Kosmic Mind

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Narrowing the Infinite: New Moon in Sagittarius 2016

New Moon @ 07 degrees Sagittarius 47'

November 29, 2016

5:18 AM Pacific

8:15 AM Eastern

November comes to an end alongside a New Moon in tropical Sagittarius. Saturn is currently moving through Sagittarius and widely conjoins this lunation. The sign of Sagittarius is a mutable, fire sign, ruled by the planet Jupiter which currently squares Pluto in Capricorn. The New Moon also makes a square with Neptune and the south node of the Moon. What is surfacing now may largely deal with your beliefs and the facts (or lack thereof) you have to support them. The asteroid Juno, also conjunct the New Moon, emphasizes the commitment required to sustain faith in a worldview.
The high-end of Sagittarius is not a rigid attachment to a belief, but rather an openness to contextual ways of thinking about or perceiving the world. Naturally, spiritual faith or religion fits into the Sagittarian archetype. Evolution demands that life changes in accordance with a changing environment. It also demands that organisms try new possibilities when old pathways no longer ensure success or survival. Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius serves to actually limit possibilities for the sake of finding more authentic pathways. It also asks that we question those beliefs that we’ve outgrown and that no longer serve us.

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in Sagittarius, it invites you to begin a process of exploring the possibilities that are available to you after a realistic assessment of their validity. This doesn’t mean throwing away all caution and taking a leap of faith, which you may be impulsed to do now. While Sagittarius naturally desires movement toward the infinite, instead focus on more sustainable beliefs and perceptions that have withstood scrutiny and challenge. Neptune’s station on the south node this month has generated a lot of collective hype and confusion. Beneath it, there is an opportunity to receive inspiration and authentic, numinous guidance.
The challenge with this New Moon is to distance yourself enough from the collective fog to see clearly into the epicenter of the what’s going on. What are you really devoted to now, when you cut away the superfluous? The challenge ignited by this New Moon is getting clear about that, and uncovering the passion, drive, and motivation to make your beliefs somehow work in the real world--to serve some concrete, valuable purpose for the benefit of others. At the moment, it’s not about being right; it’s about being relevant and useful. There may be a lot of directions to go, but this New Moon asks that you find that single guiding light in the mist, and to direct your enthusiasm toward it. Authentically doing that will likely elevate your personal purpose to a higher cause.

You did not come to Earth without a guide. Evolutionary Astrology is a powerful tool for self-discovery and an exceptionally helpful guide in times of uncertainty, crisis or stagnation. Click here for reading options and pricing.

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