Expanding What's Possible: New Moon in Capricorn 2022

Bijay chaurasia, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 12 degrees Capricorn 20'

January 2, 2022

10:34 AM PDT

1:34 PM EDT

2022's first lunation is a New Moon in tropical Capricorn. A supportive trine from Uranus in Taurus creates a potent New Moon for initiating pragmatic changes, innovations, and breakthroughs on several levels. Additionally, this New Moon's softer aspects are welcome given the complex astrology of the past months.

The tropical sign of Capricorn has been the backdrop for the most challenging astrology of our lifetimes and what Nicholas Campion described as the "first-ever global crisis in human history” (1). As past crises were isolated to specific regions of the planet, 2020's pandemic had a worldwide reach (with some countries faring better than others).

With Venus retrograde and Pluto in Capricorn (widely conjoined or co-present the New Moon), this lunation connects us to deeply embedded issues in personal and collective relationships. It renews, reconnects, and revitalizes individual and collective purpose, mission, and destiny. And it can correlate with taking initial steps toward gaining greater freedom and autonomy.

In the seasonal model of the northern hemisphere, the sign of Capricorn symbolizes the height of achievement and manifestation in the physical world. Thus, it has direct symbolic correlations to experiences of success, worldly power, and authority. With a New Moon in this sign alongside the dynamic astrology of the moment, this lunation is a critical beginning point for planting seeds that will blossom into tangible and concrete realities.

As we step through this New Moon and into the New Year, consider in what ways you can claim more authority over yourself and your life. Consider the power you have as a co-creator of this world and the inherent purpose you deserve to realize. Ultimately, if the physical world is made of consciousness, then as we expand our consciousness, we expand what's possible in the realm of matter.

  1. Zahrt, Jenn. “Through A Glass Darkly: Nicholas Campion On Astrological Reforms and Current Research.” The Mountain Astrologer. December 2020/January 2021, 47.

Breaking the Shell: Full Moon in Gemini 2021

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 27 degrees Gemini 29’

December 18, 2021

8:36 PM PST

11:36 PM EST

This final lunation of 2021 is a Full Moon in tropical Gemini. Out of all of the zodiac signs, Gemini knows well the inherent messiness of a universe imbued with nuance. If you're majoring in Gemini in this life, you realize that as you go. Every story has two sides--a counter-narrative to what "everyone knows" to be true.

When Gemini comes rushing into the collective psyche, as it is right now, it quickly points out the shortcomings of our carefully constructed worldviews. Perhaps it brings us facts, challenging questions, or a rebuttal. We might not be entirely wrong, but we probably don't have every detail of the universe covered.

As this Full Moon rises, it brings a sense of culmination, climax, or completion to a perception, conversation, or understanding about "reality." With Neptune's wide square, and the Sun's opposition (from its alignment with the galactic center), there is the potential to glimpse deeply into some semblance of the truth.

There is equally the potential to realize that whatever semblance of the truth you had previously was wrong, or merely begin to question things in light of personal experiences, intuition, or upon hearing another side to the story. Humility will prevent things from getting messier than they already are. Yet, Jupiter's trine adds more to the story, perspective, and belief, ideally expanding awareness and perception.

Let's add Venus stationing retrograde while conjunct Pluto (and quincunx the Full Moon). All of that lofty, big picture stuff, the revealing facts and details, have to share the stage with the nitty grittiness of our everyday relations and interactions. We might be realizing how imperfect things are in a particular relationship or how flawed someone or something we idealized actually is.

And that's okay. Getting more grounded in reality is healthy and keeps us sane. Talking things out honestly or checking in with our feelings and reactions to relational triggers will help to deepen those connections that truly matter. The more we have idealized the things and people we love, the harder it will be, but not impossible to integrate the emerging truths.

These mutable lunations remind us how quickly our perceptions can change based on new input and information. Truth is what it's all about, however elusive it might seem at the moment. Yet, as we clear out the ideological clutter, alter or put aside certain beliefs, we can get closer to our heart path. And there is where destiny truly unfolds.

"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding." --Khalil Gibran

A Change of Faith: Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 2021

Total Solar Eclipse @ 12 degrees Sagittarius 22'
December 3, 2021
11:44 PM PST
December 4, 2021
1:44 AM EST

December's New Moon in tropical Sagittarius is a total solar eclipse that will be visible over Antarctica (with a partial eclipse visible over southern portions of Africa, Australia, and New Zealand). While most of the world will not visibly witness the eclipse, the inner eclipse is just as significant.

As an extra potent New Moon, this solar eclipse brings us to a novel emerging horizon and the seeding of powerful potentials. Yet, as a south nodal eclipse, some elements of this fresh start can feel familiar. There can be a reemergence of the past alongside south nodal eclipses that can weave things forgotten or momentarily neglected into the present.

This eclipse can help us reintegrate vital pieces to our understanding of the world, universe, multiverse, etc. Sagittarius points us to our driving faith and quest to hold a larger view in focus. While potentially frustrating for more detail critical activities, Mercury's conjunction adds an element of perceptual expansion and a new understanding of certain truths.

Neptune's wide square does suggest some caution with emerging data or novel solutions, especially those zealously presented as unquestionably accurate or efficacious. Yet, the opportunity to challenge reality and push ourselves to see past facades, while possibly uncomfortable, can be revealing and insightful.

Uranus' quincunx to this New Moon suggests not remaining too comfortable with our current understanding. In light of emerging evidence and information, sudden changes to the truth and narrative are likely forthcoming. This eclipse stands as a powerful sign and suggestion that the most significant changes coming alongside this eclipse are likely perceptual and present both challenges and reinforcements to our faith.

Inner Shifts: Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 2021

Neil McIntosh from Cambridge, United Kingdom, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 27 degrees Taurus 14'

November 19, 2021

12:58 AM PST

3:58 AM EST

November's Full Moon in tropical Taurus is a partial lunar eclipse. It will be visible from all of North and South America, Oceania, and most of the Asian continent. The penumbral phase will be visible from portions of Europe and Africa. And since eclipses always occur in pairs, we are now in the thick of eclipse season, with a total solar eclipse to follow on December 4 (visible over Antarctica).

Eclipse seasons tend to correlate with accelerated changes, pushing all of those things pending into motion or in new directions. Occurring along the axis of fixed signs, anticipate changes to things with more consistency and stability, which may explain why they appear more dramatic.

Lunar eclipses are also potentized Full Moons. So anticipate more notable culminations, breakthroughs, resolutions, or crises. And while the pace of outer events can seem more intense than usual, it's always a good idea to reflect more on what's happening internally and not neglect the inner changes (via the emotional, psychic, and perceptual landscapes).

Occurring in Taurus, a fixed earth sign, this eclipse relates to more pronounced shifts and culminations involving physical dimensions of earthly experience. Think bodily sensations, money, food, sex, and the natural world. Further, Venus' trine to Uranus adds spontaneous or surprise minglings or unforeseen changes in attraction or desire.

Jupiter's square to the Full Moon/eclipse axis is the second most notable aspect. It inflames situations for sure or adds an element of overconfidence. Yet, it also represents the emergence of opportunities, where some risks pay off or leaps of faith bear some fruit. Lastly, Pluto's trine to the Full Moon/eclipse might deepen the intensity, but it also opens pathways for insight, introspection, and a more gentle emergence of uncomfortable truths.

Changes occurring alongside this eclipse can feel heavy but also potentially liberating. While the eclipse itself receives supportive aspects, it occurs in the zone of the Mars/Uranus/Saturn t-square. And in the next two weeks, in the waning phase of eclipse season, consider all that you need to let go of to make space for the new horizon coming into view. That will better prepare you for the solar eclipse on December 4, when a more expanded vision or outlook will begin to emerge.

Freeing the Shadows: New Moon in Scorpio 2021

temporalata, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 12 degrees Scorpio 40'

November 4, 2021

2:15 PM PDT

5:15 PM EDT

November's New Moon in tropical Scorpio represents our collective ingress into the final eclipse season of 2021, kicking off with the partial lunar eclipse on Nov. 19, followed by a total solar eclipse on Dec. 4. Yes, the remaining astrology of 2021 reflects some turbulence, yet also necessary movement and action, especially where there's been stubborn resistance to change.

The New Moon in fixed, water sign Scorpio touches upon the deeper layers of life experience, including emotional, psychic, and psychological undercurrents. It also represents a fresh start relating to situations that have evaded complete understanding, clarity, or acknowledgment. The Scorpio archetype relates to the places where the light of conscious awareness does not fully illuminate, and it stirs fascination with the dark, obscure, taboo, and ignored.

Uranus' very close opposition to this New Moon adds an extra element. As the liberator and revolutionary of the planetary pantheon, Uranus suggests that change is coming alongside this New Moon, and it is likely to be rapid, sudden, or unanticipated. Yet, whatever emerges alongside it, opens a path to a novel direction where greater freedom and autonomy can be acquired or awakened.

Opposing the Scorpio New Moon, Uranus seeks to free us from the grip of that which we've refused to see or that which we literally could not see for whatever reasons. In doing so, this lunation releases the power that ignorance can often have over us. That's because awareness is empowering; it allows us to finally notice potential dangers or problems so they can be appropriately managed and understood.

Saturn's square completes the t-square structure that is central to this lunation and the month of November. Its highest expression represents the wisdom needed to know the appropriate limits of progress, allowing us to create steady, moderated change. Negatively, it can relate to an overbearing hubris or breach of authority as it clashes with radical defiance.

Obstructions can be frustrating until we realize they're often placed for a reason to define what's possible and appropriate for the soul more clearly. Yet, with Mars (the New Moon ruler) now in Scorpio, passion, desire, intensity, and willpower will increase. Directed with intention, we can move creatively and wisely around imposed limitations to accelerate progress and better align ourselves with where we need to go.

Creating Waves: Full Moon in Aries 2021

Full Moon @ 27 degrees Aries 26'

October 20, 2021

7:58 AM PDT

10:58 AM EDT

This month's Full Moon in tropical Aries is undeniably catalytic and fueled with tension, tapping into the Eris/Pluto square via the Full Moon's Eris conjunction. As a recent discovery (as of 2003), Eris hasn't come into complete focus. Still, she seems to carry a powerful theme relating to extreme divisiveness (on a collective level) in addition to a trickster-like nature. After all, she was named after a trickster, chaos goddess whose discovery demoted Pluto and forever altered the solar system (though still hotly debated).

As a turning point, culmination, completion, or eruption, the Full Moon completes a t-square with the Sun and Mars in Libra. All of this suggests a lunation with assertive or explosive power that is, in some ways, held back or contained via Mars' proximity to the Sun and detriment in Libra. It relates to the ability to acknowledge and bring to consciousness volatile or "primal" urges, feelings, or desires and integrate them civilly, tactfully, and pro-socially.

Pluto's square inevitably involves Saturn, since both planets are nearing their final closest proximity (via conjunction) for this Saturn/Pluto cycle. Still, this doesn't suggest a total lack of heat, intensity, or passion. As such energies emerge under this lunation, they are more readily directed, shaped, or artistically implemented. On a collective level, that brings to the surface issues about overt authoritarianism and the glaringly obvious ways a myriad of social, economic, and political power structures have overstepped their appropriate limits of dominance.

On a more personal level, this lunation invites a shift in our ability to implement a new order in our lives or assert our right to claim some space in the world. In times like these, it's easy to feel disempowered, beleaguered by intrusive agents, or otherwise hopeless in what you can do to make a change. This lunation reminds us that a warrior, chaos goddess, and creative catalyst exists within us all, capable of igniting great ripples and waves if only we are brave enough to confront the shadow and liberate those parts of ourselves.

Renewed Relations: New Moon in Libra 2021

Photo by Chad Woodward, Maui, June 2021.

Photo by Chad Woodward, Maui, June 2021.

New Moon @ 13 degrees Libra 24'

October 6, 2021

4:05 AM PDT

7:05 AM EDT

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in tropical Libra this month, they're joined by Mercury retrograde and Mars, forming a cluster of planets in the sign of peace, homeostasis, and relational equanimity. Those, of course, are Libra's positive aspirations, and we can equally anticipate a suppression of honesty for the sake of peacekeeping or losing agency to the needs or demands of others. Also, an inconjunct with Uranus and opposition from Chiron further complicate this lunation.

Classically, a New Moon in Libra is a reset and new start in various relational situations, an opportunity to implement fresh strategies for destressing and cultivating beauty. With a heavy emphasis in this sign under this lunation, and for the next few weeks, the complexity of social interaction is likely to take precedence, and how we achieve homeostasis in our relationships is also expected to change notably.

Mercury's retrograde cycle through this sign requires listening more and perceiving less logically and more heart-centered, opening us to new ideas, perceptions, and dimensions of experience. Alterations to the way we relate, who we relate to, or the pace of interactions are likely as well. Open yourself to new or renewed relational encounters, all of which can provide information and insights under this lunation and the next several weeks.

Mars' conjunction with this New Moon represents the start of a longer range cycle in how we assert/attain our desires, make things happen, or confront fears and challenges. Consider how your passions, sexual relationships, relational goals, and interpersonal battles are being reset or refocused. Also, what might feel like a loss of stamina is really a vital recharging of the inner warrior.

Much of what emerges alongside or around this New Moon conceals an intensity that may not blossom or erupt for a few weeks beyond it. What might seem like a civil and or peaceful interaction/exchange may have more brewing beneath the surface--wildness, passion, or aggression. With Uranus quincunx this New Moon, a disruptive disequilibrium enforces itself, likely inciting unwelcome, unexpected detours and radical departures that have to be contended with.

Lastly, Chiron's opposition to this New Moon points to certain flaws, defects, traumas, or wounds that prevent us from healthy, sustainable relational experiences. Yet, under this lunation are opportunities for healing, for creating new boundaries, asserting needs, opening our hearts to hear what others have to say, or letting down barriers to more loving experiences. The emergence of those wounds is helping to bring consciousness and eventually rapid resolution through critical perceptual changes.

Embracing the Wholeness: Full Moon in Pisces 2021

Photo by Michal Klajban, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by Michal Klajban, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 28 Pisces 15'

September 20, 2021

4:55 PM PDT

7:55 PM EDT

This month's Full Moon in tropical Pisces invites us to momentarily step back from the busyness and worry of both the everyday and larger, collective issues. Trying to sort out details or to organize a strategy carefully may lead to more uncertainty, confusion, or frustration than already exists. Instead, diverge slightly from purely rational and pragmatic approaches to gain inspiration or creative input.

A Pisces Full Moon can correlate with a turning point, breakthrough, culmination, or insight relating more to intangible aspects of reality. It can also direct our attention from excessive self-focus to the greater whole--humanity, the planet, or the universe. Neptune's wide conjunction with the Moon can magnify intuitive perception, escapist longing, and overly fantasized perceptions.

One cannot speak of a Neptunian moment without mentioning the tendency to lose clarity, and deception and glamorized appearances dominate. However, Neptune can also indicate the need for humility and surrender, where approaching situations with less certainty and more receptiveness works better. In regards to poignant world events, utilize healthy skepticism and await more details.

This New Moon also strikes an opposition with Mars in Libra, where desired endpoints can suddenly evaporate, or a specific objective becomes more complex and nuanced than previously anticipated. Step back and refocus to avoid getting consumed in frustration. If pushing ahead or trying to force an issue/project keeps hitting resistance, seek a new vision for proceeding differently.

Keep in mind that Mercury is nearing its retrograde station on September 26/27. As we come down from this Full Moon, momentum will slow, and changes in agreements, opinions, and perception will follow. Take more time before taking a position, coming to conclusions, and especially thinking you have the complete picture in view. The image is likely to change over the next few weeks, and with it, a profound adjustment to how we relate to the other.

Optimal Flow: New Moon in Virgo 2021

Photo by Chad Woodward, June 2021.

Photo by Chad Woodward, June 2021.

New Moon @ 14 degrees Virgo 38'

September 6, 2021

5:52 PM PDT

8:52 PM EDT

This month's New Moon in tropical Virgo correlates with a reset and new start that can help us rapidly increase improvements to various facets of our lives. Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury, highlights ideals about how things should optimally function. Anticipate a sudden kickstart that can recharge a commitment to getting better or becoming more efficient at particular tasks, routines, or practices.

The first challenge of this New Moon lies in its wide conjunction and co-presence with Mars. Aggravation with details or minor occurrences can get in the way of the more productive aspects of this New Moon. Yet, Mars equally excels at inciting motivation, even if that manifests as some uncomfortable situation or realization.

Mercury, the New Moon ruler, also opposes Chiron, accentuating fault finding or a myopic fixation with personal defects. Dissatisfaction can motivate action and catalyze movement toward a more optimal way forward. Additionally, greater awareness of what needs attention can help open healing dialogues and pathways toward resolution.

Uranus's close trine to this New Moon dominates the aspectual picture. It offers to liberate all of those mundane aspects of daily existence in the form of an unusual path, approach, tactic, or technique. That might look like making some simple adjustment to a routine, but its impact can feel almost revolutionary. Follow gut impulses toward changing something up and stick with it; the freedom it brings will be worth it.

Interview with MysticMag


I was recently interviewed by MysticMag. They’ve featured some highly talented astrologers on their blog. In the interview, we discussed how I began studying astrology, my approach to astrology, how astrology is a helpful tool in my life and for self-development, how the practice is evolving today, and some of the major transits this year. You can read the interview transcript in full at their website.

A Different Turn: Full Moon in Aquarius 2021

Jacqui Barker, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Jacqui Barker, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 29 Aquarius 37'

August 21, 2021

5:02 AM PDT

8:02 AM EDT

August's Full Moon is the second to occur in tropical Aquarius in 2021. And straddling the final degree of Aquarius (known as the anaretic degree), there is likely an explosive quality to this lunation, one that feels like an inevitable or fated culmination and conclusion that can pervade both personal and collective dimensions.

Like the Aquarian Full Moon in late July, the polarity of personal versus collective desires is central here. Is what's best for the collective always best for every individual? Is what's best for the individual sometimes hindering collective agendas?

There is a breaking point being reached here in this current conversation that will continue as Jupiter and Saturn transit through Aquarius, and even further and more seriously as Pluto enters Aquarius beginning in 2023. We will face the apparent consequences to the extreme points of view come 2023 and beyond.

However, Jupiter's conjunction to this lunation adds an expansive, optimistic, and opportunistic dimension, bringing to fruition rewards, open doors, and a peak to inflammatory situations. Jupiter augments collaborative endeavors as well as genius, lone-wolf strategies. What emerges alongside this Full Moon can empower us further toward both freedom and interconnectedness.

A Full Moon in Aquarius conjunct Jupiter can also emphasize taking bold and unusual actions. Be mindful of how far you expand or how radical the position you take over the next few days. However, connecting in with this lunation deeply can give us access to greater authenticity and truth. Listen to your calling and choose the open doors that feel right for you.

Creative Detours: New Moon in Leo 2021

Photo by Chad Woodward, June 2021.

Photo by Chad Woodward, June 2021.

New Moon @ 16 degrees Leo 14'

August 8, 2021

6:51 AM PDT

9:51 AM EDT

As the lunar cycle resets, the Sun and Moon conjoin in tropical Leo. As it is with every New Moon, something is brewing beneath the surface of our lives, and new paths are taking root. With Leo, we are invited to cultivate joy and tap into new ways of putting our creativity, talent, or personality out into the world.

The playfulness of Leo adds a lightness to this New Moon that can be healing and enlivening within the context of the challenging background astrology that's been underway. Jupiter's backtrack into Aquarius pulls much of the expansiveness of the last several months out of focus forcing us into more reality-checking rather than fantasy indulgence.

Yet, this New Moon in Leo adds an element of instability and unanticipated changes of focus. Uranus' square and Saturn's wide opposition invite contrasting desires for spontaneous change and preservation of the status quo, desiring to break free into new directions and yet feeling restrained by past commitments, responsibilities, or limitations.

In exploring creative and self-expressive paths opening up now, consider the importance of maintaining a balance between both spectrums. Drawing upon past wisdom and mastery can better inform and support any radical breaks or wild changes that might present themselves. Avoid drama and extravagant displays for carefully considered creative detours.

Greater Heights: Full Moon in Aquarius 2021

NASA Earth Observatory, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

NASA Earth Observatory, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 01 Aquarius 26'

July 23, 2021

7:38 PM PDT

10:38 PM EDT

Just as the Sun moves into tropical Leo, its home sign and place of maximum dignity, the Full Moon culminates in Aquarius, passing between Saturn and Pluto. While this lunation can bring about some heavy, sobering realizations and issues, don't let the energy of this Full Moon distract you from the creative and relational opportunities occurring alongside it.

While Saturn is now in Aquarius, its conjunction with Pluto will be in orb until the end of this year. The Sun in Leo will last longer than this lunation, so the next few days can quickly pull us into a more objective frame of mind to gather perspective and assess critical matters. The closing of 2021 correlates with the gradual dissipation of the Saturn/Pluto slog we've been potently transversing since 2019, but especially since its peak in early 2020.

The Full Moon here is likely to pull on many of those Saturn/Pluto themes--the emergence of hard truths and heavy-hitting realities. Yet also, in places where we've been working to gain greater freedom/independence, potential breakthroughs or culminations are possible. Look also for building confidence in being authentic or in expressing a unique point of view.

The Aquarian archetype emphasizes individuality, freedom, and collaboration. The tension inherent in this Full Moon likely lies in balancing personal desires with others, especially against larger collective or communal objectives. With Venus' opposition to Jupiter alongside this lunation, look for opportunities to reach beyond differences as well as expansions in various relational dialogues.

Society can benefit from both cooperation/collaboration and individuals taking a stand for what they believe or understand. Sometimes overt self-interest can be detrimental to society, and also overt conformity can turn maladaptive and stifle progress. And always, there is nuance in between the extremes and places where compromise can be found. In times like these, pay closer attention to those grey areas and work to understand more than one point of view.

Opening to Love: New Moon in Cancer 2021

Sunset behind Molokai; photo by Chad Woodward, June 2021.

Sunset behind Molokai; photo by Chad Woodward, June 2021.

New Moon @ 18 degrees Cancer 01’

June 9, 2021

3:17 PM PDT

6:17 PM EDT

As the Moon resets this month, it aligns with the Sun in tropical Cancer. As a sign that emphasizes intimacy, inwardness, and emotional perception, this New Moon helps us recharge and cultivate our inward lives. The Moon, in its home sign, can significantly magnify domestic interests, issues, and themes relating to safety, protection, and intuitive awareness.

Uranus' sextile to the New Moon stimulates radical breaks and diversions from the usual flow. That might show up as a desire to change up routines, innovate self-care, or as inspiration to shift things on the homefront. Combined with Pluto's opposition, Chiron's square, and the cardinal energy of Cancer, there is both momentum and friction for initiating significant life shifts with this lunation.

Pluto's opposition and Chiron's square to the New Moon present both challenges and opportunities in confronting fears, defects, and wounds relating to various Cancerian themes--belonging, giving/receiving love, safety, and emotional honesty. Anticipate a new beginning in relating and connecting on more profound levels alongside this lunation.

Additionally, look for both culminations and starting points in various relationships around this New Moon and beyond. Venus and Mars' conjunction (exact on July 13) will correlate with the desire to assert new needs and boundaries, allow space for novel connections, and significant shifts in creative and sexual activities.

Together, these New Moon archetypes are opening up venues for intense, intimate encounters, inward growth, and exciting foundational changes. Under such energies, we might deeply question where and with whom we truly belong. Consider also the seeds now being planted to help confirm or discover the answers to these questions and how we can open ourselves further to love, connection, and healing.

The High Road: Supermoon/Full Moon in Capricorn 2021

VinceTraveller, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

VinceTraveller, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 3 degrees Capricorn 27'

June 24, 2021

8:40 AM PDT

11:40 AM EDT

After a month of 2021's first eclipse season, a renewed vision, perception, or understanding has likely taken shape, and this Full Moon in tropical Capricorn can help us to solidify all that we've been reworking and adjusting the past several weeks. With Mercury's direct station, there can still be lingering annoyances, technical glitches, and delays of various kinds. However, much of this will begin to fade over the following week.

A Supermoon/Full Moon in Capricorn can bring about a culmination to something we've been working hard on, planning, or preparing for. It can also bring to our attention anything that needs improvement or where we need to be more accountable. Capricorn can also find itself fixated on end-goals and current ambitions. Be mindful not to lose sight of the Cancerian end of this Full Moon, and remember to tend to the emotional, psychic, and inward dimensions also taking precedence.

The Sun in Cancer can help clarify, deepen, and connect to the emotional terrain. The Sun's trine to Jupiter enlargens our ability to feel and intuitively perceive. It might also correlate with expanding our reach in the world and opportunities for more authentic expressiveness.

Yet, such increased sensitivity can also feel beleaguered by a sometimes harsh and uncaring world. Chiron's wide square to the Full Moon axis can amplify vulnerabilities, preventing us from feeling safe enough to take risks or challenge our routines. A key to resolving hesitations might be in setting firm boundaries, asserting ourselves, and realizing we each deserve to take up space in the world. Recognizing the power we inherently have in being embodied and alive can go a long way in protecting us from intrusive, external forces.

Much can quickly be transmuted under this Full Moon in Capricorn, especially if we realize that perhaps a lot of what we fear is magnified by an emotional response. Of course, honoring your fears and perceptions is essential, but equally acknowledging your strength can have a shielding effect, boosting confidence in dealing with the challenges of surviving in a complex world. Try your best to rise above any emerging negativity and take on obstacles head-on. There is more support than you might think.

Divergent Paths: New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini 2021

Horseshoe Bend; photo by Chad Woodward, September 2018.

Horseshoe Bend; photo by Chad Woodward, September 2018.

New Moon/Annular Solar Eclipse @ 19 degrees Gemini 47’

June 10, 2021

12:53 AM PDT

3:53 AM EDT

This month's New Moon is also an annular solar eclipse in tropical Gemini. Additionally, it conjoins Mercury retrograde one day prior to Mercury's exact inferior conjunction with the Sun. In typical Gemini style, there can be a high influx of information/communication overload that can feel overwhelming. So, pace yourself and take your time in making sense of new ideas, perceptions, and data.

Gemini can also have an inherently scattered and meandering quality. Trying to focus on a single task, conversation, or project might be difficult, but there is sometimes an advantage to briefly sampling options instead of myopically fixating on a single one. Detours can often reveal new directions and insights you might have otherwise overlooked.

While New Moon's are beginning points, and north nodal eclipses direct us to the future, Mercury's retrograde conjunction pulls us to the past. Together, this solar eclipse/New Moon can correlate with renewing or rekindling the past or forging a new relationship with things that have been developing.

This New Moon's challenge is Neptune's square from tropical Pisces. Obtaining clear answers or a fully coherent viewpoint may not be entirely possible at the moment. Take time in gathering more information and careful in discerning the truth from obfuscations. However, Neptune's square can also stimulate the desire to push the limits of perception and deeply question reality.

Considering the nature of eclipses, and the Gemini/Mercury archetypes, there can be many new perspectives surfacing alongside this New Moon, all of which can alter what we believe and understand. And an accelerated pace of events and circumstances can make this lunation stimulating but also potentially aggravating. Step forward with caution and patience in the week or so beyond this eclipse.

The Infinite View: Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius 2021

The Grand Canyon South Rim; Photo by Chad Woodward, September 2018.

The Grand Canyon South Rim; Photo by Chad Woodward, September 2018.

Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse @ 05 degrees Sagittarius 26'
May 26, 2021
4:14 AM PDT
7:14 AM EDT

This month's Full Moon in tropical Sagittarius is also a Supermoon and total lunar eclipse. The total eclipse will be visible over most of the Pacific Ocean, while regions of North and South America, China, Japan, Russia, and Indonesia will see partial or penumbral phases.

Following this Supermoon/eclipse is an annular solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10. In astrology, eclipse season is a brief period of accelerated changes that can happen both inwardly and externally. The pace of events can pick up, and subtle to dramatic changes in circumstances or perception can emerge.

Mercury's retrograde cycle (officially beginning May 29) coinciding with this year's first eclipse season is also significant. Occurring in Gemini and aligning with next month's solar eclipse, perception, beliefs, and ideologies will be the focus of substantial changes over the next few weeks (both on a personal and collective level).

As humans, this can be dramatic because we rely so heavily on exchanging information for our survival. Having to re-evaluate our beliefs or opinions about reality can be threatening and naturally challenging. Having to admit that we're wrong or that something we believed isn't true can sometimes feel like a matter of life or death.

Yet, letting go of an outmoded belief or idea can also be liberating as it frees up space for a new perception to unfold and fresh possibilities. In the two weeks following this lunar eclipse, also consider what else you can dissolve, eliminate, and release from your life. This will be a powerful period for clearing out all that you've outgrown.

At the heart of Sagittarius is an expansive quest for the truth and a willingness to be guided by faith. Be mindful of dogmatism or clinging to conviction as this Full Moon culminates. While there can be significant culminations or validations relating to a position we've taken, be mindful of how you're presenting your perspective to others.

This eclipse can ask us to adjust our faith to new information that might conflict with the big picture we've embraced or were given by others. Conversely, we might find that more pieces emerge that further expand the picture, adding more complexity, nuance, and details. Remember that the universe is likely infinite, and we have glimpsed merely a tiny portion. So find joy in all that you have yet to discover.

The Simple Path: New Moon in Taurus 2021

Photo by Chad Woodward, August 2020.

Photo by Chad Woodward, August 2020.

New Moon @ 21 degrees Taurus 18'

12:00 PM PDT

3:00 PM EDT

This month's New Moon in tropical Taurus restarts the lunar cycle and acts as a symbolic transition point for the first eclipse season and second Mercury retrograde cycle of 2021. Keeping things slow and simple is good advice before the potentially more erratic archetypal field we're heading into.

The Taurus archetype connects us to the inner animal, the earth, and eternal stillness. Consider simple ways to cultivate joy, relaxation, self-care, or pleasure. Also, consider that whatever is emerging now might require careful thought, consideration, and patience to enact or come to decisiveness.

Mercury will turn retrograde at the end of the month, and beyond this New Moon will be two eclipses (total lunar eclipse May 26 and annular solar eclipse June 10). Dramatic shifts in attitude, plans, or perception are likely over the next month, so move ahead carefully, mindfully, and gradually.

The New Moon vibes naturally draw us inward and internal, and Taurus emphasizes the moment and maintaining a simple focus. Yet, Venus, the New Moon ruler, is now in Gemini along with Mercury. There could be some tension between the body and mind, the intention to expand outward conflicting with a more sluggish response on the material plane.

The Gemini archetype will eventually come to predominate, so take this time to rest up and recharge before the acceleration of eclipse season and detours of Mercury retrograde take hold. With the New Moon square the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint, this can be an excellent time to take the initiative in carefully plotting ahead and assessing benefits versus risks of various situations.

Neptune's sextile to the New Moon stimulates creativity, inspiration, and interest in the numinous/mystical. With Neptune exciting this Taurus lunation, we might note a greater desire to engage in the moment through contemplation, meditation, or a deeper connection to whatever we're engaged with.

Lastly, as you step ahead of this New Moon, look for ways to simplify all that you're presently taking on. That's what Taurus does best, and in this potent Taurus moment, we can unburden ourselves slightly by finding an easier path to follow. The following weeks will give us a lot more time to reconsider, unpack, and meander. Take your time for now.

Mindful Emergence: Supermoon in Scorpio 2021

Ken Bosma, CC BY 2.0 &lt;https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0&gt;, via Wikimedia Commons

Ken Bosma, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 07 degrees Scorpio 06'

April 26, 2021

8:32 PM PDT

11:32 EDT

This month's Full Moon in tropical Scorpio is also the first Supermoon of 2021. The Moon will appear notably larger than usual, especially when rising or setting near objects on the horizon. Expect also a potential augmentation of the psychic/emotional landscape.

Scorpio, too, is a water sign. A trine between the Full Moon and Mars in Cancer also amplifies the watery archetype, increasing sensitivity and awareness of perceptions that lie beneath our logical/rational faculties. At least for a few days, feelings will pervade.

As this Full Moon peaks, it correlates with a culmination, breakthrough, or crisis involving the Scorpionic dimension: experiences of deep intimacy, vulnerability, and authenticity as well as sexual, emotional, and psychic intensity. Anything subjugated, repressed, or hidden can also suddenly emerge during a Scorpio Full Moon.

To add to the complexity inherent to the Scorpio archetype is a t-square involving an opposition from Uranus and a square from Saturn. Uranus adds the "unexpected" and a desire to break with past restrictions while Saturn pushes for growth and conservatism.

There are several conflicts within this Full Moon between complexity/simplicity and revolution/preservation. The challenge lies in strengthening our position while also mindfully moving through paradoxical feelings and emotions.

While Saturn can help pull back excessive or unfocused rebelliousness, it can also direct radical impulses toward constructive pursuits and endeavors. And as the Sun aligns with Uranus over the next few days, expect the desire for change and liberation to become increasingly louder.

With this lunation, listen and speak from the heart and step deeper into the emotional dimension to feel your way through to a new way of life. A lot can shift alongside this lunation, no matter how subtle, so remain open and surrender to the changes emerging now. While frustrations can quickly arise, they will likely dissipate over the next week as we move to a slighter, calmer vibe.

First Steps: New Moon in Aries 2021

Photo by Chad Woodward, August 2020.

Photo by Chad Woodward, August 2020.

New Moon @ 22 degrees Aries 25'
April 11, 2021
7:31 PM PDT
10:31 PM EDT

This month's New Moon in tropical Aries occurs during a brief reprieve from significant retrograde activity. With Aries as a cardinal fire sign, there is lots of focused momentum to help with various new starts and fresh beginnings. Pluto's square and Eris' conjunction to this New Moon present some tension and challenge that both motivate and inhibit action.

Eris, a recently discovered dwarf planet (as of 2003), is not fully understood in its astrological significance. However, named after the Greek goddess of chaos and discord, she appears to have a volatile, trickster quality that might disrupt and alter the status quo.

And considering the New Moon's conjunction with Venus, this can be an exciting restart in various relational and creative situations that might disruptively shake some foundations and lead to new directions.

Pluto's square to Eris, Venus, and the New Moon can bring to the surface some uncomfortable truths, insights, or realizations in various relationships. Additionally, watch for power struggles, over-heated confrontations, and energy-draining encounters.

However, Pluto's square can also motivate movement, especially after a lengthy, collective stalemate. Consider that the dark side of this New Moon might also provide the impetus to take some first steps in the direction of deeper, transformative change.

For those this New Moon directly touches, keeping things as they are is not likely an option. If there's a choice in the matter, intentionally look deeper, reflect on, and consider what surfaces now, primarily via your connections to others.

The Aries archetype invites courageous action, and the overall landscape of this New Moon suggests this is a powerful lunation for getting proactive. Look for healthy ways to express, channel, and release this building energy over the next two weeks. The moment is ripe for whatever new start you intend, all while remaining mindful of the limitations of the moment.