New Moon in Virgo 2017

Getting It Together: New Moon in Virgo 2017

A view from Nebo Canyon Scenic Byway, Utah; photo by Chad Woodward, 2017. 

A view from Nebo Canyon Scenic Byway, Utah; photo by Chad Woodward, 2017. 

New Moon @ 27 Virgo 27'

September 19, 2017

10:30 PM Los Angeles

September 20, 2017

1:30 AM New York

6:30 AM London

9:30 AM Dubai

1:30 PM Beijing

3:30 PM Sydney

5:30 PM Auckland

This is a powerful Virgo season. This New Moon in tropical Virgo is joined by Mercury, Venus, and Mars--five planets all clustering in a single sign at the moment of this lunation. While a New Moon is typically our down time, conducive for recharging and rest, there’s just so much to do! The Virgo archetype stimulates our idealism, though not through lofty, ambiguous dreams.

Virgo arouses very practical and concrete expectations about how the real world should operate. With this New Moon, there’s likely to be a certain level of earthy idealism influencing you in one way or another. Virgo’s highest aim is to nudge us in the direction of improvement. You might be feeling that there’s a “higher level” you could strive for no matter what you’ve accomplished.

Naturally, all of these high voltage Virgo vibes aren’t going to let us rest as much as we would like during a typical New Moon. From an evolutionary perspective, it’s “time” for all of us to take an honest assessment of ourselves and our lives and see where we can progress, and how much further we can thrust ourselves closer to those Virgoan ideals.

This Virgo season can help you get a lot done, like anything you’ve set aside but didn’t have the energy to check off your list until now. How wonderful it is to have that feeling of getting things in better order and organized. Virgo can indulge in that sensation of relief once everything is finally cleaned up, inducing a sense of calm and utter tranquility. Another Virgo attribute is the building of competence--becoming better at what we do to serve the world.

So, with this New Moon, there’s something dynamic beginning somewhere in your life that can help you step up and make something more of yourself and augment your life circumstances. The negative end of this New Moon, and something you should definitely watch out for, is expecting too much of yourself or other people.

Virgo’s less-evolved side carries some irrational expectations, and is prone to nit picking, fault finding, and micromanagement to the extreme. Don’t fall into that trap. Set some realistic ideals and expectations for yourself, and do your best. Of course, not changing anything is an option too, but that might lead to insane restlessness or neuroticism because these Virgo energies need to find healthy and productive outlets.

The planetoid Chiron is in opposition to this New Moon. Chiron, the wounded healer facing off with this lunation could definitely direct us to what’s wrong, defective, or ugly about ourselves and our life choices. The positive side is that Chiron can help us recognize our wounds and see them through a more sober and realistic lense. But this New Moon’s ruler, Mercury, also forms an opposition to Neptune, which can seriously cloud our judgement, exaggerating our pain and inadequacies beyond their actual nature.

And Saturn in wide square to Chiron and this lunation, can also engender some depression, or feelings of overwhelm with all that we’re presently dealing with. If you’re actually doing the best that you can right now (and really, only you know that), there’s no need to be too hard on yourself.

In fact, while there’s likely to be plenty of opportunities to look at ourselves and situations with some level of clarity (through an amplification of “what’s wrong”), you have the power to actually change any negative, “can’t do” attitudes and thinking patterns completely around. This is one of Chiron’s main objectives, to create sudden reversals in consciousness that help us get into alignment with our highest potential.

Saturn’s square can be a helpful kick in the ass to get going toward the attainment of realistic ideals. Mercury’s opposition to Neptune can serve to awaken and inspire, and Chiron can help us shift our attitudes and focus to make some significant changes over the next few weeks. Virgo, as a mutable earth sign, indicates that this New Moon is a significant transitional passageway, clearing us of the intensity and drama of eclipse season/Mercury retrograde of the past month or so. So, do take a moment with this New Moon to definitely catch your breath, and then get back to work!

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