Kosmic Mind

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Transcending Boundaries: New Moon in Scorpio 2023

Autumn colour by Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 20 degrees Scorpio 43'
November 13, 2023
1:27 AM PST
4:27 AM EST

November's New Moon in tropical Scorpio will gradually pull us out of the depths of eclipse season, but first, it invites us into some deeper territory. Conjunct Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio and in opposition to Uranus, this New Moon synchronously carries a high level of intensity, authenicity, and radical honesty. Sex and sexuality are also undeniable themes, and with Venus recently through Libra, there is ample ability for directness, passion, and pursuit of desires with an appropriate amount of tact, diplomacy, and empathy. 

As we settle into this dark of the Moon and situate our intentions for what we desire to bring forth, consider firstly the need for taking risks and the limitations placed on that. Whatever we begin to bring forward from this New Moon requires incredible courage and willingness to upset the status quo. That may manifest in feeling brave enough to speak the truth, consider an uncomfortable perspective, or open ourselves to someone or something we're hesitant about. 

Mars and the Scorpio archetype can be heavy-handed in getting to the point, and that's where Venus in Libra can be a modulating factor. Her ingress into her home sign Libra reflects a collective desire to seek common ground, interest, and broader social contacts. Yet, also, it might relate to a conflict experienced under these New Moon energies where we find ourselves having to moderate certain statements or airbrush a proposal. 

However, with the Moon's North Node in Aries, we are personally and collectively called to lean toward courageousness and individuation. Excessive reliance on approval or another's point of view can feel more oppressive and stifling than usual. Especially on the collective level, standing up for truth and personal values is more important than being n popular and appealing to those with power. We might find some fertile seeds for critical revolutions and breakthroughs emerging under this New Moon, so don't hold back from going deeper and pushing past both personal and collective boundaries.