Astrology blogs

Emerging Light: Full Moon in Leo 2021

WillMatt4, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

WillMatt4, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 09 degrees Leo 05'
January 28, 2021
11:16 AM Pacific Standard Time
2:16 PM Eastern Standard Time

With the first month of 2021 nearly over, we are greeted by a tension-filled and dynamic Full Moon in tropical Leo. While this lunation's thrust is initially uncomfortable, it brings about synchronistic wild cards sure to bring some surprising breakthroughs and turning points.

The sign of Leo emphasizes several archetypal dimensions. There is an emphasis on playfulness and the cultivation of joy, as well as the pursuit of visibility--putting oneself "out there" through various means of self-expression. And as Full Moons so often correlate with budding and erupting, there is likely to be the debut of some interesting performative displays.

The tension and inevitable uncomfortable factor of this lunation likely acts as a catalyst to push something or someone more into view. For anything that's been hiding out, this lunation can help bring it forward into expressiveness. Jupiter's opposition and solar conjunction add optimism, confidence, and opportunities to expand an audience.

However, with the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn opposing the Full Moon from Aquarius, there is equally an invitation to consider the balance between self-expression and collaboration, as well as the interplay between subjective and objective points of view. The tendency to get stuck in self-focused pursuits can lead to missing a more realistic perspective.

Mars and Uranus' square can also lead to arrogant overconfidence or hypervigilant overactions. Oversee aggressiveness and impulse with this Full Moon since things can quickly move above and beyond what is necessary. Yet, Uranus and Mars also relate to a sudden challenge to pursue a unique approach, style, or tactic.

Whatever shows up for you with this Full Moon, it's likely a culmination of something in which you can be recognized, acknowledged, or appreciated. Leo's innate message is that we all have a place to shine in the universe, and doing so (within reason) is a fundamental right to being alive. In times like these, we could all use a little light and a boost of confidence to nudge us further along.

A Steady Gaze: Full Moon in Sagittarius 2017

 A swing high above Saturn by NASA's Cassini spacecraft; photo by NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/Cornell, via Wikimedia Commons

 A swing high above Saturn by NASA's Cassini spacecraft; photo by NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/Cornell, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 18 degrees Sagittarius 23'

June 9, 2017

6:10 AM Pacific

9:10 AM Eastern

This month, the Full Moon culminates in the tropical sign of Sagittarius conjunct Saturn. It brings to a head the consequences of several choices recently made and an awareness of the reality of certain limitations we’re currently dealing with. In Sagittarius and forming a t-square with the Sun in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces, this lunation may also bring about a critical testing of our beliefs, ideologies, and faith in the universe/God/Goddess/higher power. With this potent Saturnian energy, the Full Moon also correlates with the manifestation of situations which require the solidification of commitments. 
This weighty Full Moon has a quality of seriousness with a focus on a specific mission, goal, or purpose. The Sun in Gemini creates some tension because there is an equally powerful desire for variety and a tendency toward distraction which can leave us running in circles, unable to tend to our responsibilities and more important priorities. Saturn in Sagittarius suggests narrowing our focus and sacrificing anything superfluous to avoid getting lost in uncertainty, confusion, and vagueness of purpose. In fact, this Full Moon is helping us to more clearly define or accept our purpose, whatever that may be.
In the days leading up to the Full Moon, look around for environmental cues that could be helpful in making more conscious choices and decisions. If you’ve been working hard toward some end goal, this Full Moon could help to bring about the rewards of your labor. But don’t expect any opportunities which manifest to be easy pursuits. Whatever shows up alongside this lunation is going to require time, energy, discipline, and hard work to reach success. Full Moon’s often coincide with an influx of excess energy, though some of us may respond to this particular lunation with feelings of depression, hopelessness and futility. 

This is because Saturn is always forcing us to face our limitations and employ reality testing to keep our ideals in check with what’s actually possible. If you find yourself feeling frustrated or sad, check in with yourself and take a sober look at what you’re dedicating the majority of your time and energy toward. We all need a purpose and some sense that we’re guided by a higher power; this is simply human nature. This lunation could be a powerful wake up call for some to rediscover their connection to a higher source and to connect with a divinely guided plan for their life. 
And remember, whatever you’re feeling is only transient in the moment. It will pass in the following days. Take whatever awareness or realization you acquire with this Full Moon and use it to guide you out of the fog of uncertainty and existential angst. Reflect deeply upon any potential commitments you’re considering at the moment. This powerful Full Moon is helping to provide us with a much needed perspective to take us to higher ground in our personal and professional lives. Most of all, pay close attention to your feelings and emotional center. It will have a lot to tell you about your current life direction. As always, have faith and trust the flow.

Love and Blessings,

Chad Woodward

You did not come to Earth without a guide. Evolutionary Astrology is a powerful tool for self-discovery and an exceptionally helpful guide in times of uncertainty, crisis or stagnation. Click here for reading options and pricing.

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Be Gentle With Yourself: Full Moon in Taurus 2016

Image by Chad Woodward

Image by Chad Woodward

Full @ 22 Taurus 37'

November 14, 2016

5:52 AM Pacific

8:52 AM Eastern

This month’s Full Moon occurs in the tropical sign of Taurus. It’s also a Supermoon, which means that the Full Moon is closer to the Earth, at its perigee, and will appear slightly larger and brighter than usual (about 7 percent larger than an average Full Moon). In fact, this is the closest Full Moon since 1948. A Full Moon won’t be this close to Earth until 2034. Some astrologers feel that Supermoons are more powerful and significant. Emotional sensitivity may be more pronounced. The size increase does make the Moon a little more striking to look at, especially if you catch it at Moonrise (just after Sunset) or Moonset (just before Sunrise the following morning) in relation to objects on the horizon (mountains, hills, buildings, etc.).

In the sign of Taurus, this Full Moon emphasizes the physical body, the natural world, and the cultivation of inner stillness. Utilize this lunar climax as a moment to ground yourself and find your center. With the election now over here in the United States, the collective energy could use a moment to calm down. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, which means it has more ease of expression. As a symbol of nurturance, safety, and comfort, the Moon generates a notable desire to attend to our needs, especially physical ones while in Taurus. You may find a slight heightening of your senses and an increased interest in good food, music, sensual pleasure, and natural surroundings.

While a Full Moon is usually a time of increased energy, Taurus isn’t a sign that stimulates interest in much activity. A good hike or walk in a park may be all that you need to expend excess energy. Be gentle with yourself. Take a breather. With the Sun in Scorpio conjunct the dark Moon Lilith, it is a good time to feel deeper into yourself and the situations in your life. To really take advantage of this, use this Full Moon moment to quiet your mind and get in touch with your primal self--that part of you that is often dampened down by society and modern culture. We must surrender our inner animal and abandon ourselves to receive full cultural imprinting, which leaves some part of ourselves neglected and caged.

With this calming Full Moon in Taurus, it’s a good time to let that wild part of yourself out for a bit. In fact, feel safe in the notion that you can surrender to your senses and desires without them causing much harm. Uranus, Eris, and Ceres quincunx the Sun and Lilith may create some hesitation in relation to fully tearing through any barriers in the moment, but that works well for the Moon and Taurus. Consider where you need to release any repressed parts of yourself in a gentle way that won’t incite too much upset, but don’t neglect or ignore whatever comes up for you. If you can find some space to relax and simply be yourself, you’ll come closer to your wholeness, inner animal and all.

You did not come to Earth without a guide. Evolutionary Astrology is a powerful tool for self-discovery and an exceptionally helpful guide in times of uncertainty, crisis or stagnation. Click here for reading options and pricing.