Kosmic Mind

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Libra Rising Forecast September 6- September 19, 2017

Anticipate a busier than usual few days surrounding this Full Moon. There’s likely to be a sense that things are coming to a head or a state of completion in a your work, job, and health practices. This is a high point in your year where you’ll be pressured a little more than usual to get yourself together on several levels which may correlate with an increase in duties/responsibilities/expectations. With Neptune conjunct the Full Moon, you may be subject to exaggerating health issues. If you’re prone to hypochondria, be weary of jumping to irrational conclusions here. Be cautious of where your mind takes you the next few days. Whatever work you’ve already accomplished with your job or health situation, you’re likely to see some results now, though that may not be so obvious at first glance.

This isn’t, however, the time to begin a new work project/job or start off on a new diet or wellness plan. The problem is that you’re not likely to have a clear picture of what you need to accomplish just yet. This is a moment for attaining an ideal of where you see yourself next, and getting your intentions aligned with it. You can more readily gain inspiration, but diving in now while the water is still murky may not be the best option. Consider the reality of what you want to accomplish. Meditate on your goals and expectations with this Full Moon. Give yourself roughly two weeks until the New Moon in Virgo to make a decision. From this Full Moon to the New Moon is perfect for releasing health or work practices that aren’t productive or that may be harmful to you.

Mercury re-enters Virgo on Sep. 9, joining both Mars and the Sun here. Mercury went retrograde in Virgo for the past three weeks, which likely changed your perception of reality on many levels. It may have reawakened your connection to “magical” or “spiritual” realities, or it may have revealed information and insight that you weren’t consciously aware of. With so much emphasis in Virgo here, this is your personal season for releasing excess baggage from your life. This region of your horoscope is not easy or always pleasant to deal with, but not dealing with any issues that are arising now will likely get worse later on. Until the end of Oct., this is your season for the release of habits and perceptions that are blocking your connection to authentic spiritual experiences, creating more space for new beginnings that will emerge toward the latter end of Oct. and early Nov.

Your ruler Venus makes a trine to Saturn around Sep. 12. Look out for allies/connections/friends that can help you with goal setting or future planning. This harmonious aspect from Venus is also an ideal time for cultivating self-discipline/restraint or otherwise getting some priorities realigned for yourself. This may also be a more “sociable” time for you, but connections made now are likely to be with people from a different social hierarchy than yourself, or who may serve a purely practical purpose in your life. The part of the month is also ideal for study, research, or writing. Focus and concentration are likely to be greatly enhanced now, so look for activities where you could make good use of this.

Sep. 15-17 is also quite active, with Venus making a sextile to Jupiter, Mercury conjunct Mars, and Venus trine Uranus. You’ll need to be exceptionally mindful of your actions at the time, especially around Sep. 16, though these “positive” aspects between outer planets and your ruler Venus will probably lessen any potential conflicts/disputes that could arise from Mercury and Mars. This part of the month again may confront you with information that you might find uncomfortable or difficult to deal with. Venus sextile Jupiter can help you implement new changes needed, and a trine to Uranus can free you from stagnant patterns and behaviors. Consider also that there’s a lot of things these two weeks that you need to become aware of, so second guess yourself and your reality a little more from now on.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help.

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