Free the Inner Light: Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023

Venus Retrograde in Leo: July 22/23-September 4, 2023

Venus is getting an extended stay in tropical Leo this year due to its retrograde cycle beginning July 22/23. The last time Venus turned retrograde in Leo was during the summer of 2015. Sometimes it's insightful to reflect on past Venus retrograde cycles, especially if they touched upon significant natal chart positions. You might notice a mysterious connection (literally and symbolically) to events during that time and those of the present cycle. Additionally, as with the 2015 cycle, Venus will interact with Jupiter. During the 2015 cycle, Venus made a series of conjunctions with Jupiter, and this year there will be a series of squares (more on that below).

Venus will be in Leo from June 5 through October 8, 2023. While Venus retrograde cycles occur every year and a half, as I alluded to above, they repeat in the same sign (and very close to the same degrees) every eight years. Thus, we get a longer, more complex Venus transit in a specific area of the natal chart every eight years (but yes, somewhere every year and a half). Additionally, as mentioned, we also get more drawn-out aspects of Venus to other transiting planets, so those themes will likely become more pronounced on the world stage somehow.

Venus' synodic cycle (periodic conjunctions with the Sun) is quite complex, astonishingly symmetrical, and therefore regular. I won't get too deep into the woods related to the bigger, more nuanced picture of Venus retrograde cycles, but it's a fascinating study! I'd recommend reading Anne Massey's Venus: Her Cycles, Symbols, and Myths if you want to learn more. It's a book I've had for years, and I always find it a helpful reference. You can usually get it used somewhere out there online.

What does it mean when Venus turns retrograde? I've written a lot of articles about this over the years, and each time I learn something new. It's one of the most fascinating astrological cycles because it most uncannily connects to themes surrounding fate, serendipity, and "heart-opening" experiences in various ways. For example, meeting kindred souls or "soul mates," or certain pivotal events that somehow catalyze pathways conducive to "following the heart."

I'm not sure every Venus retrograde cycle will be experienced like this, and again, it's helpful to reflect on past cycles in the same zodiacal area because that will likely reveal how significant this cycle will be for you. However, no matter when or where they occur, Venus retrogrades are moments in which we get more in touch with the "heart," align ourselves with our emotional/intuitive center, and lead more through feeling rather than logic, reason, and common sense.

In ancient astrology, Venus was considered the "lesser benefic," meaning it was seen as a fortunate planet but not as much as Jupiter (the "greater benefic). Typically, Venus transits are far too brief to correlate with much significance (and probably why it was considered lesser than Jupiter). Still, during its retrograde cycles, especially during the retrograde and direct stations, Venus spends more time somewhere and thus has more time to "create" this fortuitous magic.

By the way, Venus' retrograde correlations are not always experienced as pleasant. Still, I do believe even the more complicated stuff that comes up during a Venus retrograde cycle leads us to something positive (especially when understood in hindsight). Jupiter sometimes has this impact as well, such as correlating with "happy accidents." I'll explain a bit more of the potential pitfalls of Venus retrograde down below. Everything in astrology has positive and negative potentials (though some carry one potential more so than others).

Also, retrograde and direct stations refer to when Venus first stops to move backward (retrograde station) and then stops again to move forward once the retrograde phase is over (direct station). These occur on July 22/23 (retrograde station) and September 3 (direct station). Within several days especially surrounding these dates, Venus will slow down and hang around a specific degree (28 Leo during the retrograde station and 12 Leo during the direct station). If you have significant placements there, you're more likely to feel and experience this cycle as significant, especially concerning significant life events.

When describing Venusian experiences, I often evoke the experience of "falling in love" and equate it with "fate," specifically a conception of fate that feels predetermined or beyond one's control. For example, we can't control who we fall in love or become infatuated with; it just happens to us. We don't consciously choose what music we like, which movies make us cry, what art we find beautiful, or what places in the world we conceive as our "happy places." These things happen, and we can't help but feel how we feel about them. Venusian experiences are often highly emotional and involuntary, and we often have no choice but to surrender to them (though, of course, we can choose whether to pursue or invest in them).

We could also say that such experiences touch upon our unconscious undercurrents more than our conscious awareness. Venus retrograde periods seem to amplify our inner emotional, aesthetically responsive, and intuitive selves. And thus, during these cycles we are leading more with the heart and intuitive center than with the rational faculties. Obviously, then, there are some pitfalls there, such as "falling" for people or things that might not be so good for us (but feel so in the moment) or investing too much time, attention, or money in things that aren't worth what we think they are in the moment. So, yes, it's critical to be more discerning and skeptical of emerging things that seem too good or too big to be true.

This is especially so due to Venus' square with Jupiter this cycle. In fact, both Venus and Jupiter interestingly station within a square aspect at the beginning of October (Jupiter stations retrograde while Venus stations direct at the end of its retrograde phase). Get-rich-quick schemes or marriage proposals after only a few dates are probably a bit extreme and too cartooned of examples, but you get the idea. Still, there are likely to be some really positive, expansive, and "lucky" correlations with this, especially in early October.

Sometimes, it's best to focus less on taking action with things that emerge during Venus retrograde and more on allowing ourselves to experience and digest it all fully. When the retrograde is over, and we still feel strongly about something, it's likely more solid and aligned for us. For example, because Venus also rules relationships (romantic, marriage, platonic, even professional), we can sometimes experience "changes of heart" or suddenly perceive more deeply the shadow side of a person we never really noticed or reflected on before. This can take a lot of different forms, from a deepening of a connection that was previously more surface level to feeling less connected. It can go either way.

Typically, the best advice is to wait out the retrograde and process what's happening and when the retrograde is over, and take action when you have a more rational and objective point of view. But of course, context is everything, and some things we can't control, so use your best judgment. Sometimes, also, the heart knows more than the mind, and if that voice is loud and clear, it might be wiser to just go with your gut feeling.

As mentioned, this retrograde cycle occurs in Leo. This is a sign of joy, pleasure, fun, and play. It's also a sign that deals with acceptance of praise, applause, recognition, and attention. Of course, the negative side of this could be some hubristic (or "eye roll") displays of overconfidence, arrogance, or self-absorption. In its dark side, Leo can get consumed in subjectivity and neglect the need for constructive feedback, critique, or other points of view. Yet, if you've been struggling with these more ideal features of the Leo archetype (especially in relation to the house position Venus will be in), then this could be a moment that opens our hearts more deeply to these qualities and discover them more intensely in those areas.

For example, if Venus is retrograding in the sixth house, perhaps its time to open your heart (or have a change of heart) to bring more joy, pleasure, playfulness, and fun into your work and routines, or perhaps this is a pivotal moment for receiving well-deserved attention, applause, or recognition for your hard work. If Venus is in your fourth house, maybe this relates more to your connection to your family, or tribe, or a rediscovery of an inner fountain of joy within, such as a profound reconnection to the inner child. In your first house (for you Leo risers out there), this might relate to your persona, personal style, and outer image, helping you liven and lighten up your look and self-presentation. Additionally, like my sixth house example, this could be a time to put yourself out there more, to be seen and recognized.

Venus retrograde cycles can also connect us to the past, and that's where this interesting association with "soul mates" or "kindred souls" comes in, because sometimes when we meet certain people during these cycles, they seem strangely familiar. Maybe that's karma or some past-life connection. I don't have any definitive answers about that. This isn't always likely to happen with Venus retrograde, and perhaps more so when it connects to Venusian or seventh-house themes in the chart. Also, there can be this rediscovery of something or someone from the past, as well as a revaluation of our relationships, the things we value (or place value on), and the things that bring us joy, pleasure, satisfaction, and peace.

Some things we discover or rediscover during Venus retrograde might seem insignificant, like finding an amazing artist, musician, or fashion look, but that's because we tend to culturally devalue such things as frivolous amusement. Yet, beauty is profoundly powerful and helps to keep us sane, soulful, and empathic. My favorite music playlists and podcasts get me through my workouts every week or pick me up on not-so-great days. I don't think humans would do so well without access to beauty, art, and pleasure. They're essential to our humanity. In Leo, Venus amplifies the pleasure principle here and the cultivation of joy and good times.

Lastly, as mentioned, Venus will interact with Jupiter this cycle, but there's also an interesting bigger picture. Beginning in June 2023, Jupiter and Uranus will come into orb of a conjunction (meaning they will be within 15 degrees of each other), and thus the themes of the Jupiter/Uranus cycle will begin to emerge in personal and collective events. This Jupiter/Uranus conjunction peaks in April 2024 and moves out of orb July 2024. Thus, from the time of this writing, we are entering a year of a Jupiter/Uranus fusion!

In Cosmos and Psyche, astrologer/historian Richard Tarnas coined alignments of Jupiter and Uranus "cycles of creativity and expansion" and noted that they correlated with collective upwellings of revolutionary and emancipatory impulses as well as periods of significant creative, scientific, and technological breakthrough and development. Venus will be squaring this building Jupiter/Uranus conjunction this summer, and thus plugging into these potentials and correlations—bringing them more into the domain of fate-like events and most especially amplifying their creative potential.

What might that mean? Considering that squares are aspects of action, strength building, and challenge, perhaps we are prodded into the task of actualizing some seriously groundbreaking, innovative, and liberating expressions of the heart, whether through creative or performative outlets or in the realm of the technical or scientific. Or perhaps, this shows up more exclusively on the interpersonal level of some sudden breakthrough of heart expansiveness or emotional/intuitive realization.

Overall, we can anticipate some level of "whether you like it or not" radical change or revolutionary impulse to infuse into this cycle, relating to a period of profound emotional and creative leaps and departures from the norm. If you've been feeling held back (or holding yourself back) from expressing your creativity, joy, talents, and playful side, this cycle can help liberate those qualities so you can stand out, shine, and receive the attention you deserve.

Inner Potentials: New Moon in Gemini 2023

W.carter, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 26 degrees Gemini 46'

June 17, 2023

9:37 PM PDT

June 18, 2023

12:37 AM EDT

June's New Moon occurs in tropical Gemini, featuring a square with Neptune while Saturn stations retrograde. While the Gemini archetype is all about diversity of experience, stimulation, and information consumption, the New Moon vibes are inherently more inward-directed, as is the combination of Neptune and Saturn retrograde.

Experientially, this New Moon presents as a contradiction, though if there is any sign that understands paradox, its most certainly Gemini. As curious and seemingly knowledgeable as many Gemini dominant types seem to be, they often contain a deep sense of perpetual doubt, uncertainty, and incessant questioning of nearly everything.

There's nothing the universe despises most than a dogmatic Gemini. It's just not its fate to settle on any rigidly structured ideological pathway. Thus, this New Moon might present itself to all of us in this way, as Neptune is not an inherently clear or definable archetype in its expression, and most definitely not via a challenging square aspect to this New Moon.

A New Moon is a restart, a new beginning, and a seeding of various new prospects and inward processes--that time of the month to lay low and reflect rather than seek out too much external activity or excitement. Yet, Gemini thrives on the latter, though sometimes such excitement can be self-induced or through an entertaining or thought-provoking book or conversation.

Yet, a Gemini New Moon represents the emergence of new ideas, perceptions, conversations, thoughts, and various interesting things to think and ponder. This is a good starting point for setting off on a fresh path of inquiry, beginning a critical new dialogue, a writing project, or taking action with an exciting idea that's been brewing for some time.

However, in reflecting on these challenging aspects of the New Moon (Neptune's square and Saturn's station), consider that anything begun under this lunation requires serious commitment, tenacity, discipline, and follow-through. Also, it needs to hold up to reality and thus remain highly suspect and skeptical of anything that hasn't been thoroughly investigated or considered.

Saturn's station can correlate with an amplification of a somber yet potentially studious vibe, where focused time, energy, and motivation can go a long way with mental and intellectually demanding tasks. Also, some contradiction can be experienced here as Gemini wants to pursue it all, while the Saturn archetype demands a narrowing of choices.

Lastly, Neptune's square can also point to potential collective and personal disillusionment or confusion, where previous facts and information come under scrutiny or seem less reliable than previously believed. Reality can take on a more amorphous or less stable feeling surrounding this New Moon, as can many things that begin alongside it. Yet, Saturn's presence indicates the potential to bring intangible ideas or thoughts into solidity or to make the imaginal more visible and real.

Blossoming Vision: Full Moon in Sagittarius 2023

Full Moon @ 13 degrees Sagittarius

June 3, 2023

8:47 PM PDT

11:47 PM EDT

**With my busy writing schedule lately, I forgot to post this, but subscribe to my newsletter to receive all of my content on time :-) Apologies!

This month's Full Moon occurs in tropical Sagittarius and features a wide square with Saturn in Pisces. The Sagittarius/Gemini polarity highlights curiosity, stimulation, and the human propensity to increase experience and enlarge an understanding of the universe. Yet, Saturn's square adds some limitations and containment.

The Full Moon dynamic always correlates with personal and collective crescendos of various kinds, and within the bounds of the Sagittarian archetype, there is a build-up and breakthrough related to an expansive vision, outward reach, or faith-based motivation to pursue a mission, dream, or calling.

While Saturn's square has some conflicting correlations with the Sagittarian pursuit of expanded consciousness, awareness, and experience, its presence here indicates that consistent efforts are paying off. Yet, we're unlikely to feel completed and fully accomplished under the Saturn square dynamic.

If you struggle to see the positive through this Full Moon, focus on the accomplishments and supportive frameworks currently in your life. And there is always a choice to frame challenges and hardships as valuable experiences for growth, as well as utilizing limitations to narrow potential options or focus. If your desired expansion meets some pushback or blockage, go back to the drawing board and continue working away.

Saturn's message here seems to suggest that the deeper purpose and meaning behind our efforts will blossom through staying committed to our spiritual path, no matter how difficult it may be. However, while there is still more to do at this juncture, something is beginning to emerge, and some results reveal themselves. Keep your faith and keep pushing through.

Into the Stillpoint: New Moon in Taurus 2023

Peter Cech, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 28 degrees Taurus 25'

May 19, 2023

8:54 AM PDT

11:54 AM EDT

This month's New Moon in tropical Taurus leads us out of eclipse season, Mercury's retrograde cycle, and into calmer, more stable terrain. The essence of the Taurus archetype, at least in its more ideal expression, is attaining a sense of rootedness in the world. That can manifest in locating whatever brings us to a place of peace, calm, and trust in the innate wisdom that keeps our bodies, the planet, and cosmos churning along and maintaining order.

In Taurus, we come to realize that chaos is not as all-encompassing as our culture of fear might envision and promulgate. With the more tumultuous astrology of the past month, this Taurus New Moon might feel like a refreshing reset that can help us align and reattune to the truth that despite the chaotic changes that do happen, something still holds this all together.

The dominant aspect of this New Moon in Taurus is a wide conjunction with Uranus, introducing an underlying dimension to this lunation for taking solid and pragmatic steps towards the actualization of projects, pathways, or goals that have a liberating or revolutionary essence. With this New Moon especially, this is not a moment to settle for the predictable and routine, but rather a time to strike out with something innovative, unique, or freedom-generating.

A supportive trine from Pluto and sextiles from Neptune and Mars suggest that powerful forces, both inwardly and outwardly, bolster these formative New Moon seeds and first steps, empowering our personal and collective actions toward attaining a solid goal, endpoint, or strategy. There are portals opening here for deeply and safely connecting into the depth of passions and repressions, opening space for mystical, creative, and visionary moments to come through from the shadows. To get there, slow down your pace, breathe deep, and listen to the path that calls to you.

Hidden Revolutions: Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 2023

jacobtohahn, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 14 degrees Scorpio 58'

May 5, 2023

10:34 AM PDT

1:34 PM EDT

This month's Full Moon is also a penumbral lunar eclipse in tropical Scorpio, the final eclipse of the first eclipse season of the year. Beyond this eclipse, we gradually move out of this more intensified space that often correlates with deepened emotion, greater awareness of the shadow, and a quickening or acceleration of current situations and processes.

Alongside Mercury's retrograde cycle, there is a collective and personal process of intensified revision and reconsideration, where we take some steps back, open our minds, and see our current life path from a renewed vantage point. And sometimes, the overlap of eclipses and an inner planet retrograde correlates with some dramatic changes in navigation, some difficult and some potentially positive.

Lunar eclipses represent potentized Full Moons, with more dramatic than usual culminations, breakthroughs, and completions. The Scorpio archetype highlights the need for honesty, authenticity, and realness. Thus, the unveiling of shadows that tends to happen alongside eclipses becomes more pronounced and intensive.

With this Full Moon, we are invited to peer more directly into the heart of certain matters and issues we've been dealing with, a time to attune more emotionally to the reality of our internal responses to external experiences. Uranus' opposition to this Full Moon and conjunction with the Sun adds an element of a sudden break, shift, or change with those unseen dimensions within life and ourselves.

This shakeup to our internal reality and subconscious currents can feel uncomfortable, but as always, with the emergence of what is hidden lies an opportunity for integration and a return to wholeness. So also, these quickening changes and micro-revolutions are clearing the way for a more authentic path, purpose, and direction to come forward.

Lastly, while Uranus is a planet of emancipation, it is also a planet of individuation. One of the hardest Uranian lessons is the inherent tension that exists when we choose to honor who we are, or to pursue a path that better fits us but might contradict what society, other people, or a conditioned ideal anticipates. With this eclipse, think about that balance between staying true to yourself and meeting the world halfway. Where on the spectrum do you fall, and what needs to shift to bring you in better alignment? A slight or significant shift is likely showing up, and how will you respond?

Rising Strong: New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Aries 2023

California poppies in bloom (Eschscholzia californica); photo by Elston Olloqui; April 2023.

New Moon @ 29 degrees Aries 50'

April 19, 2023

9:14 PM PDT

April 20, 2023

12:14 AM EDT

This month's New Moon in tropical Aries is the second New Moon in Aries this year and a total solar eclipse. The eclipse will be visible in the southern hemisphere, such as over parts of Australia, the Phillipines, and New Zealand, but eclipses are symbolically correlative worldwide and thus have significance for everyone. This is also an anaretic eclipse, meaning it occurs on the last degree of a sign and on the technical cusp of Aries/Taurus. This gives this eclipse the theme of a 'final push' or breaking point that leads to important shifts and systemic changes.

As I discussed in the last newsletter, eclipse season (broadly defined as the two weeks before and two weeks after an eclipse pair; in this case, about April 5 through May 19) is a period often of accelerated change and an intensification of all that we've been involved in. Eclipses both deepen and speed up the normal pace of life, and so they are periods favorable for going further and more substantially into what lies before us.

With this anaretic Aries eclipse also squaring Pluto, this is not a moment for superficial glossing over life's intricacies. This eclipse correlates even more with this deepening theme and challenges us with some degree of 'uncomfortable truths,' realizations, and perceptions. Yet, if looked at through a more meaningful lens, this eclipse is one of many doorways in life that offer us valuable wisdom which we can apply to potential future challenges and difficulties to avoid other pitfalls, dead ends, or threats.

Sometimes with Pluto, we realize some unconscious pattern lies at the heart of our troubles, and it can become painfully or perhaps just inconveniently obvious. Self-sabotage is never fun to admit to. Other times, we awaken to something that lies out of sight for various reasons, such as intentional avoidance, and other times, just simple ignorance. Whatever Pluto brings to light, have compassion for yourself and others, and embrace your shadowy imperfections with love.

Aries, the warrior and trailblazer archetype ruled by the planet Mars, speaks to existential issues involving, of course, our willpower and our capacity to claim some piece of life. Aries also is about setting boundaries and defining what experiences we want and those we don't. Consider this eclipse also a transformative drawing of lines in the sands of life, in which we deepen our boundaries a little more and gain clarity about where to say yes and where definitely to say no.

Jupiter's conjunction to this eclipse is also helpful, as it assists in reframing mistakes, hurtful truths, and personal shortcomings as opportunities for change, correlating with an emboldening of our courage to confront what lies in the shadow. Yet it also stands as a real symbol of expansion, as all experiences, no matter how painful or uncomfortable, reflect the eternal growth of consciousness and awakening.

Lastly, Mercury's retrograde cycle is upon us as it begins its backward track through Taurus on April 21, shortly after this eclipse. As we then rise with the waxing lunar cycle to the Full Moon/eclipse in Scorpio on May 5, we also fall back into introspection, revision, and careful re-assessment of material affairs, resources, and bodily needs. This opens space for strengthening our physical bases and firming up our values. Mercury turns direct on May 14. Rise strongly with this New Moon/eclipse, and remember to be forgiving.

Heart Balance: Full Moon in Libra 2023

Industrees, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 16 degrees Libra 07'
April 5, 2023
9:35 PM PDT
April 6, 2023
12:35 AM EDT

April's Full Moon occurs in tropical Libra and opposes the Sun's conjunction with Chiron and Jupiter. This is an ideal time to check in and assesses various relational dynamics--friendships, colleagues, lovers, and partners. With eclipse season around the corner and eclipses touching on the Aries/Libra axis this year and next, anticipate some significant changes in the lifelong balancing of personal boundaries and the needs of others. 

A Full Moon in the archetypal field of Libra, ruled by the planet Venus, represents a clustering of turning points, culminations, and breakthroughs in the relational dimension, especially those more intimate and interpersonal rather than broad and collective. Of course, in the context of the Full Moon, we must consider the polarity of Aries and both the antagonistic and complimentary dynamics between commitment/dependence and freedom/autonomy. 

Yet, as it pertains to the Full Moon in the domain of Libra, the demands of relationships, such as love, bonding, and mutual participation, come to the forefront with this lunation and dominate for at least several days. In emphasizing this tension, I am mindful of Chiron's conjunction with the Sun and opposition to the Moon, as Chiron so often correlates with a magnification of 'wounds'--defects, traumas, and other perceived inadequacies. 

Perhaps some resolution, however significant or subtle, arrives alongside this lunation, a moment of reconciliation, healing, and integration of opposing needs, desires, and perspectives. This is the higher potential and something to aspire to as the lunar cycle climaxes. To avert the negative side of this lunation requires an openness to see another's point of view and to put aside overly egoistic tendencies. Yet also remain mindful of the shadow of complacency and surrendering all boundaries to someone else's demands and desires. 

Balancing the personal and interpersonal is a significant Libran challenge. Jupiter's opposition and conjunction with the Sun/Chiron cluster open new possibilities, dialogues, and areas of relational expansion, healing breakthroughs, and attitudinal shifts. With all of these symbols combined, look to this Full Moon as a moment of making some critical adjustments in your relationships that open space for greater equality, equanimity, and connection. While limitations and wounds may be amplified here, so too will be ways to transmute and transcend them. 

Blazing Trails: New Moon in Aries 2023

Photo by Chad Woodward; August 2020,.

New Moon @ 00 degrees Aries 50'

March 21, 2023

9:24 AM PDT

12:24 PM PDT

This month's New Moon in Aries occurs on the Aries point less than a day after the equinox. This lunation thus archetypally embodies a potent and highly catalytic nature and potential. Additionally, its square to Mars adds a layer of motivational energy and tension. Mercury's conjunction and the Sun's waning conjunction with Neptune suggest opportunities for gaining mental and strategic clarity after a short period of indecision, ambiguity, or confusion.

The zodiac sign of Aries, correlating with the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, carries themes of renewal, new life, and beginnings. Ruled by Mars, the archetypal warrior and trailblazer, a New Moon in this sign is a potent starting point for getting whatever we desire lifted, mobilized, and moving decisively forward.

To amplify this, Mars is nearing the end of its nearly seven-month stay in Gemini due to its retrograde cycle last year. Mars' ongoing square-off with Neptune these past several months is ending, and now is an ideal time to take a courageous step forward in actualizing a dream, fantasy, or vision. While your ultimate objective/target has likely shifted since late October, there is some renewed clarity and a sense of the fog finally clearing.

The lower end of this New Moon is an impulsive, overt aggressiveness. This can lead to rash decision-making or rapid-fire reactions to triggering circumstances, so remain extra mindful of this and temper the fiery and enthusiastic passion of Aries with reason, logic, and careful reflection. Also, Mars' square to this New Moon does not suggest that what we begin, launch, or implement now will manifest its potential without struggle, effort, and consistency. Sustained follow-through is required.

However, conceive this New Moon passageway as a need to push yourself to new levels of strength, endurance, and passion steadily and mindfully. Whatever correlates with this New Moon, whatever burning desires emerge, delve deeply into them and use that fuel to keep you moving toward your desired goals. Exciting potentials and achievements await down the road.

Hold Your Focus: Full Moon in Virgo 2023

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 16 Virgo 40'

March 7, 2023

4:40 AM PST

7:40 AM EST

March's Full Moon occurs in tropical Virgo, while the Sun sits between Mercury and Neptune in Pisces. Additionally, the Full Moon makes several complex aspects. There is a productive streak to this lunation, but also some potentially frustrating dimensions. While some unexpected variables might seem to throw us off course, keep moving forward with your goals as a powerful motivation push lies on the horizon.

A Full Moon in Virgo brings a climax and culmination to consistent efforts toward improving our life circumstances. A self-care routine or work-related competency enhancement may reach a turning point or a stage of reassessment. The zodiac sign of Virgo represents the desire to rise above and beyond the average and prosaic, to reach an ideal of what could be.

Of course, the shadow of such a process is an attachment to perfected outcomes, and as inherently flawed organisms humans are, such attainment never quite happens. Yet, noble are those who attempt to become more than they were yesterday, last year, or a decade ago. Also, if we've been mired in destructive behaviors or laziness, this Full Moon could bring up feelings of inadequacy at failing to reach our potential. We are reminded that to make our dreams a reality, we must put effort into the real world.

The Full Moon's opposition to the Sun on the Mercury/Neptune midpoint might enhance a sense of something beyond our reach--an envisioned future potential, numinous dimension, or the ultimate truth of an ambiguous situation. And Mars' square to the Full Moon axis can show up as irritation at various daily tasks and responsibilities that keep us more firmly on the ground rather than rising to the heights we imagine.

The Virgo archetype brings our attention to the process as it's happening now, the everyday struggles we make to achieve our desired outcomes. We can transmute these dynamics if we focus less on what we haven't attained and more on the daily steps we need to take to get there. Put another way, keep pushing through this Full Moon and use these energies to increase your motivation.

Uranus' trine to the Full Moon and Mars' square can also heighten impulsiveness or erratic breaks with consistency as we seek more freedom. However, don't let impatience trip you up, throw you off course, or deflate your momentum. Instead, infuse some new element into your daily routine or try a less conventional approach, and you'll be able to engage with what needs to get done with renewed vigor. With the equinox around the corner, a fresh wave of vitality is incoming.

Actualizing the Dream: New Moon in Pisces 2023

Helgi Halldórsson from Reykjavík, Iceland, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 01 degrees Pisces 22'
February 20, 2023
12:06 AM PST
3:06 AM EST

This month's New Moon in tropical Pisces aligns closely with Saturn in Aquarius. While the Sun is days past its conjunction with Saturn, a sobering and limiting focus is infused in this lunation. In the context of Pisces, known for its more dreamy and idealistic inclinations, this New Moon is a powerful starting point for bringing the intangible into reality. 

Firstly, the Sun's Saturn conjunction in the days leading up to this New Moon (in the waning Moon phase) has likely brought our attention to certain limitations. As astrologer Steven Forrest describes Saturn as "the brick wall of reality," this manifestation can be collectively and personally felt as a brief plunge into potential doubt, insecurity, depression, or overwhelm prompted by various external or internal catalysts or obstacles. 

With this New Moon aligning with Saturn, the "brick wall" can hang around for several more days than the usual (and annual) Sun/Saturn conjunction. Especially in the waning dark of the Moon, motivational energies and enthusiasms catalyzed by the Full Moon two weeks ago can easily feel suddenly deflated as they meet the limitations of the material world. 

However, don't let yourself succumb to the more negative dimension of this New Moon. In fact, new potentials are possible and likely emerging now, and while they may require more work, effort, discipline, focus, and some sacrifice, they are within your grasp and possible to achieve. The task is choosing the right projects, goals, and visions that can be realistically molded and made real. Also, give yourself time to reflect and clarify what feels right. 

As the planet of limitations, the usefulness of Saturn is helping (and sometimes perceivably forcing) us to declutter and become more decisive in realizing what is and isn't aligned for us. This New Moon, while brief, is an excellent opportunity to clarify where to expend your focus, time, and energy, especially as we move deeper into the New Year. With the major planets all direct and gaining their normal speed, this lunation is actually more propitious than we might feel or perceive. 

The Piscean archetype stimulates us to dream, indulge in fantasy, and overall imagine what might be possible. It invites us to engage with mysteries not yet solved or a larger mission or purpose. Saturn here can limit all of the above or lead to some disillusionment, but realize that what falls away under this New Moon is making space for a more authentic dream to come forward and be actualized. 

Waves of Change: Full Moon in Leo 2023

Fahimkm, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 16 degrees Leo 40'

February 5, 2023

11:29 AM PST

2:29 PM EST

February's Full Moon in tropical Leo forms a dynamic t-square with Uranus while Venus and Mars move beyond an exact square. This Full Moon can suddenly bring creative, self-expressive, or performative processes to a culmination and significant breaking point. And the flow of events and activities can shift in unexpected directions, so plan for some flexibility.

As the Full Moon culminates at the start of the month, some dynamic tension and passionate intensity are infusing the astrological landscape. One highlight of the Leo archetype is its tendency and emphasis on playfulness and the pursuit of joy. This Full Moon can definitely stimulate and inspire strong desires to break free of routines or monotony to seek less structure and more fun.

The fiery archetype of Leo, combined with Venus and Mars' square off, can amplify passions, desires, sensuality, and in some instances, relational tensions, especially anything repressed and unexpressed. This is a powerful Full Moon for bringing those less acknowledged dimensions to the surface, but be wary of overdramatizing or stimulating unnecessary conflict.

Additionally, if you've struggled with confidence, motivation, or excitement for attaining a goal or ideal, this lunation can correlate with the sudden emergence of new life and possibilities. After months of Mars' retrograde cycle and several weeks of planetary stations, this Full Moon relates to a much-needed onset of changes and empowerment.

Overall, this Full Moon represents a significant shake-up to the status quo, helping us to break out of stagnancy and dead-end thinking. Make some effort in the days surrounding this lunation to seek new experiences and possibilities--willingly embrace the unknown rather than resist it. And always, when Uranus plugs into a significant event, there will be some surprises, but trust the flow of change and allow yourself to play with less attachment to specific outcomes.

Renewed Clarity: New Moon in Aquarius 2023

RobertJBanach, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Renewed Clarity: New Moon in Aquarius 2023

New Moon @ 01 degrees Aquarius 33'

January 21, 2023

1:54 PM PST

4:54 PM EST

This month's New Moon occurs in tropical Aquarius alongside Uranus' direct station. Aligning with Pluto's conjunction (from Capricorn), this lunation coincides with some rising intensity. Yet, it opens a new pathway for confronting repressions and integrating shadow aspects preventing the attainment of goals and future growth. Additionally, Venus and Saturn's conjunction in Aquarius offers opportunities to clarify commitments and responsibilities to others.

The combination of Venus/Saturn and Pluto close to the New Moon feels initially daunting. And for some, this lunation may not be easy to integrate as it coincides with uncomfortable truths, limitations, and certain challenges, especially in our relational interactions. With Venus near exact alignment with Saturn, we are dealing more with restrictive and sobering circumstances relating to expressing love, creativity, and connection.

Venus/Saturn's more optimal expression is in gaining clarity about vital relationships and how much we can realistically invest in them. Especially with Pluto's conjunction with this New Moon, the incoming vibe does not support superficial exchanges or inauthenticity in interactions. The truth is wanting to emerge here, so keep close to that and embrace a growth-oriented mindsight.

Aquarius' Saturnian side (as Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius) might manifest as an opening for greater individuation, maturity, and participation. Pluto's conjunction suggests becoming more aware of the unconscious aspects that prevent or block our access to those potentials. Pluto reminds us that our shadow work is never complete, but there are always opportunities to make progress so we can step more fully into our potential and personal power.

Uranus' station alongside this lunation adds a strong impetus for change, rebellion, and liberation from the past. This New Moon is a powerful starting point for moving onto paths more suited to supporting our authenticity and personal growth. Yet, it can also reveal those incongruent paths more starkly, and we can feel the weight of stagnation deeply.

Utilize this New Moon to clarify the paths most suited and supportive of your potential and future growth rather than more immediate desires and impulses. And the more we boldly confront or seek out those hidden issues lying in our blindspots, the better we'll be able to make more optimal choices and get closer to our dreams and goals.

Inward Integration: Full Moon in Cancer 2023

Giles Laurent, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 16 degrees Cancer 22'

January 6, 2023

3:08 PM PST

6:08 PM EST

This month's Full Moon in tropical Cancer is the first lunation of 2023, occurring just before the midpoint of Mercury's retrograde cycle in Capricorn. And forming a t-square with Chiron, this Full Moon has some critical healing breakthrough potential in the guise of sudden emotional/perceptual shifts.

The Moon is strongest in its home sign, Cancer, enhancing the feeling dimension, increasing sensitivity, and alongside its opposition to Mercury retrograde, empowering a reflective, retrospective outlook. As Full Moon's are natural moments of cumulative transition (and sometimes crisis), this lunation offers some enhanced opportunity for gaining clarity, insight, and a renewed point of view on an array of issues or situations brewing for some time.

Yet, the Moon in Cancer is all about feeling and intuiting into our experiences, and so shifts of mood, attitude, and gut feelings are likely to unfold alongside the cognitive dimension. And suppose we imagine the natural polarity and tension between Cancer/Capricorn. This is an interesting moment in which we can assess where we've been, what we've accomplished, and where we're headed (or where we'd like to be going).

It seems to be a perfect Full Moon for the start of the year, a time to check in on our emotional growth and development, tune in deeply, and assess what we desire to accomplish moving forward. There could be some synchronous mingling with the past (a sudden memory, running into an old acquaintance, or finding a forgotten item).

Yet, the most potent aspect of this Full Moon is Chiron's square and Uranus' aspects to both Sun/Mercury and Moon. There is the shadow dimension of this Full Moon that might amplify awareness of our vulnerabilities (or fears of vulnerability) or dwelling excessively on past mistakes/regrets. Of course, learning from the past is essential, but utilize this lunation for integration/processing of faults and fears.

Chiron invites us to accept/integrate our perceived defects rather than repress them. If you find yourself stuck in negative thought loops or perpetual "what if" moments, look to Uranus on the North Node in Taurus. Challenge how you've been approaching something, such as the traditional/conventional path, and open yourself to a new tactic or point of view. Actively seek a more radical position, if only as a thought experiment, and you'll begin to free up some space.

Check out my Full Moon update on my Substack

Making it Real: New Moon in Capricorn 2022

New Moon @ 01 degrees Capricorn 32'
December 23, 2022
2:18 AM PST
5:18 AM EST

December's New Moon in tropical Capricorn follows the solstice and Jupiter's return to Aries. This New Moon is infused with dynamic, cardinal energy: momentum, motivation, and willfulness. All of this can symbolically carry us through to the New Year. And since the Gregorian New Year is rather arbitrary anyway, consider this New Moon your focal point for intentions and initiation of goals (with some caveats to consider below).

The sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is the archetypal goal-setter and achievement strategist that requires as much introspection as it does recognition. Especially for those in the northern hemisphere, this New Moon is a time to honor any need for rest, recovery, self-reflection, and downtime, all things usually difficult during the holiday season. And yet, that is naturally the solstice vibe, a moment to look more inward and gain some perspective.

With that, however, this lunation is also a potent portal for putting out the things you'd like to achieve and accomplish since Capricorn and its ruler Saturn remind us of the mountains we have yet to climb. Yet, also, we should be discerning in this, especially with Jupiter returning to Aries and squaring this New Moon. We may feel excited and/or pumped for new emerging prospects, but don't overdo it, and choose your mountains wisely. 

This may require a process of decluttering unnecessary responsibilities and realistically assessing those things you can achieve and follow through with. Simply gathering the momentum to start your climb won't get you to the top of the mountain. It's the stamina, endurance, and commitment that matters most. So, yes, utilize this New Moon to gain some clarity about what is needed to get where you desire to go. 

Consider also that Mercury turns retrograde on December 29 in Capricorn. Once you have a rough idea of a plan or strategy, wait for more pieces to fall into place and for information to emerge over the following weeks. Remain open to the potential for revisions, detours, and alterations. So while this a powerful New Moon for catalyzing a pathway, goal, or strategy, avoid impulsive moves and remember that consistency, commitment, and persistence will better ensure your success. 

Happy solstice, holidays, and New Year!

Check out my New Moon in Capricorn update on Substack

A Deeper Perception: Full Moon in Gemini 2022

Basile Morin, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 16 degrees Gemini 02'

December 7, 2022

8:09 PM PDT

11:09 PM EDT

A Full Moon in Gemini brings a culmination/climax to meaningful dialogues, perceptions, and conversations. Imagine the emergence of new insights, data, gossip, and knowledge that change our beliefs about particular matters. This effect is likely amplified by the Moon's conjunction with Mars retrograde which can make a lot of what is climaxing seem fated, serendipitous, or karmic.

In general, a Gemini Full Moon brings a lot to think about and process, yet with the presence of Mars, there is likely a more intensive emotional dimension to this. Think amplified passion, sexual desire, or aggressiveness. Also, Mars conjunct a Full Moon in Gemini can catalyze a clearer sense of the divisions, separations, and differences between ourselves and others.

Another dimension to this Full Moon culmination may be a realization about certain actions we need to take. Mars' retrograde cycle since late October has likely compelled us to reflect more deeply on existential issues, freewill, autonomy, and the daily actions we take to get where we want to go in life.

Yet also, with Mars retrograde and conjunct this Full Moon, we may also experience the inverse of how we typically experience this archetype. Where our expression of Mars may have been toward actively seeking some specific desire, we may suddenly find our normal drives and impulses directed in a completely different direction.

Neptune is also stationing direct and widely squaring this Full Moon and Mars. For many of us, this Full Moon may relate to some critical turning points and the emergence of crossroads. More clarity may emerge now about issues we've been confused, perplexed, or ambivalent about. Yet also think, reflect, and go inward before taking specific actions. Consider whether your efforts are directed toward love or self-interest and which side you want to be on. Be patient with yourself and others, and trust that emerging frustrations won't last long.

Something More: New Moon in Sagittarius 2022

NASA's Earth Observatory, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 01 degrees Sagittarius 38'
November 23, 2022
2:57 PM PST
5:57 PM EST

November's New Moon occurs in tropical Sagittarius while in trine aspect to Jupiter stationing direct in Pisces. After two heavy eclipses, this lunation is an uplifting reprieve and gentle integration of the past month. However, feeling restrained by present circumstances can also compel one to reach out for more, so this is a time to wisely reflect on all motivations and impulses to gain clarity before stepping ahead.

New Moon's correlate with the emergence of some new potential, dynamic, or impulse--a reset within our personal and collective narratives. In the sign of Sagittarius and aspecting its ruler, Jupiter, this New Moon opens new possibilities, horizons, and experiences more so than usual. There can be a rise in optimism and expansiveness around this lunation that carries over from the past week.

However, the shadow of these archetypal dynamics can equally correlate with careless or unquestioned confidence about one's perception of truth. Zeal, dogmatism, and unchallenged crusades against some perceived evil can also gain traction. Before jumping to conclusions or getting swept up in emotionally charged passion, think and reflect carefully on the details or true motivations.

In the several days surrounding this lunation, it'll be easier than usual to find an outlet or support for our passions, enthusiasm, and faith. As with anything in astrology, there are both positive and negative possibilities. Both the trine aspect and archetype of Jupiter open doors and provide access to new vistas and arenas, but not all luck or opportunities are equal. Be discerning between real growth and mere temptation.

However you notice or respond to this lunation, you'll likely find yourself moving more confidently toward a new experience, territory, or possibility. And while there are certainly more positive potentials here, the above mentioned cautions should definitely be noted. Yet, with increased consciousness, this is an ideal New Moon to renew faith, hope, and optimism and to seek new experiences that bring you closer to attaining a bigger truth, understanding, or awareness.

Altering Paths: Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 2022

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse @ 16 degrees Taurus 00'
November 8, 2022
3:03 AM PST
6:03 AM EST

This month's Full Moon in tropical Taurus is a total lunar eclipse, most visible directly over the Pacific Ocean. Western U.S., Canada, Russia, New Zealand, and northern Greenland will have the best views. As with any Full Moon/eclipse, there is a more dramatic than usual "coming to a head" of various situations or processes, both personally and collectively. Additionally, Uranus' exact and nearly occulted conjunction adds an erratic and unsettling element to this lunation overall.

In the year following 2020's Saturn/Pluto and Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions, Saturn again began to involve itself in a collectively significant transit. The Saturn/Uranus square symbolically speaks to cultural and political volatility and the emergence of dynamic tension between extreme polarities. One such manifestation is a radical push toward hyper-novelty and an equally radical pulling back to an antiquated past. We might find ourselves somewhere in the middle, questioning our positioning and how much of either end we need to integrate.

Saturn and Uranus' square is a major feature of this Full Moon/eclipse, yet Uranus is the loudest in the room. Taurus, as a fixed sign, is not attuned to sudden changes or reversal of routines. Yet, an eclipse with Uranus is precisely the kind of energy brought to this earthy, stable sign. And we can anticipate some of that to show up alongside this lunation, such as the arrival of sudden lifestyle alterations or an inner desire to break free of imposed limitations.

If struggling with a conflict between wanting to forge new ground or follow a more stable/conventional path, this Full Moon/eclipse can bring about a breakthrough or resolution. The solution might be a compromise or realization about the potential benefit of both amd integrating some aspects of each polarity. Taking time before making rash decisions is a must around this Full Moon energy, but don't ignore the building energy signaling a need for some change, adjustment, and experimentation.

Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, opposing this lunation, suggest also the emergence of hidden knowledge, information, desires, impulses, and data. All of these emerging truths or realizations have the potential to shake up and destabilize the current order of things. Anticipate reaching a crescendo or breakthrough along a novel pathway you've been following, and embrace the new perspectives emerging from the shadows. While this is a volatile eclipse, the more you embrace and flow with the changes, the better you'll integrate these energies.

Innerscope: New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2022

Satoshi KAYA from Japan, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse @ 2 degrees Scorpio 00'
October 25, 2022
3:49 AM PDT
6:49 AM EDT

October's New Moon in tropical Scorpio is a partial solar eclipse. Solar eclipses enhance the significance of the New Moon, symbolizing a potentized new beginning/restart within the psyche where accelerated shifts and changes begin to emerge. Additionally, we are at a significant astrological crossroads just past the Sun/Venus conjunction in late Libra (Full Venus) and nearing Mars' retrograde station.

The sign of Scorpio is often associated with the archetypal darkness, shadow, and underground. Scorpio tends to highlight those aspects of reality and the individual/collective psyche that is sometimes kept hidden due to ignorance or fear. We could associate Scorpio with our personal and collective blindspots, and thus this is a sign that deals heavily with truth, authenticity, intimacy, and deep meaning.

As with any New Moon, and especially an eclipse, we are invited to delve deeper into our darkness and find within truths we've evaded or neglected. Shadow work, the process of bringing to consciousness that which is unconscious, would be one way to explore what emerges under this lunation and beyond. This is a powerful starting point for transformative healing and unconscious exploration.

It is often said that the truth will always prevail. While that may not always be the case in every situation, this lunation/eclipse appears to support it. On a collective level, anticipate the rapid emergence of truths that have been concealed or avoided. This can be an uncomfortable awakening for some, while for others, a vindication of what they knew all along.

Venus' conjunction with the New Moon adds an emotional, relational, and creative dimension. It brings forth the heart's desires, intentions, and insight. With this New Moon/eclipse, we might benefit immensely from listening more intently to those more subtle psychic aspects, gut feelings, and intuitions and allowing them to reveal themselves more fully.

Alongside this New Moon/eclipse are the emergence of honest dialogues, soulful encounters, intimate breakthroughs, and heart-deepening/opening experiences. Pluto's square and Mars' trine also augment the intensity level and catalyzing impact of this lunation to push us deeper onto pathways of emotional, psychic, and relational changes. Move with the heart and follow it into those hidden layers where more authentic love, joy, and creativity seek expression.

Willful Healing: Full Moon in Aries 2022

Sam, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 16 degrees Aries 33’

October 9, 2022

1:55 PM PDT

4:55 PM EDT

October's Full Moon in tropical Aries aligns with the centaur-object Chiron and opposes the Sun and Venus in Libra. With the Full Moon ruler, Mars, beginning its slow down before its retrograde station at the end of the month, there is a need to reflect deeply on and contemplate the relationship between free will and desire. Healing breakthroughs relating to existential blockages and relational struggles are also amplifying.

This Full Moon in Aries alongside Chiron is a collective and personal focal point for magnifying existential wounds. Aries and its ruler Mars often speak to the need to get what we want and the various ways to attain it. Yet, as a Full Moon, there is some breakthrough or culmination surrounding this, an opportunity to see more clearly what needs healing and what's preventing effective action.

Chiron, the wounded healer, often relates to the coming to consciousness of the defects or "Achilles-heel" like vulnerabilities that prevent us from fully utilizing and expressing our gifts. Sometimes, the remedy is simple and straightforward. Yet, unraveling the woundedness might require surrendering an attachment to perpetual martyrdom, puritanical aestheticism, or believing we're somehow not good enough.

The higher octave of Aries and Mars energy is attaining the confidence to accept our incarnation fully and to do something with it--to claim a place and make a mark on this vast universe. To fully live and engage with life is sometimes messy and involves putting ourselves in uncomfortable positions for personal and spiritual growth. And so, perhaps there's some new perception of this opening, an aha moment to savor, or a realization of the power we ultimately have within us.

If you find yourself obsessively mulling over the wounds holding you back, try to actively move into them and listen to what they have to say. Asking for insight or a second (more objective) opinion could also be useful. Remember, no one survives entirely on their own. Humans are interdependent creatures, and as psychologist Brene Brown argues, bravery and vulnerability are also interdependent. It takes courage to admit when we need help or reveal ourselves to others fully. Perhaps there is some healing surrounding self-love, which further expands and opens our ability to accept love.

Balancing Perspectives: New Moon in Libra 2022

Johannes Plenio jplenio, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 02 degrees Libra 48'

September 25, 2022

2:55 PM PDT

5:55 PM EDT

This month's New Moon occurs in tropical Libra. It features conjunctions with Mercury and Venus and oppositions to Jupiter and (widely) Neptune. The Sun and Mercury recently met up on the equinox (Sept. 22), the midpoint of Mercury's retrograde cycle. This deeply reflective space highlights gaining perspective and stability in relationships. While a Libra New Moon can open up new relational dialogues and connections, Mercury's backward motion adds an element of revision or past/lost connections.

This New Moon invites picking up the pieces left behind in our relational encounters; karma emerges, and unfinished conversations resurface. Yet, Mercury retrograde isn't always about the past. There is an alteration of perspective or worldview alongside this New Moon that can occur through deeper, intimate encounters and new bridges we create with others.

However, Neptune's opposition to Venus suggests caution with excessive idealism that might blind us from authentically seeing others. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a fantasy or feel-good neurochemical release, but those experiences shouldn't lead to solid commitments without some critical evaluation and reflection. Yet, doors are opening under this New Moon that allows for the serendipitous meeting of souls or a rediscovery of a creative passion/artistic vision.

We are invited in this dark Moon to follow less logic and more intuitive, heart-centeredness where authentic connections are genuinely formed. Jupiter's opposition opens up new possibilities, horizons, and experiences, where expansive relational and creative openings emerge. Strive to see a new point of view under this New Moon. Perhaps listen more and feel your way through the conversations.