding, it revels in that instant, just how small we truly are--and brings us right into the moment. Instinctively we are aware that such a force is an extension of forces far beyond our own power and strength--and in its presence, we are truly humbled. The lightening bolt is often associated with sudden revelation or the receiving of enlightenment--which comes crashing downward, to break up all stagnation, to clear the air, making way for the new. There is a beautiful silence at the end of a storm, imbued with a strong sense of respect for the power and ingenuity of nature.

*For gardening, the best and most fruitful planting day this Spring will be April 26th and 27th--mostly for above ground crops.