Kosmic Mind

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Sagittarius Rising Forecast September 6- September 19, 2017

Understanding the fine line between self-awareness and self-deception is critical for you with this Full Moon, as it opens portals within your psyche revealing insight and realizations that have previously laid hidden. You may feel pulled in two divergent directions, both of which need equal attention but one may overpower the other for a few days. You’ll need to be particularly mindful of obsessions and chronic self-absorption that can isolate or otherwise prevent you from connecting with the outer world. You may have a dream or ideal pop up in relation to your living situation/home life and seek to make it happen. That might not be the best idea. Daydreaming is great, but making the dream a reality may not pan out as you expect.

Exaggeration of certain domestic life/family relations is a possibility too. There’s a tendency to hastily jump to conclusions without really investigating further. If you take this advice into consideration, than you’ll use this Full Moon to access an awareness of yourself and intimate partners that serves to deepen your trust and understanding of the universe. The Full Moon is illuminating your cosmic family, helping you deepen your connections and more authentically connect with yourself and others. While there’s actually a lot going on for you in the outer world, use the few days before and after this Full Moon to recharge, meditate, and soak in this desire for introversion and bonding. The next two weeks can help you rid yourself of all self-deception and clear up any confusion/mixed-messages on the homefront.

With Mercury re-entering Virgo on Sep. 9, you’re life is slowly getting back to normal after that retrograde/eclipse saga, and you’re in a much better position now to take some bold steps in the pursuit of your larger mission. Career/professional matters are going to be hugely important for the next several weeks until the latter end of Oct. Big promotional/PR moves might not be possible or ideal until on or after the New Moon in just two weeks (Sep. 19), but you can start thinking, brainstorming, planning, or otherwise get it together now. With Mars already in your “career” region, you’re likely feeling a surge of ambition and aggressiveness which is great for climbing to the top. The last few weeks of Mercury retrograde likely changed your perspective of your higher mission/career strategies, and now you’re ready for putting all of this new awareness into action or at least seriously thinking about it.

Venus sextile Jupiter (your ruling planet) on Sep. 15 can enliven your friendships/connections and gift you with new perspectives, dreams, goals, and excitement. The days surrounding this are excellent for making a good impression too, giving you some extra charisma and chutzpah. With Jupiter transiting your “friendship/future planning” region, you’ve likely experienced an expansion of your social circle alongside a widening scope of future potentials. Venus can help further incite this, either through social meetups or a creative/artistic vision that serves to help you imagine new possibilities on the horizon.

Mercury conjunct Mars on Sep. 16 is a great starting point for initiating some significant career/mission/professional moves and will carry some significant momentum through the New Moon just a few days later. Surprisingly, it may also correlate with some poignant new connections needed to further your career goals. Put yourself out there (sending out resumes or asserting your need for promotions), but also be mindful of conflicts or increased competitiveness with those striving for the same goals as you. Back away or deflect disputes as best you can as engagement could put a damper on your reputation. But this conjunction gives you some significant weight that you can use to become more publicly vocal thereby extending your impact on the larger community.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help.

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