Aries New Moon 2023

Blazing Trails: New Moon in Aries 2023

Photo by Chad Woodward; August 2020,.

New Moon @ 00 degrees Aries 50'

March 21, 2023

9:24 AM PDT

12:24 PM PDT

This month's New Moon in Aries occurs on the Aries point less than a day after the equinox. This lunation thus archetypally embodies a potent and highly catalytic nature and potential. Additionally, its square to Mars adds a layer of motivational energy and tension. Mercury's conjunction and the Sun's waning conjunction with Neptune suggest opportunities for gaining mental and strategic clarity after a short period of indecision, ambiguity, or confusion.

The zodiac sign of Aries, correlating with the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, carries themes of renewal, new life, and beginnings. Ruled by Mars, the archetypal warrior and trailblazer, a New Moon in this sign is a potent starting point for getting whatever we desire lifted, mobilized, and moving decisively forward.

To amplify this, Mars is nearing the end of its nearly seven-month stay in Gemini due to its retrograde cycle last year. Mars' ongoing square-off with Neptune these past several months is ending, and now is an ideal time to take a courageous step forward in actualizing a dream, fantasy, or vision. While your ultimate objective/target has likely shifted since late October, there is some renewed clarity and a sense of the fog finally clearing.

The lower end of this New Moon is an impulsive, overt aggressiveness. This can lead to rash decision-making or rapid-fire reactions to triggering circumstances, so remain extra mindful of this and temper the fiery and enthusiastic passion of Aries with reason, logic, and careful reflection. Also, Mars' square to this New Moon does not suggest that what we begin, launch, or implement now will manifest its potential without struggle, effort, and consistency. Sustained follow-through is required.

However, conceive this New Moon passageway as a need to push yourself to new levels of strength, endurance, and passion steadily and mindfully. Whatever correlates with this New Moon, whatever burning desires emerge, delve deeply into them and use that fuel to keep you moving toward your desired goals. Exciting potentials and achievements await down the road.