Mercury Retrograde 2018

Mars in Pisces & Mercury/Venus Stations

Point Lobos, Carmel, Ca; photo by Chad Woodward, November 2018.

Point Lobos, Carmel, Ca; photo by Chad Woodward, November 2018.

Mars is moving into Pisces this week (Nov. 15) after transiting Capricorn/Aquarius since May of this year. Combined with both Mercury and Venus stations, this week can feel extra packed with activity and new potential. The only caveat: retrograde stations like that of both inner planets Mercury and Venus can create a crossfire of uncertainty and restlessness.

Venus in its home sign Libra dominates this week, and with a Mars/Uranus sextile (before Mars changes signs), all things seductive and alluring are more likely to capture our focus. Mars sextile Uranus, while fleeting, is enough to set off a sudden/spontaneous influx of Eros. Venus' retrograde station seems to overshadow Mercury's retrograde effect, though not entirely.

Yes, the usual techno/mechanical/communicative breakdowns and glitches are likely, and the data influx is incoming. Prepare to alter a plan or perception as you uncover new bits of data or encounter enlightening conversations, but Venus' station in Libra is most auspicious. Venus can shift any pending financial, creative, or relational issue. If you've been stuck on a heart-related matter, some resolution is possible this week.

The standard Mercury retro advice holds, but the benefics Venus and Jupiter in their home signs, seem to mitigate the need to hold back on the action. The reality is that while you may lack clarity about what a result will be or the final destination, vital first steps are possible this week. Mercury's retrograde backtrack through Sagittarius includes a conjunction with expansive Jupiter.

There is a newfound surge of excitement, and the next three weeks can help to reassess or discover some new potential within a pending opportunity. The six weeks of Mars in Pisces involves the paradox of active surrender to the cosmic flow. And at least the next three weeks, rid yourself of urgency and let the next mission reveal itself. Step back, meditate, and bend with life, and the logistics will show up in time.


Trust Your Bliss: Partial Solar Eclipse in Leo 2018

By Zeynel Cebeci [CC BY-SA 4.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons

By Zeynel Cebeci [CC BY-SA 4.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse @ 18 Leo 42' 

August 11, 2018

2:58 AM Los Angeles

5:58 AM New York

10:58 AM London

5:58 PM Beijing

7:58 PM Sydney

This month's New Moon is a partial solar eclipse in the tropical sign of Leo. It occurs against the backdrop of both Mercury and Mars retrograde. If you've felt like you've had to maneuver around extra obstacles, setbacks, or delays lately, you're not alone. Technical, mechanical, and communicative glitches are ubiquitous during the backtrack of the tiny and flighty planet Mercury. 

And within this potentized field of eclipses and Mars' retrograde cycle too, life can feel more unpredictable and less willing to agree with our expectations. Random annoyances are part of the deal. However, this is also a prime season for profound life shifts and changes of perception. And this Leo New Moon/eclipse can help us see a new path forward that we didn't know existed. 

Leo has a reputation for drama and excessive audacity. Leo's ruler is the Sun, the King/Queen of the solar system after all. Leo's emphasis is on the expression of creativity and affirmation of one's existence. Leo wants to be acknowledged, but not always the center of attention. Indeed in its negative face, Leo can become overly self-absorbed or addicted to applause/validation. If there were an archetype for pathological narcissism, Leo's bad side comes somewhat close. 

This New Moon/eclipse in the vibrant sign of Leo encourages visibility and self-expression. Occurring near the lunar North Node, it represents a profound shift in confidence and creative potential. This eclipse is profoundly bound up with a desire for more acknowledgment, respect, recognition, and of course, fun. With Mercury retrograde closely conjunct the New Moon/eclipse, it helps us make critical revisions and adjustments while breathing new life into ongoing creative projects. 

Jupiter's square to Mercury and the eclipse represents an optimistic thrust forward, but be mindful of arrogance or over-confident, leaps of faith. It is still the dark of the Moon, so tread carefully. Fact check, read the fine print and discuss things before jumping in. Don't indulge in more than you can process. Consider seeing yourself and your creations through a new lens or perception. Experiment with fresh approaches for communicating yourself to the world at large. 

When it comes to pushing forward with current projects or situations, remember to take your time and go with the flow. Both Mercury retrograde and eclipse season require patience and flexibility. Often, the greatest ideas come to us when we aren't actively looking for them. Consider the mantra of legendary, Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso, "I do not seek. I find."

Open yourself up to the joy of discovery with this eclipse, which requires less attachment to results and more engagement with the process. Yes, Mercury retrograde induces some second-guessing, and this eclipse can undoubtedly feel overwhelming, but it invites us to bring some new element into our lives and reconsider how we playfully participate in the creative, evolutionary flow of the cosmos. 

How are you feeling the eclipse? Feel free to comment below. 

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