The Return of the Light: Full Moon in Cancer 2015

A close up of Amanita Muscaria
mushrooms in South Cambie, Vancouver,
BC, Canada; photo by peardg.
Full Moon @ 3 Cancer 20'
Dec 25, 2015
6:11 AM Eastern
3:11 AM Pacific

This month, the Full Moon comes to a culmination in the tropical sign of Cancer on Christmas Day. While the winter solstice is a time to honor the return of the Sun’s light after reaching its lowest declination in the sky, traditionally (in the extreme northern hemisphere), Christmas Day was the official day that the light of the Sun would literally return after three days of darkness. There is convincing evidence that our western Christmas celebrations originated in northern Siberia, where shamans would gather sacraments (psychedelic mushrooms known as Amanita Muscaria; they’re red capped with white spots) on winter solstice, hang them up to dry on pine trees (where the mushrooms grew in symbiosis beneath), and then distribute them to local villagers on Christmas Eve (via climbing down the chimney of their homes because the front door would be blocked by snowpacks).

The villagers would sometimes hang the mushrooms in stockings above the fireplace to dry (the drying diluted the more toxic constituents within the fungus). Thus, the earliest Christmas celebrations were honored as a time of deep introspection, healing, and mystical vision. The ego death experienced via the sacramental ingestion of the mushrooms mimicked the death and rebirth of the Sun. This was the way that our ancestors perceived reality; they understood the symbiosis of all life and the synchronicity between the inner psyche and the outer world. Much of that understanding has been lost today, but it is slowly reemerging in what Terrance McKenna called the “Archaic Revival”. It’s not hard to see the extreme disparity between those ancient Christmas celebrations and what the modern, western world celebrates today.

The Resurrection of Santa Claus; oil painting
by Jimmy b, 2004.

The excess focus on materialism and the stress of getting everything done for the holidays (the dark side of Capricorn) seem to intrude upon the opportunity that this time of the year affords for contemplation, soul searching, and mystical experience. As much as we can’t entirely escape the traps of modern culture, we can preserve these ancient understandings by honoring our need for solitude and mystical vision in our own personal way. However you can cultivate that for yourself, I encourage you to do so. But with that aside, the sign of Cancer is perceived as a rather nostalgic and tradition loving sign. The bulk of the population will respond to this lunation with an increased interest in the traditional Christmas accouterments so beloved by the modern, western world.

Yet, much of that hinges upon an illusion. To be a little cynical for a moment, for example, the vast majority (more than 60 percent) of Christmas decorations purchased around the world are made in China, where workers practically slave away for very little (making in a month what I practically make in a single day)—completely detached from any sense of magic or meaning that we project onto the holidays. For them, they’re merely trying to make ends meet and barely doing so. The Christmas celebrations, at least here in the United States, feed into our economy of hate and exclusion that supports greed, selfishness and the exploitation of those desperate and less privileged than others. That truth really kind of makes me sick, and yet there isn’t much I can do about it myself, beyond my non-participation in hoarding wealth and living simply and humbly. I still buy gifts for those I care for, and I do enjoy it, but I try my best not to get so wrapped up (pun intended) in the mania of the holidays that many fall prey to (Black Friday, etc.).

This Full Moon is unique in the sense that a Full Moon on Christmas Day is a rare occasion indeed. The last Christmas Full Moon was in 1977 and the next will be in 2034—far rarer than any “Blue Moon”. So, what is its significance? Depending on your awareness and level of consciousness, each astrological event differs for each person. As I said, Cancer can be a rather nostalgic sign. It seeks security, protection, safety, comfort, nourishment, nurturance, and healing. All these impulses will be amplified during this Full Moon. A Full Moon always brings things to a head and culmination. 

Something is emerging from the unconscious to conscious awareness. At the root of Cancer, is the longing in our heart to belong and to cultivate intimacy in our lives—not necessarily sexual, but communal--the experience of truly connecting, bonding and sharing ourselves authentically with other human beings who see us as we actually are. Such an experience requires trust and deep commitment.  One question might be whether or not you have such experiences in your life. Many of us go through the usual routine with our families around the holidays. Some of us may enjoy it, yet others may feel alienated from their blood-related relatives. I often have mixed feelings.

As I’ve discussed before in other articles, we are biologically wired to be nomadic creatures. I don’t think that throughout the bulk of our evolution that we ever really stayed tied to a nuclear family, or the same people our entire lives. Our ancestors were likely rather promiscuous vagabonds. But our ancestors still craved Cancerian experiences while communing over a fire, sharing a recently butchered carcass, gathering berries in the forest, or breastfeeding babies. Our archaic sense of family extended beyond our blood relatives in those days to the whole community that we were a part of. And since our ancestors were likely devoid of any concept of paternity, we were likely unaware of anyone beyond our biological mother.

One thing I’ve noticed, at least here in the United States, is that many people have lost their trust in other human beings. The media obsesses over reasons to be afraid, reasons to no longer trust others. Within the majority of the western world, we live highly compartmentalized lives—segregated and disconnected from any sense of true community, intimacy, authenticity, or trust. Such a society breeds paranoia, distrust, competitiveness, narcissism, and alienation. We seem to financially reward and idolize sociopathic/antisocial behavior while seeming to simultaneously uphold the merits of having a conscience: charity, compassion, and empathy. It’s quite a paradox and contradiction, isn’t it? I suppose such is life. But what can we do about it? What can we change within ourselves and within our own lives to shift our world from an increasing sense of isolation to experiences of trust and connectivity?

The head of a marble Roman statue
depicting a Vestal Virgin, a priestess of the Goddess Vesta;
circa 100-120 AD; British Museum of Art; photo
by Carole Raddato.

It starts with you and the choices that you make in your own life. It starts with each of us choosing to find our true communities, our true families. While this lunation doesn’t symbolize anything too revolutionary, it does present some tension that could catalyze change. The asteroid Vesta makes a square to this Full Moon (a 90 degree angle) from the sign of Aries. The glyph of Vesta symbolizes a fire, a hearth—such as the ancient fire that burned in the yurts of Siberian villagers as they dried their sacraments just after winter solstice. Vesta is symbolic of the devotion required to stoke the flames of creative and sexual passion. Its contact with this Full Moon hangs in the balance between both the paradoxical and potentially complimentary qualities of Cancer and Capricorn: the solitude required to achieve anything great and manifest it in the world and the longing to bond, connect and share ourselves authentically with those we truly love and care for.

First, you may feel that polarity within yourself—a longing to connect and a longing to retreat into your own soul. An opposition suggests that you find a way to feed both ends of that spectrum. And yet Vesta in Aries brings in an impulse toward independence and freedom from what blocks you from your authenticity. Vesta may bring to your attention just what it is you are devoted to and whether it truly feeds your heart and soul. A square symbolizes the ripening of karma, the call to action. It places a certain kind of pressure upon you that may feel unbearable. While the past is comforting because it’s predictable and known, it is perhaps equally suffocating and stagnating, too. What to do? The Sun in Capricorn invites you to seek solitude and to reflect. The Full Moon invites you to share yourself, whether or not you feel received, seen or understood. From there, you will come to realize just what you should truly be devoted to—where you need to place your time and energy. This Christmas/Holiday Full Moon offers you an opportunity to redefine your sense of devotion, commitment, and passion for yourself.

What are you passionate about? How are you living a creative, passionate and heart-centered life? This Full Moon may bring these questions to your attention. Remember, that the dark side of Capricorn is coldness, apathy, and a desire to control or dominate as a compensation for a lack of true authentic connection to one’s soul’s purpose or destiny. The dark side of Cancer is an inability to care for oneself by placing too much significance on the caretaking of those who would be better off with tough love. To truly love others, you must first learn to cultivate self-love—a devotion and commitment to what feeds you. That love will then extend throughout the community and the universe will bring just what you need. So, to be devoted to anything or anyone requires first, a devotion to your own wholeness, health, and happiness. Take some time to contemplate that. 

Getting On With It: Mercury Conjunct Pluto

Mount Whitney, Sierra Nevadas, California; photo taken by Wikimedia Commons user
Geographer, March 2003.

On Dec. 19, the planet Mercury enters the shadow period of its retrograde cycle, and it also happens to align with the planet Pluto—one of three conjunctions it will make between now and the beginning of next year. As you probably know, Pluto and Uranus have been in a tense conflict since 2012 and slightly before. This has been reflected on the world stage rather clearly. The underworld has revealed its face to us all, collectively and personally. “Progressive” change has inundated the social, cultural and political infrastructures the world over. Perhaps you’ve changed a lot yourself, too. Perhaps you’ve endured your own personal reformation.

As Mercury comes into contact with Pluto, it also comes into contact with Uranus—thus igniting some more tension within you and within the collective psyche. Since both Pluto and Uranus are outer planets, they pull us out of our own personal bubble and help us focus on the “bigger picture”—our contribution to the greater whole that we are a part of. But Pluto in particular, so often draws us to the realization of our impermanence. We have a limited time here. While I don’t think we (as in our soul) only live a single life, I know that my ego (my illusory and fleeting identity) will not exist forever. Its time is short. You, as a separate and individual being, will not last forever.

So, why have you come here? Why do you choose to exist? I often feel like I forget myself, sucked into the numbing comfort of ignorance so many find themselves enmeshed. But some part of me can’t remain there for too long. Some part of me knows that it better get on with it. For whatever reason (maybe I’m an old soul), I have to always pull myself out of those traps and get back in alignment with my purpose, whatever that is. Pluto so often does this, especially during the lengthy period of its transits to planets or points in our horoscope. It points us (sometimes painfully) to what we need to get on with. It slowly churns in the background of consciousness, beckoning us, stalking us, until we notice its calling. Pluto, God of the underworld, pulls us under. It beleaguers us with a seemingly “dark” presence that we really shouldn’t ignore.

But what is that feeling? What is that “darkness”? In my opinion, it’s merely the part of our self, our psyche, we have yet to uncover and manifest. Those demons are merely the uncharted, lost, subjugated, and ignored aspects of our potential—what we have yet to face and deal with. And what better way to get our attention than to appear as something so frightening. The darkest chasms of your mind are those places holding your deepest fears, wounds, and regrets. In Buddhism, it’s said that our karma is primarily what we have yet to do but long to do. The soul is brought back to earth (time and time again) by its unfulfilled desires. When we die, the Tibetan Buddhist believes that the soul is eventually tormented by that karma (manifested in the guise of “demons”) until it jumps into another incarnation—back into the cycle of life and death, and so often suffering.

As Mercury conjoins Pluto three times (Dec. 19, Jan. 22, and Jan. 30/31), it gives you some time to contemplate what you’ve come here to do. Perhaps this is simply a subtle recognition or wake-up call. Perhaps (if it’s impacting something more personal in your chart), it’s a much bigger, more encompassing realization. However it manifests, you’re likely to feel that pull inward, as Capricorn so often does. But then, we can’t forget the presence of Uranus, drawing us towards freedom and individuation. So, the rest of the year and the first month of 2016 may have you focused on some “serious” matters—matters pertaining to your purpose, matters pertaining to the calling of your soul and the freedom required to bring that calling forward and into the world.

Consider what distractions you may need to overcome to get back in alignment with your truth and with your integrity. Consider what you need to prioritize and what is simply in your way. Trust that feeling to turn inward now; it correlates perfectly with the Sun’s natural position in the sky and the emergence of the winter solstice here in the northern hemisphere. This is a time, naturally, of deeper reflection, introspection, and contemplation. And Uranus calls us to remain true to ourselves and our unique evolutionary pathway. It cares not what everyone thinks, but merely that we are true to our purpose and destiny. Perhaps you’ve forgotten, but you have one because you exist. And to exist means that you have a desire to do so. And that desire led you back here. So, maybe, just maybe, you might as well get on with it.

Patience and Introspection: Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius/Capricorn 2016

Outdoor statue of Great Showa Buddha, Yamazaki, Kuwahara, Aomori Prefecture, Japan;
photo by Fg2 via Wikimedia Commons.

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius/Capricorn 
January 5-25, 2016

Dec 19, 2015   Enters Shadow
Jan 5, 2016      Stationary Retrograde
Jan 8, 2016      Mercury Enters Capricorn
Jan 14, 2016    Mercury Trine Jupiter and Conjunct Sun
Jan 22, 2016    Mercury Conjunct Pluto
Jan 25, 2016    Stationary Direct
Feb 14, 2016   Leaves Shadow

From Jan. 5 through 25, the planet Mercury will turn retrograde (it will appear to move backward) through tropical Aquarius and Capricorn. It will spend the majority of the retrograde cycle in Capricorn, but will station (stop moving) in Aquarius, spending roughly four days of the retrograde cycle in this sign. First off, Mercury turns retrograde every three months, three times a year. It’s the most common inner planetary retrograde. This isn’t a time to panic, worry or otherwise avoid carrying out your life as you usually do. However, Mercury retrograde is a time to modify the way you carry out your daily affairs and to be particularly mindful of your communications with others.

While Mercury is retrograde, you need to be aware that the three weeks of its retrograde cycle (and often the shadow periods, too) require versatility and flexibility. That means you should be open to the possibility that plans may change or sudden and unexpected setbacks may pop up, inviting you to alter your direction, goals, and strategies. When a planet turns retrograde, it changes the “normal” flow of things related to that archetype. We associate Mercury with the signs Gemini and Virgo. On the Gemini end, Mercury retrograde places emphasis on communication and how we go about our daily lives.

Be particularly mindful that what you’re saying is clear and understood. Serious and sometimes costly misunderstandings are common during Mercury retrograde (so double check the message or repeat and reiterate more than usual). The Gemini side of Mercury also associates with local travel, and that often has a perceived influence on cars or other means of transportation. The Virgo end of Mercury actually has more to do with the notorious issues involving machinery or equipment used to either enhance work performance or generally improve living conditions. In others words, a lot of stuff tends to break down during Mercury retrograde in an unusually higher frequency.

And the reason is because Mercury retrograde pokes perceptual holes (Gemini) and accentuates the faults (Virgo) in the things we rely upon to improve our lives. In other words, Mercury the trickster is trying to expand our conscious awareness by shedding light on issues we’ve been ignorant about or have chosen to ignore, but often in an annoying and irritating way. It can be a time of increased delays and setbacks. But the good news is that if you feel rushed to push forward with anything, the universe will support you more if you hold off and take your time to revise and double check your work.

That doesn’t mean that you should cancel all your plans or avoid moving forward with anything just because Mercury is retrograde. Check the signs and signals from your environment to discern what the cycle is telling you. Often, if you keep coming up against blockages or setbacks, it’s usually an indication to hold off and wait things out. But remember, a retrograde reverses the “normal” flow of things in a particular area (often associated with the house in your natal chart that Mercury will retrograde through). If things have been particularly stuck or stagnant, than Mercury retrograde can push things forward and expand your awareness of new directions; it will reverse the flow.

The last critical piece of Mercury retrograde combines the symbolism of both Gemini and Virgo. This relates to the expansion of your perceptual awareness which requires humility to change or alter your opinion or perception in the presence of information that challenges what you once knew or understood. These three weeks are a time to keep your mind loose, open and receptive to new input and information that could end up having a profound impact on your understanding of reality and could also turn out to be incredibly useful, practical and helpful. This is a time to review things, go over what you’re working on, and make adjustments where needed. You’ll actually have extra time to do this, so don’t feel rushed.

And as far as I know, there is no reliable way to predict whether a particular Mercury retrograde cycle will hit you hard or not (whether you will experience a high influx of technical problems or setbacks). I suppose you’ll just have to wait and be surprised. But if you approach this cycle with humility, open-mindedness, and consciousness of the need for versatility, you’ll be much better equipped to deal with problems should they arise. The trickster’s main intention is to lead us into new directions and to show us realities we are unaware of. Sometimes setbacks can be opportunities to notice things you would otherwise overlook. And that is the true gift of Mercury retrograde.

From Aquarius to Capricorn

Both signs Aquarius and Capricorn, are classically ruled by the planet Saturn. Aquarius is also seen to have a resonance with the planet Uranus—it’s modern planetary ruler. Mercury will only spend about four days in Aquarius and the majority of this cycle in the sign of Capricorn. On the Uranian end, Mercury in Aquarius seeks complete freedom of thought and expression. As it moves retrograde through this sign, Mercury may reveal problems in relation to some progressive ideas. In order for innovation to effectively take place, you must have a respect and understanding of what has come before.

You wouldn’t try innovating something without the hard work of learning about what preceded it, would you? For example, imagine you’ve taken a few yoga classes (without really studying it in depth) and suddenly you think of a new way of doing yoga, or you invent some new posture and then decide to you want to teach others and set up studios, while ignoring the fact that yoga is far more than just a physical exercise, and that it’s a tradition that’s been around for thousands of years. It might be a good idea to take some time, possibly many years, studying it before you should feel learned enough to change it. True innovation and genius must precede hard work, discipline and a willingness to master the techniques already perfected. 

While Mercury moves back into Capricorn for the rest of the retrograde cycle, this is an ideal time to review or reconsider a strategic plan of action, or to keep your mind open to the possibility of putting in some extra time to master certain techniques that have withstood the test of time. Whatever you want to move forward with will likely require that you go back and focus on the proper way of doing it. Since Saturn rules both signs, we can feel the weight of this planet, the master teacher, and stern disciplinarian, tainting this particular cycle.

Let’s say you’ve lost your way, or perhaps you’ve lost your ability to focus, or you’ve been lacking the motivation to plan ahead and strategize. Mercury retrograde through Capricorn is an ideal cycle to get yourself back on track, to go open your mind to new strategies or advice from those wiser or more experienced than yourself. This cycle may also urge you to spend some time alone or to embrace more solitude so that you can put in the necessary effort required to achieve something involving hard work and the ability to organize yourself.  Consider that this cycle may assist you in gaining more competence and the necessary discipline needed to withstand the tests and challenges that any great work must endure if it’s to come into full manifestation.

On Jan. 14, Mercury will conjoin the Sun which will symbolize the midpoint of the retrograde cycle. Typically, the time leading up to the midpoint is wrought with increased frustrations and experiences that urge you to deconstruct things or to notice what’s wrong with your strategy or plan of action. After the midpoint (Mercury/Sun conjunction), you may notice that solutions will arise and that you’re able to implement changes that eluded you before. On the day of the midpoint, Mercury and the Sun will both trine Jupiter, symbolizing a fleeting opportunity to move quickly into the direction of integration as well as the emergence of insights and clarity. Jupiter’s conjunction with the North Node also indicates that assistance from others may emerge which will help you further perfect what you’re focusing on.Be open to constructive criticism and feedback that could be helpful.

On Jan. 22, Mercury will align with the planet Pluto. The days surrounding this conjunction may bring up some uncomfortable truths or a reality check. The mind is turned inward during a retrograde, and Pluto always dredges up realizations that are often frightening or uncomfortable to the ego. In order to work effectively with Pluto, you must open your mind to the possibility that any problems encountered externally are manifestations of blockages within yourself. Psychological realizations are common under this aspect, as well as an opportunity to shed light on issues you’ve been ignoring or shoving aside. Take an honest look at yourself and the situations in your life; Pluto can help you see the bigger picture. This is a time of deep introspection and self-reflection.

This retrograde just happens to correlate to the start of the New Year. Astrologically speaking, the Gregorian New Year has no relation to natural cycles, but we can’t ignore its collective significance since we all agree on it. The New Year is often a time of setting “resolutions” or intentions to move forward in positive directions. This Mercury retrograde cycle encourages you to remain fully conscious and open to the idea that in order to move forward this year, you may need to step back to place yourself in a better position to succeed.

Whatever you plan on achieving this year will work out best if you take your time and align yourself with your priorities. Use the first three weeks of the New Year to pace yourself and make sure that you’re clear on what it is you want to move forward with. Since this is a particularly practical cycle, you’re likely to be more focused on real world concerns which require patience as well as a willingness to put the effort, time, and energy needed to bring something to completion. But if you put your mind to it, and humble yourself, you’ll eventually find that you have a strong foundation from which you can accomplish great things this year.

Growing up and Moving On: New Moon in Sagittarius 2015

A group of wandering Arabs, Tunis, Tunisia; photo from Photochrom Print Collection,
1889, via Wikimedia Commons.

New Moon @ 19 Sagittarius 03'
December 11, 2015
5:29 AM Eastern
2:29 AM Pacific

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in tropical Sagittarius, you may be feeling the desire to break free of something in your life. Sagittarius always points consciousness beyond the mundane and routine—toward the horizon of infinite potential and possibility. And yet, a New Moon can be a time of low energy and reserves. While there is a collective desire to lay low, reflect and gradually gather momentum, Mars and Uranus are separating from an opposition (an 180 degree face off in the sky). 

Additionally, this New Moon finds itself in the crosshairs of dynamic tension. It’s involvement with Chiron, Jupiter and the Nodal axis (via a t-square) creates the motivation to begin taking steps toward shifting your attitude and cultivating the patience to put in hard work or effort toward the resolution of a crisis or conflict. Jupiter in Virgo, ruling this New Moon, suggests that you pay attention to the details at this time, and humble yourself to receive input from others more knowledgeable or skillful at something than you yourself. But Mars and Uranus create a mood of considerable rebelliousness and the desire for freedom, which works against submission to the perspective or suggestions of others. 

Consider that both Mars and Jupiter currently occupy signs foreign and uncomfortable to them in relation to their archetypal nature. What this suggests is that, along with the frictional geometry accompanying this lunation, you may be feeling equally uncomfortable with something in your present circumstances. Change always requires adaptability and open-mindedness. In order to embark upon uncharted territory, to bring a fresh perspective or new life into something, you have to sacrifice comfort and often place yourself in an awkward position—environments you are not initially familiar with.

And yet, as humans, we are innately versatile creatures. Consider that throughout the bulk of our evolution, we were nomadic wanderers—never settling in one particular place for too long. While much of that has drastically changed, that part of us is still vocal and strong. It has a voice. Much of that instinct is embedded in the symbolism of Sagittarius. And under this New Moon, consider what has outlived its usefulness for you, what places you no longer belong, and what new perspectives, training or skills you need to acquire to make your life and what you do more interesting and better rounded.

The dark side of this New Moon is a refusal to change and adapt to a changing world and the environment around you. Sagittarius points us onward. While what you know has likely worked for you, consider what you don’t know, and what you could find useful if you open your mind and heart to it. And that won’t be easy. It might be challenging, painful and uncomfortable, but consider that a good thing. If you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not evolving toward greater complexity. If you’re addicted to the delusion of self-righteousness, you’re getting this wrong. Know that the tension you may be feeling is an indication that something needs to shift, and that means going beyond the old ways of doing things; it means needing to grow up and move on. 

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at

Crisis or Consciousness: The Mars, Uranus and Pluto T-Square

A contemporary statue of the Buddha in red lighting;
 photo by Aaron Logan, 2004. 

As Mars makes its way through Libra, it will come into contact with the slowly dissipating square between the planets Uranus and Pluto—the defining aspect of our current era. Mars will contact Pluto on Dec. 6 (via a 90 degree square aspect) and Uranus on Dec. 10 (via a 180 degree opposition). The relationship of these three planets forms a structure in the sky known as a t-square. A t-square of any kind brings with it a feeling of considerable tension and holds the potential for conflict, but when involving Mars, Uranus and Pluto, the conflict is particularly pronounced.

The only way to resolve the crisis peacefully is through conscious effort and focus on reaching the higher ground (which exists for any astrological configuration, no matter how grim it looks). On a collective level, Mars’ involvement with the Uranus/Pluto square will likely correlate with increased media attention on issues pertaining to the need for “progressive” social change as a reaction to violence. This is expected considering recent events inundating the news (if you’ve been paying attention). But as these aspects come into focus, many of us will feel compelled to take some kind of action or urge community leaders to do so.

On a personal level, these planetary contacts can stimulate an urge for freedom, independence, and free expression of pent up anger, frustration, or tension. From Dec. 6 to Dec. 10, be very mindful of how you respond to these impulses and particularly mindful of how those around you are responding. As Mars comes into contact with Pluto on Dec. 6, you must be mindful of projecting unconscious issues onto external situations or people in your life. In moments such as this, the collective is highly prone to a frenzied response over things it has no ultimate control over. Often, we use external events and problems “out there” as a scapegoat for dealing with the problems within ourselves and in our personal lives. And then, once the event passes, we're still left to deal with our own lives, having accomplished nothing but a brief cathartic release. 

Anger and violence are the darker, more demonic manifestations of Pluto/Mars contact, particularly through hard aspects. Remember that Pluto is a higher vibration of Mars, and its ultimate teaching is that the darkness in the world is a reflection of the darkness within yourself, and you are not truly free, in that you do not truly have free will, until you are conscious of what motivates your desires and impulses, until you are aware of their ultimate root and origin. Before you get caught up in some unconscious hysteria, take a moment and simply allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling, acknowledge it, and allow it to pass through you as opposed to acting it out or projecting it onto some external situation. Often, that will lead to more hurt, pain or trauma and resolve absolutely nothing.

The higher expression of Mars square Pluto is taking the initiative to become conscious of your frustrations or anger (what it is that’s really at the heart of your feelings). Often, that will lead you to some deeper existential questions. Our collective anger likely stems from our blind adherence to delusional ideologies and false beliefs about how we are to live happy and meaningful lives. Mars in Libra is in detriment, which means that it is not free to fully express itself completely. Mars must integrate insights and assistance to function in this foreign terrain. The momentum that is building between Mars and Pluto could motivate you toward achieving some great things, but you must be open to help and the prospect of collaboration. Alienation or a lone wolf strategy will not work out too well under these aspects.

Mars in Libra must learn to compromise its will to the will of others for the sake of survival and maintaining cohesion within the community. That means changing your tactic or approach so that you can build bridges as opposed to burning them. As Mars contacts Uranus on Dec. 10, the urge for freedom and authentic self-expression will inundate the collective psyche. Again, be mindful of the temptation to sever all connections that you feel limit you and your ability to follow your own path. Your authentic path is important and needs to be acknowledged, but the views, wisdom, and advice from those you depend on and care for are equally important. The challenge posed by these aspects is the ability to be who you are in the face of those who see the world differently.

The days of Dec. 9 and 10 are also interesting because they correlate with Mercury reaching the first degree of Capricorn (while out of bounds, beyond the Sun’s lowest declination) and the exact opposition of Uranus and Pluto. Solving a particular dilemma at this time, either personally or collectively, requires that you think outside the box and that you expand your perception to rise above the consensus narrative you’ve been given. Mercury’s out of bounds transit across the point of the winter solstice will lead to an opportunity to obtain an innovative strategy to get to where you want to go. Remember that Mercury will turn retrograde through Capricorn in Jan. and you will have extra time to revise a plan of action as well as better situate yourself to achieve a certain goal or endpoint.

To conclude, we cannot force the world to change. We cannot force anyone to see the world the way that we see it. Our will and the pettiness of the ego are delusions in the face of the ultimate godhead (the homeostatic impulse within the universe). Who are we to force the world to change? Who are we to judge that the unfolding narrative of the universe is somehow wrong or defective? Our choice, always, is whether we choose the path of passive unconsciousness or an awakened participation in illuminating the unconscious universe. Over the next several days, look soberly at your frustrations. They will point to changes that need to be made, changes that will lead you to your higher purpose and destiny. And the more conscious our community, the less we'll need to act out our frustrations on the world around us. 

For personal readings and consultations, please contact me directly by e-mail at

Intimacy and Authenticity: Venus in Scorpio 2015

An unknown image from The Universal Anthology: a collection of the best literature, ancient,
medieval, and modern, with biographical and explanatory notes (1899); via
Wikimedia Commons.

On Dec. 5, the planet Venus will enter tropical Scorpio. Venus’ transit through this sign will correlate with a brief moment where three inner planets are in the signs of their classical detriment (in the sign opposite their sign of rulership). As Venus moved through Libra, you may have noticed an increased interest in outward appearances or a greater awareness of how you come off to others—how you relate to people and how they respond. 

Planets in their home sign feel comfortable, but comfort isn’t always a good thing. For Venus, it can become incessantly lazy and lack the motivation to do much. But Venus’ transition into Scorpio will add further tension to the collective vibe—tension you may need to motivate yourself to change. As Venus moves through Scorpio from Dec. 5 until Dec. 29, it will add to the already existent feeling of discomfort or awkwardness that appears to coat certain situations in your life.

That is to say that, the current moment is not a time to stick to the same routines, tactics or approaches you’ve been used to. If you do, you’re likely to experience a feeling that something isn’t right or that you don’t belong in a certain place anymore. Venus in Scorpio will change the collective mood for the remainder of the month. While Venus in Libra is subject to an overt emphasis on people pleasing and polished, social graces, Venus in Scorpio must contend with more than surface appearances. 

If left to its own devices, Venus would fool us all into thinking that it’s the epitome of beauty and perfection—flawless, dignified and the life of the party. But in Scorpio, Venus finds itself in a place it’s not particularly wired for. For your current relationships, that means needing to get to the bottom of issues you’ve been skirting around recently in an attempt to keep the peace. It means needing to be honest and upfront about what really needs to be openly discussed or looked at.

Venus, of course, would rather maintain that illusory veneer to convey that all is well and good. And if you succumb to that desire, Venus in Scorpio will indeed be detrimental because whatever you shove to the wayside and choose to ignore typically begins to grow and fester until it becomes something so grotesque you simply can’t look past it anymore. And that massive tumor beneath your skin is usually quite uncomfortable—it feels invasive and out of place, but it’s an indication of something that’s been neglected and ignored.

For the remainder of the month, all relationships will be put under considerable scrutiny. That’s not to torture you, but to simply increase your level of consciousness. Scorpio, a sign that has a resonance with Mars and Pluto, amplifies the need for honesty and a willingness to face important issues in your interactions with others. In its highest expression, Venus in Scorpio can help you to convey yourself more authentically. While not everyone will be comfortable with that, you can gain more clarity about what it is you really want and who it is you really are in the presence of those different from yourself—leading to deeper intimacy and trust with those that really matter. 

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at

Surrender to the Unfamiliar: Full Moon in Gemini 2015

Lenticular clouds over Mount Hotaka; photo by Alpsdake via Wikimedia Commons.

Full Moon @ 03 Gemini 20'
November 25, 2015
2:44 PM Pacific
5:44 Eastern

As always, the Full Moon correlates to a moment of heightened energy and culmination within the collective psyche. In tropical Gemini, the Full Moon highlights the field of collective perceptual awareness and the emergence of information pertaining to the environment around you. The planet Mercury has an archetypal affinity with Gemini and stands in opposition (180 degrees from the Full Moon) along with Saturn and the Sun in Sagittarius. Mercury in Sagittarius emphasizes the need to acquire a different communicative or research strategy—to acquire a larger or alien perspective or viewpoint.

This means that alongside this Full Moon, you need to think outside your usual frame of reference. With Mercury in the sign of its detriment (the sign opposite its sign of rulership) joining Saturn and square Neptune in Pisces, this Full Moon feels a bit tense and potentially uncomfortable. It requires stepping out of your comfort zone to successfully integrate the polarity of Sun and Moon (knowledge vs. faith). It challenges your beliefs and your faith in what you know about life, the world, and the universe you exist within. Neptune’s participation in this Full Moon represents the dissolution of spiritual, religious, or philosophical structures, revealing their limitations in fully describing the ultimate meaning of existence.

With the heavy emphasis in Sagittarius, you may be urged by this Full Moon to first open your mind and expand your reality in some way through the acquisition of new information and foreign perspectives. That may come about through a desire to break up a routine or communicative approach that you’ve been used to. Whatever emerges into consciousness with this Full Moon requires a mature and responsible attitude as well as a willingness to include the reality of those who think differently or who come from an entirely different cultural background. If you manage to keep an open mind and humble attitude, this Full Moon could signify a moment of subtle breakthrough and deep connection to an experience that is larger than you alone.

In its lower, demonic expression, the most dangerous attitude would be an attachment to any sense of certainty. Dogma and fundamentalism would also be a lower expression of this Full Moon. Since this lunation occurs just a day before the Thanksgiving holiday here in the United States, we can imagine the potential arguments over the dinner table pertaining to religion, politics, or cultural or ethnic differences (likely fueled by current events and hot topics). Those arguments could lead to breakthroughs beyond the disillusionment, but Neptune can also impulse one to avoid facing the truth or reality of a situation through escapism—over indulgence in alcohol or simply numbing out in front of the television.

In its highest, angelic expression, Neptune invites us gently to the realization that all of our differences are ultimately illusions which stem from the ultimate illusion of our separation from source (god, goddess, and oneness). Keep that in mind as you encounter this Full Moon. Ask yourself how you can let go of your illusionary certainty and self-righteousness to include the perceptions most threatening to you. Take the initiative to see past the façade of the reality before you. This is a moment to surrender to an experience that may be different, foreign or uncomfortable, but the insight and awareness gained has the power to enhance your understanding of the world and your place within it. 

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at

Freedom and Love

Venus Rising the Star by Jean Leon-Gerome.

Over the next several days the planet Venus will be approaching an opposition (a 180 degree face off from our point of view) with the planet Uranus. Venus just recently came into contact with Pluto, and in a way, set off the now fading Uranus/Pluto square—the defining aspect of our current, tumultuous moment in time. The Uranus/Pluto cycle correlates with historical periods of significant social and political unrest, progressive societal changes, as well as radical, revolutionary uprisings. Believe it or not, the peak of that cycle is receding in the collective psyche, though its effects still reverberate in time, especially when a planet comes in contact with Uranus and Pluto.

On a personal level, Venus and Pluto (via a square on Nov. 20) may have stirred up tension in your relationships via the surfacing of secrets or hidden, unconscious elements you would rather have not known about or probably ignored. But their interaction compelled you to look deeper, beyond the immediate appearance. Pluto’s message is always that your problems are not truly out there in the world but lie within yourself. If you took the initiative to explore that reality, you may have made some progress; you may be able to move on and heal.

On Nov. 23 Venus will face off with Uranus, bringing in a different archetypal element, though the Moon’s pass by Uranus on Nov. 22 will be equally significant. These two days will highlight the need to redefine yourself in the context of your relationships (romantic, platonic, professional, or otherwise). Venus in Libra seeks to make everyone happy and wants to put on a pretty, smiling face. How often do we do this to win social approval? Its human nature….and it’s also heavily conditioned into us. But, when does that façade get in the way of being who we truly are? (For those of us born with an emphasis in either Aries or Libra, you will feel this transit most profoundly).

In current relationships, these days may stimulate a short period where you may feel compelled to rebel against certain restrictions or barriers within those relationships. It can work equally to catalyze an urge to begin relationships or radically change or redefine those that have been stagnant or nonexistent. The higher end of this transit is an ability to maintain your individuality while avoiding the urge to burn bridges you may later regret. An opposition is a culmination and sometimes crisis, but always it’s an opportunity to reconcile diametric constructs. If you take the higher road, you can be yourself without scaring people away by coming off too strongly. You can make space in your current relationships so that they support your unique path. And you can potentially culminate a new stage of development within your relationships, but ideally in alignment with who you are destined to be. 

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at

Breaking Through the Doors of Perception: Mercury Out of Bounds in Sagittarius

La Puerta (The Door) by Mauricio Garcia Vega.

As the month of November comes to an end, the planet Mercury will enter the tropical sign of Sagittarius (Nov. 20), followed by the Sun (Nov. 22). Within our classical system of astrology, Mercury is considered to be “unhappy” in Sagittarius since it is in the sign opposite its sign of rulership (Gemini)—a position known as detriment. Within the evolutionary astrological paradigm, planets in the sign of their detriment symbolize opportunities to acquire foreign attributes or capabilities, diversifying the archetypal expression of that planet. In the case of Mercury, it is an opportunity to assimilate a foreign perspective, perception, a new understanding of reality, or an alternate form of communication.

While this may be an uncomfortable process, if you work with it, with an open mind and a willingness to see reality in a different light, you may come out the other end with a greater understanding of your environment and a diversified communicative faculty. Imagine moving to an entirely new country and having to learn the local language via a process of immersion. While likely awkward and difficult, the experience has the potential to increase your ability to communicate with a varied group of people. While you shouldn’t expect to master a new language over the next few weeks, the metaphor is a relevant description of the process.

While moving through Sagittarius, Mercury will descend beyond the Sun’s lowest declination, which means that Mercury will be considered “out of bounds”. It has reached past the Sun’s lowest descent along the ecliptic. For nearly a month, our collective perception has the ability to see past the consensus agreements which dictate what we discern. Within Sagittarius (until Dec. 9), Mercury will entice each of us to reach beyond the known and accepted truths of our reality—glimpsing into an alternate perception of those truths. This may be a time to acquire a new or renewed awareness of natural laws that transcend the synthetic laws created via collective agreement.

If you’ve been striving to gain a clearer perspective of a situation you’ve been faced with, a greater awareness of where a particular creative process is going, or a different approach in communicating with others, the next several weeks may help catalyze your ability to break through the doors of perception, rendering greater awareness and cognizance of what lies ahead, along with confidence in your ability to understand something that you couldn’t quite grasp before. While Mercury is in Sagittarius, you may also be confronted with a need to change your tactics of communication, trying a new approach so that you can connect with others on a different and diversified level.

On Dec. 9 Mercury will transition into Capricorn and will remain out of bounds until Dec. 25 (Christmas Day). Mercury will also pass through the first shadow phase of its upcoming retrograde cycle while in Capricorn (Mercury will turn retrograde from Jan. 5 to 25). With a renewed sense of perspective and a more resilient understanding of the holistic picture, you may be better equipped to get some things in order and acquire an innovative strategy or game plan. Mercury out of bounds in Capricorn offers you an opportunity to see beyond your current strategies to conjure an improved approach toward reaching your current goals. 

Mercury’s retrograde back through Capricorn will give you extra time in Jan. to revise that strategy and get yourself back on track. Mercury moving through Sagittarius at the end of this month and the beginning of Dec. may be awkward simply because change itself is always awkward initially. When left to its own devices, Mercury so easily gets distracted and unfocused. The next three months offer you an opportunity to reframe your focus and to establish new priorities so that you can get where you ultimately want to go. This also opens a temporary window of time where we can rise above the surface of collective awareness. When in doubt, just keep your mind open and follow the signs and omens. They will guide you to where you are destined to go. 

Current Events 

You're probably aware of the recent massacre in Paris, France involving supposed terrorists. When looking at the astrology, I found it interesting that the killings coincided with Mars' ingress into Libra while simultaneously conjunct the lunar North Node. The symbolism of the event is a clear correlation to a lower expression of Mars in Libra--a planet in the sign of its detriment (and strangers in a strange land, indeed). But more interesting was Mars' contact with the Aries point. The Aries point is located at 00 degrees of tropical Aries and thus anything situated at or near (typically within an orb of two degrees) 00 degrees of any cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will contact the Aries point. The Aries point itself symbolizes what astrologer Eric Francis Coppolino calls the "intersection of the personal and the collective."

Planets in contact with the Aries point seemingly "jump out" onto the world stage. They have far reaching effects and influences. An Aries point event is a collective event that has consequences for the vast majority of the human community; they become personal and reach into our intimate lives. We can recall such events as the massive earthquake that hit eastern Japan in March 2011 when the planet Uranus hit the Aries Point itself. The radiation released from the meltdown of three reactors at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant has inundated the Pacific Ocean and northern hemisphere and continues to do so. And of course, we can't forget the events of Sept. 11 which paved the way for the endless war and American occupation in the Middle East, as well as the mass surveillance of citizens the world over (e.g. the NSA). 

On Sept. 11, when the first plane struck, the planet Mars was "out of bounds" and square (within a degree) to the Aries point, along with the lunar South Node. The Moon was also nearing a square to the Aries point in Gemini and was in opposition to Mars. The next day, the Moon jumped out of bounds for two days. The same thing happened after the earthquake in eastern Japan. On Dec. 9 of this year, Mercury (while out of bounds) will cross the first degrees of Capricorn, and so theoretically, we can expect information or a message regarding a potential strategy (not violence) coming from authority figures (world leaders) that will have vast consequences and will seep into the personal. Will it be connected to the events of Nov. 13? That's very possible. Mercury, while out of bounds, will cross the radix Mars and lunar South Node in the chart for the World Trade Center attacks on Sept. 11. Is this a continuation of this ongoing narrative? These events may be more connected than we realize. The days surrounding Dec. 9 may be something to watch out for. 

Planets out of bounds don't follow the rules. They break them. They tell whoever is in charge to "stick it" (as astrologer Steven Forrest likes to say). That can be a great thing for someone striving toward achieving something positive; it adds a flair of genius and innovation. But in the "wrong" hands, the potential of an out of bounds Aries point event has a darker manifestation. An out of bounds planet can breed criminality and sociopathy. Whether in the hands of terrorists or a nefarious, elite group of world leaders, the ability to have free reign and break the rules can turn ugly. All we can do is be mindful of the potential that exists within ourselves. Because the world "out there" is merely a symbol of the world "in here"--a projection of our collective inner darkness. The more light you cast upon your own psyche, the more you help raise the rest of us out of this darkness. 

So, shine on. 

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at

Stranger in a Strange Land: Mars in Libra

Hernan Cortez "greeting" Montezuma in Mexico City. He could have probably
benefited from a higher understanding of Mars in Libra, or maybe Mexico would have.

The planet Mars will be in tropical Libra until Jan 3, 2016. Mars last moved through Libra in early 2014 where it spent quite a bit of time due to its retrograde cycle (from March to late May 2014). Reflect back on the momentum you were building at that point in your life. Where has it carried you now? Are you getting the results that you wanted? If you’ve stuck with it, congratulate yourself on the new you that has emerged from that cycle. In our classical system of astrology, Libra is a bad place for Mars to be since it is in the sign opposite its sign of rulership. From an evolutionary astrological standpoint, there is no such thing as a “bad” place for any planet to be, though Libra can render Mars feeling like a stranger in a strange land; it can feel a little uncomfortable. But being uncomfortable or feeling awkward is a normal response to any foreign environment, and it’s where we all start when we try a new experience.

What this means is that Mars’ usual tactics (full throttle momentum; let’s smoke em’ out) don’t work. For you, that means that you may find yourself having to contend with other people’s realities, routines, and certain social formalities more than usual. If you’re usually quite forward, direct, and aggressive in nature, you’ll likely feel as if you have to restrain yourself due to current circumstances. Imagine a rough and rugged, gun-toting cowboy suddenly finding himself at a cotillion or an aristocratic dinner banquet. Feel the awkwardness there? You get the idea. To ease the discomfort, you’ll find it best to learn from those whose perspectives are different than your own. The more you try to fight against those differing perspectives, the more frustration you’re likely to experience, and the less likely you’ll be positively received.

In other words, whatever you’re trying to put out there will succeed only by opening your heart and mind to input, feedback and an ability to be cognizant of alternative perspectives. To get what you want requires that you try a different tactic then you’re used to. Mars in Libra is actually a good time to change the way you go after what you want in life and how you initiate change. Life gets rather frustrating, dull and boring when you do the same thing over and over again, trying the same tactics, and wondering why they don’t work anymore, or why people aren’t responding. The reason at this point is clearly because you need to open yourself up to the reality of other people and learn a thing or two.

When Mars gets it right in Libra, it takes on new qualities and perspectives that weren’t there before. The cowboy becomes a little less rugged, knows how to clean himself up and can carry on a casual conversation about current politics or the height of the French Rococo art movement. That doesn’t mean that you completely change who you are, but that you are simply humble enough to admit that you are incomplete in and of yourself. There is a whole world of people out there who could teach you something useful, who can make you more interesting or better-rounded than you currently are. If you choose to stick to the usual habits, then Mars in Libra may indeed feel like a “bad” place to be. But when you genuinely open your heart to some new experience, you’ll find that you have more clarity and a better sense of where you fit in the world and the social environment that you are a part of.

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at

Reaching Out From the Dark: New Moon in Scorpio 2015

A single tree highlighted by a shaft of sunlight through the dark
forest of Coed Moel Famau; photo by John S. Turner, 2009.

New Moon @ 19 Scorpio 01'
12:47 PM Pacific
9:47 AM Eastern

As the Sun and Moon come together in the sign of Scorpio, you may find yourself needing to face the reality of situations that you don’t want to acknowledge. Scorpio is an archetype that embodies the awareness of uncomfortable truths—those things in our lives that the mind and ego would rather ignore. But our subjugation of anything, either personal or cultural, only amplifies its influence and control over our lives. The planet Mercury joins this New Moon, bringing with it an expansion of perception to include a greater awareness of what you have been ignorant of or have chosen not to deal with.

You can still choose to ignore it; nothing will stop you, but you will have to continue your life knowing that something dark and potentially troublesome will be left to fester and grow within you. In this dark of the Moon, you have the opportunity to set in motion a strategy to bring consciousness and awareness to that which is unknown to you. And what is unknown isn’t always as bad as you think it is, but the only way to find out is to be brave enough to step into the dark consciously.

The planet Mars is nearing the end of its passage through Virgo and is about to enter Libra to align with the North Node of the Moon. As Mars nears the cusp of Virgo, it correlates to this feeling of something that’s “about to explode”. Mars is activating the intersection between the personal and the collective. Put simply, it brings to the surface events that affect us all, collective events that seep into our personal lives. It symbolizes the emergence of issues that are much bigger than you alone.

And as you choose to deal with situations you’ve buried or pushed aside, you have the opportunity to reach out and ask for help. Take the initiative and admit that you’re scared or that you need support and assistance. A new cycle is emerging that invites you to stop sitting alone in that dark corner. The world is populated with a lot of other people who can help you if you know where to look or who to ask, but that will require vulnerability.

In your personal or intimate relationships, this New Moon requires opening up and getting real about what you have been ignoring. It also requires that you open your mind and perception to include input from others you trust and rely on. If you can approach this moment with honesty, realism, and humility, as well as a willingness to face some uncomfortable material, you will have succeeded in illuminating some mysteries (whether they’re what you feared or not), leading potentially to rapid healing and transmutation. Whatever the reality of the situation, try to acknowledge that help and support is available to you if you’re willing to receive it. You don’t have to face this darkness alone.

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at  

Calming the Chaos: Full Moon in Taurus 2015

Coast Redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens), Redwoods State Park, Capitola, Ca;
photo by Allie Caulfield, 2012.

Full Moon @ 3 Taurus 45'
October 27, 2015
8:05 AM Eastern
5:05 AM Pacific

There are many situations that may be coming to a head with the Full Moon in tropical Taurus, but particularly those involving an expansion or breaking point in your closest relationships. The planet Venus rules this Full Moon, and she is just separating from her last conjunction with Jupiter in Virgo. This cycle has likely tied together events that began brewing in July and August of this year, events relating to separation or the acquisition of love in your life. Venus and Jupiter can inflate those wounds related to the heart chakra—wounds of unrequited love or heartbreak from those we most cherished in the past. Additionally, Venus and Jupiter can amplify your need for connection, bonding and negotiation.

The Taurus side of Venus highlights the need to find peace, stability and calm in a sometimes chaotic, frightening, and unpredictable environment. The Sun has recently moved into Scorpio, a sign that invokes the “dark side” of the psyche—those places we culturally subjugate due to a primal, and emotionally turbulent nature. Venus finds herself between both Jupiter and Mars. As she approaches her conjunction with Mars (on Nov. 2), you may be feeling a powerful urge and desire to improve your relationships in some way, to bring healing and integration to misunderstandings, confusion, or disagreements. This conjunction marks the beginning of a new cycle of purifying our connections with others at this time.

Equally, you may feel compelled to seek out the ideal in any relationship that begins now. But do keep in mind that perfection is always an unrealistic expectation for anyone. That doesn’t mean that you should keep your expectations low, but to simply be realistic in what you expect from someone right now. Excessive fault finding will lead to someone falling short of the unattainable, and that could lead to missing an opportunity to really connect. Remember also, that what we see in others is often a reflection of those very things within ourselves. If someone falls short of your ideal, it could be an indication about something you need to improve in yourself.

The Taurus/Scorpio polarity, highlighted by this Full Moon, points us directly to this brewing conjunction at the beginning of November. Self-improvement and performance enhancement are critical themes right now. Clearing the crap within your relationships that are in the way of real, authentic growth could be another. But the bottom line issue highlighted by this Full Moon, what may not be so apparent, involves the ability to effectively communicate with another person, on a level that reaches them and connects with who they really are. That requires compassion, but above all else a certain level of empathy. And equally, the real challenge with this Full Moon seems to be the problem of asserting independence and honoring the need for freedom while effectively reaching others where they currently stand.

Every opposition is an opportunity to reach a point of reconciliation. The need to create a compromise is arising now, but in the end, we can only do our best, and let others do what they must do, because you can’t control another’s actions, but sometimes the choices of those we love, choices that are sometimes painful, are still pieces of our own psyche, fragments of our own issues. What do we do with that? We simply acknowledge that reality and trust that things are to unfold in the best possible way, even if that’s uncomfortable or difficult to do. If you find yourself in doubt, trust the impulse arising from the Full Moon in Taurus. It invites you to find your center, grounded here and now on this beautiful planet that holds and supports you. Taurus acknowledges the chaos and drama of life, but it has the potential to not get swept up by it, to stand stall as a beacon of stability in the universe.

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at Also, head over to my readings/consultations page for reading options and pricing. 

Beyond the Projections: Venus opposing Neptune

Venus between Mars and Neptune; by Giovanni Battista Zelotti; oil on canvas, 1555.

Over the next several days, the planet Venus (the goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure) will be opposing the planet Neptune (the planet of illusion, mysticism, and cultural idealism). The exact opposition will peak on Oct. 16, just a day before Mars and Jupiter conjoin in tropical Virgo. So, over the next few days, be mindful of your projections—what you’re projecting to others and what you’re projecting onto others. That is to say, what you are presenting yourself to be and how it is you perceive another person. In modern astrology, we say that Neptune is a “higher” vibration of Venus, which means that it is an expression of Venusian beauty and idealism within a higher octave. Neptune relates to experiences of a transcendent nature, often overwhelming to the individual. Thus, Neptune seeks to dissolve our ego-based attitudes and perceptions to allow one access to the “higher self”. As the final barrier of ego, Neptune is like the cell wall separating the self from the deeper reaches of the unconscious—the realm of the soul.

This opposition may allow you to step back and observe your projections for what they are. You can easily be fooled right now if you take anything at face value. That’s not to say that beauty is ultimately deceptive, but that beauty represents an ideal of perfection which we as human beings can only strive to become—to get closer to the “divine”. Under any combination of Neptune and Venus, idealism runs rampant. Romanticism and fantasy become incredibly influential. That’s not to say that we’re all being fooled right now—that love and pleasure represents a temptation, trick, or snare. This stage of the cycle requires full consciousness and full disclosure of intentions and feelings. If you are honest and upfront about what you want, you will represent yourself more truthfully and allow those projections to dissolve to ultimately reveal the higher expression of the opposition: true soul contact.

There’s something incredibly magical about staring into another person’s eyes and seeing them as they actually are. There’s also something incredibly frightening and vulnerable about it too. And the emergence of your fears will allow you to explore just where they’re truly coming from. This is a time to open your heart to someone—not just romantically or sexually, but equally to anyone you find closest to you. Neptune seeks to dissolve those facades that are not in alignment with whom you truly are or who someone else truly is. The fear points to the root of the issue—what you don’t want to face: that true soul contact, when it’s really authentic, melts away the barriers revealing the wounds in your heart you don’t wish to acknowledge. It is through the disillusionment, when we allow it to happen, that we eventually find the clarity we’re seeking.

So what are you really projecting onto another person? Always, how we perceive another person stems from our own constructions of reality. We project something within ourselves. If we don’t like it, we often blame the other person for having so many faults or that they couldn’t live up to the ideal we created for them. Rarely, do we ever see people as they truly are. If you don’t like me, it’s your problem. It stems from your own issues. And that’s fine. We don’t need to cut through all of our crap in one day, or even in one lifetime. But simply acknowledging that, that how you perceive another person comes from a distorted perspective of yourself, you can let go of projecting blame and ultimately heal and move on. Let’s be mindful of this truth over the next several days. Mars and Jupiter will conjoin the following day (Oct. 17). In the “lower” expression, our false projections can lead to petty arguments or outbursts that may be unnecessary had we represented ourselves more authentically.

The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter represents the beginning of a cycle of conscious and courageous expansion toward self-improvement. Ultimately, we are seeking to move assertively in the direction of experiences that will take us to a better place and help us move in alignment with our evolutionary potential. Getting hung up over petty details, or spinning your wheels over the ramifications of inauthentic self-expression will likely distract you from what you need to be focusing on right now. If you ride this wave consciously and fearlessly, you will be on a direct pathway toward more wholeness and toward the attainment of your ideals. What do you need to work on now? If you continue to move past the illusions, past the projections, and beyond the blame, pain and denial, eventually, you will come to see clearly what needs to happen next and just where your energy needs to go. And it requires work and conscious effort to see reality as it truly is. While that may be a never-ending process, every step, hypothetically speaking, brings you closer to wholeness and the truth within your soul.

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at Also, visit my readings/consultations page for readings options and pricing. 

The Sweetness of Union: New Moon in Libra 2015

A Venus and Jupiter conjunction in March 2011; taken in Jíloviště, Czech Republic;
photo by PetrS, Wikimedia Commons.

New Moon @ 19 Libra 20'
October 12, 2015
8:06 PM Eastern
5:06 PM Pacific

Mercury recently turned stationary direct (Oct. 9) after its retrograde cycle through the sign of Libra. After three weeks of reshuffling, reorienting or stepping back, you may be feeling as if things are slowly going back to normal, whatever that is for you. And as Mercury gradually builds back its direct momentum, the Sun and Moon conjoin in Libra to initiate the new lunar cycle. Libra highlights your ability to relate and find commonality with others. There is a strong social streak to Libra, and you may notice that your desire to connect to create harmony and understanding is particularly pronounced.

The challenge that accompanies this lunation lies in the New Moon’s opposition to Uranus in Aries, as well as the building conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Virgo. It may feel as if many things are hanging in the air—suspended in some sense of stasis. The polarity of Libra and Aries symbolizes that primal yin and yang, the dichotomy of chaos/initiation and order/integration. A New Moon brings in a new wave of potential, and a fresh perspective waiting to germinate within the psyche. On the one end, there is the stability of what works and what is known. On the other end is the potential for a fresh start and a new adventure.

Uranus seeks independence and always brings about that insatiable desire to stay true to yourself no matter what. At what point does “keeping the peace” suffocate individual self-expression and the freedom to be yourself? And conversely, when does too much focus on your own needs and direction eliminate any possibility of equanimity and understanding in your relationships? Balancing the two is never easy, and sometimes you need to swing more in one direction to balance out the other. This lunation won’t give you a clear answer. You will only know by turning inward and reflecting on what needs to happen.

But one thing is clear. At this point, your perspective has changed. You’ve had some time to sleep on some things (about three weeks to be exact). If it’s ever going to be clear, it’s going to be now. Use this lunar cycle to gather the courage and strength to begin stepping consciously toward the direction that will bring about more balance in your life as well the opportunity for further growth and change. Both ends of this New Moon must be heard and integrated; freedom and compromise must find their place. But ultimately, I believe, we are here to grow always toward new experience. What has outlived its purpose in your life may need to stay in the past. And the future, well, that’s up to you to create.

Mars is approaching a conjunction to Jupiter in Virgo and will be exact on Oct. 17. This conjunction appears to be one piece of a building archetypal drama currently unfolding in the sky. Venus will conjoin Jupiter on Oct. 25 and then Mars and Venus will conjoin on Nov. 2. Again, we can’t help but notice the correlation between these conjunctions and the current emphasis in Libra. Relationships are seemingly the main focus here. And relationships take on many shapes and forms, from intimate to platonic or professional. Mars and Jupiter in Virgo can highlight certain flaws in people you are closest to, flaws that may seem petty yet they have enough power to ignite a conversation about it.

In its lower expression, Mars and Jupiter can correlate to the ignition of petty arguments over laundry, dirty dishes, or a messy bed. In its higher expression, the ability to assert yourself and your observations in a clear, direct, and calm manner. Remember, that while Virgo always looks for room for improvement, absolute perfection is ultimately an unrealistic goal or expectation. From another perspective, Mars and Jupiter can stimulate the impetus to attain something you desperately desire. In Virgo, you are likely to feel compelled to enhance your competence or performance, or to reach for an experience that will benefit further evolutionary growth. This fleeting conjunction opens a window of opportunity, one that will need to be acted upon before you miss out. But remember that Mars and Jupiter may equally tempt you to take on too much, creating the potential of overwhelming or injuring yourself in the process. Be mindful of what you’re capable of and your limitations.

Venus will conjoin Jupiter following Mars (Oct. 25). This is the third conjunction of Venus and Jupiter this year. If you reflect back on the previous two conjunctions, but particularly the first (Jul. 1), you may notice that events occurring at that time are coming back into focus in some way, or that you are coming to a different place in your relationship to what had transpired. The first conjunction could have related to separation, moving away from something you wanted to gain clarity and a renewed perspective. To quote one of my favorite writers (Jason Horsley), “the sweetness of union can only draw flavor from the pain of separation.” This month’s final conjunction of Venus and Jupiter may relate to a final conclusion about a particular “object of desire”. Is the separation ultimately a good thing, or can you simply not live without it? You will likely to come to a sound conclusion, but framed within the context of improving your life and furthering personal growth (Virgo).

Venus and Jupiter will conjoin within orb of contact with Mars and will receive an opposition from Chiron in Pisces. This final conjunction of Venus and Jupiter may open up an opportunity to bring wholeness and healing to particular relationships. That may require taking direct action and assessing your attitude toward some people in your life. With their placement in Virgo, you are given a chance to heal any wounds or toxic emotional baggage that may have been accumulated. Jupiter and Venus coming into contact with Chiron can open up heart wounds that have been buried or forgotten. These wounds may reemerge to find integration within consciousness. And ultimately, this conjunction symbolizes that the time has come to face your feelings head on and to trust what the moment brings to your attention. If you can balance between taking the initiative and surrendering to the process at hand, you have the potential to come to a more balanced and conscious place in your relationships.

Finally, at the beginning of November, Mars and Venus will conjoin one last time until Oct. 2017 (after two previous conjunctions, Feb. 21 and Aug. 31 of this year). This rather “sexy” conjunction finds itself in the sign of the Virgin. Rather ironic? Because of that association, Virgo is often perceived to be overtly conservative, but that doesn’t mean that Virgo can’t be sexy or enjoy great sex. I mean, take a look at the late 1960’s and its association with the Uranus and Pluto conjunction in Virgo. Free love was everywhere. Of course, Pluto and Uranus were simply breaking the collective free of its prudish shackles, introducing an “earthy” and natural sense of sexuality that had been lost from modern, western consciousness. Venus and Mars conjoining in Virgo represent the ignition of the sexual instinct guided consciously, and toward the betterment of each person involved.

This final conjunction of Mars and Venus may be rather symbolic for you, tying together the events occurring during the last two, earlier this year and at the end of August. These two planets won’t conjoin at all in 2016, so it’s time we choose to integrate them. On a psychological level, these conjunctions in Virgo urge us, in some way, to improve ourselves and our relationships with those closest to us. The rest of this month may have you placing your attention on the need for independence and freedom as well as your need to maintain the relationships in your life that truly matter. This is a time to rise above petty issues and to take accountability to communicate yourself clearly and honestly. And the highest understanding of Libra is that our relationships are a direct reflection of fragments within our own psyches. Look carefully and soberly at your interactions over the coming weeks. You may notice that many issues may not only lie within that person, but may be projections of your own mind and your own issues. When you accept that, that only you are ultimately responsible for those projections, you can stop blaming and take back your power to truly live your life and follow your own path. It might take some work and conscious effort, but the results will certainly be worth it. 

If you're interested in a personal reading, please send me an e-mail directly at Also, visit my readings/consultations page on my blog for reading options and pricing. 

The Risk of Existence: Total Lunar Eclipse and Supermoon in Aries 2015

Total Lunar Eclipse August 2007; photo by Steve Ryan.

Total Lunar Eclipse @ 04 Aries 40'
September 27, 2015
10:50 PM Eastern
7:50 PM Pacific

This month’s Full Moon closes the final eclipse portal for 2015. While also a total lunar eclipse, this lunation also happens to be a Supermoon. That sounds pretty intense, doesn’t it? Well, don’t panic but you may want to be extra mindful of other people as well as your own unconscious impulses or reactions. The term Supermoon was coined by an astrologer and surprisingly it’s caught on, even in the astronomical community (believe it or not). A Supermoon occurs when the Moon is at its perigee (closest approach to the Earth) while also in an opposition to the Sun (from our geocentric perspective).

In other words, a Supermoon actually appears slightly larger in the sky and is closer to the Earth than other Full Moons. What’s the significance? Well, according to some, a Supermoon can correlate (or actually cause) an increase in things like earthquakes or anomalous weather. And being closer to the earth, it tends to amplify the psychic impact of the Full Moon. I haven’t personally paid much attention to this so I can’t say whether that’s true or not, but I won’t leave it out of the realm of possibility (I practice astrology; I have an incredibly open mind). But, to top things off, this Supermoon is also a total lunar eclipse, and for those of us here in the northern hemisphere, it will be visible and quite active in the collective psyche.

We can anticipate some interesting events to hit the news. That’s always a certainty with eclipses when they’re visible over a certain region. Will this eclipse also bring about some pronounced natural phenomena? It’s possible, but I wouldn’t go worrying about it or expecting some disaster that will make your life more interesting, or worse, distract you from dealing with the reality that lies before you. In fact, a lunar eclipse is an opportune time to focus more inwardly and internally, as well as to be aware of your conscious perception more than usual. If you can step back and observe yourself and others with perceptiveness and focus, you’ll be less likely to get swept up in any kind of “lunacy” that may be surrounding this event.

Full Moons always bring about a culmination of a particular process. With that comes an increase in energy, motivation, and activity. But a lunar eclipse brings in a darker element. Eclipses open up portals within the conscious life narrative; they reveal windows into the dimensions of the psyche we tend to not want to acknowledge in our everyday lives. So, often, the eclipse energy is accompanied by a subtle yet noticeable ambiance of mystery, uncertainty, and sometimes an amplification of certain fears. This can correlate with the dredging up of feelings and emotions that have been stored away in the deeper recesses of our minds. 

The best way to deal with this is to simply go through whatever comes up for you but to do your best to remain calm and not allow the feelings to overwhelm you. If you can do that, just hold space for the experience and allow it to pass through you, you’ll find that these events are not really so terrible. But then again, we can’t control how other people choose to respond their own psychic processes. So, just be mindful and conscious on the day of and during the days surrounding this event of how other people may be reacting. This lunation occurs in the tropical zodiac sign of Aries. Those of us with an emphasis in Aries or cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn) may find this particular lunation more impactful or significant, though don’t expect it to change your life.

The Arian archetype can be explosive, impulsive, assertive and restless. Combined with the Supermoon and lunar eclipse, there is a lot of energy and momentum packed into this lunation. That’s great if you can channel this into something healthy and meaningful for you. Not so great if you find yourself trying to force something to happen when the timing just isn’t right (because Mercury is still retrograde). Allow this lunation to motivate you in some way and use that motivation to rework whatever you’re focusing on. While the energy may be available, don’t go charging into battle just yet (don’t take on too much or hurt yourself). But you can use this heightened and catalytic fuel to make some positive changes, both within yourself, your life, or with something you’ve been working on.

On the other end of the polarity, the Sun, Mercury, North Node, and Juno are all clustered in the sign of Libra. This brings in an obvious “social” element. With Mercury retrograde, we are likely finding that we’re focused on mending, rebuilding or releasing our connection to certain “bridges” with others (intimate or professional relationships or friendships). While this is a South Node lunar eclipse, there is a need to let go and release certain fears or anxieties and step into a healthier relationship with those you truly love and care for. Sometimes, you need to step back to get clear about those in your life. This may symbolize a time when you are able to break through certain barriers because you have earned enough strength and confidence to deal with them more soberly and appropriately.

As I said, Full Moons are a time of culmination, a time of blossoming. Whether super or eclipsed, Full Moons bring about awareness and bring things to a head or boiling point. The sign of Aries symbolizes the life force energy in its most pure, raw and primal state. As the Earth’s shadow slowly dims the light of the Full Moon, it symbolizes the dawning of realizations and a threshold crossed within the psyche that reveals what was previously concealed. Aries seeks adventure, challenge, and risk. It reminds us what it means to be alive, to truly be awake and aware of our existence. Feel that sense of aliveness within yourself during this eclipse. It has the power to push you toward something, something that feeds you and that fills you with life and vitality. In case you forgot, you’re still living. Something within you wants to live. And to live requires a risk because life itself never guarantees survival. We have to fight for our right to live, our right to be alive. Are you ready and willing to live, to live vibrantly and courageously? The choice is yours.

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at Also, head over to my readings/consultations page for reading options, pricing, and more information. 

Gifts from the Great Mystery: Partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo 2015

Partial solar eclipse of the midnight Sun in Tromso, Norway; photo
by Rhys Jones, June 2011.

Partial Solar Eclipse @ 20 Virgo 10'
September 12, 2015
11:41 PM Pacific
September 13, 2015
2:41 AM Eastern

This month’s New Moon initiates the final eclipse season of 2015, which means that this New Moon is also a solar eclipse. To many ancient cultures, eclipses were ominous astronomical events perceived as omens of death, disease, and potential destruction. They were so important to ancient astrologers/astronomers that they painstakingly worked to predict their occurrences. It’s true that in modern, mundane astrology, eclipses are often seen to correlate with political changes and significant collective events, especially if they’re visible over a specific region. On a personal level, eclipses have a definite effect, though their influence in our personal horoscopes is often hard to see if there’s any at all.

This month’s New Moon is a partial solar eclipse in the tropical sign of Virgo, and will only be visible to a few regions below the equator. So, it won’t have much of a correlation to anything major here in the northern hemisphere, but that doesn’t mean it won’t permeate throughout the collective psyche. According to our theories the more total the eclipse the more influential it is. So, this isn’t an exceptionally potent eclipse. A solar eclipse happens when the declination of the Sun and Moon during their monthly conjunction is aligned in such a way that the Moon literally passes over the Sun. During a partial eclipse, both objects are only slightly aligned, resulting in a partial blotting out of the Sun’s light as the Moon passes by.

Symbolically speaking, the unconscious momentarily trumps the conscious mind. What a wonderful opportunity. During a partial eclipse, it’s like letting the lid off just a little bit, to allow some otherwise hidden insights to become revealed. Eclipses are moments of reflection and a time to step back and observe yourself more deeply. They can be opportunities to view your reality from a different vantage point, and to allow a minor reconfiguration of your psyche to take place. In other words, if you are conscious of this process, you come out of the eclipse portal renewed and your ego slightly altered. That’s because the eclipse has the power to make the ego a little more transparent. 
Your facades become obviously superficial and from there you can make some minor adjustments.

This partial solar eclipse also occurs in direct opposition to the centaur object Chiron in the tropical sign of Pisces. Chiron is said to have an affinity with the sign of Virgo. That doesn’t mean that it “rules” Virgo, but that it has a resonance with the archetype. Why is that? According to the myth, Chiron was shot by a poison arrow, and being immortal, he faced an eternity of pain and suffering (don’t worry he was eventually liberated from such a fate in the end). Chiron was a master of the healing arts (including astrology), and so Chiron has this affinity with the archetype of the Wounded Healer. It symbolizes overcoming pain and suffering to give something back to others—to share some healing gift or magical power. The sign of Virgo is associated with service, competence, skillfulness, and being of use.

The sign of Virgo is an impulse within the psyche to strive for some ideal of perfection—to improve and better oneself and one’s life circumstances. Thus, these themes are likely to be floating around with this eclipse. You may have subtle insights about how you can shift a wound through a shift of your perception about it. It’s amazing how powerful the mind truly is, how you can focus so much on something that hurts you that you can actually make it louder, make it stronger. And sometimes, all you need to do is shift your attention to someone else, or some other task that gives you a sense of purpose and meaning, and suddenly what hurt doesn’t hurt so much.

Chiron in Pisces is a “mystical” force. It brings you the message that healing can sometimes be miraculous. How does that happen? It’s often a mystery to the mind, and especially to the doctors who diagnosed you with a terminal illness. The power of a belief can be so influential that it may have the power to kill you or completely reverse your condition. This solar eclipse may serve to remind you that you are not a diagnosis; you don’t fit into a neat and perfect little box. You are a complex, spiritual being with a unique path and destiny. And your experiences, whether positive and negative, are uniquely your own. Your healing path is uniquely your own. And guess what. The body wants to heal as much as the mind does.

Sometimes, your body manifests things to get your attention about something you’re not doing, or something you’re not seeing or wanting to acknowledge. Illness is always an opportunity to acquire wisdom. Chiron requires that we bring forth a special gift, but that requires conscious effort to hone the appropriate skills. And because the gift lies in the wound, we don’t want to go there. We’d rather distract ourselves then make the effort to bring it forth and into the world. But that is usually not the wisest strategy. When Virgo is highlighted, we need to get to work, and we need to focus on obtaining competence, which comes from practice and application of our skills.

Consider that this eclipse moment merely points the way; it brings about the insight and realization. The path will unfold throughout this current lunar cycle, reaching a breakthrough point at the total lunar eclipse in Aries two weeks from now. When we stop focusing on “getting it right” or “making it perfect”, and we just take the steps to get there, things often have a way of miraculously coming together, and what we create, what we give to the world, is truly beyond what we even imagined it could be. That’s because what’s inside of us comes from some other place. And we are only the conduit for the gifts given by the great mystery. 

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at Also, visit my readings and consultations page for reading options and pricing. 

Rebuilding Bridges: Mercury Retrograde in Libra 2015

The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California;
photo by Chad Woodward, 2012.

September 17- October 09, 2015

Aug. 28    00 Libra 54’   Enter Shadow
Sept. 17    15 Libra 55’   Stationary Retrograde
Oct. 09     00 Libra 55’   Stationary Direct
Oct. 24     15 Libra 55’   Leave Shadow

You may be feeling something quite contradictory right now, and this may depend on who you are, but the collective psyche is presently flooded with the desire to retreat as well as connect socially. Venus is just finishing her retrograde in the sign of Leo and will turn direct on Sept. 6. If this cycle touched you personally, you may be going in a very different direction than you were before, and there may have been some big changes happening within you. That might be hard to put into words, other than to say that you feel different, you see things differently, and what you value may have drastically changed on some level along with an attitudinal shift in your relationships.

If you’ve been trying to resist these inner changes, by attempting to distract yourself or avoid uncomfortable feelings, then this process may not be so pronounced for you , or it may not have been so easy to deal with and process. You may feel like you can’t wait until it’s over. In that case, rest assured that Venus will be moving on. But Mercury, the planet of communication is going to turn retrograde in tropical Libra a little over a week after Venus stations direct. We entered the shadow period on Aug. 28, and Mercury is heading toward a square aspect to Pluto (one of three this year) that will be exact on Sept. 9.

First off, don’t panic. While Mercury retrograde is notorious for its unpredictable behavior which can be rather annoying, worrying doesn’t help anyone. Mercury can be quite the trickster, but it has an intention behind its madness. When Mercury turns retrograde, it opens up new realities to us—realities we have been too distracted or ignorant to see. And that should be an exciting thing. The mind doesn’t like to admit what it doesn’t know. Yet, one's sense of absolute certainty can weaken and annihilate the greatest of warriors. Occasionally we need to have some holes poked in our worldview and perception, to keep things fresh, to keep our mind loose and open. So, this is a time to admit what you don’t know. Admit what you have refused or have been incapable of seeing.

The sign of Libra is a “social” sign. All the air signs have this quality, but Libra, in particular, relates to the instinct within the psyche that seeks to build “bridges of rapport”, as astrologer Steven Forrest likes to say. Libra connects disparate things and attempts to build something coherent out of them. If successful, Libra’s creations are beautiful, even mesmerizing. We’re left impressed, in awe, and we feel a sense that things are going to be okay, if only for a moment. The sign of balance, harmony, and equilibrium, Libra seeks to keep the chaos at bay. We know this isn’t indefinitely sustainable. Chaos is always ready to rear its ugly head just when we think everything is running smoothly, but Libra keeps on going, keeps on attempting to maintain homeostasis.

You have to appreciate that—that the universe is in this beautiful dance between chaos and balance, yin and yang. That balance is what our very existence hinges on. Mercury turns stationary retrograde on Sept. 17 and will be retrograde (appearing to move backward) until Oct. 9. Those two dates (Sept. 17 and Oct. 9) and the days surrounding them will be the most hectic and chaotic for people, yet it’s hard to predict if or when Mercury will strike. Each retrograde is different, and we all respond in our own unique way. I have to say, that Mercury retrograde is the most unpredictable of cycles we have in our astrological toolbox. All we can say is that it’s better to be prepared and forewarned than to be taken completely off guard.

What does Mercury retrograde tend to go after? Mercury governs anything involving communication. In our fast paced, high-tech world, we are completely immersed in technological environments and so Mercury has even more at its disposal—more things to play with. Just be mindful of potential disruptions and breakdowns with any kind of technological device or equipment, and be on the lookout for misunderstandings in your social interactions. Mercury retrograde is a time to review everything that you’re doing. Before hastily pushing forward with anything always double check your work and all the variables involved. This is particularly important when it comes to signing any kind of contract. Read the fine print carefully.

And if you’re in doubt, back off, and wait it out. Mercury retrograde setbacks can sometimes be costly, sometimes painful. If you work with this cycle, you will find that you have extra time, and that whatever you thought needed to be urgently initiated could actually wait a few weeks. In fact, you’ll find that things will work out far more successfully if you do. The sign of Libra, as I stated, relates to this instinct to build bridges, and every retrograde connects us to the past. This is a time to potentially rebuild some bridges you may have thought you needed to burn. Sometimes, burnt bridges can be reestablished. We can mend past conflicts and misunderstandings, just to keep things peaceful and to clear ourselves of the karma.

What bridges do you need to rebuild now? How can you reestablish harmony with certain people and situations in your life right now? While some bridges need to be left in the past, others may truly benefit you in the future. Trust your instincts, and trust the moment as it presents itself to you. This cycle may have us needing to reach out a little just to clarify ourselves and where we stand, even though we may feel more introspective and less inclined to do so. So, try to find that beautiful balance, that yin and yang between reaching out and reaching in with this cycle. It’s always a good exercise to connect both the internal and external worlds. Look to the house in your natal horoscope that Mercury will retrograde through. This will give you more information about where in your life these bridges are being rebuilt, as well as where you need to reestablish peace, harmony and equilibrium. Mercury will move from 15 to 00 degrees of tropical Libra. It will station direct right on the point of the autumnal equinox. This is a profound statement that further amplifies the need to recreate harmony and balance in our lives with this cycle.

And as I stated before, Mercury is an archetype that seeks to expand our perception of reality. During this cycle, humble yourself enough to see things from both perspectives, even that of someone else. This is a time to open your mind and consider the input from others so that you have a more well -rounded perspective. When Mercury stations direct in October, you’ll have a better understanding so that you can move forward with something or with particular relationships. Mercury will make three squares to the planet Pluto in Capricorn during this cycle. The first square, as I mentioned, occurs on Sept. 9; the second will occur on Sept. 24 while Mercury is retrograde and a day before Pluto itself turns stationary direct. The final square (once Mercury is moving direct) occurs on Oct. 22.

Pluto is putting some pressure on Mercury to face some uncomfortable truths. As Mercury and Pluto come into contact, you may encounter people or situations that require you to speak honestly and directly about where you stand. This is a time to work things out and lay some things out on the table, but it will require taking the initiative and maintaining your integrity. If you succeed, you may make a breakthrough in the way you relate and communicate to others. Pluto in Capricorn will require complete authentic, clear, and honest communication, and that will be difficult to achieve. If you can avoid blame and projection, by maintaining accountability and taking responsibility, you will be able to clear the air of some heavy karma and potentially toxic emotional baggage.

The midpoint of Mercury’s retrograde cycle through Libra occurs on Sept. 30. This is the rebuilding phase of the retrograde cycle. Often (though not always), Mercury tends to deconstruct things in the week and a half leading up to the conjunction of Sun and Mercury. During the rebuilding phase, we are slowly integrating and putting the pieces back together again; though as I said, Mercury retrograde can be quite unpredictable, so don’t expect all the annoying setbacks to completely cease. Use this time wisely to step back, reflect, and look for missing pieces or details in whatever you’ve been working on. If you can do that, you’re less likely to be attached to any of the potential setbacks or delays that you may encounter. With this cycle, we are coming to a particular bridge. It’s time to decide whether or not you wish to cross it. If you do, you may enter an entirely new terrain. If you don’t, that’s okay too. Like I said, some bridges need mending and others may need to be left alone. And that choice is always yours to make.

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at Visit my readings and consultations page for information on reading options and pricing. 

Surrendering to the Cosmic Intention: Full Moon in Pisces 2015

A pair of overlapping Spiral Galaxies in the vicinity of NGC 253;
photo by Hubble Space Telescope, 2006.

Full Moon @ 06 Pisces 06'
August 29, 2015
11:35 AM Pacific
2:35 PM Eastern

We are still within the bounds of the magical moment of Venus retrograde, a time where many of us may be experiencing a restructuring of our inherent values and relationships (as well as potential serendipitous meetings with “familiar” individuals). The deeply inward process of inner reorientation is likely to begin shifting outward, as Venus has emerged from the heart of the Sun. Venus now rises each morning, announcing the ascension of the Sun and return of the light from the underworld. What was entirely unconscious, the internal shifting within ourselves is now becoming conscious and manifesting itself within our lives and in the external world. What do you value now? It is likely quite different than it was before. How has your attitude toward your relationships shifted? With this newfound sense of self and a new set of values, you can create something beautiful.

Venus turns stationary direct on Sept. 6 just several days after she conjoins Mars in Leo—a rather “sexy” conjunction, facilitating the return and assimilation of a past desire or creative impulse that was left unfulfilled. Venus and Mars conjoin on Aug. 31. A longing to merge with a past craving may manifest for you. As we are in the outward, directed phase of the Venus retrograde cycle, we are bringing the internal longing outward into the world in some way, experiencing it directly within the conscious life narrative. This month’s Full Moon occurs in the sign of Pisces, and it lies in the crosshairs of the rather mystical, creative, and visionary opposition of Jupiter and Neptune.

The Full Moon itself conjoins Neptune, ruler of Pisces. In this amorphous and formless sign, the Full Moon illuminates and brings to light and culmination an intangible dream or vision. You may find yourself surrendering your will to some higher cosmic intention alongside this Full Moon. Neptune humbles us. It reminds us that our vision is not entirely our own and that we are simply the conduit for that which is completely beyond our comprehension in human form. Ultimately, we are a tool through which the universe expresses itself into the greater collective.  Honor your desire to reflect and seek communion with the divine during this Full Moon. This is a time to allow yourself to merge with a higher purpose and sense of connectivity with the larger human community. Meditation or any spiritual practice will be welcome at this time, or any experience that facilitates the sense of being and observing consciousness itself.

Jupiter, on the other end of the conjunction, conjoins the Sun in Virgo. Jupiter opens opportunities for the practical application of these amorphous and visionary impulses—to make them useful to others in some way and to help sharpen or hone your skills to be of service to the community. What do you need to chisel away and refine now? What abstract and intangible thing can you distil to make more communicable to the conscious world? This Full Moon is a cleansing and integrating influence, and if you can harness this energy positively, you can bridge two worlds that never quite seem to understand each other. If we respond differently, we may find that we are overextending ourselves or jumping off a precipice without really thinking it through. Engage with your life consciously now—really get in there and attempt to make some connections. Sometimes we need a moment to retreat and check out, but escapism and avoidance of reality may not be the best route. 

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at