Leo Full Moon January 28 2021

Emerging Light: Full Moon in Leo 2021

WillMatt4, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

WillMatt4, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 09 degrees Leo 05'
January 28, 2021
11:16 AM Pacific Standard Time
2:16 PM Eastern Standard Time

With the first month of 2021 nearly over, we are greeted by a tension-filled and dynamic Full Moon in tropical Leo. While this lunation's thrust is initially uncomfortable, it brings about synchronistic wild cards sure to bring some surprising breakthroughs and turning points.

The sign of Leo emphasizes several archetypal dimensions. There is an emphasis on playfulness and the cultivation of joy, as well as the pursuit of visibility--putting oneself "out there" through various means of self-expression. And as Full Moons so often correlate with budding and erupting, there is likely to be the debut of some interesting performative displays.

The tension and inevitable uncomfortable factor of this lunation likely acts as a catalyst to push something or someone more into view. For anything that's been hiding out, this lunation can help bring it forward into expressiveness. Jupiter's opposition and solar conjunction add optimism, confidence, and opportunities to expand an audience.

However, with the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn opposing the Full Moon from Aquarius, there is equally an invitation to consider the balance between self-expression and collaboration, as well as the interplay between subjective and objective points of view. The tendency to get stuck in self-focused pursuits can lead to missing a more realistic perspective.

Mars and Uranus' square can also lead to arrogant overconfidence or hypervigilant overactions. Oversee aggressiveness and impulse with this Full Moon since things can quickly move above and beyond what is necessary. Yet, Uranus and Mars also relate to a sudden challenge to pursue a unique approach, style, or tactic.

Whatever shows up for you with this Full Moon, it's likely a culmination of something in which you can be recognized, acknowledged, or appreciated. Leo's innate message is that we all have a place to shine in the universe, and doing so (within reason) is a fundamental right to being alive. In times like these, we could all use a little light and a boost of confidence to nudge us further along.