lunar eclipse in gemini

SolarScopes December 10th-16th 2011

 Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse
December 10, 2011
6:36 AM Pacific
10:36 AM Eastern

This month's Full Moon is a total Lunar Eclipse, occurring Saturday December 10th--it will be visible on the western portion of North America, northern Mexico, Hawaii, Micronesia, Malanesia, Polynesia, Australasia, Asia, eastern Africa, Iceland, and the majority of Europe. This Eclipse takes place within the tropical sign of Gemini at 18 degrees and 11 minutes, closely conjoined the south node of the moon's nodal axis. Over the past few weeks the collective energy has had us adjusting our own unique individual lens, resulting in a broader, more expansive, and all-encompassing perspective. Look deeply at where you're gaining more awareness, where something has become more apparent, and how you can see more clearly where to make the next few steps.

Perhaps you've received a vision for the future, or something you would like to set out to achieve or manifest within your life. Mercury will be retrograde until roughly Dec 14th--but keep in mind that it takes another week or so for Mercury to pick up speed, and leave its shadow. This last phase of the cycle has us finishing and tying up loose ends--various obstacles inhibiting forward motion are likely to move out of our way after this...well, some of them at least (Mars is about to go retrograde soon). Mercury retrograde often presents us with a new way of looking at things. How have you altered your outlook, and what new perspective have you attained? Be open and humble to a different way of looking at reality this next week--Mercury's energy is still going strong.

This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is ruled by Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius--we are now letting go of old ideas and outworn beliefs to make room for the new awareness and insights we are receiving from the universe. Here we find ourselves walking that delicate balance between the the factual, logical, and rational end of Gemini--versus the intuitive, empathic, and holistic end of Sagittarius. Ultimately we are to "trust our vibes", but not to the extent of discounting the apparent laws and workings which construct our dimensional matrix--follow intuitive clues to come to rational conclusions that make sense, but that also help create the larger picture of the whole. See how you can practically implement your recurring visions or ideas, to integrate them into a productive work outlet, or perhaps to better enhance overall health and well-being.

The lunar eclipse invites us to look at ways to enhance our ability to digest information and experience--release and surrender whatever is taking up unneeded space, or assimilate it so that it fits with the current system and structure. Look for how you can create more ease and comfort within an existing system--how things can become more automated so that everything runs more efficiently--more smoothly.

The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse conjunct the nodal axis, creates a T-Square with Mars in Virgo--we are being pulled into the vibration of the upcoming Mars retrograde cycle (Jan 23-April 13, 2012). As this frequency gets stronger, we are encouraged to become more mindful of our impulses and desires--to stop and check in with what we are feeling and why, as opposed to simply jumping into action. This inversion of the outward and directive influence of Mars, allows us a process to understand what truly motivates us beyond the superficial and apparent perception of our impulses. Needless to say, it would be wise to take your time with things, take it all step by step--check in with yourself, and what you're desiring to create now--what's the real agenda?

If you feel rushed to complete something or "make something happen", go deeper with it and see what's truly the source of urgency, and whether or not taking impulsive action would be self-serving. We are being gifted the opportunity to create and bring something into manifestation over the next few months--but we don't need to make it all happen in one swoop--careful, conscious, and controlled construction will truly benefit us now.

Technical notes:
The total lunar eclipse occurs at 18 degrees of tropical Gemini and 11 minutes, conjoined the south node of the Moon's nodal axis by an orb of 03 degrees and 47 minutes--putting the Sun in direct opposition conjunct the north node in Sagittarius. This configuration activates Mars in the United States horoscope (Sibly), ruler of the 4th and 5th houses. Transiting Mars makes a square to the eclipse position on Christmas Eve December 24th--and again around June 8, 2012 after going direct from retrograde motion. There is also a New Moon on Christmas Eve at 02 degrees Capricorn and 34 minutes, forming a Grand earth trine configuration with Jupiter in Taurus and Transpluto in Virgo. In March of 2012, Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto form an earth grand trine at roughly 9 degrees of their respective signs--having met in wide orb in November of this year. Transiting Jupiter will conjoin the degree of the eclipse in early May 2013--activating its inherent potential.

Many of the themes and issues surrounding this eclipse are part of a much longer dynamic process which will unfold over the next year or so. This will be more influential, of course, if the eclipse touches a specific planet, point, or angle in the personal horoscope--and will correlate to shifts and changes regarding the themes inherent to its house position.

Dec 10th through Dec 16th 2011
We will be feeling the full peak effects of the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Friday and Saturday nights (Dec 9th-10th)--but mostly Friday.Watch out for "new connections", fated encounters, or simply pertinent information you likely need to receive. Over the weekend there may be a lot of "impulsive" energy flying around--be mindful of this, especially in regards to the uprising of anger stirred up by ideological debates. If you can't simply agree to disagree, it might be best to just walk away, or not become engaged; however, it may be tempting and difficult to resist. The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurs at 6:36 AM Pacific/9:36 am Eastern--the energies are ripe for methodical and mental projects.

The Moon goes void early Sunday (Dec 11) morning from 2:25 am to 5:26 am Pacific and  5:25 am to 8:26 am Eastern. The Moon will be in Cancer all day Sunday--the collective energy is likely to be more sensitive, emotional, and focused on maintaining security. Sunday may feel very impulsive, with lots of energy coming from differing directions--it's a good day to get stuff done as long as you can remain focused and not allow yourself to get distracted. Later Sunday night favors intensity and looking beyond surface appearances.

The Moon is in Cancer all day Monday (Dec 12). Be mindful of moodiness and irritability--people may feel very impulsive, at the expense of the needs and concerns of others. Don't assume, ask and connect so that you can be more clear. It may be challenging to pin down just what you want and need today, but don't panic, just feel your way through it.

The Moon goes void Tuesday (Dec 13)  morning around 8:05 am Pacific/11:05 am Eastern and enters Leo around 1:48 pm Pacific/4:48 pm Eastern. While the Moon is void it is best to lay low, avoid making important decisions--go deeply within and connect to yourself and your needs. Today is a good day for creativity and receiving sudden or spontaneous information. This energy will likely carry over to Wednesday (Dec 14), which should feel relatively light, playful, and perhaps more care-free than usual.

Thursday (Dec 15) should feel productively harmonious--and we may be able to make realistic use of our creativity today as long as we're mindful of excessive idealism. The Moon goes void around 5:20 pm Pacific/8:20 pm Eastern, and enters Virgo around 7:58 pm Pacific/10:58 pm Eastern. Toward the latter part of the day the collective energy may feel spacey or unclear. The evening favors taking it a bit easier, staying close to stable patterns or routines--if you are unsure of something today, don't press the situation further.....sleep on it.

The Moon is in Virgo all day Friday (Dec 16) closing in on a conjunction with Mars. Friday is an excellent day to organize, clean, or compartmentalize things--you may feel an ability to go much deeper with it than usual. The intensity of Mars in Virgo is likely to increase throughout the day, peaking late Friday night, and so...there will likely be a lot of heightened mental energy. This is an excellent night to work on something that requires focus and sustained energy, as you will be able to direct your attention on all the little pieces and details.

Stay tuned for my next article for the last quarter Moon, Saturday December 17th.

SolarScopes via tropical zodiac
The Lunar Eclipse opens a portal to the past--to some far off distant memory--to memories of long ago--things historical and ancestral. This portal opens deep in our minds, and with it--a simultaneous impulse into the future--a tunnel to the stars expands before us. We are beckoned to the past, something "retro" to extract its essence and to creatively enhance its potential to benefit our future state. The aftershock of some distant event is culminating in the now. Making creative change to enhance the future. Consciously and methodically actualizing our desires--fueled by the vision of tomorrow.  Consolidating ideas, information, theories, and all hypotheses'---slowly putting them into action to further serve ourselves and others.

Sun sign horoscopes are generalized readings which interpret collective energies as they are perceived through the multivalent lens of the zodiac. Imagine light permeating a prism as it is refracted into a multiplicity of colors. Each frequency perceives the inherent nature of a particular lunation differently. These are written for specific archetypes within the tropical zodiac, but are not limited to simply "Sun signs", and can also be accurate in describing individuals with a particular archetypal dominance in their personality, as revealed through the natal horoscope itself.

There's probably a lot information overload going on--so many different perspectives to ponder. Your outlook has, or is about to change quite considerably, and your going to embark on an adventure to make some use of it. Sometimes our ideas about the world around us need to be adjusted, or just cleaned out entirely. If you're stirring up anger or defensiveness in others while trying to communicate old ideas--it might be time to consider how you can possibly adjust them, or make them sound more appealing. Sometimes, however, you're just ahead of the times, and so if you mindfully share your thoughts and discover the reasons for truly doing so, you'll have a better perception of what catalyzes it all to begin with.

Take a deep breath--breathe in slowly--take it all in. Absorb whatever is coming at you through that tunnel. You may feel that you finally have a better idea of what you need--most, if not all the pieces are in your hands--now it all comes down to how to make use of them, how they all fit in...and where. Take a moment, relax, and take it all in--there's no need to build the whole castle in one day--there's plenty of time. Besides--you arn't really sure how to go about it all anyway--so allow yourself to go deep, and ponder those feelings and urgencies--something new is brewing and you can make it all happen--just trust your creativity and let it all unfold. It'll feel like you didn't do a thing in the end.

Your changing the way you perceive yourself and the way you interact with others. It's time to make your connections work for you to better support and sustain you somehow--to build a strong foundation for the future. It's natural for it to feel this way--there's always tension between your needs and those of others; however when we all work together, harmoniously--it's amazing how powerful and strong a structure we can create--it's all just a matter of humbled egos mingling in mutual cooperation. It takes two, so you know, don't give too much unless the other end is just as passionate as you are. Let go of that complex idea you have of yourself, open your mind, and let others mirror to you just how simple it really is--each part reflects the whole....nothing exists in isolation.

A chaotic past descends into the memory vaults, and simultaneously, a future emerges--more sharper and available to your perception. What was once a mystery, is becoming more easier to grasp--all is becoming more tangible and less abstract or confusing--so trust that you aren't "going crazy" after all. You can direct all of this into integrating and healing yourself; there still might be a lot of work to do, but at least you have a better understanding of where to begin. The gears are probably moving about now, and it seems you have a few ideas in the works, so trust you're being gifted with the specific guidelines--all you have to do is follow their lead.

Whatever failed, broke down, or slipped away likely wasn't what you needed after all--at least it wasn't functional they way that it was, and now that you know what's not working, you can apply yourself to areas that will be much more fruitful. Use this time constructively to finish sorting out all the ties you keep carrying around with you--you can see much more clearly now who or what is taking up all the space. This is a time to strengthen and consolidate your strongest talents and abilities, and channel them into something that will allow you to prosper in the future. Don't rush now, while things may appear rather accelerated, you have plenty of time. Within this whirlwind of possibilities grab only what's essential and let the rest move on with the wind.

It may be a challenge in getting clear on where you're going exactly--it hasn't felt like you've really been in control of things. You have plenty of time to revise your public image, it's all a matter of sifting through various ideas, options, and possibilities--especially now that you can actually see them. Embrace this more panoramic perception, look at where everything fits in. You can use this time to really enhance yourself and your potential--and to work out all the kinks in your presentation style. You don't need to throw away the whole thing, especially if you feel impulsed to do so--look deeply at where you can consolidate all the pieces and make something else entirely. Your life direction is going to change--move with it, and you'll find it all less difficult to manage.

Gaining a new vision may come about with the sacrifice of another, more outworn, perspective. The less attached you are to this process, the easier it will all flow along with ease. It's likely you've realized that there are many things you've yet to discover, to experience, and to pull into your conscious awareness--remain open and humble to all transmissions as they head your way. Over the next few months you will be guided deeper into yourself and your shadows like never before--here you stand upon the precipice, awaiting some form of assimilation. Trust, have faith--surrender, you're not exactly in control now, but that doesn't mean succumbing to can choose to step deeper into the dark, and like a warrior, go where you've never been before.

It's time you let go of that old mental programming--especially the bits and pieces that you allowed others to throw upon you at some point. It's likely you can see it all--as if you have some form of x-ray vision, able to pierce deeper to detect all surface motivations and agendas. It's time to allow yourself to link up with a powerful force, network, or structure much larger than yourself--through mutual cooperation. You can find a very creative way to better support yourself through the influence and power of something co-created. You're walking a fine line now, so be mindful of how much you give, and how much is taken--allow yourself, through a sort of osmosis, to move in and out of the eternal connectedness of the universe.

Now that you're more aware of where other people are coming from, you can make more sense of yourself and where you currently stand. There's always a clash between interests when we involve ourselves with others on some intimate level--relax, it's all apart of the game. You may feel compelled to link up with like minds and forge your way ahead now--but take it slow--no need to rush it all. A strong and supportive structure requires careful and conscious construction, so start with each piece and soon enough you'll be halfway done. You need to get clear on some information first, especially coming from sources whom you consult--it's a bit scattered now so take this time to make sense of it all--trust your judgement and intuition, you're quite talented there.

The past few weeks have likely had you focusing on ways to make yourself more useful--maybe at work, or maybe around your living space. Now that you have more perspective, it's probably more clear that you need to expand beyond the "known" and familiar and make your way into entirely new territory. What you learn along the way may even have the impact of enhancing your skills and over-all knowledge--allowing you to become much more effective at what you do. A powerful healing or integrating of what was once a scattered array of fragments is possible, but you'll have to rely less on the practical limitations of the world you see before you, by trusting your inner guide. Easier said than done for you Capricorn ;-)

It's possible that you've been experimenting with an entirely new way of creating your reality and actualizing your desires. Now is the time to really trust your inner child, think of it all as a big game--don't take it too seriously. There's a lot of pieces that still need to be put together, but it's likely you've received a much clearer creative vision of where you need to go next. You're playing with the delicate process of mindful co-creation, so don't think you have to do it all alone--and that may involve a process of possible ego-deflation. The vision is yours, this is true, but it may not all fall into your lap, leaving you to make it all happen alone. Look for ways that you can implement your creation through the support, feedback, and assistance of those who you truly mesh with, and can deeply trust.

The floor beneath your feet may have been a bit unstable these past few weeks, and your perception has likely changed in the way you perceive the whole foundation--and your place in it all. You're living situation, or place you find most comfortable, is in the process of deep transformation, so have trust--sort through all the stagnant bits and pieces and maintain what's truly essential. You're likely to make some new connections soon which will help things further, or perhaps a certain relationship will provide some much needed awareness about your motivations and desires. You may feel compelled to really start moving forward with others in some direction--but be mindful that there's still some work that may need to be done. Don't feel rushed or pressured just yet, and if you can be mindful of your real agenda, and be receptive to needs of others--you'll avoid a lot of conflict and confrontation.