Taurus Full Moon 2018

Free the Heart: Full Moon in Taurus 2018

By Juskteez Vu [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Juskteez Vu [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 1 Taurus 13’

October 24, 2018

9:45 AM Los Angeles

12:45 PM New York

5:45 PM London

Oct. 25, 2018

12:45 AM Beijing

3:45 AM Sydney

October's Full Moon occurs in the deep of Venus' retrograde cycle, just two days before Venus' inferior conjunction with the Sun, the midpoint or symbolic halfway marker of the retrograde. Therefore, we can view this lunation as a dynamic culmination, breakthrough, or resolution in this collective and personal descent into the shadows.

With Venus gaining closeness to the Sun, it opposes the Full Moon and Uranus. So, yes, in addition to Venus' opposition to this Full Moon, Uranus makes a conjunction. In tropical Taurus, this Full Moon would otherwise stand as a solid grounding point in the collective field, a concretizing and stabilizing ending or conclusion of various matters.

However, Uranus is not a stable archetype. As the God/Goddess of chaos, disruption, and revolution, Uranus brings forth the wildcard--the sudden, unexpected, novel, and radical. There will be no clean nor predictable outcomes with this Full Moon, no sense of certainty or reliability from comforting routines. And while the Full Moon axis squares the North and South Node (aka the bendings), we are hanging in stasis between both the past and future.

Uranus' conjunction also works to quicken and accelerate the completion or culmination of pending matters, so this Full Moon is likely to rush in and out if we don't give it much thought. Looking deeper, two primary areas brought up by the Full Moon are relationships and finances, dominant Venusian themes. With Venus as ruler of the Full Moon (and retrograde), we are dealing more heavily with the past--unresolved issues which entangle the heart's desires, attractions, and values.

Sudden changes of heart are likely under this Full Moon, unexpected twists in relational narratives, impromptu financial breakthroughs or windfalls, or perhaps a liberation of creative/aesthetic powers. Uranus through Taurus over the next seven years seeks to redeem us from the static and stagnant and to liberate the libidinous and primal. In synthesizing the elements of this Full Moon, it carries a highly pagan and even sensuous vibe.

In the days surrounding this lunation, you may witness abrupt shatterings of conformity, the urge to take a risk and follow the heart, a break with stale and stifling commitments, ingenious/revolutionary creative sparks, or a rapid unleashing of animalistic desires and compulsions. Yes, this Full Moon will be hard to tame, because it dares us to descend deeper into those ignored chasms within the psyche to emancipate the heart from unnecessary limitations.

Saturn's trine to the Full Moon, however, is constructive, accentuating of the earth energy inherent to it. Saturn helps to constrain massive emotional or erratic energies adding realism, productivity, and focus. Under Saturn's auspicious trine, anticipate that consistent efforts provoke quantum leaps, and that hard work has paved the way for an innovative augmentation. But under these Full Moon vibes, be careful of hasty investments, or falling too profoundly into fleeting infatuations.

The heart's greater amplitude via Venus retrograde can side step pragmatism despite Saturn's helpful hand. As we near Venus' inferior conjunction (Oct. 26), this Full Moon brings about a critical and revolutionary release and dissipation of expired dependencies. Landscapes are changing and with that, a feeling of uncertainty. But Uranus reminds us that freedom can only exist when we transcend our attachment to the past. Changes are forthcoming, so better to go with the flow than impede the surge and swelling of life.