Venus in Libra

Innovation Flow: Venus/Uranus Opposition

Lone cloud at Grand Canyon South Rim; photo by Chad Woodward, 2018

Lone cloud at Grand Canyon South Rim; photo by Chad Woodward, 2018

Venus and Uranus are nearing their final opposition of the year, both squaring the lunar nodes which recently ingressed into the Cancer/Capricorn axis. Whenever Uranus is active in the collective psyche, there's a surge of erratic instability, unexpected change, or a wild-card possibility.

With Uranus opposing Venus in Libra, such changes can be quite constructive, and they are likely to surface in the arena of relationships. Perhaps, toward the end of this week, there's merely a change in the social sphere or reality, a new connection for communication, or an electrifying new interest. Venus/Uranus can shake us out of a relational rut, which can be exciting or anxiety producing.

Venus in Libra seeks to build stable bridges and create rapport, dialogue, and support. Uranus, however, adds an element of the quirky and unusual. This can be a compelling moment of reaching toward a fresh and progressive perspective or opening another to a unique point of view. However it shows up for you, both planets invite a renovation in outlook or creative self-expression.

And as mentioned, both Venus/Uranus squaring the nodes adds a karmic layer, a sense of having to resolve or complete something unfinished. Yes, it can feel like a crossroads in an ongoing dialogue or relational issue, or perhaps the wild-card has emerged, seeking to liberate the standard relationship/dating narrative. If creatively inclined, flow into an innovative approach on through the weekend. Experiment and see what happens. No commitments are needed just yet.

Mars in Pisces & Mercury/Venus Stations

Point Lobos, Carmel, Ca; photo by Chad Woodward, November 2018.

Point Lobos, Carmel, Ca; photo by Chad Woodward, November 2018.

Mars is moving into Pisces this week (Nov. 15) after transiting Capricorn/Aquarius since May of this year. Combined with both Mercury and Venus stations, this week can feel extra packed with activity and new potential. The only caveat: retrograde stations like that of both inner planets Mercury and Venus can create a crossfire of uncertainty and restlessness.

Venus in its home sign Libra dominates this week, and with a Mars/Uranus sextile (before Mars changes signs), all things seductive and alluring are more likely to capture our focus. Mars sextile Uranus, while fleeting, is enough to set off a sudden/spontaneous influx of Eros. Venus' retrograde station seems to overshadow Mercury's retrograde effect, though not entirely.

Yes, the usual techno/mechanical/communicative breakdowns and glitches are likely, and the data influx is incoming. Prepare to alter a plan or perception as you uncover new bits of data or encounter enlightening conversations, but Venus' station in Libra is most auspicious. Venus can shift any pending financial, creative, or relational issue. If you've been stuck on a heart-related matter, some resolution is possible this week.

The standard Mercury retro advice holds, but the benefics Venus and Jupiter in their home signs, seem to mitigate the need to hold back on the action. The reality is that while you may lack clarity about what a result will be or the final destination, vital first steps are possible this week. Mercury's retrograde backtrack through Sagittarius includes a conjunction with expansive Jupiter.

There is a newfound surge of excitement, and the next three weeks can help to reassess or discover some new potential within a pending opportunity. The six weeks of Mars in Pisces involves the paradox of active surrender to the cosmic flow. And at least the next three weeks, rid yourself of urgency and let the next mission reveal itself. Step back, meditate, and bend with life, and the logistics will show up in time.


Freedom and Love

Venus Rising the Star by Jean Leon-Gerome.

Over the next several days the planet Venus will be approaching an opposition (a 180 degree face off from our point of view) with the planet Uranus. Venus just recently came into contact with Pluto, and in a way, set off the now fading Uranus/Pluto square—the defining aspect of our current, tumultuous moment in time. The Uranus/Pluto cycle correlates with historical periods of significant social and political unrest, progressive societal changes, as well as radical, revolutionary uprisings. Believe it or not, the peak of that cycle is receding in the collective psyche, though its effects still reverberate in time, especially when a planet comes in contact with Uranus and Pluto.

On a personal level, Venus and Pluto (via a square on Nov. 20) may have stirred up tension in your relationships via the surfacing of secrets or hidden, unconscious elements you would rather have not known about or probably ignored. But their interaction compelled you to look deeper, beyond the immediate appearance. Pluto’s message is always that your problems are not truly out there in the world but lie within yourself. If you took the initiative to explore that reality, you may have made some progress; you may be able to move on and heal.

On Nov. 23 Venus will face off with Uranus, bringing in a different archetypal element, though the Moon’s pass by Uranus on Nov. 22 will be equally significant. These two days will highlight the need to redefine yourself in the context of your relationships (romantic, platonic, professional, or otherwise). Venus in Libra seeks to make everyone happy and wants to put on a pretty, smiling face. How often do we do this to win social approval? Its human nature….and it’s also heavily conditioned into us. But, when does that façade get in the way of being who we truly are? (For those of us born with an emphasis in either Aries or Libra, you will feel this transit most profoundly).

In current relationships, these days may stimulate a short period where you may feel compelled to rebel against certain restrictions or barriers within those relationships. It can work equally to catalyze an urge to begin relationships or radically change or redefine those that have been stagnant or nonexistent. The higher end of this transit is an ability to maintain your individuality while avoiding the urge to burn bridges you may later regret. An opposition is a culmination and sometimes crisis, but always it’s an opportunity to reconcile diametric constructs. If you take the higher road, you can be yourself without scaring people away by coming off too strongly. You can make space in your current relationships so that they support your unique path. And you can potentially culminate a new stage of development within your relationships, but ideally in alignment with who you are destined to be. 

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