mercury retrograde 2020

Breaking Off: Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn 2020

Photo by Jonathan Bean jonathanbean / CC0

Photo by Jonathan Bean jonathanbean / CC0

Full Moon/Penumbral Lunar Eclipse @ 13 degrees Capricorn 38'

July 4, 2020

9:45 PM PDT

July 5, 2020

12:45 AM EDT

July's Full Moon in tropical Capricorn is the last eclipse of the current eclipse season. As a partial penumbral lunar eclipse, it won't be too visually striking or astrologically significant, but as a lunar eclipse, it represents a more powerful than usual Full Moon. You can anticipate some significant breakthroughs, culminations, or crises as the Full Moon reaches its peak this weekend. The eclipse will be visible directly over South America but also partially visible over Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

As we near the end of the triple eclipse pathway, you may have encountered an acceleration of changes in various parts of your life. Eclipses correlate with deep, often inward, transformative processes that quicken ongoing, chronic, or developing issues. This can help push a situation closer to a much-needed resolution, and combined with Venus and Mercury retrograde cycles, it may have unveiled things that have long been concealed from view.

This Full Moon/eclipse in Capricorn highlights a zodiac sign that has been the backdrop for the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, currently augmented by Jupiter's passing conjunction. Saturn has moved back into Capricorn after a brief dip in Aquarius, and is closing in again on Pluto. The heavy, sobering, and challenging themes of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction will be at the forefront until December. Yet, as I've written about, we aren't completely clear of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction until the end of 2021.

This full moon/eclipse can magnify the weight and enormity of responsibilities and hardships, dredging up deep-seated fear and uncertainty. Jupiter's conjunction with Pluto can also be related to some level of exaggeration, so don't give in fully to the hype of the moment, even if there is some truth to present concerns. With the transits currently impacting this sign, and the obvious correlations to a pandemic, economic uncertainty, and civil unrest, this Full Moon/eclipse can set off many of the fears and anxieties that dominated the earlier half of this year.

Capricorn symbolizes a level of conservatism--the control of impulse or the time, energy, and sacrifice required to accomplish great things. As this Full Moon/eclipse beams down on us, we might feel the pressure to confront limitations or consequences. Yet, it might also stand to reinforce what we've already mastered and remind us of how far we've actually come. With the Full Moon in opposition to Mercury retrograde, there is a strong pull toward reflection and contemplation of past achievements.

Additionally, Mercury's retrograde cycle is likely drawing us to revisit and revise some things. Combined with this Full Moon, it may symbolize tending to challenging realities we have to confront now. There is a feeling of inevitability within the dynamic transits in Capricorn and within the sign itself. There are things we can't avoid as this Full Moon culminates, yet facing and resolving them could have lasting benefit and value.

Mars' wide square to the Full Moon is another vector of conflict, a theme we've seen in the last two eclipses/lunations. Mars in Aries suggests that anger, rage, and intentional action are no longer thwarted. Mars' square to the Full Moon is hyper-catalytic, breaking up stagnation and pushing us along toward achieving our desired goals. Be wary of how far you assert yourself or how much force you end up using. With Mars in Aries until early January, it marks a period where the warrior's power is more readily accessible, but be cautious and mindful of how you direct it.

Chiron's square to the Full Moon/eclipse axis and conjunction to Mars is also an invitation to reach out and heal wounds related to conflict trauma or action avoidance. There are some painful realities embedded in this Full Moon culmination for many of us. However, Chiron's presence can symbolize asking or reaching for help that can change or alter your perception of such pain, using it as a catalyst to take action.

Lastly, Uranus' close trine to the Full Moon is a call to freedom and represents the sudden emergence of liberation. Uranus allows for a steak of rebellion, innovation, and breaking away from usual routines. The predominance of the Earth element between Uranus in Taurus and the Full Moon/eclipse in Capricorn, suggests that we're weaving together physical and material circumstances, finding new ways to manage mundane situations.